diff src/parpg/grease/collision.py @ 27:09b581087d68

Added base files for grease
author KarstenBock@gmx.net
date Tue, 12 Jul 2011 10:16:48 +0200
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/parpg/grease/collision.py	Tue Jul 12 10:16:48 2011 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 by Casey Duncan and contributors
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the MIT License
+# A copy of the license should accompany this distribution.
+**Grease collision detection systems**
+Grease uses two-phase broad and narrow collision detection. *Broad-phase*
+collision systems are used to efficiently identify pairs that may be colliding
+without resorting to a brute-force check of all possible pairs. *Narrow-phase*
+collision systems use the pairs generated by the broad-phase and perform more
+precise collision tests to determine if a collision has actually occurred. The
+narrow-phase system also calculates more details about each collision,
+including collision point and normal vector for use in collision response.
+A typical collision detection system consists of a narrow-phase system that
+contains a broad-phased system. The narrow-phase system is usually the only
+one that the application directly interacts with, though the application is
+free to use the broad-phased system directly if desired. This could be
+useful in cases where speed, rather than precision is paramount.
+The narrow-phase system can be assigned handler objects to run after
+collision detection. These can perform tasks like handling collision response
+or dispatching collision events to application handlers.
+Note that broad-phase systems can return false positives, though they should
+never return false negatives. Do not assume that all pairs returned by a
+broad-phase system are actually in collision.
+__version__ = '$Id$'
+from grease.geometry import Vec2d
+from bisect import bisect_right
+class Pair(tuple):
+	"""Pair of entities in collision. This is an ordered sequence of two
+	entities, that compares and hashes unordered.
+	Also stores additional collision point and normal vectors
+	for each entity.
+	Sets of ``Pair`` objects are exposed in the ``collision_pairs``
+	attribute of collision systems to indicate the entity pairs in
+	collision.
+	"""
+	info = None
+	"""A sequence of (entity, collision point, collision normal)
+	for each entity in the pair
+	"""
+	def __new__(cls, entity1, entity2, point=None, normal=None):
+		pair = tuple.__new__(cls, (entity1, entity2))
+		return pair
+	def __hash__(self):
+		return hash(self[0]) ^ hash(self[1])
+	def __eq__(self, other):
+		other = tuple(other)
+		return tuple(self) == other or (self[1], self[0]) == other
+	def __repr__(self):
+		return '%s%r' % (self.__class__.__name__, tuple(self))
+	def set_point_normal(self, point0, normal0, point1, normal1):
+		"""Set the collision point and normal for both entities"""
+		self.info = (
+			(self[0], point0, normal0),
+			(self[1], point1, normal1),
+		)
+class BroadSweepAndPrune(object):
+	"""2D Broad-phase sweep and prune bounding box collision detector
+	This algorithm is efficient for collision detection between many
+	moving bodies. It has linear algorithmic complexity and takes
+	advantage of temporal coherence between frames. It also does
+	not suffer from bad worst-case performance (like RDC can). 
+	Unlike spacial hashing, it does not need to be optimized for 
+	specific space and body sizes.
+	Other algorithms may be more efficient for collision detection with
+	stationary bodies, bodies that are always evenly distributed, or ad-hoc
+	queries.
+	:param collision_component: Name of the collision component used by this
+		system, defaults to 'collision'. This component supplies each
+		entities' aabb and collision masks.
+	:type collision_component: str
+	"""
+	world = None
+	"""|World| object this system belongs to"""
+	collision_component = None
+	"""Name of world's collision component used by this system"""
+	LEFT_ATTR = "left"
+	RIGHT_ATTR = "right"
+	TOP_ATTR = "top"
+	BOTTOM_ATTR = "bottom"
+	def __init__(self, collision_component='collision'):
+		self.collision_component = collision_component
+		self._by_x = None
+		self._by_y = None
+		self._collision_pairs = None
+	def set_world(self, world):
+		"""Bind the system to a world"""
+		self.world = world
+	def step(self, dt):
+		"""Update the system for this time step, updates and sorts the 
+		axis arrays.
+		"""
+		component = getattr(self.world.components, self.collision_component)
+		LEFT = self.LEFT_ATTR
+		TOP = self.TOP_ATTR
+		if self._by_x is None:
+			# Build axis lists from scratch
+			# Note we cache the box positions here
+			# so that we can perform hit tests efficiently
+			# it also isolates us from changes made to the 
+			# box positions after we run
+			by_x = self._by_x = []
+			append_x = by_x.append
+			by_y = self._by_y = []
+			append_y = by_y.append
+			for data in component.itervalues():
+				append_x([data.aabb.left, LEFT, data])
+				append_x([data.aabb.right, RIGHT, data])
+				append_y([data.aabb.bottom, BOTTOM, data])
+				append_y([data.aabb.top, TOP, data])
+		else:
+			by_x = self._by_x
+			by_y = self._by_y
+			removed = []
+			for entry in by_x:
+				entry[0] = getattr(entry[2].aabb, entry[1])
+			for entry in by_y:
+				entry[0] = getattr(entry[2].aabb, entry[1])
+			# Removing entities is inefficient, but expected to be rare
+			if component.deleted_entities:
+				deleted_entities = component.deleted_entities
+				deleted_x = []
+				deleted_y = []
+				for i, (_, _, data) in enumerate(by_x):
+					if data.entity in deleted_entities:
+						deleted_x.append(i)
+				deleted_x.reverse()
+				for i in deleted_x:
+					del by_x[i]
+				for i, (_, _, data) in enumerate(by_y):
+					if data.entity in deleted_entities:
+						deleted_y.append(i)
+				deleted_y.reverse()
+				for i in deleted_y:
+					del by_y[i]
+			# Tack on new entities
+			for entity in component.new_entities:
+				data = component[entity]
+				by_x.append([data.aabb.left, LEFT, data])
+				by_x.append([data.aabb.right, RIGHT, data])
+				by_y.append([data.aabb.bottom, BOTTOM, data])
+				by_y.append([data.aabb.top, TOP, data])
+		# Tim-sort is highly efficient with mostly sorted lists.
+		# Because positions tend to change little each frame
+		# we take advantage of this here. Obviously things are
+		# less efficient with very fast moving, or teleporting entities
+		by_x.sort()
+		by_y.sort()
+		self._collision_pairs = None
+	@property
+	def collision_pairs(self):
+		"""Set of candidate collision pairs for this timestep"""
+		if self._collision_pairs is None:
+			if self._by_x is None:
+				# Axis arrays not ready
+				return set()
+			LEFT = self.LEFT_ATTR
+			TOP = self.TOP_ATTR
+			# Build candidates overlapping along the x-axis
+			component = getattr(self.world.components, self.collision_component)
+			xoverlaps = set()
+			add_xoverlap = xoverlaps.add
+			discard_xoverlap = xoverlaps.discard
+			open = {}
+			for _, side, data in self._by_x:
+				if side is LEFT:
+					for open_entity, (from_mask, into_mask) in open.iteritems():
+						if data.from_mask & into_mask or from_mask & data.into_mask:
+							add_xoverlap(Pair(data.entity, open_entity))
+					open[data.entity] = (data.from_mask, data.into_mask)
+				elif side is RIGHT:
+					del open[data.entity]
+			if len(xoverlaps) <= 10 and len(xoverlaps)*4 < len(self._by_y):
+				# few candidates were found, so just scan the x overlap candidates
+				# along y. This requires an additional sort, but it should
+				# be cheaper than scanning everyone and its simpler
+				# than a separate brute-force check
+				entities = set([entity for entity, _ in xoverlaps] 
+					+ [entity for _, entity in xoverlaps])
+				by_y = []
+				for entity in entities:
+					data = component[entity]
+					# We can use tuples here, which are cheaper to create
+					by_y.append((data.aabb.bottom, BOTTOM, data))
+					by_y.append((data.aabb.top, TOP, data))
+				by_y.sort()
+			else:
+				by_y = self._by_y
+			# Now check the candidates along the y-axis
+			open = set()
+			add_open = open.add
+			discard_open = open.discard
+			self._collision_pairs = set()
+			add_pair = self._collision_pairs.add
+			for _, side, data in by_y:
+				if side is BOTTOM:
+					for open_entity in open:
+						pair = Pair(data.entity, open_entity)
+						if pair in xoverlaps:
+							discard_xoverlap(pair)
+							add_pair(pair)
+							if not xoverlaps:
+								# No more candidates, bail
+								return self._collision_pairs
+					add_open(data.entity)
+				elif side is TOP:
+					discard_open(data.entity)
+		return self._collision_pairs
+	def query_point(self, x_or_point, y=None, from_mask=0xffffffff):
+		"""Hit test at the point specified. 
+		:param x_or_point: x coordinate (float) or sequence of (x, y) floats.
+		:param y: y coordinate (float) if x is not a sequence
+		:param from_mask: Bit mask used to filter query results. This value
+			is bit ANDed with candidate entities' ``collision.into_mask``.
+			If the result is non-zero, then it is considered a hit. By
+			default all entities colliding with the input point are
+			returned.
+		:return: A set of entities where the point is inside their bounding
+			boxes as of the last time step.
+		"""
+		if self._by_x is None:
+			# Axis arrays not ready
+			return set()
+		if y is None:
+			x, y = x_or_point
+		else:
+			x = x_or_point
+		LEFT = self.LEFT_ATTR
+		TOP = self.TOP_ATTR
+		x_index = bisect_right(self._by_x, [x])
+		x_hits = set()
+		add_x_hit = x_hits.add
+		discard_x_hit = x_hits.discard
+		if x_index <= len(self._by_x) // 2:
+			# closer to the left, scan from left to right
+			while (x == self._by_x[x_index][0] 
+				and self._by_x[x_index][1] is LEFT 
+				and x_index < len(self._by_x)):
+				# Ensure we hit on exact left edge matches
+				x_index += 1
+			for _, side, data in self._by_x[:x_index]:
+				if side is LEFT and from_mask & data.into_mask:
+					add_x_hit(data.entity)
+				else:
+					discard_x_hit(data.entity)
+		else:
+			# closer to the right
+			for _, side, data in reversed(self._by_x[x_index:]):
+				if side is RIGHT and from_mask & data.into_mask:
+					add_x_hit(data.entity)
+				else:
+					discard_x_hit(data.entity)
+		if not x_hits:
+			return x_hits
+		y_index = bisect_right(self._by_y, [y])
+		y_hits = set()
+		add_y_hit = y_hits.add
+		discard_y_hit = y_hits.discard
+		if y_index <= len(self._by_y) // 2:
+			# closer to the bottom
+			while (y == self._by_y[y_index][0] 
+				and self._by_y[y_index][1] is BOTTOM 
+				and y_index < len(self._by_y)):
+				# Ensure we hit on exact bottom edge matches
+				y_index += 1
+			for _, side, data in self._by_y[:y_index]:
+				if side is BOTTOM:
+					add_y_hit(data.entity)
+				else:
+					discard_y_hit(data.entity)
+		else:
+			# closer to the top
+			for _, side, data in reversed(self._by_y[y_index:]):
+				if side is TOP:
+					add_y_hit(data.entity)
+				else:
+					discard_y_hit(data.entity)
+		if y_hits:
+			return x_hits & y_hits
+		else:
+			return y_hits
+class Circular(object):
+	"""Basic narrow-phase collision detector which treats all entities as
+	circles with their radius defined in the collision component.
+	:param handlers: A sequence of collision handler functions that are invoked
+		after collision detection.
+	:type handlers: sequence of functions
+	:param collision_component: Name of collision component for this system,
+		defaults to 'collision'. This supplies each entity's collision
+		radius and masks.
+	:type collision_component: str
+	:param position_component: Name of position component for this system,
+		defaults to 'position'. This supplies each entity's position.
+	:type position_component: str
+	:param update_aabbs: If True (the default), then the entities'
+		`collision.aabb` fields will be updated using their position
+		and collision radius before invoking the broad phase system. 
+		Set this False if another system updates the aabbs.
+	:type update_aabbs: bool
+	:param broad_phase: A broad-phase collision system to use as a source
+		for collision pairs. If not specified, a :class:`BroadSweepAndPrune`
+		system will be created automatically.
+	"""
+	world = None
+	"""|World| object this system belongs to"""
+	position_component = None
+	"""Name of world's position component used by this system"""
+	collision_component = None
+	"""Name of world's collision component used by this system"""
+	update_aabbs = True
+	"""Flag to indicate whether the system updates the entities' `collision.aabb`
+	field before invoking the broad phase collision system
+	"""
+	handlers = None
+	"""A sequence of collision handler functions invoke after collision
+	detection
+	"""
+	broad_phase = None
+	"""Broad phase collision system used as a source for collision pairs"""
+	def __init__(self, handlers=(), position_component='position', 
+		collision_component='collision', update_aabbs=True, broad_phase=None):
+		self.handlers = tuple(handlers)
+		if broad_phase is None:
+			broad_phase = BroadSweepAndPrune(collision_component)
+		self.collision_component = collision_component
+		self.position_component = position_component
+		self.update_aabbs = bool(update_aabbs)
+		self.broad_phase = broad_phase
+		self._collision_pairs = None
+	def set_world(self, world):
+		"""Bind the system to a world"""
+		self.world = world
+		self.broad_phase.set_world(world)
+		for handler in self.handlers:
+			if hasattr(handler, 'set_world'):
+				handler.set_world(world)
+	def step(self, dt):
+		"""Update the collision system for this time step and invoke
+		the handlers
+		"""
+		if self.update_aabbs:
+			for position, collision in self.world.components.join(
+				self.position_component, self.collision_component):
+				aabb = collision.aabb
+				x, y = position.position
+				radius = collision.radius
+				aabb.left = x - radius
+				aabb.right = x + radius
+				aabb.bottom = y - radius
+				aabb.top = y + radius
+		self.broad_phase.step(dt)
+		self._collision_pairs = None
+		for handler in self.handlers:
+			handler(self)
+	@property
+	def collision_pairs(self):
+		"""The set of entity pairs in collision in this timestep"""
+		if self._collision_pairs is None:
+			position = getattr(self.world.components, self.position_component)
+			collision = getattr(self.world.components, self.collision_component)
+			pairs = self._collision_pairs = set()
+			for pair in self.broad_phase.collision_pairs:
+				entity1, entity2 = pair
+				position1 = position[entity1].position
+				position2 = position[entity2].position
+				radius1 = collision[entity1].radius
+				radius2 = collision[entity2].radius
+				separation = position2 - position1
+				if separation.get_length_sqrd() <= (radius1 + radius2)**2:
+					normal = separation.normalized()
+					pair.set_point_normal(
+						normal * radius1 + position1, normal,
+						normal * -radius2 + position2, -normal)
+					pairs.add(pair)
+		return self._collision_pairs
+	def query_point(self, x_or_point, y=None, from_mask=0xffffffff):
+		"""Hit test at the point specified. 
+		:param x_or_point: x coordinate (float) or sequence of (x, y) floats.
+		:param y: y coordinate (float) if x is not a sequence
+		:param from_mask: Bit mask used to filter query results. This value
+			is bit ANDed with candidate entities' ``collision.into_mask``.
+			If the result is non-zero, then it is considered a hit. By
+			default all entities colliding with the input point are
+			returned.
+		:return: A set of entities where the point is inside their collision
+			radii as of the last time step.
+		"""
+		if y is None:
+			point = Vec2d(x_or_point)
+		else:
+			point = Vec2d(x_or_point, y)
+		hits = set()
+		position = getattr(self.world.components, self.position_component)
+		collision = getattr(self.world.components, self.collision_component)
+		for entity in self.broad_phase.query_point(x_or_point, y, from_mask):
+			separation = point - position[entity].position
+			if separation.get_length_sqrd() <= collision[entity].radius**2:
+				hits.add(entity)
+		return hits
+def dispatch_events(collision_system):
+	"""Collision handler that dispatches `on_collide()` events to entities
+	marked for collision by the specified collision system. The `on_collide()`
+	event handler methods are defined by the application on the desired entity
+	classes. These methods should have the following signature::
+		def on_collide(self, other_entity, collision_point, collision_normal):
+			'''Handle A collision between this entity and `other_entity`
+			- other_entity (Entity): The other entity in collision with 
+			  `self`
+			- collision_point (Vec2d): The point on this entity (`self`)
+			  where the collision occurred. Note this may be `None` for 
+			  some collision systems that do not report it.
+			- collision_normal (Vec2d): The normal vector at the point of
+			  collision. As with `collision_point`, this may be None for
+			  some collision systems.
+			'''
+	Note the arguments to `on_collide()` are always passed positionally, so you
+	can use different argument names than above if desired.
+	If a pair of entities are in collision, then the event will be dispatched
+	to both objects in arbitrary order if all of their collision masks align.
+	"""
+	collision = getattr(collision_system.world.components, 
+		collision_system.collision_component)
+	for pair in collision_system.collision_pairs:
+		entity1, entity2 = pair
+		if pair.info is not None:
+			args1, args2 = pair.info
+		else:
+			args1 = entity1, None, None
+			args2 = entity2, None, None
+		try:
+			on_collide = entity1.on_collide
+			masks_align = collision[entity2].from_mask & collision[entity1].into_mask
+		except (AttributeError, KeyError):
+			pass
+		else:
+			if masks_align:
+				on_collide(*args2)
+		try:
+			on_collide = entity2.on_collide
+			masks_align = collision[entity1].from_mask & collision[entity2].into_mask
+		except (AttributeError, KeyError):
+			pass
+		else:
+			if masks_align:
+				on_collide(*args1)