diff tests/test_dialogueprocessor.py @ 0:1fd2201f5c36

Initial commit of parpg-core.
author M. George Hansen <technopolitica@gmail.com>
date Sat, 14 May 2011 01:12:35 -0700
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/test_dialogueprocessor.py	Sat May 14 01:12:35 2011 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+#   This file is part of PARPG.
+#   PARPG is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+#   (at your option) any later version.
+#   PARPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#   GNU General Public License for more details.
+#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#   along with PARPG.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+    # Python 2.6
+    import unittest2 as unittest
+    # Python 2.7
+    import unittest
+from parpg.common.utils import dedent_chomp
+from parpg.dialogueprocessor import DialogueProcessor
+# NOTE Technomage 2010-12-08: Using the dialogue data structures might be a
+#    violation of unit test isolation, but ultimately they are just simple
+#    data structures that don't require much testing of their own so I feel
+#    that it isn't a mistake to use them.
+from parpg.dialogue import (Dialogue, DialogueSection, DialogueResponse,
+    DialogueGreeting)
+class MockDialogueAction(object):
+    keyword = 'mock_action'
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.arguments = (args, kwargs)
+        self.was_called = False
+        self.call_arguments = []
+    def __call__(self, game_state):
+        self.was_called = True
+        self.call_arguments = ((game_state,), {})
+class TestDialogueProcessor(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Base class for tests of the L{DialogueProcessor} class."""
+    def assertStateEqual(self, object_, **state):
+        """
+        Assert that an object's attributes match an expected state.
+        @param 
+        """
+        object_dict = {}
+        for key in state.keys():
+            if (hasattr(object_, key)):
+                actual_value = getattr(object_, key)
+                object_dict[key] = actual_value
+        self.assertDictContainsSubset(state, object_dict)
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.npc_id = 'mr_npc'
+        self.dialogue = Dialogue(
+            npc_name='Mr. NPC',
+            avatar_path='/some/path',
+            default_greeting=DialogueSection(
+                id_='greeting',
+                text='This is the root dialogue section.',
+                actions=[
+                    MockDialogueAction('foo'),
+                ],
+                responses=[
+                    DialogueResponse(
+                        text='A response.',
+                        next_section_id='another_section',
+                    ),
+                    DialogueResponse(
+                        text='A conditional response evaluated to True.',
+                        condition='True',
+                        actions=[
+                            MockDialogueAction('foo'),
+                        ],
+                        next_section_id='another_section',
+                    ),
+                    DialogueResponse(
+                        text='A conditional response evaluated to False.',
+                        condition='False',
+                        next_section_id='another_section',
+                    ),
+                    DialogueResponse(
+                        text='A response that ends the dialogue.',
+                        next_section_id='end',
+                    ),
+                ],
+            ),
+            greetings=[
+                DialogueGreeting(
+                    id_='alternative_greeting',
+                    condition='use_alternative_root is True',
+                    text='This is an alternate root section.',
+                    responses=[
+                        DialogueResponse(
+                            text='End dialogue.',
+                            next_section_id='end',
+                        ),
+                    ],
+                ),
+            ],
+            sections=[
+                DialogueSection(
+                    id_='another_section',
+                    text='This is another dialogue section.',
+                    responses=[
+                        DialogueResponse(
+                            text='End dialogue.',
+                            next_section_id='end',
+                        ),
+                    ],
+                ),
+            ]
+        )
+        self.game_state = {'use_alternative_root': False}
+class TestInitiateDialogue(TestDialogueProcessor):
+    """Tests of the L{DialogueProcessor.initiateDialogue} method."""
+    def setUp(self):
+        TestDialogueProcessor.setUp(self)
+        self.dialogue = Dialogue(
+            npc_name='Mr. NPC',
+            avatar_path='/some/path',
+            default_greeting=DialogueSection(
+                id_='greeting',
+                text='This is the one (and only) dialogue section.',
+                responses=[
+                    DialogueResponse(
+                        text=dedent_chomp('''
+                            A response that moves the dialogue to
+                            another_section.
+                        '''),
+                        next_section_id='another_section'
+                    ),
+                    DialogueResponse(
+                        text='A response that ends the dialogue.',
+                        next_section_id='end',
+                    ),
+                ],
+            ),
+            sections=[
+                DialogueSection(
+                    id_='another_section',
+                    text='This is another section.',
+                    responses=[
+                        DialogueResponse(
+                            text='A response that ends the dialogue',
+                            next_section_id='end',
+                        )
+                    ],
+                ),
+            ]
+        )
+        self.dialogue_processor = DialogueProcessor(self.dialogue, {})
+    def testSetsState(self):
+        """initiateDialogue correctly sets DialogueProcessor state"""
+        dialogue_processor = self.dialogue_processor
+        dialogue_processor.initiateDialogue()
+        # Default root dialogue section should have been pushed onto the stack.
+        default_greeting = self.dialogue.default_greeting
+        self.assertStateEqual(dialogue_processor, in_dialogue=True,
+                              dialogue=self.dialogue,
+                              dialogue_section_stack=[default_greeting])
+    def testEndsExistingDialogue(self):
+        """initiateDialogue ends a previously initiated dialogue"""
+        dialogue_processor = self.dialogue_processor
+        dialogue_processor.initiateDialogue()
+        valid_responses = dialogue_processor.continueDialogue()
+        dialogue_processor.reply(valid_responses[0])
+        # Sanity check.
+        assert dialogue_processor.in_dialogue
+        dialogue_processor.initiateDialogue()
+        default_greeting = self.dialogue.default_greeting
+        self.assertStateEqual(dialogue_processor, in_dialogue=True,
+                              dialogue=self.dialogue,
+                              dialogue_section_stack=[default_greeting])
+class TestEndDialogue(TestDialogueProcessor):
+    """Tests of the L{DialogueProcessor.endDialogue} method."""
+    def setUp(self):
+        TestDialogueProcessor.setUp(self)
+        self.dialogue_processor = DialogueProcessor(self.dialogue,
+                                                    self.game_state)
+    def testResetsState(self):
+        """endDialogue correctly resets DialogueProcessor state"""
+        dialogue_processor = self.dialogue_processor
+        # Case: No dialogue initiated.
+        assert not dialogue_processor.in_dialogue, \
+            'assumption that dialogue_processor has not initiated a dialogue '\
+            'violated'
+        self.assertStateEqual(dialogue_processor, in_dialogue=False,
+                              dialogue=self.dialogue,
+                              dialogue_section_stack=[])
+        # Case: Dialogue previously initiated.
+        dialogue_processor.initiateDialogue()
+        assert dialogue_processor.in_dialogue, \
+            'assumption that dialogue_processor initiated a dialogue violated'
+        dialogue_processor.endDialogue()
+        self.assertStateEqual(dialogue_processor, in_dialogue=False,
+                              dialogue=self.dialogue,
+                              dialogue_section_stack=[])
+class TestContinueDialogue(TestDialogueProcessor):
+    """Tests of the L{DialogueProcessor.continueDialogue} method."""
+    def setUp(self):
+        TestDialogueProcessor.setUp(self)
+        self.dialogue_processor = DialogueProcessor(self.dialogue,
+                                                    self.game_state)
+        self.dialogue_processor.initiateDialogue()
+        self.dialogue_action = \
+            self.dialogue.default_greeting.actions[0]
+    def testRunsDialogueActions(self):
+        """continueDialogue executes all DialogueActions"""
+        dialogue_processor = self.dialogue_processor
+        dialogue_processor.continueDialogue()
+        self.assertTrue(self.dialogue_action.was_called)
+        expected_tuple = ((self.game_state,), {})
+        self.assertTupleEqual(expected_tuple,
+                              self.dialogue_action.call_arguments)
+    def testReturnsValidResponses(self):
+        """continueDialogue returns list of valid DialogueResponses"""
+        dialogue_processor = self.dialogue_processor
+        valid_responses = \
+            dialogue_processor.dialogue_section_stack[0].responses
+        valid_responses.pop(2)
+        # Sanity check, all "valid" responses should have a condition that
+        # evaluates to True.
+        for response in valid_responses:
+            if (response.condition is not None):
+                result = eval(response.condition, self.game_state, {})
+                self.assertTrue(result)
+        responses = dialogue_processor.continueDialogue()
+        self.assertItemsEqual(responses, valid_responses)
+class TestGetRootDialogueSection(TestDialogueProcessor):
+    """Tests of the L{DialogueProcessor.getDialogueGreeting} method."""
+    def setUp(self):
+        TestDialogueProcessor.setUp(self)
+        self.dialogue_processor = DialogueProcessor(
+            self.dialogue,
+            {'use_alternative_root': True}
+        )
+        self.dialogue_processor.initiateDialogue()
+    def testReturnsCorrectDialogueSection(self):
+        """getDialogueGreeting returns first section with true condition"""
+        dialogue_processor = self.dialogue_processor
+        dialogue = self.dialogue
+        root_dialogue_section = dialogue_processor.getDialogueGreeting()
+        expected_dialogue_section = dialogue.greetings[0]
+        self.assertEqual(root_dialogue_section, expected_dialogue_section)
+class TestGetCurrentDialogueSection(TestDialogueProcessor):
+    """Tests of the L{DialogueProcessor.getCurrentDialogueSection} method."""
+    def setUp(self):
+        TestDialogueProcessor.setUp(self)
+        self.dialogue_processor = DialogueProcessor(self.dialogue,
+                                                    self.game_state)
+        self.dialogue_processor.initiateDialogue()
+    def testReturnsCorrectDialogueSection(self):
+        """getCurrentDialogueSection returns section at top of stack"""
+        dialogue_processor = self.dialogue_processor
+        expected_dialogue_section = self.dialogue.default_greeting
+        actual_dialogue_section = \
+            dialogue_processor.getCurrentDialogueSection()
+        self.assertEqual(expected_dialogue_section, actual_dialogue_section)
+class TestRunDialogueActions(TestDialogueProcessor):
+    """Tests of the L{DialogueProcessor.runDialogueActions} method."""
+    def setUp(self):
+        TestDialogueProcessor.setUp(self)
+        self.dialogue_processor = DialogueProcessor(self.dialogue,
+                                                    self.game_state)
+        self.dialogue_processor.initiateDialogue()
+        self.dialogue_section = DialogueSection(
+            id_='some_section',
+            text='Test dialogue section.',
+            actions=[
+                MockDialogueAction('foo'),
+            ],
+        )
+        self.dialogue_response = DialogueResponse(
+            text='A response.',
+            actions=[
+                MockDialogueAction('foo'),
+            ],
+            next_section_id='end',
+        )
+    def testExecutesDialogueActions(self):
+        """runDialogueActions correctly executes DialogueActions"""
+        dialogue_processor = self.dialogue_processor
+        # Case: DialogueSection
+        dialogue_processor.runDialogueActions(self.dialogue_section)
+        dialogue_section_action = self.dialogue_section.actions[0]
+        self.assertTrue(dialogue_section_action.was_called)
+        expected_call_args = ((self.game_state,), {})
+        self.assertTupleEqual(expected_call_args,
+                              dialogue_section_action.call_arguments)
+        # Case: DialogueResponse
+        dialogue_processor.runDialogueActions(self.dialogue_response)
+        dialogue_response_action = self.dialogue_response.actions[0]
+        self.assertTrue(dialogue_response_action.was_called)
+        self.assertTupleEqual(expected_call_args,
+                              dialogue_response_action.call_arguments)
+class TestGetValidResponses(TestDialogueProcessor):
+    """Tests of the L{DialogueProcessor.getValidResponses} method."""
+    def setUp(self):
+        TestDialogueProcessor.setUp(self)
+        self.dialogue_processor = DialogueProcessor(self.dialogue,
+                                                    self.game_state)
+        self.dialogue_processor.initiateDialogue()
+    def testReturnsValidResponses(self):
+        """getValidResponses returns list of valid DialogueResponses"""
+        dialogue_processor = self.dialogue_processor
+        valid_responses = \
+            dialogue_processor.dialogue_section_stack[0].responses
+        valid_responses.pop(2)
+        # Sanity check, all "valid" responses should have a condition that
+        # evaluates to True.
+        for response in valid_responses:
+            if (response.condition is not None):
+                result = eval(response.condition, {}, {})
+                self.assertTrue(result)
+        responses = dialogue_processor.continueDialogue()
+        self.assertItemsEqual(responses, valid_responses)
+class TestReply(TestDialogueProcessor):
+    """Tests of the L{DialogueProcessor.reply} method."""
+    def setUp(self):
+        TestDialogueProcessor.setUp(self)
+        self.dialogue_processor = DialogueProcessor(self.dialogue,
+                                                    self.game_state)
+        self.response = self.dialogue.default_greeting.responses[1]
+        self.ending_response = \
+            self.dialogue.default_greeting.responses[3]
+    def testRaisesExceptionWhenNotInitiated(self):
+        """reply raises exception when called before initiateDialogue"""
+        dialogue_processor = self.dialogue_processor
+        # Sanity check: A dialogue must not have been initiated beforehand.
+        self.assertFalse(dialogue_processor.in_dialogue)
+        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(RuntimeError, r'initiateDialogue'):
+            dialogue_processor.reply(self.response)
+    def testExecutesDialogueActions(self):
+        """reply correctly executes DialogueActions in a DialogueResponse"""
+        dialogue_processor = self.dialogue_processor
+        dialogue_processor.initiateDialogue()
+        dialogue_processor.reply(self.response)
+        dialogue_action = self.response.actions[0]
+        self.assertTrue(dialogue_action.was_called)
+        expected_call_args = ((self.game_state,), {})
+        self.assertTupleEqual(expected_call_args,
+                              dialogue_action.call_arguments)
+    def testJumpsToCorrectSection(self):
+        """reply pushes section specified by response onto stack"""
+        dialogue_processor = self.dialogue_processor
+        dialogue_processor.initiateDialogue()
+        # Sanity check: Test response's next_section_id attribute must be refer
+        # to a valid DialogueSection in the test Dialogue.
+        self.assertIn(self.response.next_section_id,
+                      self.dialogue.sections.keys())
+        dialogue_processor.reply(self.response)
+        greeting = self.dialogue.default_greeting
+        next_section = self.dialogue.sections[self.response.next_section_id]
+        self.assertStateEqual(
+            dialogue_processor,
+            in_dialogue=True,
+            dialogue=self.dialogue,
+            dialogue_section_stack=[greeting, next_section],
+        )
+    def testCorrectlyEndsDialogue(self):
+        """reply ends dialogue when DialogueResponse specifies 'end'"""
+        dialogue_processor = self.dialogue_processor
+        dialogue_processor.initiateDialogue()
+        # Sanity check: Test response must have a next_section_id of 'end'.
+        self.assertEqual(self.ending_response.next_section_id, 'end')
+        dialogue_processor.reply(self.ending_response)
+        self.assertStateEqual(dialogue_processor, in_dialogue=False,
+                              dialogue=self.dialogue,
+                              dialogue_section_stack=[])
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()