diff src/parpg/gui/hud.py @ 0:1fd2201f5c36

Initial commit of parpg-core.
author M. George Hansen <technopolitica@gmail.com>
date Sat, 14 May 2011 01:12:35 -0700
children d60f1dab8469
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/parpg/gui/hud.py	Sat May 14 01:12:35 2011 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+#   This file is part of PARPG.
+#   PARPG is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+#   (at your option) any later version.
+#   PARPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#   GNU General Public License for more details.
+#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#   along with PARPG.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import os
+import logging
+from fife.extensions import pychan
+from fife.extensions.pychan.tools import callbackWithArguments as cbwa
+from parpg.gui.filebrowser import FileBrowser
+from parpg.gui.menus import ContextMenu, SettingsMenu
+from parpg.gui import inventorygui
+from parpg.gui.popups import ExaminePopup
+from parpg.gui.containergui import ContainerGUI
+from parpg.gui.dialoguegui import DialogueGUI
+from parpg.gui import drag_drop_data as data_drag
+from actionsbox import ActionsBox
+logger = logging.getLogger('hud')
+class Hud(object):
+    """Main Hud class"""
+    def __init__(self, controller, settings, callbacks):
+        """Initialise the instance.
+           @type controller: Class derived from ControllerBase
+           @param controller: The current controller
+           @type settings: settings.Setting
+           @param settings: The settings
+           @type inv_model: dict
+           @type callbacks: dict
+           @param callbacks: a dict of callbacks
+               saveGame: called when the user clicks on Save
+               loadGame: called when the user clicks on Load
+               quitGame: called when the user clicks on Quit
+           @return: None"""
+        # TODO: perhaps this should not be hard-coded here
+        pychan.registerWidget(ActionsBox)
+        self.hud = pychan.loadXML("gui/hud.xml")
+        self.controller = controller
+        self.engine = controller.engine
+        self.model = controller.model
+        self.settings = settings
+        self.inventory = None
+        self.character_screen = None
+        self.save_game_callback = callbacks['saveGame']
+        self.load_game_callback = callbacks['loadGame']
+        self.quit_callback      = callbacks['quitGame']
+        self.box_container = None
+        self.examine_box = None
+        self.context_menu = None
+        self.help_dialog = None
+        self.events_to_map = None
+        self.main_menu = None
+        self.menu_events = None
+        self.quit_window = None
+        self.bottom_panel = self.hud.findChild(name="mainHudWindow")
+        self.actions_box = self.hud.findChild(name="actionsBox")
+        self.menu_displayed = False
+        self.inventory_storage = None
+        self.initializeHud()
+        self.initializeMainMenu()
+        self.initializeContextMenu()
+        self.initializeHelpMenu()
+        self.initializeEvents()
+        self.initializeQuitDialog()
+        self.initializeSettingsMenu()
+    def _getEnabled(self):
+        """"Returns whether the gui widget is enabled or not"""
+        return self.hud.real_widget.isEnabled()
+    def _setEnabled(self, enabled):
+        """"Sets whether the gui widget is enabled or not"""
+        self.hud.real_widget.setEnabled(enabled)
+        childs = self.hud.getNamedChildren()
+        for child_list in childs.itervalues():
+            for child in child_list:
+                child.real_widget.setEnabled(enabled)
+    enabled = property(_getEnabled, _setEnabled)
+    def initializeHud(self):
+        """Initialize and show the main HUD
+           @return: None"""
+        self.events_to_map = {"menuButton":self.displayMenu, }
+        self.hud.mapEvents(self.events_to_map) 
+        # set HUD size according to screen size
+        screen_width = self.engine.getSettings().getScreenWidth()
+        self.hud.findChild(name="mainHudWindow").size = (screen_width, 65)
+        self.hud.findChild(name="inventoryButton").position = \
+                                                    (screen_width-59, 7)
+        # add ready slots
+        ready1 = self.hud.findChild(name='hudReady1')
+        ready2 = self.hud.findChild(name='hudReady2')
+        ready3 = self.hud.findChild(name='hudReady3')
+        ready4 = self.hud.findChild(name='hudReady4')
+        if (screen_width <=800) :
+            gap = 0
+        else :
+            gap = 40
+        ready1.position = (160+gap, 7)
+        ready2.position = (220+gap, 7)
+        ready3.position = (screen_width-180-gap, 7)
+        ready4.position = (screen_width-120-gap, 7)
+        self.actions_box.position = (280+gap, 5)
+        actions_width = screen_width - 470 - 2*gap
+        self.actions_box.ContentBox.min_width = actions_width
+        self.actions_box.ContentBox.max_width = actions_width
+        # and finally add an actions box
+        self.actions_box.min_size = (actions_width, 55)
+        self.actions_box.max_size = (actions_width, 55)
+        # now it should be OK to display it all
+        self.showHUD()
+    def addAction(self, action):
+        """Add an action to the actions box.
+           @type action: (unicode) string
+           @param action: The text that you want to display in the actions box
+           @return: None"""    
+        self.actions_box.addAction(action)
+    def showHUD(self):
+        """Show the HUD.
+           @return: None"""
+        self.hud.show()
+        self.enabled = True
+    def hideHUD(self):
+        """Hide the HUD.
+           @return: None"""
+        self.hud.hide()
+        self.enabled = False
+    def initializeInventory(self):
+        """Initialize the inventory"""
+        if not self.inventory:
+            self.inventory = inventorygui.InventoryGUI(self.controller,
+                                                       None,
+                                                       None)
+#        inv_callbacks = {
+#            'refreshReadyImages': self.refreshReadyImages,
+#            'toggleInventoryButton': self.toggleInventoryButton,
+#        }
+#        self.inventory_storage = \
+#            self.model.game_state.player_character.inventory
+#        if self.inventory == None:
+#            self.inventory = inventorygui.InventoryGUI(self.controller,
+#                                                       self.inventory_storage,
+#                                                       inv_callbacks)
+#        else:
+#            self.inventory.inventory_storage = self.inventory_storage
+#        self.refreshReadyImages()
+    def initializeCharacterScreen(self):
+        """Initialize the character screen."""
+        # TODO Technomage 2010-12-24: 
+        if not self.character_screen:
+            self.character_screen = pychan.loadXML('gui/character_screen.xml')
+    def initializeContextMenu(self):
+        """Initialize the Context Menu
+           @return: None"""
+        self.context_menu = ContextMenu (self.engine, [], (0, 0))
+    def showContextMenu(self, data, pos):
+        """Display the Context Menu with model at pos
+           @type model: list
+           @param model: model to pass to context menu
+           @type pos: tuple
+           @param pos: tuple of x and y coordinates
+           @return: None"""
+        self.context_menu = ContextMenu(self.engine, data, pos)
+        self.context_menu.show()
+    def hideContextMenu(self):
+        """Hides the context menu
+           @return: None"""
+        self.context_menu.hide()
+    def initializeMainMenu(self):
+        """Initalize the main menu.
+           @return: None"""
+        self.main_menu = pychan.loadXML("gui/hud_pause_menu.xml")
+        #TODO: find more suitalbe place for onOptilonsPress implementation
+        self.menu_events = {"resumeButton": self.hideMenu, 
+                            "settingsButton": self.displaySettings,
+                            "helpButton": self.displayHelp}
+        self.main_menu.mapEvents(self.menu_events)
+    def displayMenu(self):
+        """Displays the main in-game menu.
+           @return: None"""
+        self.stopActions()
+        if (self.menu_displayed == False):
+            self.main_menu.show()
+            self.menu_displayed = True
+            self.model.pause(True)
+            self.controller.pause(True)
+            self.enabled = False
+        elif (self.menu_displayed == True):
+            self.hideMenu()
+    def hideMenu(self):
+        """Hides the main in-game menu.
+           @return: None"""
+        self.main_menu.hide()
+        self.menu_displayed = False
+        self.model.pause(False)
+        self.controller.pause(False)
+        self.enabled = True
+    def initializeSettingsMenu(self):
+        self.settings_menu = SettingsMenu(self.engine, self.settings)
+    def displaySettings(self):
+        self.settings_menu.show()
+    def initializeHelpMenu(self):
+        """Initialize the help menu
+           @return: None"""
+        self.help_dialog = pychan.loadXML("gui/help.xml")
+        help_events = {"closeButton":self.help_dialog.hide}
+        self.help_dialog.mapEvents(help_events)
+        main_help_text = u"Welcome to Post-Apocalyptic RPG or PARPG![br][br]"\
+        "This game is still in development, so please expect for there to be "\
+        "bugs and[br]feel free to tell us about them at "\
+        "http://www.forums.parpg.net.[br]This game uses a "\
+        "\"Point 'N' Click\" interface, which means that to move around,[br]"\
+        "just click where you would like to go and your character will move "\
+        "there.[br]PARPG also utilizes a context menu. To access this, just "\
+        "right click anywhere[br]on the screen and a menu will come up. This "\
+        "menu will change depending on[br]what you have clicked on, hence "\
+        "it's name \"context menu\".[br][br]"
+        k_text = u" Keybindings" 
+        k_text += "[br] A : Add a test action to the actions display"
+        k_text += "[br] I : Toggle the inventory screen"
+        k_text += "[br] F7 : Take a screenshot"
+        k_text += "[br]      (Saves to screenshots directory)"
+        k_text += "[br] F10 : Toggle console"
+        k_text += "[br] PAUSE : (Un)Pause the game"
+        k_text += "[br] Q : Quit the game"
+        self.help_dialog.distributeInitialData({
+                "MainHelpText":main_help_text,
+                "KeybindText":k_text
+                })
+    def displayHelp(self):
+        """Display the help screen.
+           @return: None"""
+        self.help_dialog.show()
+    def saveGame(self):
+        """ Called when the user wants to save the game.
+            @return: None"""
+        self.stopActions()
+        xml_path = os.path.join(self.settings.system_path,
+                                    self.settings.parpg.GuiPath,
+                                    'savebrowser.xml')
+        save_browser = FileBrowser(self.engine,
+                                   self.settings,
+                                   self.save_game_callback,
+                                   xml_path,
+                                   self.loadsave_close,
+                                   save_file=True,
+                                   extensions=('.dat'))
+        save_browser.showBrowser()
+        self.controller.pause(True)
+        self.model.pause(True)
+        self.enabled = False
+    def stopActions(self):
+        """This method stops/resets actions that are currently performed 
+        like dragging an item.
+        This is done to be able to savely perform other actions that might 
+        interfere with current running ones."""
+        #Reset dragging - move item back to its old container
+        if data_drag.dragging:
+            data_drag.source_container.placeItem(data_drag.dragged_item)
+            data_drag.dragging = False
+            data_drag.dragged_item = None
+        if self.inventory:
+            self.inventory.closeInventory()
+    def newGame(self):
+        """Called when user request to start a new game.
+           @return: None"""
+        self.stopActions()
+        logger.info('new game')
+    def loadsave_close(self):
+        """Called when the load/save filebrowser was closed without a file selected"""
+        if not self.menu_displayed:
+            self.enabled = True
+            self.model.pause(False)
+            self.controller.pause(False)
+    def loadGame(self):
+        """ Called when the user wants to load a game.
+            @return: None"""
+        self.stopActions()
+        xml_path = os.path.join(self.settings.system_path,
+                                    self.settings.parpg.GuiPath,
+                                    'loadbrowser.xml')
+        load_browser = FileBrowser(self.engine,
+                                   self.settings,
+                                   self.load_game_callback,
+                                   xml_path,
+                                   close_callback = self.loadsave_close,
+                                   save_file=False,
+                                   extensions=('.dat'))
+        load_browser.showBrowser()
+        self.model.pause(True)
+        self.controller.pause(True)
+        self.enabled = False
+    def initializeQuitDialog(self):
+        """Creates the quit confirmation dialog
+           @return: None"""
+        self.quit_window = pychan.widgets.Window(title=unicode("Quit?"), \
+                                                 min_size=(200,0))
+        hbox = pychan.widgets.HBox()
+        are_you_sure = "Are you sure you want to quit?"
+        label = pychan.widgets.Label(text=unicode(are_you_sure))
+        yes_button = pychan.widgets.Button(name="yes_button", 
+                                           text=unicode("Yes"),
+                                           min_size=(90,20),
+                                           max_size=(90,20))
+        no_button = pychan.widgets.Button(name="no_button",
+                                          text=unicode("No"),
+                                          min_size=(90,20),
+                                          max_size=(90,20))
+        self.quit_window.addChild(label)
+        hbox.addChild(yes_button)
+        hbox.addChild(no_button)
+        self.quit_window.addChild(hbox)
+        events_to_map = { "yes_button": self.quit_callback,
+                          "no_button":  self.quit_window.hide }
+        self.quit_window.mapEvents(events_to_map)
+    def quitGame(self):
+        """Called when user requests to quit game.
+           @return: None"""
+        self.stopActions()
+        self.quit_window.show()
+    def toggleInventoryButton(self):
+        """Manually toggles the inventory button.
+           @return: None"""
+        button = self.hud.findChild(name="inventoryButton")
+        if button.toggled == 0:
+            button.toggled = 1
+        else:
+            button.toggled = 0
+    def toggleInventory(self, toggle_image=True):
+        """Displays the inventory screen
+           @return: None"""
+        if self.inventory == None:
+            self.initializeInventory()
+        self.inventory.toggleInventory(toggle_image)
+    def toggleCharacterScreen(self):
+        if not self.character_screen:
+            self.initializeCharacterScreen()
+        if not self.character_screen.isVisible():
+            self.character_screen.show()
+        else:
+            self.character_screen.hide()
+    def refreshReadyImages(self):
+        """Make the Ready slot images on the HUD be the same as those 
+           on the inventory
+           @return: None"""
+        for ready in range(1, 5):
+            button = self.hud.findChild(name=("hudReady%d" % ready))
+            if self.inventory_storage == None :
+                origin = None
+            else:
+                origin = self.inventory_storage.getItemsInSlot('ready', ready-1)
+            if origin == None:
+                self.setImages(button, 
+                               self.inventory.slot_empty_images['ready'])
+            else:
+                self.setImages(button, origin.getInventoryThumbnail())
+    def setImages(self, widget, image):
+        """Set the up, down, and hover images of an Imagebutton.
+           @type widget: pychan.widget
+           @param widget: widget to set
+           @type image: string
+           @param image: image to use
+           @return: None"""
+        widget.up_image = image
+        widget.down_image = image
+        widget.hover_image = image
+    def initializeEvents(self):
+        """Intialize Hud events
+           @return: None"""
+        events_to_map = {}
+        # when we click the toggle button don't change the image
+        events_to_map["inventoryButton"] = cbwa(self.toggleInventory, False)
+        events_to_map["saveButton"] = self.saveGame
+        events_to_map["loadButton"] = self.loadGame
+        hud_ready_buttons = ["hudReady1", "hudReady2", \
+                             "hudReady3", "hudReady4"]
+        for item in hud_ready_buttons:
+            events_to_map[item] = cbwa(self.readyAction, item)
+        self.hud.mapEvents(events_to_map)
+        menu_events = {}
+        menu_events["newButton"] = self.newGame
+        menu_events["quitButton"] = self.quitGame
+        menu_events["saveButton"] = self.saveGame
+        menu_events["loadButton"] = self.loadGame
+        self.main_menu.mapEvents(menu_events)
+    def readyAction(self, ready_button):
+        """ Called when the user selects a ready button from the HUD """
+        text = "Used the item from %s" % ready_button        
+        self.addAction(text)
+    def createBoxGUI(self, title, container):
+        """Creates a window to display the contents of a box
+           @type title: string
+           @param title: The title for the window
+           @param items: The box to display
+           @return: A new ContainerGui"""
+        events = {'takeAllButton':self.hideContainer,
+                  'closeButton':self.hideContainer}
+        #hide previous container if any, to avoid orphaned dialogs
+        self.hideContainer()
+        self.box_container = ContainerGUI(self.controller,
+                                              unicode(title), container)
+        self.box_container.gui.mapEvents(events)
+        self.box_container.showContainer()
+        return self.box_container
+    def hideContainer(self):
+        """Hide the container box
+           @return: None"""
+        if self.box_container:
+            self.box_container.hideContainer()
+            #TODO: Move the close() call into OpenBoxAction(). This can be done 
+            # after createBoxGUI becomes a blocking call or it's otherwise
+            # possible to wait till the box GUI is closed.
+            if self.box_container.container.trueAttr("openable"):
+                self.box_container.container.close()
+            self.box_container = None
+    def createExamineBox(self, title, desc):
+        """Create an examine box. It displays some textual description of an
+           object
+           @type title: string
+           @param title: The title of the examine box
+           @type desc: string
+           @param desc: The main body of the examine box
+           @return: None"""
+        if self.examine_box is not None:
+            self.examine_box.closePopUp()
+        self.examine_box = ExaminePopup(self.engine, title, desc)
+        self.examine_box.showPopUp()
+    def showDialogue(self, npc):
+        """Show the NPC dialogue window
+           @type npc: actors.NonPlayerCharacter
+           @param npc: the npc that we are having a dialogue with
+           @return: The dialogue"""
+        self.stopActions()
+        dialogue = DialogueGUI(
+                    self.controller,
+                    npc,
+                    self.model.game_state.quest_engine,
+                    self.model.game_state.player_character)
+        return dialogue