diff src/parpg/console.py @ 0:1fd2201f5c36

Initial commit of parpg-core.
author M. George Hansen <technopolitica@gmail.com>
date Sat, 14 May 2011 01:12:35 -0700
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/parpg/console.py	Sat May 14 01:12:35 2011 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+#   (at your option) any later version.
+#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#   GNU General Public License for more details.
+#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import re
+import os
+import sys
+from StringIO import StringIO
+import code
+class Console:
+    def __init__(self, app_listener):
+        """
+        @type appListener: ApplicationListener
+        @param appListener: ApplicationListener object providing a link with
+        the Controller, the view and the GameModel"""
+        exit_help   = "Terminate application"
+        grid_help   = "Toggle grid display"
+        run_help    = "Toggle player run/walk"
+        help_help   = "Show this help string"
+        load_help   = "Usage: load directory file"
+        python_help = "Run some python code"
+        quit_help   = "Terminate application"
+        save_help   = "Usage: save directory file"
+        pause_help  = "Pause/Unpause the game"
+        self.commands = [
+            {"cmd":"exit"  ,"callback":self.handleQuit  ,"help": exit_help},
+            {"cmd":"grid"  ,"callback":self.handleGrid  ,"help": grid_help},
+            {"cmd":"help"  ,"callback":self.handleHelp  ,"help": help_help},
+            {"cmd":"load"  ,"callback":self.handleLoad  ,"help": load_help},
+            {"cmd":"pause" ,"callback":self.handlePause ,"help": pause_help},
+            {"cmd":"python","callback":self.handlePython,"help": python_help},
+            {"cmd":"run"   ,"callback":self.handleRun   ,"help": run_help},
+            {"cmd":"save"  ,"callback":self.handleSave  ,"help": save_help},
+            {"cmd":"quit"  ,"callback":self.handleQuit  ,"help": quit_help},
+        ]
+        self.app_listener = app_listener
+        self.view = self.app_listener.view 
+        self.model = self.app_listener.model
+        self.game_state = self.app_listener.view.model.game_state
+        self.console_locals = {"__name__":"__paprg_console__",\
+                               "__doc__": None,\
+                               "app_listener":self.app_listener,\
+                               "model":self.app_listener.model,\
+                               "view":self.app_listener.view,\
+                               "engine":self.app_listener.engine}
+        self.console = code.InteractiveConsole(self.console_locals)
+    def handleQuit(self, command):
+        """Implements the quit console command 
+           @type command: string
+           @param command: The command to run
+           @return: The resultstring"""
+        self.app_listener.quitGame()
+        return "Terminating ..."
+    def handlePause(self, command):
+        """Implements the pause console command
+           @type command: string
+           @param command: The command to run
+           @return: The resultstring"""
+        self.model.togglePause()
+        return "Game (un)paused"
+    def handleGrid(self, command):
+        """Implements the grid console command 
+           @type command: string
+           @param command: The command to run
+           @return: The resultstring"""
+        self.app_listener.view.active_map.toggleRenderer('GridRenderer')
+        return "Grid toggled"
+    def handleRun(self, command):
+        """Toggles run/walk mode of the PC player
+           @type command: string
+           @param command: The command to run.
+           @return: The response"""
+        if self.app_listener.model.pc_run == 1:
+            self.app_listener.model.pc_run = 0
+            return "PC is now walking"
+        else:
+            self.app_listener.model.pc_run = 1
+            return "PC is now running"
+    def handleHelp(self, command):
+        """Implements the help console command 
+           @type command: string
+           @param command: The command to run
+           @return: The resultstring"""
+        res = ""
+        for cmd in self.commands:
+            res += "%10s: %s\n" % (cmd["cmd"], cmd["help"])
+        return res
+    def handlePython(self,command):
+        user_code = command[7:len(command)]
+        codeOut = StringIO()
+        #make stdout and stderr write to our file, not the terminal
+        sys.stdout = codeOut
+        sys.stderr = codeOut
+        #Workaround it not being possible to enter a blank line in the console
+        if user_code == " ":
+            user_code = ""
+        #Process the code
+        self.console.push(user_code)
+        if len(self.console.buffer) == 0:
+            output = codeOut.getvalue()
+        else:
+            output =  "..."
+        #restore stdout and stderr
+        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
+        sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__
+        temp_output = output
+        output = ""
+        counter = 0
+        #Make the output fit in the console screen
+        for char in temp_output:
+            counter += 1
+            if char == "\n":
+                counter = 0
+            elif counter == 110:
+                output += "\n"
+                counter = 0
+            output += char
+        return output
+    def handleLoad(self, command):
+        """Implements the load console command 
+           @type command: string
+           @param command: The command to run
+           @return: The resultstring"""
+        result = None
+        load_regex = re.compile('^load')
+        l_matches = load_regex.match(command.lower())
+        if (l_matches is not None):
+            end_load = l_matches.end()
+            try:
+                l_args = command.lower()[end_load + 1:].strip()
+                l_path, l_filename = l_args.split(' ')
+                self.app_listener.model.load_save = True
+                self.app_listener.model.savegame = os.path.join(l_path, l_filename)
+                result = "Load triggered"
+            except Exception, l_error:
+                self.app_listener.engine.getGuiManager().getConsole().println('Error: ' + str(l_error))
+                result="Failed to load file"
+        return result
+    def handleSave(self, command):
+        """Implements the save console command 
+           @type command: string
+           @param command: The command to run
+           @return: The resultstring"""
+        save_regex = re.compile('^save')
+        s_matches = save_regex.match(command.lower())
+        if (s_matches != None):
+            end_save = s_matches.end()
+            try:
+                s_args = command.lower()[end_save+1:].strip()
+                s_path, s_filename = s_args.split(' ')
+                self.app_listener.model.save(s_path, s_filename)
+                result = "Saved to file: " + s_path + s_filename
+            except Exception, s_error:
+                self.app_listener.engine.getGuiManager().getConsole(). \
+                    println('Error: ' + str(s_error))
+                result = "Failed to save file"
+        return result 
+    def handleConsoleCommand(self, command):
+        """Implements the console logic 
+           @type command: string
+           @param command: The command to run
+           @return: The response string """
+        result = None        
+        for cmd in self.commands:
+            regex = re.compile('^' + cmd["cmd"])
+            if regex.match(command.lower()):
+                result=cmd["callback"](command)
+        if result is None:
+            result = self.handlePython("python " + command) 
+        return result