diff nsis/python-module.nsh @ 0:1fd2201f5c36

Initial commit of parpg-core.
author M. George Hansen <technopolitica@gmail.com>
date Sat, 14 May 2011 01:12:35 -0700
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/nsis/python-module.nsh	Sat May 14 01:12:35 2011 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+!include nsDialogs.nsh
+!include LogicLib.nsh
+!macro _FileExists2 _a _b _t _f
+	StrCmp `${_b}` `` `${_f}` 0
+	IfFileExists `${_b}` `0` `${_f}` ;returns true if this is a directory
+	IfFileExists `${_b}\*.*` `${_f}` `${_t}` ;so if it is a directory, jump to false
+!undef FileExists
+!define FileExists `"" FileExists2`
+!macro _DirExists _a _b _t _f
+	StrCmp `${_b}` `` `${_f}` 0
+	IfFileExists `${_b}\*.*` `${_t}` `${_f}`
+!define DirExists `"" DirExists`
+!include mui2.nsh
+!include WinMessages.nsh
+Var PythonList
+Var Directory
+Var Browse
+Var PythonPath
+Var PythonVer
+Page custom PythonModulePage PythonModulePage_OnLeave
+Function PythonModulePage
+	!insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT_PAGE "Install Python Module" "Please select where to install the Python module"
+    nsDialogs::Create 1018
+	Pop $0
+	${NSD_CreateListBox} 0 0 300u 120u ""
+	Pop $PythonList
+    StrCpy $0 0
+    EnumRegKey $1 HKLM SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore $0
+    ${DoWhile} $1 != ""
+        ReadRegStr $2 HKLM SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore\$1\InstallPath ""
+        ${if} $2 != "" 
+            ${NSD_LB_AddString} $PythonList "$1" 
+        ${endif}
+        IntOp $0 $0 + 1
+        EnumRegKey $1 HKLM SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore $0
+    ${Loop}
+    ${NSD_LB_GetCount} $PythonList $0
+    ${if} $0 == 0
+    MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_OK "No Python version detected. If you don't have Python installed you should install it first. Otherwise you can input the python directory below."
+    ${endif}
+    ${NSD_LB_AddString} $PythonList "Custom"
+    ${NSD_LB_SelectString} $PythonList $PythonVer
+    ${NSD_OnChange} $PythonList PythonModulePage_OnLeave_OnChange_PythonList
+	${NSD_CreateDirRequest} 0 121u 280u 15u ""
+	Pop $Directory  
+    ${NSD_CreateButton} 281u 121u 19u 15u "..."
+    Pop $Browse
+    GetFunctionAddress $0 PythonModulePage_OnClick_Browse
+    nsDialogs::OnClick /NOUNLOAD $Browse $0    
+    nsDialogs::Show
+Function PythonModulePage_OnLeave
+${NSD_GetText} $Directory $PythonPath
+${NSD_LB_GetSelection} $PythonList $PythonVer
+${If} $PythonPath == ""
+${OrIfNot} ${DirExists} $PythonPath 
+    Abort
+Function PythonModulePage_OnLeave_OnChange_PythonList
+${NSD_LB_GetSelection} $PythonList $0
+${if} $0 != "Custom"
+    EnableWindow $Directory 0
+    EnableWindow $Browse 0
+    ${if} $0 != ""
+        ReadRegStr $1 HKLM SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore\$0\InstallPath ""
+        ${NSD_SetText} $Directory $1
+    ${endif}
+    EnableWindow $Directory 1
+    EnableWindow $Browse 1
+Function PythonModulePage_OnClick_Browse
+    ${NSD_GetText} $Directory $0
+	nsDialogs::SelectFolderDialog /NOUNLOAD "Please select a target directory" "$0"
+	Pop $0
+	${If} $0 == error
+		Abort
+	${EndIf}
+	${NSD_SetText} $Directory $0
\ No newline at end of file