diff src/parpg/grease/mode.py @ 27:09b581087d68

Added base files for grease
author KarstenBock@gmx.net
date Tue, 12 Jul 2011 10:16:48 +0200
children e00919fc0510
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/parpg/grease/mode.py	Tue Jul 12 10:16:48 2011 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 by Casey Duncan and contributors
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the MIT License
+# A copy of the license should accompany this distribution.
+Modes manage the state and transition between different application modes.
+Typically such modes are presented as different screens that the user can
+navigate between, similar to the way a browser navigates web pages. Individual
+modes may be things like:
+- Title screen
+- Options dialog
+- About screen
+- In-progress game
+- Inventory interface
+The modal framework provides a simple mechanism to ensure that modes are
+activated and deactivated properly. An activated mode is running and receives
+events. A deactivated mode is paused and does not receive events.
+Modes may be managed as a *last-in-first-out* stack, or as a list, or ring
+of modes in sequence, or some combination of all.
+For example usage see: :ref:`the mode section of the tutorial <tut-mode-section>`.
+__version__ = '$Id$'
+import abc
+class BaseManager(object):
+	"""Mode manager abstract base class.
+	The mode manager keeps a stack of modes where a single mode
+	is active at one time. As modes are pushed on and popped from 
+	the stack, the mode at the top is always active. The current
+	active mode receives events from the manager's event dispatcher.
+	"""
+	modes = ()
+	"""The mode stack sequence. The last mode in the stack is
+	the current active mode. Read-only.
+	"""
+	@property
+	def current_mode(self):
+		"""The current active mode or ``None``. Read-only"""
+		try:
+			return self.modes[-1]
+		except IndexError:
+			return None
+	def on_last_mode_pop(self, mode):
+		"""Hook executed when the last mode is popped from the manager.
+		Implementing this method is optional for subclasses.
+		:param mode: The :class:`Mode` object just popped from the manager
+		"""
+	def activate_mode(self, mode):
+		"""Perform actions to activate a node
+		:param mode: The :class: 'Mode' object to activate
+		"""
+		mode.activate(self)
+	def deactivate_mode(self, mode):
+		"""Perform actions to deactivate a node
+		:param mode: The :class: 'Mode' object to deactivate
+		"""
+		mode.deactivate(self)
+	def push_mode(self, mode):
+		"""Push a mode to the top of the mode stack and make it active
+		:param mode: The :class:`Mode` object to make active
+		"""
+		current = self.current_mode
+		if current is not None:
+			self.deactivate_mode(current)
+		self.modes.append(mode)
+		self.activate_mode(mode)
+	def pop_mode(self):
+		"""Pop the current mode off the top of the stack and deactivate it.
+		The mode now at the top of the stack, if any is then activated.
+		:param mode: The :class:`Mode` object popped from the stack
+		"""
+		mode = self.modes.pop()
+		mode.deactivate(self)
+		self.event_dispatcher.remove_handlers(mode)
+		current = self.current_mode
+		if current is not None:
+			self.activate_mode(current)
+		else:
+			self.on_last_mode_pop(mode)
+		return mode
+	def swap_modes(self, mode):
+		"""Exchange the specified mode with the mode at the top of the stack.
+		This is similar to popping the current mode and pushing the specified
+		one, but without activating the previous mode on the stack or
+		executing :meth:`on_last_mode_pop()` if there is no previous mode.
+		:param mode: The :class:`Mode` object that was deactivated and replaced.
+		"""
+		old_mode = self.modes.pop()
+		self.deactivate_mode(old_mode)
+		self.modes.append(mode)
+		self.activate_mode(mode)
+		return old_mode
+	def remove_mode(self, mode):
+		"""Remove the specified mode. If the mode is at the top of the stack,
+		this is equivilent to :meth:`pop_mode()`. If not, no other modes
+		are affected. If the mode is not in the manager, do nothing.
+		:param mode: The :class:`Mode` object to remove from the manager.
+		"""
+		if self.current_mode is mode:
+			self.pop_mode()
+		else:
+			try:
+				self.modes.remove(mode)
+			except ValueError:
+				pass
+class BaseMode(object):
+	"""Application mode very abstract base class
+	"""
+	__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
+	manager = None
+	"""The :class:`BaseManager` that manages this mode"""
+	def __init__(self):
+		self.active = False
+	def on_activate(self):
+		"""Being called when the Mode is activated"""
+		pass
+	def activate(self, mode_manager):
+		"""Activate the mode for the given mode manager, if the mode is already active, 
+		do nothing
+		The default implementation schedules time steps at :attr:`step_rate` per
+		second, sets the :attr:`manager` and sets the :attr:`active` flag to True.
+		"""
+		if not self.active:
+			self.on_activate()
+			self.manager = mode_manager
+			self.active = True
+	def on_deactivate(self):
+		"""Being called when the Mode is deactivated"""
+		pass
+	def deactivate(self, mode_manager):
+		"""Deactivate the mode, if the mode is not active, do nothing
+		The default implementation unschedules time steps for the mode and
+		sets the :attr:`active` flag to False.
+		"""
+		self.on_deactivate()
+		self.active = False
+class BaseMulti(BaseMode):
+	"""A mode with multiple submodes. One submode is active at one time.
+	Submodes can be switched to directly or switched in sequence. If
+	the Multi is active, then one submode is always active.
+	Multis are useful when modes can switch in an order other than
+	a LIFO stack, such as in "hotseat" multiplayer games, a
+	"wizard" style ui, or a sequence of slides.
+	Note unlike a normal :class:`Mode`, a :class:`Multi` doesn't have it's own
+	:attr:`clock` and :attr:`step_rate`. The active submode's are used
+	instead.
+	"""
+	active_submode = None
+	"""The currently active submode"""
+	def __init__(self, *submodes):
+		# We do not invoke the superclass __init__ intentionally
+		self.active = False
+		self.submodes = list(submodes)
+	def add_submode(self, mode, before=None, index=None):
+		"""Add the submode, but do not make it active.
+		:param mode: The :class:`Mode` object to add.
+		:param before: The existing mode to insert the mode before. 
+			If the mode specified is not a submode, raise
+			ValueError.
+		:param index: The place to insert the mode in the mode list.
+			Only one of ``before`` or ``index`` may be specified.
+			If neither ``before`` or ``index`` are specified, the
+			mode is appended to the end of the list.
+		"""
+		assert before is None or index is None, (
+			"Cannot specify both 'before' and 'index' arguments")
+		if before is not None:
+			index = self.submodes.index(mode)
+		if index is not None:
+			self.submodes.insert(index, mode)
+		else:
+			self.submodes.append(mode)
+	def remove_submode(self, mode=None):
+		"""Remove the submode.
+		:param mode: The submode to remove, if omitted the active submode
+			is removed. If the mode is not present, do nothing.  If the
+			mode is active, it is deactivated, and the next mode, if any
+			is activated. If the last mode is removed, the :class:`Multi`
+			is removed from its manager. 
+		"""
+		# TODO handle multiple instances of the same subnode
+		if mode is None:
+			mode = self.active_submode
+		elif mode not in self.submodes:
+			return
+		next_mode = self.activate_next()
+		self.submodes.remove(mode)
+		if next_mode is mode:
+			if self.manager is not None:
+				self.manager.remove_mode(self)
+			self._deactivate_submode()
+	def activate_subnode(self, mode, before=None, index=None):
+		"""Activate the specified mode, adding it as a subnode
+		if it is not already. If the mode is already the active
+		submode, do nothing.
+		:param mode: The mode to activate, and add as necesary.
+		:param before: The existing mode to insert the mode before
+			if it is not already a submode.  If the mode specified is not
+			a submode, raise ValueError.
+		:param index: The place to insert the mode in the mode list
+			if it is not already a submode.  Only one of ``before`` or
+			``index`` may be specified.
+			If the mode is already a submode, the ``before`` and ``index``
+			arguments are ignored.
+		"""
+		if mode not in self.submodes:
+			self.add_submode(mode, before, index)
+		if self.active_submode is not mode:
+			self._activate_submode(mode)
+	def activate_next(self, loop=True):
+		"""Activate the submode after the current submode in order.  If there
+		is no current submode, the first submode is activated.
+		Note if there is only one submode, it's active, and `loop` is True
+		(the default), then this method does nothing and the subnode remains
+		active.
+		:param loop: When :meth:`activate_next` is called 
+			when the last submode is active, a True value for ``loop`` will
+			cause the first submode to be activated.  Otherwise the
+			:class:`Multi` is removed from its manager.
+		:type loop: bool
+		:return:
+			The submode that was activated or None if there is no
+			other submode to activate.
+		"""
+		assert self.submodes, "No submode to activate"
+		next_mode = None
+		if self.active_submode is None:
+			next_mode = self.submodes[0]
+		else:
+			last_mode = self.active_submode
+			index = self.submodes.index(last_mode) + 1
+			if index < len(self.submodes):
+				next_mode = self.submodes[index]
+			elif loop:
+				next_mode = self.submodes[0]
+		self._activate_submode(next_mode)
+		return next_mode
+	def activate_previous(self, loop=True):
+		"""Activate the submode before the current submode in order.  If there
+		is no current submode, the last submode is activated.
+		Note if there is only one submode, it's active, and `loop` is True
+		(the default), then this method does nothing and the subnode remains
+		active.
+		:param loop: When :meth:`activate_previous` is called 
+			when the first submode is active, a True value for ``loop`` will
+			cause the last submode to be activated.  Otherwise the
+			:class:`Multi` is removed from its manager.
+		:type loop: bool
+		:return:
+			The submode that was activated or None if there is no
+			other submode to activate.
+		"""
+		assert self.submodes, "No submode to activate"
+		prev_mode = None
+		if self.active_submode is None:
+			prev_mode = self.submodes[-1]
+		else:
+			last_mode = self.active_submode
+			index = self.submodes.index(last_mode) - 1
+			if loop or index >= 0:
+				prev_mode = self.submodes[index]
+		self._activate_submode(prev_mode)
+		return prev_mode
+	def _set_active_submode(self, submode):
+		self.active_submode = submode
+		self.step_rate = submode.step_rate
+	def _activate_submode(self, submode):
+		"""Activate a submode deactivating any current submode. If the Multi
+		itself is active, this happens immediately, otherwise the actual
+		activation is deferred until the Multi is activated. If the submode
+		is None, the Mulitmode is removed from its manager.
+		If submode is already the active submode, do nothing.
+		"""
+		if self.active_submode is submode:
+			return
+		assert submode in self.submodes, "Unknown submode"
+		self._deactivate_submode()
+		self._set_active_submode(submode)
+		if submode is not None:
+			if self.active:
+				self.manager.activate_mode(submode)
+		else:
+			if self.manager is not None:
+				self.manager.remove_mode(self)
+	def clear_subnode(self):
+		"""Clear any subnmode data"""
+		self.active_submode = None
+		self.step_rate = None
+	def _deactivate_submode(self, clear_subnode=True):
+		"""Deactivate the current submode, if any. if `clear_subnode` is
+		True, `active_submode` is always None when this method returns
+		"""
+		if self.active_submode is not None:
+			if self.active:
+				self.manager.deactivate_mode(self.active_submode)
+			if clear_subnode:
+				self.clear_subnode()
+	def activate(self, mode_manager):
+		"""Activate the :class:`Multi` for the specified manager. The
+		previously active submode of the :class:`Multi` is activated. If there
+		is no previously active submode, then the first submode is made active. 
+		A :class:`Multi` with no submodes cannot be activated
+		"""
+		assert self.submodes, "No submode to activate"
+		self.manager = mode_manager
+		if self.active_submode is None:
+			self._set_active_submode(self.submodes[0])
+		else:
+			self._set_active_submode(self.active_submode)
+		self.manager.activate_mode(self.active_submode)
+		super(BaseMulti, self).activate(mode_manager)
+	def deactivate(self, mode_manager):
+		"""Deactivate the :class:`Multi` for the specified manager.
+		The `active_submode`, if any, is deactivated.
+		"""
+		self._deactivate_submode(clear_subnode=False)
+		super(BaseMulti, self).deactivate(mode_manager)