changeset 148:e5263f74b287

Added c3 language frontend initial parser
author Windel Bouwman
date Fri, 01 Mar 2013 10:24:01 +0100
parents 4e79484a9d47
children 74241ca312cc
files python/c3/ python/c3/ python/c3/ python/c3/ python/ppci/ python/
diffstat 6 files changed, 617 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/python/c3/	Fri Mar 01 10:24:01 2013 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+AST nodes for the c3 language.
+class Node:
+   location = None
+   def getChildren(self):
+      children = []
+      members = dir(self)
+      for member in members:
+         member = getattr(self, member)
+         if isinstance(member, Node):
+            children.append(member)
+         elif type(member) is list:
+            for mi in member:
+               if isinstance(mi, Node):
+                  children.append(mi)
+      return children
+class Id(Node):
+   def __init__(self, tok, pub):
+ = tok.val
+      self.is_public = pub
+   def __repr__(self):
+      return 'ID {0}'.format(
+# Selectors:
+class Designator(Node):
+   def __init__(self, obj, selectors, typ):
+      self.obj = obj
+      self.selectors = selectors
+      self.typ = typ
+   def __repr__(self):
+      return 'DESIGNATOR {0}, selectors {1}, type {2}'.format(self.obj, self.selectors, self.typ)
+Type classes
+def isType(a, b):
+   """ Compare types a and b and check if they are equal """
+   if type(a) is type(b):
+      if type(a) is BaseType:
+         return ( == and (a.size == b.size)
+      elif type(a) is ProcedureType:
+         if len(a.parameters) != len(b.parameters):
+            print('Number of parameters does not match')
+            return False
+         for aparam, bparam in zip(a.parameters, b.parameters):
+            if not isType(aparam.typ, bparam.typ):
+               print('Parameter {0} does not match parameter {1}'.format(aparam, bparam))
+               return False
+         if a.result is None:
+            # TODO: how to handle a None return type??
+            pass
+         if not isType(a.result, b.result):
+            print('Procedure return value mismatch {0} != {1}'.format(a.result, b.result))
+            return False
+         return True
+      else:
+         print(a)
+         print(b)
+         Error('Not implemented {0}'.format(a))
+   else:
+      return False
+class Type:
+   def isType(self, b):
+      return isType(self, b)
+class BaseType(Type):
+  def __init__(self, name):
+ = name
+  def __repr__(self):
+    return '[TYPE {0}]'.format(
+class FunctionType(Type):
+   def __init__(self, parameters, returntype):
+      self.parameters = parameters
+      self.returntype = returntype
+   def __repr__(self):
+      return '[PROCTYPE {0} RET {1}]'.format(self.parameters, self.returntype)
+class DefinedType(Type):
+   def __init__(self, name, typ):
+ = name
+      self.typ = typ
+   def __repr__(self):
+      return 'Named type {0} of type {1}'.format(, self.typ)
+# Variables, parameters, local variables, constants:
+class Symbol(Node):
+   pass
+class Constant(Symbol):
+   def __init__(self, value, typ, name=None, public=False):
+ = name
+      self.value = value
+      self.typ = typ
+      self.public = public
+   def __repr__(self):
+      return 'CONSTANT {0} = {1}'.format(, self.value)
+class Variable(Symbol):
+   def __init__(self, name, typ, public):
+ = name
+      self.typ = typ
+      self.public = public
+      self.isLocal = False
+      self.isReadOnly = False
+      self.isParameter = False
+   def __repr__(self):
+      txt = '[public] ' if self.public else ''
+      return '{2}VAR {0} : {1}'.format(, self.typ, txt)
+class Parameter(Node):
+   """ A parameter has a passing method, name and typ """
+   def __init__(self, name, typ):
+ = name
+      self.typ = typ
+   def __repr__(self):
+      return 'PARAM {0} {1}'.format(, self.typ)
+# Operations:
+class Unop(Node):
+   def __init__(self, a, op):
+      self.a = a
+      self.op = op 
+   def __repr__(self):
+      return 'UNOP {0}'.format(self.op)
+class Binop(Node):
+   def __init__(self, a, op, b):
+      self.a = a
+      self.b = b
+      self.op = op # Operation: '+', '-', '*', '/', 'mod'
+   def __repr__(self):
+      return 'BINOP {0} {1}'.format(self.op, self.typ)
+# Modules
+class Package(Node):
+   def __init__(self, name):
+ = name
+   def __repr__(self):
+      return 'PACKAGE {0}'.format(
+# Procedure types
+class Procedure(Symbol):
+   """ Actual implementation of a function """
+   def __init__(self, name, typ, block):
+ = name
+      self.block = block
+      self.typ = typ
+   def __repr__(self):
+      return 'PROCEDURE {0} {1}'.format(, self.typ)
+# Statements
+class CompoundStatement(Node):
+   def __init__(self, statements):
+      self.statements = statements
+   def __repr__(self):
+      return 'COMPOUND STATEMENT'
+class EmptyStatement(Node):
+   def __repr__(self):
+      return 'EMPTY STATEMENT'
+class Assignment(Node):
+   def __init__(self, lval, rval):
+      self.lval = lval
+      self.rval = rval
+   def __repr__(self):
+      return 'ASSIGNMENT'
+class ProcedureCall(Node):
+  def __init__(self, proc, args):
+    self.proc = proc
+    self.args = args
+  def __repr__(self):
+    return 'CALL {0} '.format(self.proc)
+class IfStatement(Node):
+   def __init__(self, condition, truestatement, falsestatement=None):
+      self.condition = condition
+      self.truestatement = truestatement
+      self.falsestatement = falsestatement
+   def __repr__(self):
+      return 'IF-statement'
+class WhileStatement(Node):
+   def __init__(self, condition, statements):
+      self.condition = condition
+      self.dostatements = statements
+   def __repr__(self):
+      return 'WHILE-statement'
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/python/c3/	Fri Mar 01 10:24:01 2013 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+import collections, re
+from ppci.errors import CompilerException, SourceLocation
+ Lexical analyzer part. Splits the input character stream into tokens.
+# Token is used in the lexical analyzer:
+Token = collections.namedtuple('Token', 'typ val loc')
+keywords = ['and', 'or', 'not','true', 'false', \
+   'else', 'if', 'while', 'return', \
+   'public', 'function', 'var', 'type', \
+   'import', 'package' ]
+def tokenize(s):
+     """
+       Tokenizer, generates an iterator that
+       returns tokens!
+       This GREAT example was taken from python re doc page!
+     """
+     tok_spec = [
+       ('REAL', r'\d+\.\d+'),
+       ('HEXNUMBER', r'0x[\da-fA-F]+'),
+       ('NUMBER', r'\d+'),
+       ('ID', r'[A-Za-z][A-Za-z\d_]*'),
+       ('NEWLINE', r'\n'),
+       ('SKIP', r'[ \t]'),
+       ('COMMENTS', r'//.*'),
+       ('LEESTEKEN', r'==|[\.,=:;\-+*\[\]/\(\)]|>=|<=|<>|>|<|{|}'),
+       ('STRING', r"'.*?'")
+     ]
+     tok_re = '|'.join('(?P<%s>%s)' % pair for pair in tok_spec)
+     gettok = re.compile(tok_re).match
+     line = 1
+     pos = line_start = 0
+     mo = gettok(s)
+     while mo is not None:
+       typ = mo.lastgroup
+       val =
+       if typ == 'NEWLINE':
+         line_start = pos
+         line += 1
+       elif typ == 'COMMENTS':
+         pass
+       elif typ == 'SKIP':
+         pass
+       else:
+         if typ == 'ID':
+           if val in keywords:
+             typ = val
+         elif typ == 'LEESTEKEN':
+           typ = val
+         elif typ == 'NUMBER':
+           val = int(val)
+         elif typ == 'HEXNUMBER':
+           val = int(val[2:], 16)
+           typ = 'NUMBER'
+         elif typ == 'REAL':
+           val = float(val)
+         elif typ == 'STRING':
+           val = val[1:-1]
+         loc = SourceLocation(line, mo.start()-line_start)
+         yield Token(typ, val, loc)
+       pos = mo.end()
+       mo = gettok(s, pos)
+     if pos != len(s):
+       col = pos - line_start
+       pos = line
+       raise CompilerException('Unexpected character {0}'.format(s[pos]), pos)
+     yield Token('END', '', line)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/python/c3/	Fri Mar 01 10:24:01 2013 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+from . import astnodes, lexer, semantics
+from ppci.errors import CompilerException, SourceLocation
+# binop precedence for expressions:
+binopPrecs = {'or': 5, 'and': 10, \
+   '<': 20, '>': 20, '==': 20, '<=': 20, '>=': 20, '!=': 20, \
+   '+': 30, '-': 30, '*': 40, '/': 40 }
+def getTokenPrecedence(typ):
+   if typ in binopPrecs:
+      return binopPrecs[typ]
+   return -1
+class Parser:
+   """ Parses sourcecode into an abstract syntax tree (AST) """
+   def __init__(self, sema, diag):
+      self.sema = sema
+      self.diag = diag
+   def parseSource(self, source):
+      self.initLex(source)
+      try:
+         self.parsePackage()
+      except CompilerException as e:
+         self.diag.diag(e)
+   def Error(self, msg):
+      raise CompilerException(msg, self.token.loc)
+   def skipToSemiCol(self):
+      while not (self.Peak == ';' or self.Peak == 'END'):
+         self.NextToken()
+   # Lexer helpers:
+   def Consume(self, typ):
+      if self.Peak == typ:
+         return self.NextToken()
+      else:
+         self.Error('Excected: "{0}", got "{1}"'.format(typ, self.Peak))
+   @property
+   def Peak(self):
+      return self.token.typ
+   @property
+   def PeakPrec(self):
+      return getTokenPrecedence(self.Peak)
+   def hasConsumed(self, typ):
+      if self.Peak == typ:
+         self.Consume(typ)
+         return True
+      return False
+   def NextToken(self):
+      t = self.token
+      if t.typ != 'END':
+         self.token = self.tokens.__next__()
+      return t
+   def initLex(self, source):
+      self.tokens = lexer.tokenize(source) # Lexical stage
+      self.token = self.tokens.__next__()
+   def parsePackage(self):
+      self.Consume('package')
+      name = self.Consume('ID')
+      self.Consume(';')
+      self.sema.handlePackage(name.val, name.loc)
+      # TODO: parse uses
+      while self.Peak != 'END':
+         self.parseTopLevel()
+      self.Consume('END')
+   def parseTopLevel(self):
+      is_public = self.hasConsumed('public')
+      if self.Peak == 'function':
+         self.parseFunctionDefinition(is_public)
+      elif self.Peak == 'var':
+         self.parseVarDef(is_public)
+   def parseDesignator(self):
+      """ A designator designates an object """
+      name = self.Consume('ID')
+      return name
+   # Type system
+   def parseType(self):
+      d = self.parseDesignator()
+      return d
+   # Variable declarations:
+   def parseVarDef(self, is_public):
+      self.Consume('var')
+      typ = self.parseType()
+      ID = self.Consume('ID')
+      self.Consume(';')
+      v = Variable(, typename, public=is_public)
+      self.curScope.add(v)
+   # Procedures
+   def parseFunctionDefinition(self, is_pub):
+      self.Consume('function')
+      returntype = self.parseType()
+      procname = self.Consume('ID')
+      self.Consume('(')
+      parameters = []
+      if not self.hasConsumed(')'):
+         typ = self.parseType()
+         name = self.Consume('ID')
+         parameters.append(astnodes.Parameter(name, typ))
+         while self.hasConsumed(','):
+            typ = self.parseType()
+            name = self.Consume('ID')
+            parameters.append(astnodes.Parameter(name, typ))
+         self.Consume(')')
+      proctyp = astnodes.FunctionType(parameters, returntype)
+      body = self.parseCompoundStatement()
+      return astnodes.Procedure(procname, proctyp, body)
+   # Statements:
+   def parseAssignment(self, lval):
+      self.Consume('=')
+      rval = self.parseExpression()
+      return astnodes.Assignment(lval, rval)
+   def parseProcedureCall(self, procedure):
+      self.Consume('(')
+      args = [] 
+      if not self.hasConsumed(')'):
+         args.append(self.parseExpression())
+         while self.hasConsumed(','):
+            args.append(self.parseExpression())
+         self.Consume(')')
+      return ProcedureCall(procedure, args)
+   def parseLocal(self, t):
+      name = self.Consume('ID')
+      if self.hasConsumed('='):
+         ival = self.parseExpression()
+      else:
+         ival = None
+      self.sema.actOnLocal(t, name, ival)
+   def parseLocalDeclaration(self):
+      self.Consume('var')
+      t = self.parseType()
+      self.parseLocal(t)
+      while self.hasConsumed(','):
+         self.parseLocal(t)
+   def parseIfStatement(self):
+      self.Consume('if')
+      self.Consume('(')
+      condition = self.parseExpression()
+      self.Consume(')')
+      truestatement = self.parseStatement()
+      if self.hasConsumed('else'):
+         els = self.parseStatement()
+         return astnodes.IfStatement(condition, truestatement, els)
+      return astnodes.IfStatement(condition, truestatement)
+   def parseWhileStatement(self):
+      self.Consume('while')
+      self.Consume('(')
+      condition = self.parseExpression()
+      self.Consume(')')
+      statements = self.parseStatement()
+   def parseReturnStatement(self):
+      self.Consume('return')
+      expr = self.parseExpression()
+   def parseCompoundStatement(self):
+       self.Consume('{')
+       statements = [self.parseStatement()]
+       while self.hasConsumed(';'):
+         statements.append(self.parseStatement())
+       self.Consume('}')
+       return astnodes.CompoundStatement(statements)
+   def parseStatement(self):
+      # Determine statement type based on the pending token:
+      if self.Peak == 'if':
+         return self.parseIfStatement()
+      elif self.Peak == 'while':
+         return self.parseWhileStatement()
+      elif self.Peak == '{':
+         return self.parseCompoundStatement()
+      elif self.Peak == 'var':
+         return self.parseLocalDeclaration()
+      elif self.Peak == 'return':
+         return self.parseReturnStatement()
+      elif self.Peak == 'ID':
+         # Assignment or procedure call
+         designator = self.parseDesignator()
+         if self.Peak == '(':
+            return self.parseProcedureCall(designator)
+         elif self.Peak == '=':
+            return self.parseAssignment(designator)
+      self.Error('Unable to determine statement')
+   # Parsing expressions:
+   def parseExpression(self):
+      return self.parseBinopRhs(self.parsePrimary(), 0)
+   def parsePrimary(self):
+      if self.hasConsumed('('):
+         e = self.parseExpression()
+         self.Consume(')')
+         return e
+      elif self.Peak == 'NUMBER':
+         val = self.Consume('NUMBER')
+         return astnodes.Constant(val, val)
+      elif self.Peak == 'ID':
+         d = self.parseDesignator()
+         return d
+      self.Error('Expected NUM, ID or (expr), got {0}'.format(self.Peak))
+   def parseBinopRhs(self, lhs, min_prec):
+      while self.PeakPrec >= min_prec:
+         op_prec = self.PeakPrec
+         op = self.Consume(self.Peak)
+         rhs = self.parsePrimary()
+         while self.PeakPrec > op_prec:
+            rhs = self.parseBinopRhs(rhs, self.PeakPrec)
+         lhs = astnodes.Binop(lhs, op, rhs)
+      return lhs
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/python/c3/	Fri Mar 01 10:24:01 2013 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+from . import astnodes
+class Scope:
+   """ A scope contains all symbols in a scope """
+   def __init__(self, parent=None):
+      self.symbols = {}
+      self.parent = parent
+   def getType(self, name):
+      t = self.getSymbol(name)
+      print(t)
+      assert isinstance(t, astnodes.Type)
+      return t
+   def getSymbol(self, name):
+      if name in self.symbols:
+         return self.symbols[name]
+      # Look for symbol:
+      if self.parent:
+         return self.parent.getSymbol(name)
+      raise CompilerException("Symbol {0} not found".format(name), name.loc)
+   def hasSymbol(self, name):
+      if name in self.symbols:
+         return True
+      if self.parent:
+         return self.parent.hasSymbol(name)
+      return False
+   def addSymbol(self, sym):
+      self.symbols[] = sym
+def createBuiltins(scope):
+   scope.addSymbol(astnodes.BaseType('int'))
+class Semantics:
+   """ This class constructs the AST from parser input """
+   def __init__(self, diag):
+      self.diag = diag
+   def handlePackage(self, name, loc):
+      self.mod = astnodes.Package(name)
+      self.mod.loc = loc
+      self.mod.scope = self.curScope = Scope()
+      createBuiltins(self.curScope)
+   def handleBinop(self, lhs, op, rhs):
+      pass
+   def actOnLocal(self, t, name, ival):
+      s = astnodes.Variable(name, t, False)
+      self.curScope.addSymbol(s)
+   def actOnType(self, tok):
+      # Try to lookup type, in case of failure return void
+      pass
--- a/python/ppci/	Fri Feb 22 10:33:48 2013 +0100
+++ b/python/ppci/	Fri Mar 01 10:24:01 2013 +0100
@@ -1,15 +1,21 @@
-""" Error handling routines """
+   Error handling routines 
+   Diagnostic utils
+from collections import namedtuple
+SourceLocation = namedtuple('SourceLocation', ['row', 'col'])
+SourceRange = namedtuple('SourceRange', ['p1', 'p2'])
 class CompilerException(Exception):
-  def __init__(self, msg, row=0, col=0, filename=None):
+  def __init__(self, msg, loc):
     self.msg = msg
-    self.row = row
-    self.col = col
-    self.filename = filename
+    self.loc = loc
   def __repr__(self):
-     return self.msg
+     return 'error {0} at {1}'.format(self.msg, self.loc)
   def __str__(self):
-     return self.msg
+     return 'error {0} at {1}'.format(self.msg, self.loc)
 class ErrorNode:
    def __init__(self, row, col, msg):
@@ -25,23 +31,31 @@
 def printError(source, e):
      def printLine(row, txt):
-     if e.row == 0:
+     if e.loc.row == 0:
         print('Error: {0}'.format(e.msg))
         lines = source.split('\n')
-        prerow = e.row - 3
+        ro, co = e.loc.row, e.loc.col
+        prerow = ro - 2
         if prerow < 1:
            prerow = 1
-        afterrow = e.row + 3
+        afterrow = ro + 3
         if afterrow > len(lines):
            afterrow = len(lines)
         # print preceding source lines:
-        for r in range(prerow, e.row):
+        for r in range(prerow, ro):
            printLine(r, lines[r-1])
         # print source line containing error:
-        printLine(e.row, lines[e.row-1])
-        print(' '*(len(str(e.row)+':')+e.col-1) + '^ Error: {0}'.format(e.msg))
+        printLine(ro, lines[ro-1])
+        print(' '*(len(str(ro)+':')+co-1) + '^ Error: {0}'.format(e.msg))
         # print trailing source line:
-        for r in range(e.row+1, afterrow+1):
+        for r in range(ro+1, afterrow+1):
           printLine(r, lines[r-1])
+class Diagnostics:
+   def __init__(self):
+      self.diags = []
+   def diag(self, d):
+      self.diags.append(d)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/python/	Fri Mar 01 10:24:01 2013 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+import c3.parser, c3.semantics
+from ppci.errors import printError, Diagnostics
+testsrc = """
+package test;
+public function void test1() 
+    var u32 b;
+    var int a = 10;
+    b = 20;
+    var int buf;
+    var int i;
+    i = 2;
+    if (i > 1)
+    {
+       buf = b + 22 * i - 13 + (55 * 2 *9-2) / 44
+    }
+public function int t2(u32 a, u32 b)
+   return a + b;
+   a = 2
+def printAst(ast):
+   print(ast)
+   for c in ast.getChildren():
+      printAst(c)
+   if isinstance(ast, c3.astnodes.Package):
+      print('PACK', ast.scope)
+def do():
+   print('[0] source:')
+   print(testsrc)
+   print('[1] parsing')
+   diag = Diagnostics()
+   sema = c3.semantics.Semantics(diag)
+   p = c3.parser.Parser(sema, diag)
+   p.parseSource(testsrc)
+   for d in diag.diags:
+      print('ERROR:', d)
+      printError(testsrc, d)
+   print('[2] ast:')
+   printAst(sema.mod)