view python/ @ 332:87feb8a23b4d

Added task list command
author Windel Bouwman
date Fri, 07 Feb 2014 12:51:55 +0100
parents c694ec551f34
line wrap: on
line source

import collections

""" Simple script to try fsa construction """
# 0. possible characters:
chars = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
# 1. pattern definitions:
P1 = "aab"
P2 = "abbad"
P3 = "caababbac"
patterns = [P1, P2, P3]
# 2. input string:
txt = "ababaabaaabaabaacabbadbababaabbaab"

# Generator functions to generate states and transitions:
class Item:
   def __init__(self, regex, dotpos):
      self.regex = regex
      self.dotpos = dotpos
   def __eq__(self, other):
      if type(self) is type(other):
         return self.regex == other.regex and self.dotpos == other.dotpos
      return False
   def __repr__(self):
      return '{0} _dot_ {1}'.format(self.regex[0:self.dotpos], self.regex[self.dotpos:])
   def __hash__(self):
      return (self.regex, self.dotpos).__hash__()
   def matches(self, ch):
      if self.dotpos < len(self.regex):
         if self.regex[self.dotpos] == ch:
            return True
      return False
   def IsReduce(self):
      return self.dotpos == len(self.regex)

def InitialItemSet():
   s = set()
   for p in patterns:
      s.add(Item(p, 0))
   return frozenset(s)

def NextItemSet(its, ch):
   nis = set()
   for item in its:
      if item.matches(ch):
         nis.add(Item(item.regex, item.dotpos + 1))
   return frozenset(nis)

def ClassOfToken(its):
   for i in its:
      if i.IsReduce:
         return i.regex
   return None

sw = frozenset() # Empty set
states = set()
transitions = {}
s0 = InitialItemSet()

def preCalc():
   worklist = [s0]
   while len(worklist) > 0:
      its = worklist.pop(0)
      for ch in chars:
         nis = NextItemSet(its, ch)
         if nis and not nis in states:
            transitions[(its, ch)] = nis
print(len(states), states)
print(len(transitions), transitions)

# Lex function:
Token = collections.namedtuple('Token', 'pos len name')

def getNextToken():
   readIndex = 0
   while True:
      startTok = readIndex
      endTok = None
      classTok = None
      itemSet = s0
      while itemSet:
         ch = txt[readIndex]
         # Lookup next itemset:
         if (itemSet, ch) in transitions:
            itemSet = transitions[(itemSet, ch)]
            itemSet = sw
         # check what we recognized:
         ct = ClassOfToken(itemSet)
         if ct:
            classTok = ct
            endTok = readIndex
         readIndex += 1
      if classTok:
         token = Token(startTok, endTok - startTok, classTok)
         readIndex = endTok + 1
         readIndex = startTok + 1
         token = None
      yield token

for tok in getNextToken():
   if tok:
      print(' ' * tok.pos +