view python/ @ 320:84d67cce67b7

Working burg
author Windel Bouwman
date Sun, 19 Jan 2014 16:09:44 +0100
parents 8d07a4254f04
children 8c569fbe60e4
line wrap: on
line source


    Bottom up rewrite generator.

    This script takes as input a description of patterns and outputs a
    matcher class that can match trees given the patterns.

    Patterns are specified as follows:
     reg -> ADDI32(reg, reg) 2 (. add $1 $2 .)
     reg -> MULI32(reg, reg) 3 (. .)
    or a multiply add:
     reg -> ADDI32(MULI32(reg, reg), reg) 4 (. muladd $1, $2, $3 .)
    The general specification pattern is:
     [result] -> [tree] [cost] [template code]

    A tree is described using parenthesis notation. For example a node X with
    child nodes is described as:
     X(a, b, b)
    Trees can be nested:
     X(Y(a, a), a)
    The 'a' in the example above indicates an open connection to a next tree

    In the example above 'reg' is a non-terminal. ADDI32 is a terminal. non-terminals
    cannot have child nodes. A special case occurs in this case:
    reg -> rc
    where 'rc' is a non-terminal. This is an example of a chain rule. Chain rules
    can be used to allow several variants of non-terminals.

    The generated matcher uses dynamic programming to find the best match of the
    tree. This strategy consists of two steps:
    - label: During this phase the given tree is traversed in a bottom up way.
      each node is labelled with a possible matching rule and the corresponding cost.
    - select: In this step, the tree is traversed again, selecting at each point
      the cheapest way to get to the goal.


import sys
import argparse
from ppci import Token
import burg_parser   # Automatically generated
from pyyacc import ParserException, EOF
import baselex
from tree import Tree

class BurgLexer:
    def feed(self, txt):
        tok_spec = [
           ('id', r'[A-Za-z][A-Za-z\d_]*', lambda typ, val: (typ, val)),
           ('kw', r'%[A-Za-z][A-Za-z\d_]*', lambda typ, val: (val, val)),
           ('number', r'\d+', lambda typ, val: (typ, int(val))),
           ('STRING', r"'[^']*'", lambda typ, val: ('id', val[1:-1])),
           ('template', r"\(\..*\.\)", lambda typ, val: (typ, val)),
           ('OTHER', r'[:;\|\(\),]', lambda typ, val: (val, val)),
           ('SKIP', r'[ ]', None)

        lines = txt.split('\n')

        def tokenize():
            for line in lines:
                line = line.strip()
                if not line:
                    continue  # Skip empty lines
                elif line == '%%':
                    yield Token('%%', '%%')
                    yield from baselex.tokenize(tok_spec, line)
            yield Token(EOF, EOF)
        self.tokens = tokenize()
        self.token = self.tokens.__next__()

    def next_token(self):
        t = self.token
        if t.typ != EOF:
            self.token = self.tokens.__next__()
        return t

class Rule:
    """ A rewrite rule. Specifies a tree that can be rewritten into a result
    at a specific cost """
    def __init__(self, non_term, tree, cost, template):
        self.non_term = non_term
        self.tree = tree
        self.cost = cost
        self.template = template = 0

    def __repr__(self):
        return '{} -> {} ${}'.format(self.non_term, self.tree, self.cost)

class Symbol:
    def __init__(self, name): = name

class Term(Symbol):

class Nonterm(Symbol):
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.chain_rules = []

class BurgSystem:
    def __init__(self):
        self.rules = []
        self.symbols = {}
        self.goal = None

    def symType(self, t):
        return ( for s in self.symbols.values() if type(s) is t)

    terminals = property(lambda s: s.symType(Term))

    non_terminals = property(lambda s: s.symType(Nonterm))

    def add_rule(self, non_term, tree, cost, template):
        template = template[2:-2].strip()
        if not template:
            template = 'pass'
        rule = Rule(non_term, tree, cost, template)
        if len(tree.children) == 0 and not in self.terminals:
            print('chain:', rule)
        self.rules.append(rule) = len(self.rules)

    def non_term(self, name):
        if name in self.terminals:
            raise BurgError('Cannot redefine terminal')
        if not self.goal:
            self.goal = name
        return self.install(name, Nonterm)

    def tree(self, name, *args):
        return Tree(name, *args)

    def install(self, name, t):
        assert type(name) is str
        if name in self.symbols:
            assert type(self.symbols[name]) is t
            self.symbols[name] = t(name)
        return self.symbols[name]

    def add_terminal(self, terminal):
        self.install(terminal, Term)

class BurgError(Exception):

class BurgParser(burg_parser.Parser):
    """ Derived from automatically generated parser """
    def parse(self, l):
        self.system = BurgSystem()
        return self.system

class BurgGenerator:
    def print(self, *args):
        """ Print helper function that prints to output file """
        print(*args, file=self.output_file)

    def generate(self, system, output_file):
        """ Generate script that implements the burg spec """
        self.output_file = output_file
        self.system = system

        self.print('from tree import Tree, BaseMatcher, State')
        self.print('class Matcher(BaseMatcher):')
        self.print('    def __init__(self):')
        self.print('        self.kid_functions = {}')
        self.print('        self.nts_map = {}')
        self.print('        self.pat_f = {}')
        for rule in self.system.rules:
            kids, dummy = self.compute_kids(rule.tree, 't')
            rule.num_nts = len(dummy)
            lf = 'lambda t: [{}]'.format(', '.join(kids), rule)
            pf = 'self.P{}'.format(
            self.print('        #  {}: {}'.format(, rule))
            self.print('        self.kid_functions[{}] = {}'.format(, lf))
            self.print('        self.nts_map[{}] = {}'.format(, dummy))
            self.print('        self.pat_f[{}] = {}'.format(, pf))
        for rule in self.system.rules:
            if rule.num_nts > 0:
                args = ', ' + ', '.join('nt{}'.format(x) for x in range(rule.num_nts))
                args = ''
            self.print('    def P{}(self{}):'.format(, args))
            self.print('        {}'.format(rule.template))
        self.print('    def gen(self, tree):')
        self.print('        self.burm_label(tree)')
        self.print('        if not tree.state.has_goal("{}"):'.format(self.system.goal))
        self.print('          raise Exception("Tree not covered")')
        self.print('        self.apply_rules(tree, "{}")'.format(self.system.goal))

    def emit_record(self, rule, state_var):
        # TODO: check for rules fullfilled (by not using 999999)
        self.print('        nts = self.nts({})'.format(
        self.print('        kids =, {})'.format(
        self.print('        c = sum(x.state.get_cost(y) for x, y in zip(kids, nts)) + {}'.format(rule.cost))
        self.print('        tree.state.set_cost("{}", c, {})'.format(rule.non_term,
        for cr in self.system.symbols[rule.non_term].chain_rules:
            self.print('        # Chain rule: {}'.format(cr))
            self.print('        tree.state.set_cost("{}", c + {}, {})'.format(cr.non_term, cr.cost,

    def emit_state(self):
        """ Emit a function that assigns a new state to a node """
        self.print('    def burm_state(self, tree):')
        self.print('     tree.state = State()')
        for term in self.system.terminals:

    def emitcase(self, term):
        rules = [rule for rule in self.system.rules if == term]
        for rule in rules:
            condition = self.emittest(rule.tree, 'tree')
            self.print('     if {}:'.format(condition))
            self.emit_record(rule, 'state')

    def compute_kids(self, t, root_name):
        """ Compute of a pattern the blanks that must be provided from below in the tree """
        if in self.system.non_terminals:
            return [root_name], []
            k = []
            nts = []
            for i, c in enumerate(t.children):
                pfx = root_name + '.children[{}]'.format(i)
                kf, dummy = self.compute_kids(c, pfx)
            return k, nts

    def emittest(self, tree, prefix):
        """ Generate condition for a tree pattern """
        ct = (c for c in tree.children if not in self.system.non_terminals)
        child_tests = (self.emittest(c, prefix + '.children[{}]'.format(i)) for i, c in enumerate(ct))
        child_tests = ('({})'.format(ct) for ct in child_tests)
        child_tests = ' and '.join(child_tests)
        child_tests = ' and ' + child_tests if child_tests else ''
        tst = '{}.name == "{}"'.format(prefix,
        return tst + child_tests

def main():
    # Parse arguments:
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='pyburg bottom up rewrite system generator compiler compiler')
    parser.add_argument('source', type=argparse.FileType('r'), \
      help='the parser specification')
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=argparse.FileType('w'), \
    args = parser.parse_args()
    src =

    # Parse specification into burgsystem:
    l = BurgLexer()
    p = BurgParser()
    burg_system = p.parse(l)

    # Generate matcher:
    generator = BurgGenerator()
    generator.generate(burg_system, args.output)

if __name__ == '__main__':