Mercurial > lcfOS
view python/ @ 128:51cc127648e4
Splitup in interface and device
author | Windel Bouwman |
date | Sun, 13 Jan 2013 17:31:35 +0100 |
parents | d38729d35c4d |
children | 205578c96a79 |
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line source
#!/usr/bin/python from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * from qtpropertyviewer import QtPropertyViewer import sys import hexfile class BinViewer(QWidget): """ The binviewer consists of a hex view, a ascii view and perhaps others.. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setFont(QFont('Courier')) self.fontHeight = self.fontMetrics().height() self.fontWidth = self.fontMetrics().width('x') self.hexfile = hexfile.HexFile() def paintEvent(self, event): painter = QPainter(self) br = QBrush(Qt.lightGray) painter.setBrush(br) h = self.height() addressWidth = self.fontWidth * 8 painter.drawRect(2, 2, addressWidth, h) br2 = QBrush(Qt.yellow) painter.setBrush(br2) w = self.width() byteWidth = self.fontWidth * (16 * 3 - 1) painter.drawRect(addressWidth + 4, 2, byteWidth, h) asciiWidth = self.fontWidth * 16 br2 = QBrush(Qt.gray) painter.setBrush(br2) painter.drawRect(addressWidth + byteWidth + 4, 2, asciiWidth, h) rows = int(h / self.fontHeight) + 1 offset = 0 for r in range(1, rows): bts = self.getBytes(offset + r - 1) addr = '{0:08X}'.format(r << 16) painter.drawText(2, 2 + self.fontHeight * r, addr) x = addressWidth + 4 for b in bts: b = '{0:02X}'.format(b) painter.drawText(x, 2 + self.fontHeight * r, b) x += 3 * self.fontWidth x = addressWidth + byteWidth + 4 for b in bts: b = '{0}'.format(chr(b)) painter.drawText(x, 2 + self.fontHeight * r, b) x += 1 * self.fontWidth def getBytes(self, offset): if self.hexfile.regions: r = self.hexfile.regions[0] chunks = [[p:p+16] for p in range(0, len(, 16)] if len(chunks) > offset: return chunks[offset] return bytes() def setHexFile(self, hf): self.hexfile = hf self.update() class HexFileModel(QAbstractTableModel): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.hexFile = None def setHexFile(self, hf): self.hexFile = hf self.modelReset.emit() def getHexFile(self): return self.hexFile HexFile = property(getHexFile, setHexFile) def rowCount(self, parent): if self.hexFile: region = self.hexFile.regions[-1] r = len( s = r >> 4 if r % 16 != 0: s += 1 return s return 0 def columnCount(self, parent): return 16 + 1 def headerData(self, section, orientation, role): if role == Qt.DisplayRole: if orientation == Qt.Horizontal: if section in range(16): return '{0:X}'.format(section) elif section == 16: return 'Ascii' elif orientation == Qt.Vertical: region = self.hexFile.regions[-1] addr = region.address + 16 * section return '0x{0:X}'.format(addr) def data(self, index, role): if index.isValid(): row = index.row() col = index.column() region = self.hexFile.regions[-1] chunk =[row * 16: row * 16 + 16] if role == Qt.DisplayRole: if col in range(16): return '{0:02X}'.format(chunk[col]) else: s = chunk.decode(encoding='ascii', errors='replace') return s class BinViewMain(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() = BinViewer() #self.setCentralWidget( tableView = QTableView() self.setCentralWidget(tableView) self.hfm = HexFileModel() self.hfm.modelReset.connect(tableView.resizeColumnsToContents) tableView.setModel(self.hfm) mb = self.menuBar() fileMenu = mb.addMenu("File") def addMenuEntry(name, menu, callback, shortcut=None): a = QAction(name, self) menu.addAction(a) a.triggered.connect(callback) if shortcut: a.setShortcut(shortcut) addMenuEntry("Open", fileMenu, self.openFile, QKeySequence(QKeySequence.Open)) def openFile(self): filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Open hex file...", "*.hex", "Intel hexfiles (*.hex)") if filename: h = hexfile.HexFile(filename) @pyqtProperty(str) def leetValue(self): return '1337' if __name__ == '__main__': app = QApplication(sys.argv) bv = BinViewMain() hf = hexfile.HexFile('audio.hex') bv.hfm.HexFile = hf qpv = QtPropertyViewer() qpv.propertyModel.InspectedWidget = bv app.exec_()