diff python/utils/stm32.py @ 292:534b94b40aa8

Fixup reorganize
author Windel Bouwman
date Wed, 27 Nov 2013 08:06:42 +0100
parents python/stm32.py@bd2593de3ff8
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/python/utils/stm32.py	Wed Nov 27 08:06:42 2013 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+import time
+import logging
+from devices import Device, registerDevice, STLinkException, Interface
+import stlink
+# F4 specifics:
+STM32_FLASH_BASE = 0x08000000
+STM32_SRAM_BASE  = 0x20000000
+# flash registers:
+FLASH_F4_REGS_ADDR = 0x40023c00
+class Stm32F4(Device):
+    """
+      Implementation of the specifics of the STM32F4xx device series.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, iface):
+      super().__init__(iface)
+      self.logger = logging.getLogger('stm32')
+    def __str__(self):
+      return 'STM32F4 device size=0x{1:X} id=0x{0:X}'.format(\
+         self.UID, self.FlashSize)
+    def calculate_F4_sector(self, address):
+      sectorstarts = []
+      a = STM32_FLASH_BASE
+      for sectorsize in self.sectorsizes:
+         sectorstarts.append(a)
+         a += sectorsize
+      # linear search:
+      sec = 0
+      while sec < len(self.sectorsizes) and address >= sectorstarts[sec]:
+         sec += 1
+      sec -= 1 # one back.
+      return sec, self.sectorsizes[sec]
+    def calcSectors(self, address, size):
+      off = 0
+      sectors = []
+      while off < size:
+         sectornum, sectorsize = self.calculate_F4_sector(address + off)
+         sectors.append((sectornum, sectorsize))
+         off += sectorsize
+      return sectors
+    # Device registers:
+    @property
+    def UID(self):
+      uid_base = 0x1FFF7A10
+      uid1 = self.iface.read_debug32(uid_base)
+      uid2 = self.iface.read_debug32(uid_base + 0x4)
+      uid3 = self.iface.read_debug32(uid_base + 0x8)
+      return (uid3 << 64) | (uid2 << 32) | uid1
+    @property
+    def FlashSize(self):
+      f_id = self.iface.read_debug32(0x1FFF7A22)
+      f_id = f_id >> 16
+      return f_id * 1024
+    @property
+    def Running(self):
+      return self.iface.Status == stlink.CORE_RUNNING
+    # flashing commands:
+    def writeFlash(self, address, content):
+      flashsize = self.FlashSize
+      pagesize = min(self.sectorsizes)
+      # Check address range:
+      if address < STM32_FLASH_BASE:
+         raise STLinkException('Flashing below flash start')
+      if address + len(content) > STM32_FLASH_BASE + flashsize:
+         raise STLinkException('Flashing above flash size')
+      if address & 1 == 1:
+         raise STLinkException('Unaligned flash')
+      if len(content) & 1 == 1:
+         self.logger.warning('unaligned length, padding with zero')
+         content += bytes([0])
+      if address & (pagesize - 1) != 0:
+         raise STLinkException('Address not aligned with pagesize')
+      # erase required space
+      sectors = self.calcSectors(address, len(content))
+      self.logger.info('erasing {0} sectors'.format(len(sectors)))
+      for sector, secsize in sectors:
+         self.logger.info('erasing sector {0} of {1} bytes'.format(sector, secsize))
+         self.eraseFlashSector(sector)
+      # program pages:
+      self.unlockFlashIf()
+      self.writeFlashCrPsiz(2) # writes are 32 bits aligned
+      self.setFlashCrPg()
+      self.logger.info('writing {0} bytes'.format(len(content)))
+      offset = 0
+      t1 = time.time()
+      while offset < len(content):
+         size = len(content) - offset
+         if size > 0x8000:
+            size = 0x8000
+         chunk = content[offset:offset + size]
+         while len(chunk) % 4 != 0:
+            chunk = chunk + bytes([0])
+         # Use simple mem32 writes:
+         self.iface.write_mem32(address + offset, chunk)
+         offset += size
+         self.logger.info('{}%'.format(offset*100/len(content)))
+      self.logger.info('Done!')
+      self.lockFlash()
+      # verfify program:
+      self.verifyFlash(address, content)
+    def eraseFlashSector(self, sector):
+        self.waitFlashBusy()
+        self.unlockFlashIf()
+        self.writeFlashCrSnb(sector)
+        self.setFlashCrStart()
+        self.waitFlashBusy()
+        self.lockFlash()
+    def eraseFlash(self):
+      self.waitFlashBusy()
+      self.unlockFlashIf()
+      self.setFlashCrMer()
+      self.setFlashCrStart()
+      self.waitFlashBusy()
+      self.clearFlashCrMer()
+      self.lockFlash()
+    def verifyFlash(self, address, content):
+        device_content = self.readFlash(address, len(content))
+        ok = content == device_content
+        if ok:
+            self.logger.info('Verify: OK')
+        else:
+            self.logger.warning('Verify: Mismatch')
+    def readFlash(self, address, size):
+      self.logger.info('Reading {1} bytes from 0x{0:X}'.format(address, size))
+      offset = 0
+      tmp_size = 0x1800
+      image = bytes()
+      while offset < size:
+         # Correct for last page:
+         if offset + tmp_size > size:
+            tmp_size = size - offset
+         # align size to 4 bytes:
+         aligned_size = tmp_size
+         while aligned_size % 4 != 0:
+            aligned_size += 1
+         mem = self.iface.read_mem32(address + offset, aligned_size)
+         image += mem[:tmp_size]
+         # indicate progress:
+         self.logger.info('{}%'.format(100*len(image) / size))
+         # increase for next piece:
+         offset += tmp_size
+      assert size == len(image)
+      self.logger.info('Done!')
+      return image
+    def waitFlashBusy(self):
+        """ block until flash operation completes. """
+        while self.isFlashBusy():
+            time.sleep(0.01)
+    def isFlashLocked(self):
+        mask = 1 << FLASH_F4_CR_LOCK
+        return self.Cr & mask == mask
+    def unlockFlashIf(self):
+      FLASH_KEY1, FLASH_KEY2 = 0x45670123, 0xcdef89ab
+      if self.isFlashLocked():
+         self.iface.write_debug32(FLASH_F4_KEYR, FLASH_KEY1)
+         self.iface.write_debug32(FLASH_F4_KEYR, FLASH_KEY2)
+         if self.isFlashLocked():
+            raise STLinkException('Failed to unlock')
+    def lockFlash(self):
+        self.Cr = self.Cr | (1 << FLASH_F4_CR_LOCK)
+    def readFlashSr(self):
+        return self.iface.read_debug32(FLASH_F4_SR)
+    def readFlashCr(self):
+        return self.iface.read_debug32(FLASH_F4_CR)
+    def writeFlashCr(self, x):
+        self.iface.write_debug32(FLASH_F4_CR, x)
+    Cr = property(readFlashCr, writeFlashCr)
+    def writeFlashCrSnb(self, sector):
+      x = self.Cr
+      x &= ~FLASH_F4_CR_SNB_MASK
+      x |= sector << FLASH_F4_CR_SNB
+      x |= 1 << FLASH_F4_CR_SER
+      self.Cr = x
+    def setFlashCrMer(self):
+        self.Cr = self.Cr | (1 << FLASH_CR_MER)
+    def setFlashCrPg(self):
+        self.Cr = self.Cr | (1 << FLASH_CR_PG)
+    def writeFlashCrPsiz(self, n):
+        x = self.Cr
+        x &= (0x3 << 8)
+        x |= n << 8
+        self.Cr = x
+    def clearFlashCrMer(self):
+        x = self.Cr
+        x &= ~(1 << FLASH_CR_MER)
+        self.Cr = x
+    def setFlashCrStart(self):
+        self.Cr = self.Cr | (1 << FLASH_F4_CR_START)
+    def isFlashBusy(self):
+      mask = 1 << FLASH_F4_SR_BSY
+      sr = self.readFlashSr()
+      # Check for error bits:
+      errorbits = {}
+      errorbits[7] = 'Programming sequence error'
+      errorbits[6] = 'Programming parallelism error'
+      errorbits[5] = 'Programming alignment error'
+      errorbits[4] = 'Write protection error'
+      errorbits[1] = 'Operation error'
+      #errorbits[0] = 'End of operation'
+      for bit, msg in errorbits.items():
+         if sr & (1 << bit) == (1 << bit):
+            raise STLinkException(msg)
+      return sr & mask == mask
+class Stm32F40x(Stm32F4):
+   """ STM32F40x and STM32F41x device series """
+   def __init__(self, iface):
+      super().__init__(iface)
+      # Assert the proper size for this device:
+      assert self.FlashSize == 0x100000
+      """
+         from 0x8000000 to 0x80FFFFF
+         4 sectors of 0x4000 (16 kB)
+         1 sector of 0x10000 (64 kB)
+         7 of 0x20000 (128 kB)
+      """
+      self.sectorsizes = [0x4000] * 4 + [0x10000] + [0x20000] * 7