1 class Grammar:
2 def __init__(self, terminals):
3 self.terminals = terminals
4 self.nonterminals = []
5 self.productions = []
6 def add_production(self, name, symbols):
7 p = Production(name, symbols)
8 self.productions.append(p)
9 if not name in self.nonterminals:
10 self.nonterminals.append(name)
11 def productionsForName(self, name):
12 return [p for p in self.productions if p.name == name]
13 @property
14 def Symbols(self):
15 return self.nonterminals + self.terminals
17 class Production:
18 def __init__(self, name, symbols):
19 self.name = name
20 self.symbols = symbols
21 def __repr__(self):
22 return '{0} -> {1}'.format(self.name, self.symbols)
24 class Item:
25 def __init__(self, production, dotpos):
26 self.production = production
27 self.dotpos = dotpos
28 def __eq__(self, other):
29 if type(other) is type(self):
30 return (self.production, self.dotpos) == (other.production, other.dotpos)
31 return False
32 def __hash__(self):
33 return (self.production, self.dotpos).__hash__()
34 @property
35 def IsReduce(self):
36 return self.dotpos == len(self.production.symbols)
37 @property
38 def IsShift(self):
39 return not self.IsReduce
40 @property
41 def Next(self):
42 return self.production.symbols[self.dotpos]
43 def matches(self, symbol):
44 return self.Next == symbol
45 def __repr__(self):
46 return '{0} -> {1} _dot_ {2} {{}}'.format(self.production.name, ' '.join(self.production.symbols[0:self.dotpos]), ' '.join(self.production.symbols[self.dotpos:]))
48 class LRgenerator:
49 def __init__(self, g):
50 self.grammar = g
51 def e_closure(self, S):
52 """ Expand itemset by using epsilon moves """
53 something_changed = True
54 while something_changed:
55 something_changed = False
56 worklist = list(S)
57 for item in worklist:
58 if item.IsShift and item.Next in self.grammar.nonterminals:
59 n = item.Next
60 for add_p in self.grammar.productionsForName(n):
61 i = Item(add_p, 0)
62 if not i in S:
63 S.add(i)
64 something_changed = True
65 return frozenset(S)
66 def initialItemSet(self):
67 nis = set()
68 for p in self.grammar.productionsForName(self.grammar.start_symbol):
69 nis.add(Item(p, 0))
70 return self.e_closure(nis)
71 def nextItemSet(self, itemset, symbol):
72 nis = set()
73 for item in itemset:
74 if item.IsShift and item.Next == symbol:
75 nis.add(Item(item.production, item.dotpos + 1))
76 return self.e_closure(nis)
77 def genParser(self):
78 states = set()
79 goto_table = {}
80 action_table = {}
81 iis = self.initialItemSet()
82 worklist = [iis]
83 states.add(iis)
84 while len(worklist) > 0:
85 itemset = worklist.pop(0)
86 has_goto = False
87 for symbol in self.grammar.Symbols:
88 nis = self.nextItemSet(itemset, symbol)
89 if nis:
90 goto_table[(itemset, symbol)] = nis
91 has_goto = True
92 if not nis in states:
93 worklist.append(nis)
94 states.add(nis)
95 if has_goto:
96 action_table[itemset] = 'shift', 's'
97 for item in itemset:
98 assert item.IsShift, item
99 else:
100 # Check for reduce-reduce conflicts:
101 assert len(itemset) == 1
102 item = list(itemset)[0]
103 assert item.IsReduce
104 action_table[itemset] = 'reduce', item.production
105 for s, i in zip(states, range(len(states))):
106 print(i, ' || '.join(str(x) for x in s))
107 p = LRParser()
108 p.goto_table = goto_table
109 p.action_table = action_table
110 p.s0 = iis
111 return p
113 class LRParser:
114 def parse(self, toks):
115 stack = [self.s0]
116 while stack[-1] != 'input':
117 action, p = self.action_table[stack[-1]]
118 print(action, p)
119 if action == 'shift':
120 stack.append(toks.pop(0))
121 s, i = stack[-2:]
122 stack.append(self.goto_table[(s, i)])
123 elif action == 'reduce':
124 for s in p.symbols:
125 stack.pop()
126 stack.pop()
127 stack.append(p.name)
128 s, i = stack[-2:]
129 if stack[-1] == 'input':
130 break
131 stack.append(self.goto_table[(s, i)])
133 # Test it:
134 # 1. define a simple grammar:
135 g = Grammar(['EOF', 'identifier', '(', ')', '+', '*'])
136 g.add_production('input', ['expression', 'EOF'])
137 g.add_production('expression', ['term'])
138 g.add_production('expression', ['expression', '+', 'term'])
139 g.add_production('term', ['factor'])
140 #g.add_production('term', ['term', '*', 'factor'])
141 g.add_production('term', ['(', 'expression', ')'])
142 g.add_production('factor', ['identifier'])
143 g.start_symbol = 'input'
144 # 2. define input:
145 tokens = ['identifier', '+', 'identifier', '+', 'identifier', 'EOF']
146 # 3. build parser:
147 p = LRgenerator(g).genParser()
148 # 4. feed input:
149 p.parse(tokens)