view utils/tables_series/ @ 208:acb942530923

Completely rewrote my series module, now based on HDF5 and PyTables (in a separate directory called 'tables_series' for retrocompatibility of running code). Minor (inconsequential) changes to stacked_dae.
author fsavard
date Fri, 05 Mar 2010 18:07:20 -0500
children dc0d77c8a878
line wrap: on
line source

from tables import *
import numpy

The way these "IsDescription constructor" work is simple: write the
code as if it were in a file, then exec()ute it, leaving us with
a local-scoped LocalDescription which may be used to call createTable.

It's a small hack, but it's necessary as the names of the columns
are retrieved based on the variable name, which we can't programmatically set

def get_beginning_description_n_ints(int_names, int_width=64):
    int_constructor = "Int64Col"
    if int_width == 32:
        int_constructor = "Int32Col"

    toexec = "class LocalDescription(IsDescription):\n"

    pos = 0

    for n in int_names:
        toexec += "\t" + n + " = " + int_constructor + "(pos=" + str(pos) + ")\n"

    return toexec

def get_description_with_n_ints_n_floats(int_names, float_names, int_width=64, float_width=32):
    Constructs a class to be used when constructing a table with PyTables.

    This is useful to construct a series with an index with multiple levels.
    E.g. if you want to index your "validation error" with "epoch" first, then
    "minibatch_index" second, you'd use two "int_names".

    int_names : tuple of str
        Names of the int (e.g. index) columns
    float_names : tuple of str
        Names of the float (e.g. error) columns
    int_width : {'32', '64'}
        Type of ints.
    float_width : {'32', '64'}
        Type of floats.

    A class object, to pass to createTable()

    toexec = get_beginning_description_n_ints(int_names, int_width=int_width)

    float_constructor = "Float32Col"
    if float_width == 64:
        float_constructor = "Float64Col"
    pos = len(int_names)

    for n in float_names:
        toexec += "\t" + n + " = " + float_constructor + "(pos=" + str(pos) + ")\n"


    return LocalDescription

class Series():
    def __init__(self, table_name, hdf5_file, index_names=('epoch',), title=None, hdf5_group='/'):
        """This is used as metadata in the HDF5 file to identify the series"""
        self.table_name = table_name
        self.hdf5_file = hdf5_file
        self.index_names = index_names
        self.title = title

    def append(self, index, element):
        raise NotImplementedError

class ErrorSeries(Series):
    def __init__(self, error_name, table_name, hdf5_file, index_names=('epoch',), title=None, hdf5_group='/'):
        Series.__init__(self, table_name, hdf5_file, index_names, title)

        self.error_name = error_name

        table_description = self._get_table_description()

        self._table = hdf5_file.createTable(hdf5_group, self.table_name, table_description, title=title)

    def _get_table_description(self):
        return get_description_with_n_ints_n_floats(self.index_names, (self.error_name,))

    def append(self, index, error):
        if len(index) != len(self.index_names):
            raise ValueError("index provided does not have the right length (expected " \
                            + str(len(self.index_names)) + " got " + str(len(index)))

        newrow = self._table.row

        for col_name, value in zip(self.index_names, index):
            newrow[col_name] = value
        newrow[self.error_name] = error



# Does not inherit from Series because it does not itself need to
# access the hdf5_file and does not need a series_name (provided
# by the base_series.)
class AccumulatorSeriesWrapper():
    def __init__(self, base_series, reduce_every, reduce_function=numpy.mean):
        self.base_series = base_series
        self.reduce_function = reduce_function
        self.reduce_every = reduce_every

        self._buffer = []

    def append(self, index, element):
        index : tuple of int
            The index used is the one of the last element reduced. E.g. if
            you accumulate over the first 1000 minibatches, the index
            passed to the base_series.append() function will be 1000.

        if len(self._buffer) == self.reduce_every:
            reduced = self.reduce_function(self._buffer)
            self.base_series.append(index, reduced)
            self._buffer = []

        # This should never happen, except if lists
        # were appended, which should be a red flag.
        assert len(self._buffer) < self.reduce_every

# Outside of class to fix an issue with exec in Python 2.6.
# My sorries to the God of pretty code.
def BasicStatisticsSeries_construct_table_toexec(index_names):
    toexec = get_beginning_description_n_ints(index_names)

    bpos = len(index_names)
    toexec += "\tmean = Float32Col(pos=" + str(bpos) + ")\n"
    toexec += "\tmin = Float32Col(pos=" + str(bpos+1) + ")\n"
    toexec += "\tmax = Float32Col(pos=" + str(bpos+2) + ")\n"
    toexec += "\tstd = Float32Col(pos=" + str(bpos+3) + ")\n"
    # This creates "LocalDescription", which we may then use

    return LocalDescription

class BasicStatisticsSeries(Series):
    series_name : str
        Not optional here. Will be prepended with "Basic statistics for "
    def __init__(self, table_name, hdf5_file, index_names=('epoch',), title=None, hdf5_group='/'):
        Series.__init__(self, table_name, hdf5_file, index_names, title)

        self.hdf5_group = hdf5_group


    def construct_table(self):
        table_description = BasicStatisticsSeries_construct_table_toexec(self.index_names)

        self._table = self.hdf5_file.createTable(self.hdf5_group, self.table_name, table_description)

    def append(self, index, array):
        if len(index) != len(self.index_names):
            raise ValueError("index provided does not have the right length (expected " \
                            + str(len(self.index_names)) + " got " + str(len(index)))

        newrow = self._table.row

        for col_name, value in zip(self.index_names, index):
            newrow[col_name] = value

        newrow["mean"] = numpy.mean(array)
        newrow["min"] = numpy.min(array)
        newrow["max"] = numpy.max(array)
        newrow["std"] = numpy.std(array)



class SeriesArrayWrapper():
    Simply redistributes any number of elements to sub-series to respective append()s.

    def __init__(self, base_series_list):
        self.base_series_list = base_series_list

    def append(self, index, elements):
        if len(elements) != len(self.base_series_list):
            raise ValueError("not enough or too much elements provided (expected " \
                            + str(len(self.base_series_list)) + " got " + str(len(elements)))

        for series, el in zip(self.base_series_list, elements):
            series.append(index, el)

class ParamsStatisticsWrapper(SeriesArrayWrapper):
    def __init__(self, arrays_names, new_group_name, hdf5_file, base_group='/', index_names=('epoch',), title=""):
        base_series_list = []

        new_group = hdf5_file.createGroup(base_group, new_group_name, title=title)

        for name in arrays_names:

        SeriesArrayWrapper.__init__(self, base_series_list)