view data_generation/transformations/ @ 239:42005ec87747

Mergé (manuellement) les changements de Sylvain pour utiliser le code de dataset d'Arnaud, à cette différence près que je n'utilse pas les givens. J'ai probablement une approche différente pour limiter la taille du dataset dans mon débuggage, aussi.
author fsavard
date Mon, 15 Mar 2010 18:30:21 -0400
parents 1f5937e9e530
children a9af079892ce
line wrap: on
line source

# This script is to test your modules to see if they conform to the module API
# defined on the wiki.
import random, numpy, gc, time, math, sys

# this is an example module that does stupid image value shifting

class DummyModule(object):
    def get_settings_names(self):
        return ['value']
    def regenerate_parameters(self, complexity):
        self._value = random.gauss(0, 0.5*complexity)
        return [self._value]

    def transform_image(self, image):
        return numpy.clip(image+self._value, 0, 1)
#import <your module>

# instanciate your class here (rather than DummyModule)
mod = DummyModule()

def error(msg):
    print "ERROR:", msg

def warn(msg):
    print "WARNING:", msg

def timeit(f, lbl):

    t = time.time()
    est = time.time() - t

    loops = max(1, int(10**math.floor(math.log(10/est, 10))))

    t = time.time()
    for _ in xrange(loops):

    print lbl, "(", loops, "loops ):", (time.time() - t)/loops, "s"

# get_settings_names() #

print "Testing get_settings_names()"

names = mod.get_settings_names()

if type(names) is not list:
    error("Must return a list")

if not all(type(e) is str for e in names):
    warn("The elements of the list should be strings")

# regenerate_parameters() #

print "Testing regenerate_parameters()"

params = mod.regenerate_parameters(0.2)

if type(params) is not list:
    error("Must return a list")

if len(params) != len(names):
    error("the returned parameter list must have the same length as the number of parameters")

params2 = mod.regenerate_parameters(0.2)
if len(names) != 0 and params == params2:
    error("the complexity parameter determines the distribution of the parameters, not their value")


# transform_image() #

print "Testing transform_image()"

imgr = numpy.random.random_sample((32, 32)).astype(numpy.float32)
img1 = numpy.ones((32, 32), dtype=numpy.float32)
img0 = numpy.zeros((32, 32), dtype=numpy.float32)

resr = mod.transform_image(imgr)

if type(resr) is not numpy.ndarray:
    error("Must return an ndarray")

if resr.shape != (32, 32):
    error("Must return 32x32 array")

if resr.dtype != numpy.float32:
    error("Must return float32 array")

res1 = mod.transform_image(img1)
res0 = mod.transform_image(img0)

if res1.max() > 1.0 or res0.max() > 1.0:
    error("Must keep array values between 0 and 1")

if res1.min() < 0.0 or res0.min() < 0.0:
    error("Must keep array values between 0 and 1")


print "Bonus Stage: timings"

timeit(lambda: None, "empty")
timeit(lambda: mod.regenerate_parameters(0.5), "regenerate_parameters()")
timeit(lambda: mod.transform_image(imgr), "tranform_image()")

def f():

timeit(f, "regen and transform")