view data_generation/transformations/ @ 239:42005ec87747

Mergé (manuellement) les changements de Sylvain pour utiliser le code de dataset d'Arnaud, à cette différence près que je n'utilse pas les givens. J'ai probablement une approche différente pour limiter la taille du dataset dans mon débuggage, aussi.
author fsavard
date Mon, 15 Mar 2010 18:30:21 -0400
parents 1f5937e9e530
line wrap: on
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# coding: utf-8

Implementation of elastic distortions as described in
Simard, Steinkraus, Platt, "Best Practices for Convolutional
    Neural Networks Applied to Visual Document Analysis", 2003

Author: François Savard
Date: Fall 2009, revised Winter 2010

Usage: create the Distorter with proper alpha, sigma etc.
    Then each time you want to change the distortion field applied,
    call regenerate_field(). 

    (The point behind this is that regeneration takes some time,
    so we better reuse the fields a few times)

import sys
import math
import numpy
import numpy.random
import scipy.signal # convolve2d

_TEST_DIR = "/u/savardf/ift6266/debug_images/"

def _raw_zeros(size):
    return [[0 for i in range(size[1])] for j in range(size[0])]

class ElasticDistortionParams():
    def __init__(self, image_size=(32,32), alpha=0.0, sigma=0.0):
        self.image_size = image_size
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.sigma = sigma

        h,w = self.image_size

        self.matrix_tl_corners_rows = _raw_zeros((h,w))
        self.matrix_tl_corners_cols = _raw_zeros((h,w))

        self.matrix_tr_corners_rows = _raw_zeros((h,w))
        self.matrix_tr_corners_cols = _raw_zeros((h,w))

        self.matrix_bl_corners_rows = _raw_zeros((h,w))
        self.matrix_bl_corners_cols = _raw_zeros((h,w))

        self.matrix_br_corners_rows = _raw_zeros((h,w))
        self.matrix_br_corners_cols = _raw_zeros((h,w))

        # those will hold the precomputed ratios for
        # bilinear interpolation
        self.matrix_tl_multiply = numpy.zeros((h,w))
        self.matrix_tr_multiply = numpy.zeros((h,w))
        self.matrix_bl_multiply = numpy.zeros((h,w))
        self.matrix_br_multiply = numpy.zeros((h,w))

    def alpha_sigma(self):
        return [self.alpha, self.sigma]

class LocalElasticDistorter():
    def __init__(self, image_size=(32,32)):
        self.image_size = image_size

        self.current_complexity_10 = 0
        self.current_complexity = 0

        # number of precomputed fields
        # (principle: as complexity doesn't change often, we can
        # precompute a certain number of fields for a given complexity,
        # each with its own parameters. That way, we have good
        # randomization, but we're much faster).
        self.to_precompute_per_complexity = 50

        # Both use ElasticDistortionParams
        self.current_params = None
        self.precomputed_params = [[] for i in range(10)]

        self.kernel_size = None
        self.kernel = None

        # set some defaults

    def get_settings_names(self):
        return []

    def _floor_complexity(self, complexity):
        return self._to_complexity_10(complexity) / 10.0

    def _to_complexity_10(self, complexity):
        return min(9, max(0, int(complexity * 10)))

    def regenerate_parameters(self, complexity):
        complexity_10 = self._to_complexity_10(complexity)

        if complexity_10 != self.current_complexity_10:
            self.current_complexity_10 = complexity_10
            self.current_complexity = self._floor_complexity(complexity)

        if len(self.precomputed_params[complexity_10]) <= self.to_precompute_per_complexity:
            # not yet enough params generated, produce one more
            # and append to list
            new_params = self._initialize_new_params()
            new_params = self._generate_fields(new_params)
            self.current_params = new_params
            # if we have enough precomputed fields, just select one
            # at random and set parameters to match what they were
            # when the field was generated
            idx = numpy.random.randint(0, len(self.precomputed_params[complexity_10]))
            self.current_params = self.precomputed_params[complexity_10][idx]

        # don't return anything, to avoid storing deterministic parameters
        return [] # self.current_params.alpha_sigma()

    def get_parameters_determined_by_complexity(self, complexity):
        tmp_params = self._initialize_new_params(_floor_complexity(complexity))
        return tmp_params.alpha_sigma()

    def get_settings_names_determined_by_complexity(self, complexity):
        return ['alpha', 'sigma']

    # adapted from
    def _gen_gaussian_kernel(self, sigma):
        # the kernel size can change DRAMATICALLY the time 
        # for the blur operation... so even though results are better
        # with a bigger kernel, we need to compromise here
        # 1*s is very different from 2*s, but there's not much difference
        # between 2*s and 4*s
        ks = self.kernel_size
        s = sigma
        target_ks = (1.5*s, 1.5*s)
        if not ks is None and ks[0] == target_ks[0] and ks[1] == target_ks[1]:
            # kernel size is good, ok, no need to regenerate
        self.kernel_size = target_ks
        h,w = self.kernel_size
        a,b = h/2.0, w/2.0
        y,x = numpy.ogrid[0:w, 0:h]
        gauss = numpy.exp(-numpy.square((x-a)/s))*numpy.exp(-numpy.square((y-b)/s))
        # Normalize so we don't reduce image intensity
        self.kernel = gauss/gauss.sum()

    def _gen_distortion_field(self, params):

        # we add kernel_size on all four sides so blurring
        # with the kernel produces a smoother result on borders
        ks0 = self.kernel_size[0]
        ks1 = self.kernel_size[1]
        sz0 = self.image_size[1] + ks0
        sz1 = self.image_size[0] + ks1
        field = numpy.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, (sz0, sz1))
        field = scipy.signal.convolve2d(field, self.kernel, mode='same')

        # crop only image_size in the middle
        field = field[ks0:ks0+self.image_size[0], ks1:ks1+self.image_size[1]]

        return params.alpha * field

    def _initialize_new_params(self, complexity=None):
        if not complexity:
            complexity = self.current_complexity

        params = ElasticDistortionParams(self.image_size)

        # pour faire progresser la complexité un peu plus vite
        # tout en gardant les extrêmes de 0.0 et 1.0
        complexity = complexity ** (1./3.)

        # the smaller the alpha, the closest the pixels are fetched
        # a max of 10 is reasonable
        params.alpha = complexity * 10.0

        # the bigger the sigma, the smoother is the distortion
        # max of 1 is "reasonable", but produces VERY noisy results
        # And the bigger the sigma, the bigger the blur kernel, and the
        # slower the field generation, btw.
        params.sigma = 10.0 - (7.0 * complexity)

        return params

    def _generate_fields(self, params):
        Here's how the code works:
        - We first generate "distortion fields" for x and y with these steps:
            - Uniform noise over [-1, 1] in a matrix of size (h,w)
            - Blur with a Gaussian kernel of spread sigma
            - Multiply by alpha
        - Then (conceptually) to compose the distorted image, we loop over each pixel
            of the new image and use the corresponding x and y distortions
            (from the matrices generated above) to identify pixels
            of the old image from which we fetch color data. As the
            coordinates are not integer, we interpolate between the
            4 nearby pixels (top left, top right etc.).
        - That's just conceptually. Here I'm using matrix operations
            to speed up the computation. I first identify the 4 nearby
            pixels in the old image for each pixel in the distorted image.
            I can then use them as "fancy indices" to extract the proper
            pixels for each new pixel.
        - Then I multiply those extracted nearby points by precomputed
            ratios for the bilinear interpolation.

        p = params

        dist_fields = [None, None]
        dist_fields[0] = self._gen_distortion_field(params)
        dist_fields[1] = self._gen_distortion_field(params)


        # regenerate distortion index matrices
        # "_rows" are row indices
        # "_cols" are column indices
        # (separated due to the way fancy indexing works in numpy)
        h,w = p.image_size

        for y in range(h):
            for x in range(w): 
                distort_x = dist_fields[0][y,x]
                distort_y = dist_fields[1][y,x]

                # the "target" is the coordinate we fetch color data from
                # (in the original image)
                # target_left and _top are the rounded coordinate on the
                # left/top of this target (float) coordinate
                target_pixel = (y+distort_y, x+distort_x)

                target_left = int(math.floor(x + distort_x))
                target_top = int(math.floor(y + distort_y))

                index_tl = [target_top, target_left]
                index_tr = [target_top, target_left+1]
                index_bl = [target_top+1, target_left]
                index_br = [target_top+1, target_left+1]

                # x_ratio is the ratio of importance of left pixels
                # y_ratio is the """" of top pixels
                # (in bilinear combination)
                y_ratio = 1.0 - (target_pixel[0] - target_top)
                x_ratio = 1.0 - (target_pixel[1] - target_left)

                # We use a default background color of 0 for displacements
                # outside of boundaries of the image.

                # if top left outside bounds
                if index_tl[0] < 0 or index_tl[0] >= h or index_tl[1] < 0 or index_tl[1] >= w: 
                    p.matrix_tl_corners_rows[y][x] = 0
                    p.matrix_tl_corners_cols[y][x] = 0
                    p.matrix_tl_multiply[y,x] = 0
                    p.matrix_tl_corners_rows[y][x] = index_tl[0]
                    p.matrix_tl_corners_cols[y][x] = index_tl[1]
                    p.matrix_tl_multiply[y,x] = x_ratio*y_ratio

                # if top right outside bounds
                if index_tr[0] < 0 or index_tr[0] >= h or index_tr[1] < 0 or index_tr[1] >= w:
                    p.matrix_tr_corners_rows[y][x] = 0
                    p.matrix_tr_corners_cols[y][x] = 0
                    p.matrix_tr_multiply[y,x] = 0
                    p.matrix_tr_corners_rows[y][x] = index_tr[0]
                    p.matrix_tr_corners_cols[y][x] = index_tr[1]
                    p.matrix_tr_multiply[y,x] = (1.0-x_ratio)*y_ratio

                # if bottom left outside bounds
                if index_bl[0] < 0 or index_bl[0] >= h or index_bl[1] < 0 or index_bl[1] >= w:
                    p.matrix_bl_corners_rows[y][x] = 0
                    p.matrix_bl_corners_cols[y][x] = 0
                    p.matrix_bl_multiply[y,x] = 0
                    p.matrix_bl_corners_rows[y][x] = index_bl[0]
                    p.matrix_bl_corners_cols[y][x] = index_bl[1]
                    p.matrix_bl_multiply[y,x] = x_ratio*(1.0-y_ratio)

                # if bottom right outside bounds
                if index_br[0] < 0 or index_br[0] >= h or index_br[1] < 0 or index_br[1] >= w:
                    p.matrix_br_corners_rows[y][x] = 0
                    p.matrix_br_corners_cols[y][x] = 0
                    p.matrix_br_multiply[y,x] = 0
                    p.matrix_br_corners_rows[y][x] = index_br[0]
                    p.matrix_br_corners_cols[y][x] = index_br[1]
                    p.matrix_br_multiply[y,x] = (1.0-x_ratio)*(1.0-y_ratio)

        # not really necessary, but anyway
        return p

    def transform_image(self, image):
        p = self.current_params

        # index pixels to get the 4 corners for bilinear combination
        tl_pixels = image[p.matrix_tl_corners_rows, p.matrix_tl_corners_cols]
        tr_pixels = image[p.matrix_tr_corners_rows, p.matrix_tr_corners_cols]
        bl_pixels = image[p.matrix_bl_corners_rows, p.matrix_bl_corners_cols]
        br_pixels = image[p.matrix_br_corners_rows, p.matrix_br_corners_cols]

        # bilinear ratios, elemwise multiply
        tl_pixels = numpy.multiply(tl_pixels, p.matrix_tl_multiply)
        tr_pixels = numpy.multiply(tr_pixels, p.matrix_tr_multiply)
        bl_pixels = numpy.multiply(bl_pixels, p.matrix_bl_multiply)
        br_pixels = numpy.multiply(br_pixels, p.matrix_br_multiply)

        # sum to finish bilinear combination
        return numpy.sum([tl_pixels,tr_pixels,bl_pixels,br_pixels], axis=0).astype(numpy.float32)

# TESTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------

def _load_image(filepath):
    _RGB_TO_GRAYSCALE = [0.3, 0.59, 0.11, 0.0]
    img =
    img = numpy.asarray(img)
    if len(img.shape) > 2:
        img = (img * _RGB_TO_GRAYSCALE).sum(axis=2)
    return (img / 255.0).astype('float')

def _specific_test():
    imgpath = os.path.join(_TEST_DIR, "d.png")
    img = _load_image(imgpath)
    dist = LocalElasticDistorter((32,32))
    print dist.regenerate_parameters(0.5)
    img = dist.transform_image(img)
    print dist.get_parameters_determined_by_complexity(0.4)

def _complexity_tests():
    imgpath = os.path.join(_TEST_DIR, "d.png")
    dist = LocalElasticDistorter((32,32))
    orig_img = _load_image(imgpath)
    html_content = '''<html><body>Original:<br/><img src='d.png'>'''
    for complexity in numpy.arange(0.0, 1.1, 0.1):
        html_content += '<br/>Complexity: ' + str(complexity) + '<br/>'
        for i in range(10):
            t1 = time.time()
            t2 = time.time()
            print "diff", t2-t1
            img = dist.transform_image(orig_img)
            filename = "complexity_" + str(complexity) + "_" + str(i) + ".png"
            new_path = os.path.join(_TEST_DIR, filename)
            _save_image(img, new_path)
            html_content += '<img src="' + filename + '">'
    html_content += "</body></html>"
    html_file = open(os.path.join(_TEST_DIR, "complexity.html"), "w")
def _complexity_benchmark():
    imgpath = os.path.join(_TEST_DIR, "d.png")
    dist = LocalElasticDistorter((32,32))
    orig_img = _load_image(imgpath)

    for cpx in (0.21, 0.35):
        # time the first 10
        t1 = time.time()
        for i in range(10):
            img = dist.transform_image(orig_img)
        t2 = time.time()

        print "first 10, total = ", t2-t1, ", avg=", (t2-t1)/10

        # time the next 40
        t1 = time.time()
        for i in range(40):
            img = dist.transform_image(orig_img)
        t2 = time.time()
        print "next 40, total = ", t2-t1, ", avg=", (t2-t1)/40

        # time the next 50
        t1 = time.time()
        for i in range(50):
            img = dist.transform_image(orig_img)
        t2 = time.time()
        print "next 50, total = ", t2-t1, ", avg=", (t2-t1)/50

        # time the next 1000 
        t1 = time.time()
        for i in range(1000):
            img = dist.transform_image(orig_img)
        t2 = time.time()
        print "next 1000, total = ", t2-t1, ", avg=", (t2-t1)/1000

    # time the next 1000 with old complexity
    t1 = time.time()
    for i in range(1000):
        img = dist.transform_image(orig_img)
    t2 = time.time()
    print "next 1000, total = ", t2-t1, ", avg=", (t2-t1)/1000

def _save_image(img, path):
    img2 = Image.fromarray((img * 255).astype('uint8'), "L")

# TODO: reformat to follow new class... it function of complexity now
def _distorter_tests():
    #import pylab

    for letter in ("d", "a", "n", "o"):
        img = _load_image("tests/" + letter + ".png")
        for alpha in (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0):
            for sigma in (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0):
                id = LocalElasticDistorter((32,32))
                img2 = id.distort_image(img)
                img2 = Image.fromarray((img2 * 255).astype('uint8'), "L")

def _benchmark():
    img = _load_image("tests/d.png")
    dist = LocalElasticDistorter((32,32))
    import time
    t1 = time.time()
    for i in range(10000):
        if i % 1000 == 0:
            print "-"
    t2 = time.time()
    print "t2-t1", t2-t1
    print "avg", 10000/(t2-t1)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import time
    import pylab
    import Image
    import os.path