diff deep/crbm/mnist_crbm.py @ 337:8d116d4a7593

Added convolutional RBM (ala Lee09) code, imported from my working dir elsewhere. Seems to work for one layer. No subsampling yet.
author fsavard
date Fri, 16 Apr 2010 16:05:55 -0400
children ffbf0e41bcee
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/deep/crbm/mnist_crbm.py	Fri Apr 16 16:05:55 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+import sys
+import os, os.path
+import numpy as N
+import theano
+import theano.tensor as T
+from crbm import CRBM, ConvolutionParams
+from pylearn.datasets import MNIST
+from pylearn.io.image_tiling import tile_raster_images
+import Image
+from pylearn.io.seriestables import *
+import tables
+def filename_from_time(suffix):
+    import datetime
+    return str(datetime.datetime.now()) + suffix + ".png"
+# Just a shortcut for a common case where we need a few
+# related Error (float) series
+def get_accumulator_series_array( \
+                hdf5_file, group_name, series_names, 
+                reduce_every,
+                index_names=('epoch','minibatch'),
+                stdout_too=True,
+                skip_hdf5_append=False):
+    all_series = []
+    hdf5_file.createGroup('/', group_name)
+    other_targets = []
+    if stdout_too:
+        other_targets = [StdoutAppendTarget()]
+    for sn in series_names:
+        series_base = \
+            ErrorSeries(error_name=sn,
+                table_name=sn,
+                hdf5_file=hdf5_file,
+                hdf5_group='/'+group_name,
+                index_names=index_names,
+                other_targets=other_targets,
+                skip_hdf5_append=skip_hdf5_append)
+        all_series.append( \
+            AccumulatorSeriesWrapper( \
+                    base_series=series_base,
+                    reduce_every=reduce_every))
+    ret_wrapper = SeriesArrayWrapper(all_series)
+    return ret_wrapper
+class MnistCrbm(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.mnist = MNIST.full()#first_10k()
+        self.cp = ConvolutionParams( \
+                    num_filters=40,
+                    num_input_planes=1,
+                    height_filters=12,
+                    width_filters=12)
+        self.image_size = (28,28)
+        self.minibatch_size = 10
+        self.lr = 0.01
+        self.sparsity_lambda = 1.0
+        # about 1/num_filters, so only one filter active at a time
+        # 40 * 0.05 = ~2 filters active for any given pixel
+        self.sparsity_p = 0.05
+        self.crbm = CRBM( \
+                    minibatch_size=self.minibatch_size,
+                    image_size=self.image_size,
+                    conv_params=self.cp,
+                    learning_rate=self.lr,
+                    sparsity_lambda=self.sparsity_lambda,
+                    sparsity_p=self.sparsity_p)
+        self.num_epochs = 10
+        self.init_series()
+    def init_series(self):
+        series = {}
+        basedir = os.getcwd()
+        h5f = tables.openFile(os.path.join(basedir, "series.h5"), "w")
+        cd_series_names = self.crbm.cd_return_desc
+        series['cd'] = \
+            get_accumulator_series_array( \
+                h5f, 'cd', cd_series_names,
+                REDUCE_EVERY,
+                stdout_too=True)
+        sparsity_series_names = self.crbm.sparsity_return_desc
+        series['sparsity'] = \
+            get_accumulator_series_array( \
+                h5f, 'sparsity', sparsity_series_names,
+                REDUCE_EVERY,
+                stdout_too=True)
+        # so first we create the names for each table, based on 
+        # position of each param in the array
+        params_stdout = StdoutAppendTarget("\n------\nParams")
+        series['params'] = SharedParamsStatisticsWrapper(
+                            new_group_name="params",
+                            base_group="/",
+                            arrays_names=['W','b_h','b_x'],
+                            hdf5_file=h5f,
+                            index_names=('epoch','minibatch'),
+                            other_targets=[params_stdout])
+        self.series = series
+    def train(self):
+        num_minibatches = len(self.mnist.train.x) / self.minibatch_size
+        print_every = 1000
+        visualize_every = 5000
+        gibbs_steps_from_random = 1000
+        for epoch in xrange(self.num_epochs):
+            for mb_index in xrange(num_minibatches):
+                mb_x = self.mnist.train.x \
+                         [mb_index : mb_index+self.minibatch_size]
+                mb_x = mb_x.reshape((self.minibatch_size, 1, 28, 28))
+                #E_h = crbm.E_h_given_x_func(mb_x)
+                #print "Shape of E_h", E_h.shape
+                cd_return = self.crbm.CD_step(mb_x)
+                sp_return = self.crbm.sparsity_step(mb_x)
+                self.series['cd'].append( \
+                        (epoch, mb_index), cd_return)
+                self.series['sparsity'].append( \
+                        (epoch, mb_index), sp_return)
+                total_idx = epoch*num_minibatches + mb_index
+                if (total_idx+1) % REDUCE_EVERY == 0:
+                    self.series['params'].append( \
+                        (epoch, mb_index), self.crbm.params)
+                if total_idx % visualize_every == 0:
+                    self.visualize_gibbs_result(\
+                        mb_x, gibbs_steps_from_random)
+                    self.visualize_gibbs_result(mb_x, 1)
+                    self.visualize_filters()
+    def visualize_gibbs_result(self, start_x, gibbs_steps):
+        # Run minibatch_size chains for gibbs_steps
+        x_samples = None
+        if not start_x is None:
+            x_samples = self.crbm.gibbs_samples_from(start_x, gibbs_steps)
+        else:
+            x_samples = self.crbm.random_gibbs_samples(gibbs_steps)
+        x_samples = x_samples.reshape((self.minibatch_size, 28*28))
+        tile = tile_raster_images(x_samples, self.image_size,
+                    (1, self.minibatch_size), output_pixel_vals=True)
+        filepath = os.path.join(IMAGE_OUTPUT_DIR,
+                    filename_from_time("gibbs"))
+        img = Image.fromarray(tile)
+        img.save(filepath)
+        print "Result of running Gibbs", \
+                gibbs_steps, "times outputed to", filepath
+    def visualize_filters(self):
+        cp = self.cp
+        # filter size
+        fsz = (cp.height_filters, cp.width_filters)
+        tile_shape = (cp.num_filters, cp.num_input_planes)
+        filters_flattened = self.crbm.W.value.reshape(
+                                (tile_shape[0]*tile_shape[1],
+                                fsz[0]*fsz[1]))
+        tile = tile_raster_images(filters_flattened, fsz, 
+                                    tile_shape, output_pixel_vals=True)
+        filepath = os.path.join(IMAGE_OUTPUT_DIR,
+                        filename_from_time("filters"))
+        img = Image.fromarray(tile)
+        img.save(filepath)
+        print "Filters (as images) outputed to", filepath
+        print "b_h is", self.crbm.b_h.value
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    mc = MnistCrbm()
+    mc.train()