diff deep/deep_mlp/mlp.py @ 626:75dbbe409578

Added code for deep mlp, experiment code to go along with it. Also added code I used to filter the P07 / PNIST07 datasets to keep only digits.
author fsavard
date Wed, 16 Mar 2011 13:43:32 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/deep/deep_mlp/mlp.py	Wed Mar 16 13:43:32 2011 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+__docformat__ = 'restructedtext en'
+import numpy, time, cPickle, gzip, sys, os
+import theano
+import theano.tensor as T
+from logistic_sgd import LogisticRegression, load_data
+class HiddenLayer(object):
+    def __init__(self, rng, input, n_in, n_out, activation = T.tanh):
+        print "Creating HiddenLayer with params"
+        print locals()
+        self.input = input
+        W_values = numpy.asarray( rng.uniform(
+                low  = - numpy.sqrt(6./(n_in+n_out)),
+                high = numpy.sqrt(6./(n_in+n_out)),
+                size = (n_in, n_out)), dtype = theano.config.floatX)
+        if activation == theano.tensor.nnet.sigmoid:
+            W_values *= 4
+        self.W = theano.shared(value = W_values, name ='W')
+        b_values = numpy.zeros((n_out,), dtype= theano.config.floatX)
+        self.b = theano.shared(value= b_values, name ='b')
+        self.output = activation(T.dot(input, self.W) + self.b)
+        self.params = [self.W, self.b]
+class MLP(object):
+    def __init__(self, rng, input, n_in, n_hidden_layers, n_hidden, n_out):
+        print "Creating MLP with params"
+        print locals()
+        self.input = input
+        self.hiddenLayers = []
+        last_input = input
+        last_n_out = n_in
+        for i in range(n_hidden_layers):
+            self.hiddenLayers.append(\
+                    HiddenLayer(rng = rng, input = last_input, 
+                                             n_in = last_n_out,
+                                             n_out = n_hidden,
+                                             activation = T.tanh))
+            last_input = self.hiddenLayers[-1].output
+            last_n_out = n_hidden
+        self.logRegressionLayer = LogisticRegression( 
+                                    input = self.hiddenLayers[-1].output,
+                                    n_in  = n_hidden,
+                                    n_out = n_out)
+        self.L1 = abs(self.logRegressionLayer.W).sum()
+        for h in self.hiddenLayers:
+            self.L1 += abs(h.W).sum()
+        self.L2_sqr = (self.logRegressionLayer.W**2).sum()
+        for h in self.hiddenLayers:
+            self.L2_sqr += (h.W**2).sum()
+        self.negative_log_likelihood = self.logRegressionLayer.negative_log_likelihood
+        self.errors = self.logRegressionLayer.errors
+        self.params = []
+        for hl in self.hiddenLayers:
+            self.params += hl.params
+        self.params += self.logRegressionLayer.params
+def test_mlp( learning_rate=0.01, L1_reg = 0.00, L2_reg = 0.0001, n_epochs=1000,
+            dataset = '../data/mnist.pkl.gz', batch_size = 20):
+    datasets = load_data(dataset)
+    train_set_x, train_set_y = datasets[0]
+    valid_set_x, valid_set_y = datasets[1]
+    test_set_x , test_set_y  = datasets[2]
+    n_train_batches = train_set_x.value.shape[0] / batch_size
+    n_valid_batches = valid_set_x.value.shape[0] / batch_size
+    n_test_batches  = test_set_x.value.shape[0]  / batch_size
+    ######################
+    ###################### 
+    print '... building the model'
+    # allocate symbolic variables for the data
+    index = T.lscalar()    # index to a [mini]batch 
+    x     = T.matrix('x')  # the data is presented as rasterized images
+    y     = T.ivector('y') # the labels are presented as 1D vector of 
+                           # [int] labels
+    rng = numpy.random.RandomState(1234)
+    # construct the MLP class
+    classifier = MLP( rng = rng, input=x, n_in=28*28, n_hidden = 500, n_out=10)
+    # the cost we minimize during training is the negative log likelihood of 
+    # the model plus the regularization terms (L1 and L2); cost is expressed
+    # here symbolically
+    cost = classifier.negative_log_likelihood(y) \
+         + L1_reg * classifier.L1 \
+         + L2_reg * classifier.L2_sqr 
+    # compiling a Theano function that computes the mistakes that are made
+    # by the model on a minibatch
+    test_model = theano.function(inputs = [index], 
+            outputs = classifier.errors(y),
+            givens={
+                x:test_set_x[index*batch_size:(index+1)*batch_size],
+                y:test_set_y[index*batch_size:(index+1)*batch_size]})
+    validate_model = theano.function(inputs = [index], 
+            outputs = classifier.errors(y),
+            givens={
+                x:valid_set_x[index*batch_size:(index+1)*batch_size],
+                y:valid_set_y[index*batch_size:(index+1)*batch_size]})
+    # compute the gradient of cost with respect to theta (sotred in params)
+    # the resulting gradients will be stored in a list gparams
+    gparams = []
+    for param in classifier.params:
+        gparam  = T.grad(cost, param)
+        gparams.append(gparam)
+    # specify how to update the parameters of the model as a dictionary
+    updates = {}
+    # given two list the zip A = [ a1,a2,a3,a4] and B = [b1,b2,b3,b4] of 
+    # same length, zip generates a list C of same size, where each element
+    # is a pair formed from the two lists : 
+    #    C = [ (a1,b1), (a2,b2), (a3,b3) , (a4,b4) ] 
+    for param, gparam in zip(classifier.params, gparams):
+        updates[param] = param - learning_rate*gparam
+    # compiling a Theano function `train_model` that returns the cost, but  
+    # in the same time updates the parameter of the model based on the rules 
+    # defined in `updates`
+    train_model =theano.function( inputs = [index], outputs = cost, 
+            updates = updates,
+            givens={
+                x:train_set_x[index*batch_size:(index+1)*batch_size],
+                y:train_set_y[index*batch_size:(index+1)*batch_size]})
+    ###############
+    # TRAIN MODEL #
+    ###############
+    print '... training'
+    # early-stopping parameters
+    patience              = 10000 # look as this many examples regardless
+    patience_increase     = 2     # wait this much longer when a new best is 
+                                  # found
+    improvement_threshold = 0.995 # a relative improvement of this much is 
+                                  # considered significant
+    validation_frequency  = min(n_train_batches,patience/2)  
+                                  # go through this many 
+                                  # minibatche before checking the network 
+                                  # on the validation set; in this case we 
+                                  # check every epoch 
+    best_params          = None
+    best_validation_loss = float('inf')
+    best_iter            = 0
+    test_score           = 0.
+    start_time = time.clock()
+    epoch = 0
+    done_looping = False
+    while (epoch < n_epochs) and (not done_looping):
+      epoch = epoch + 1
+      for minibatch_index in xrange(n_train_batches):
+        minibatch_avg_cost = train_model(minibatch_index)
+        # iteration number
+        iter = epoch * n_train_batches + minibatch_index
+        if (iter+1) % validation_frequency == 0: 
+            # compute zero-one loss on validation set 
+            validation_losses = [validate_model(i) for i in xrange(n_valid_batches)]
+            this_validation_loss = numpy.mean(validation_losses)
+            print('epoch %i, minibatch %i/%i, validation error %f %%' % \
+                 (epoch, minibatch_index+1,n_train_batches, \
+                  this_validation_loss*100.))
+            # if we got the best validation score until now
+            if this_validation_loss < best_validation_loss:
+                #improve patience if loss improvement is good enough
+                if this_validation_loss < best_validation_loss *  \
+                       improvement_threshold :
+                    patience = max(patience, iter * patience_increase)
+                best_validation_loss = this_validation_loss
+                # test it on the test set
+                test_losses = [test_model(i) for i in xrange(n_test_batches)]
+                test_score = numpy.mean(test_losses)