diff data_generation/pipeline/pipeline.py @ 168:5e0e5f1860ec

Pipeline code shuffle
author Dumitru Erhan <dumitru.erhan@gmail.com>
date Fri, 26 Feb 2010 14:23:47 -0500
parents data_generation/transformations/pipeline.py@1f5937e9e530
children 72eee6a9f43f
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/data_generation/pipeline/pipeline.py	Fri Feb 26 14:23:47 2010 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+from __future__ import with_statement
+# This is intended to be run as a GIMP script
+#from gimpfu import *
+import sys, os, getopt
+import numpy
+import filetensor as ft
+import random
+# To debug locally, also call with -s 100 (to stop after ~100)
+# (otherwise we allocate all needed memory, might be loonnng and/or crash
+# if, lucky like me, you have an age-old laptop creaking from everywhere)
+DEBUG = False
+DEBUG_X = False
+if DEBUG:
+    DEBUG_X = False # Debug under X (pylab.show())
+if DEBUG:
+    # To avoid loading NIST if you don't have it handy
+    # (use with debug_images_iterator(), see main())
+    # To use NIST, leave as = None
+    DEBUG_IMAGES_PATH = None#'/home/francois/Desktop/debug_images'
+# Directory where to dump images to visualize results
+# (create it, otherwise it'll crash)
+DEBUG_OUTPUT_DIR = 'debug_out'
+DEFAULT_NIST_PATH = '/data/lisa/data/ift6266h10/train_data.ft'
+DEFAULT_LABEL_PATH = '/data/lisa/data/ift6266h10/train_labels.ft'
+DEFAULT_OCR_PATH = '/data/lisa/data/ocr_breuel/filetensor/unlv-corrected-2010-02-01-shuffled.ft'
+DEFAULT_OCRLABEL_PATH = '/data/lisa/data/ocr_breuel/filetensor/unlv-corrected-2010-02-01-labels-shuffled.ft'
+def get_argv():
+    with open(ARGS_FILE) as f:
+        args = [l.rstrip() for l in f.readlines()]
+    return args
+def usage():
+    print '''
+Usage: run_pipeline.sh [-m ...] [-z ...] [-o ...] [-p ...]
+    -m, --max-complexity: max complexity to generate for an image
+    -z, --probability-zero: probability of using complexity=0 for an image
+    -o, --output-file: full path to file to use for output of images
+    -p, --params-output-file: path to file to output params to
+    -x, --labels-output-file: path to file to output labels to
+    -f, --data-file: path to filetensor (.ft) data file (NIST)
+    -l, --label-file: path to filetensor (.ft) labels file (NIST labels)
+    -c, --ocr-file: path to filetensor (.ft) data file (OCR)
+    -d, --ocrlabel-file: path to filetensor (.ft) labels file (OCR labels)
+    -a, --prob-font: probability of using a raw font image
+    -b, --prob-captcha: probability of using a captcha image
+    -g, --prob-ocr: probability of using an ocr image
+    -y, --seed: the job seed
+    '''
+    opts, args = getopt.getopt(get_argv(), "rm:z:o:p:x:s:f:l:c:d:a:b:g:y:", ["reload","max-complexity=", "probability-zero=", "output-file=", "params-output-file=", "labels-output-file=", 
+"stop-after=", "data-file=", "label-file=", "ocr-file=", "ocrlabel-file=", "prob-font=", "prob-captcha=", "prob-ocr=", "seed="])
+except getopt.GetoptError, err:
+        # print help information and exit:
+        print str(err) # will print something like "option -a not recognized"
+        usage()
+        pdb.gimp_quit(0)
+        sys.exit(2)
+for o, a in opts:
+    if o in ('-y','--seed'):
+        random.seed(int(a))
+        numpy.random.seed(int(a))
+if DEBUG_X:
+    import pylab
+    pylab.ion()
+from PoivreSel import PoivreSel
+from thick import Thick
+from BruitGauss import BruitGauss
+from DistorsionGauss import DistorsionGauss
+from PermutPixel import PermutPixel
+from gimp_script import GIMP1
+from Rature import Rature
+from contrast import Contrast
+from local_elastic_distortions import LocalElasticDistorter
+from slant import Slant
+from Occlusion import Occlusion
+from add_background_image import AddBackground
+from affine_transform import AffineTransformation
+from ttf2jpg import ttf2jpg
+from Facade import generateCaptcha
+if DEBUG:
+    from visualizer import Visualizer
+    # Either put the visualizer as in the MODULES_INSTANCES list
+    # after each module you want to visualize, or in the
+    # AFTER_EACH_MODULE_HOOK list (but not both, it's redundant)
+    VISUALIZER = Visualizer(to_dir=DEBUG_OUTPUT_DIR,  on_screen=False)
+###---------------------order of transformation module
+MODULE_INSTANCES = [Slant(),Thick(),AffineTransformation(),LocalElasticDistorter(),GIMP1(),Rature(),Occlusion(), PermutPixel(),DistorsionGauss(),AddBackground(), PoivreSel(), BruitGauss(), Contrast()]
+# These should have a "after_transform_callback(self, image)" method
+# (called after each call to transform_image in a module)
+if DEBUG:
+# These should have a "end_transform_callback(self, final_image" method
+# (called after all modules have been called)
+if DEBUG:
+class Pipeline():
+    def __init__(self, modules, num_img, image_size=(32,32)):
+        self.modules = modules
+        self.num_img = num_img
+        self.num_params_stored = 0
+        self.image_size = image_size
+        self.init_memory()
+    def init_num_params_stored(self):
+        # just a dummy call to regenerate_parameters() to get the
+        # real number of params (only those which are stored)
+        self.num_params_stored = 0
+        for m in self.modules:
+            self.num_params_stored += len(m.regenerate_parameters(0.0))
+    def init_memory(self):
+        self.init_num_params_stored()
+        total = self.num_img
+        num_px = self.image_size[0] * self.image_size[1]
+        self.res_data = numpy.empty((total, num_px), dtype=numpy.uint8)
+        # +1 to store complexity
+        self.params = numpy.empty((total, self.num_params_stored+len(self.modules)))
+        self.res_labels = numpy.empty(total, dtype=numpy.int32)
+    def run(self, img_iterator, complexity_iterator):
+        img_size = self.image_size
+        should_hook_after_each = len(AFTER_EACH_MODULE_HOOK) != 0
+        should_hook_at_the_end = len(END_TRANSFORM_HOOK) != 0
+        for img_no, (img, label) in enumerate(img_iterator):
+            sys.stdout.flush()
+            global_idx = img_no
+            img = img.reshape(img_size)
+            param_idx = 0
+            mod_idx = 0
+            for mod in self.modules:
+                # This used to be done _per batch_,
+                # ie. out of the "for img" loop
+                complexity = complexity_iterator.next() 
+                #better to do a complexity sampling for each transformations in order to have more variability
+                #otherwise a lot of images similar to the source are generated (i.e. when complexity is close to 0 (1/8 of the time))
+                #we need to save the complexity of each transformations and the sum of these complexity is a good indicator of the overall
+                #complexity
+                self.params[global_idx, mod_idx] = complexity
+                mod_idx += 1
+                p = mod.regenerate_parameters(complexity)
+                self.params[global_idx, param_idx+len(self.modules):param_idx+len(p)+len(self.modules)] = p
+                param_idx += len(p)
+                img = mod.transform_image(img)
+                if should_hook_after_each:
+                    for hook in AFTER_EACH_MODULE_HOOK:
+                        hook.after_transform_callback(img)
+            self.res_data[global_idx] = \
+                    img.reshape((img_size[0] * img_size[1],))*255
+            self.res_labels[global_idx] = label
+            if should_hook_at_the_end:
+                for hook in END_TRANSFORM_HOOK:
+                    hook.end_transform_callback(img)
+    def write_output(self, output_file_path, params_output_file_path, labels_output_file_path):
+        with open(output_file_path, 'wb') as f:
+            ft.write(f, self.res_data)
+        numpy.save(params_output_file_path, self.params)
+        with open(labels_output_file_path, 'wb') as f:
+            ft.write(f, self.res_labels)
+# They're called once every img, to get the complexity to use for that img
+# they must be infinite (should never throw StopIteration when calling next())
+# probability of generating 0 complexity, otherwise
+# uniform over 0.0-max_complexity
+def range_complexity_iterator(probability_zero, max_complexity):
+    assert max_complexity <= 1.0
+    n = numpy.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0)
+    while True:
+        if n < probability_zero:
+            yield 0.0
+        else:
+            yield numpy.random.uniform(0.0, max_complexity)
+# They can be used to interleave different data sources etc.
+# Following code (DebugImages and iterator) is untested
+def load_image(filepath):
+    _RGB_TO_GRAYSCALE = [0.3, 0.59, 0.11, 0.0]
+    img = Image.open(filepath)
+    img = numpy.asarray(img)
+    if len(img.shape) > 2:
+        img = (img * _RGB_TO_GRAYSCALE).sum(axis=2)
+    return (img / 255.0).astype('float')
+class DebugImages():
+    def __init__(self, images_dir_path):
+        import glob, os.path
+        self.filelist = glob.glob(os.path.join(images_dir_path, "*.png"))
+def debug_images_iterator(debug_images):
+    for path in debug_images.filelist:
+        yield load_image(path)
+class NistData():
+    def __init__(self, nist_path, label_path, ocr_path, ocrlabel_path):
+        self.train_data = open(nist_path, 'rb')
+        self.train_labels = open(label_path, 'rb')
+        self.dim = tuple(ft._read_header(self.train_data)[3])
+        # in order to seek to the beginning of the file
+        self.train_data.close()
+        self.train_data = open(nist_path, 'rb')
+        self.ocr_data = open(ocr_path, 'rb')
+        self.ocr_labels = open(ocrlabel_path, 'rb')
+# cet iterator load tout en ram
+def nist_supp_iterator(nist, prob_font, prob_captcha, prob_ocr, num_img):
+    img = ft.read(nist.train_data)
+    labels = ft.read(nist.train_labels)
+    if prob_ocr:
+        ocr_img = ft.read(nist.ocr_data)
+        ocr_labels = ft.read(nist.ocr_labels)
+    ttf = ttf2jpg()
+    L = [chr(ord('0')+x) for x in range(10)] + [chr(ord('A')+x) for x in range(26)] + [chr(ord('a')+x) for x in range(26)]
+    for i in xrange(num_img):
+        r = numpy.random.rand()
+        if r <= prob_font:
+            yield ttf.generate_image()
+        elif r <=prob_font + prob_captcha:
+            (arr, charac) = generateCaptcha(0,1)
+            yield arr.astype(numpy.float32)/255, L.index(charac[0])
+        elif r <= prob_font + prob_captcha + prob_ocr:
+            j = numpy.random.randint(len(ocr_labels))
+            yield ocr_img[j].astype(numpy.float32)/255, ocr_labels[j]
+        else:
+            j = numpy.random.randint(len(labels))
+            yield img[j].astype(numpy.float32)/255, labels[j]
+# Mostly for debugging, for the moment, just to see if we can
+# reload the images and parameters.
+def reload(output_file_path, params_output_file_path):
+    images_ft = open(output_file_path, 'rb')
+    images_ft_dim = tuple(ft._read_header(images_ft)[3])
+    print "Images dimensions: ", images_ft_dim
+    params = numpy.load(params_output_file_path)
+    print "Params dimensions: ", params.shape
+    print params
+# Might be called locally or through dbidispatch. In all cases it should be
+# passed to the GIMP executable to be able to use GIMP filters.
+# Ex: 
+def _main():
+    #global getopt, get_argv
+    max_complexity = 0.5 # default
+    probability_zero = 0.1 # default
+    output_file_path = None
+    params_output_file_path = None
+    labels_output_file_path = None
+    nist_path = DEFAULT_NIST_PATH
+    label_path = DEFAULT_LABEL_PATH
+    ocr_path = DEFAULT_OCR_PATH
+    ocrlabel_path = DEFAULT_OCRLABEL_PATH
+    prob_font = 0.0
+    prob_captcha = 0.0
+    prob_ocr = 0.0
+    stop_after = None
+    reload_mode = False
+    for o, a in opts:
+        if o in ('-m', '--max-complexity'):
+            max_complexity = float(a)
+            assert max_complexity >= 0.0 and max_complexity <= 1.0
+        elif o in ('-r', '--reload'):
+            reload_mode = True
+        elif o in ("-z", "--probability-zero"):
+            probability_zero = float(a)
+            assert probability_zero >= 0.0 and probability_zero <= 1.0
+        elif o in ("-o", "--output-file"):
+            output_file_path = a
+        elif o in ('-p', "--params-output-file"):
+            params_output_file_path = a
+        elif o in ('-x', "--labels-output-file"):
+            labels_output_file_path = a
+        elif o in ('-s', "--stop-after"):
+            stop_after = int(a)
+        elif o in ('-f', "--data-file"):
+            nist_path = a
+        elif o in ('-l', "--label-file"):
+            label_path = a
+        elif o in ('-c', "--ocr-file"):
+            ocr_path = a
+        elif o in ('-d', "--ocrlabel-file"):
+            ocrlabel_path = a
+        elif o in ('-a', "--prob-font"):
+            prob_font = float(a)
+        elif o in ('-b', "--prob-captcha"):
+            prob_captcha = float(a)
+        elif o in ('-g', "--prob-ocr"):
+            prob_ocr = float(a)
+        elif o in ('-y', "--seed"):
+            pass
+        else:
+            assert False, "unhandled option"
+    if output_file_path == None or params_output_file_path == None or labels_output_file_path == None:
+        print "Must specify the three output files."
+        usage()
+        pdb.gimp_quit(0)
+        sys.exit(2)
+    if reload_mode:
+        reload(output_file_path, params_output_file_path)
+    else:
+        if DEBUG_IMAGES_PATH:
+            '''
+            # This code is yet untested
+            debug_images = DebugImages(DEBUG_IMAGES_PATH)
+            num_img = len(debug_images.filelist)
+            pl = Pipeline(modules=MODULE_INSTANCES, num_img=num_img, image_size=(32,32))
+            img_it = debug_images_iterator(debug_images)
+            '''
+        else:
+            nist = NistData(nist_path, label_path, ocr_path, ocrlabel_path)
+            num_img = 819200 # 800 Mb file
+            if stop_after:
+                num_img = stop_after
+            pl = Pipeline(modules=MODULE_INSTANCES, num_img=num_img, image_size=(32,32))
+            img_it = nist_supp_iterator(nist, prob_font, prob_captcha, prob_ocr, num_img)
+        cpx_it = range_complexity_iterator(probability_zero, max_complexity)
+        pl.run(img_it, cpx_it)
+        pl.write_output(output_file_path, params_output_file_path, labels_output_file_path)
+if DEBUG_X:
+    pylab.ioff()
+    pylab.show()