diff writeup/nips2010_cameraready.tex @ 604:51213beaed8b

draft of NIPS 2010 workshop camera-ready version
author Yoshua Bengio <bengioy@iro.umontreal.ca>
date Mon, 22 Nov 2010 14:52:33 -0500
children 63f838479510
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+++ b/writeup/nips2010_cameraready.tex	Mon Nov 22 14:52:33 2010 -0500
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+\documentclass{article} % For LaTeX2e
+\title{Deep Self-Taught Learning for Handwritten Character Recognition}
+Frédéric  Bastien, 
+Yoshua  Bengio, 
+Arnaud  Bergeron, 
+Nicolas  Boulanger-Lewandowski,
+Thomas  Breuel,\\ 
+{\bf Youssouf  Chherawala, 
+Moustapha  Cisse, 
+Myriam  Côté, 
+Dumitru  Erhan,
+Jeremy  Eustache,}\\
+{\bf Xavier  Glorot, 
+Xavier  Muller,
+Sylvain  Pannetier Lebeuf,
+Razvan  Pascanu,} \\
+{\bf Salah  Rifai, 
+Francois  Savard, 
+Guillaume  Sicard}\\
+Dept. IRO, U. Montreal 
+  Recent theoretical and empirical work in statistical machine learning has
+  demonstrated the importance of learning algorithms for deep
+  architectures, i.e., function classes obtained by composing multiple
+  non-linear transformations. Self-taught learning (exploiting unlabeled
+  examples or examples from other distributions) has already been applied
+  to deep learners, but mostly to show the advantage of unlabeled
+  examples. Here we explore the advantage brought by {\em out-of-distribution examples}.
+For this purpose we
+  developed a powerful generator of stochastic variations and noise
+  processes for character images, including not only affine transformations
+  but also slant, local elastic deformations, changes in thickness,
+  background images, grey level changes, contrast, occlusion, and various
+  types of noise. The out-of-distribution examples are obtained from these
+  highly distorted images or by including examples of object classes
+  different from those in the target test set.
+  We show that {\em deep learners benefit
+    more from them than a corresponding shallow learner}, at least in the area of
+  handwritten character recognition. In fact, we show that they reach
+  human-level performance on both handwritten digit classification and
+  62-class handwritten character recognition.  
+{\bf Deep Learning} has emerged as a promising new area of research in
+statistical machine learning~\citep{Hinton06,ranzato-07-small,Bengio-nips-2006,VincentPLarochelleH2008-very-small,ranzato-08,TaylorHintonICML2009,Larochelle-jmlr-2009,Salakhutdinov+Hinton-2009,HonglakL2009,HonglakLNIPS2009,Jarrett-ICCV2009,Taylor-cvpr-2010}. See \citet{Bengio-2009} for a review.
+Learning algorithms for deep architectures are centered on the learning
+of useful representations of data, which are better suited to the task at hand,
+and are organized in a hierarchy with multiple levels.
+This is in part inspired by observations of the mammalian visual cortex, 
+which consists of a chain of processing elements, each of which is associated with a
+different representation of the raw visual input. In fact,
+it was found recently that the features learnt in deep architectures resemble
+those observed in the first two of these stages (in areas V1 and V2
+of visual cortex)~\citep{HonglakL2008}, and that they become more and
+more invariant to factors of variation (such as camera movement) in
+higher layers~\citep{Goodfellow2009}.
+It has been hypothesized that learning a hierarchy of features increases the
+ease and practicality of developing representations that are at once
+tailored to specific tasks, yet are able to borrow statistical strength
+from other related tasks (e.g., modeling different kinds of objects). Finally, learning the
+feature representation can lead to higher-level (more abstract, more
+general) features that are more robust to unanticipated sources of
+variance extant in real data.
+{\bf Self-taught learning}~\citep{RainaR2007} is a paradigm that combines principles
+of semi-supervised and multi-task learning: the learner can exploit examples
+that are unlabeled and possibly come from a distribution different from the target
+distribution, e.g., from other classes than those of interest. 
+It has already been shown that deep learners can clearly take advantage of
+unsupervised learning and unlabeled examples~\citep{Bengio-2009,WestonJ2008-small},
+but more needs to be done to explore the impact
+of {\em out-of-distribution} examples and of the multi-task setting
+(one exception is~\citep{CollobertR2008}, which uses a different kind
+of learning algorithm). In particular the {\em relative
+advantage} of deep learning for these settings has not been evaluated.
+The hypothesis discussed in the conclusion is that a deep hierarchy of features
+may be better able to provide sharing of statistical strength
+between different regions in input space or different tasks.
+Whereas a deep architecture can in principle be more powerful than a
+shallow one in terms of representation, depth appears to render the
+training problem more difficult in terms of optimization and local minima.
+It is also only recently that successful algorithms were proposed to
+overcome some of these difficulties.  All are based on unsupervised
+learning, often in an greedy layer-wise ``unsupervised pre-training''
+The principle is that each layer starting from
+the bottom is trained to represent its input (the output of the previous
+layer). After this
+unsupervised initialization, the stack of layers can be
+converted into a deep supervised feedforward neural network and fine-tuned by
+stochastic gradient descent.
+One of these layer initialization techniques,
+applied here, is the Denoising
+Auto-encoder~(DA)~\citep{VincentPLarochelleH2008-very-small} (see
+Figure~\ref{fig:da}), which performed similarly or 
+better~\citep{VincentPLarochelleH2008-very-small} than previously
+proposed Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM)~\citep{Hinton06} 
+in terms of unsupervised extraction
+of a hierarchy of features useful for classification. Each layer is trained
+to denoise its input, creating a layer of features that can be used as
+input for the next layer, forming a Stacked Denoising Auto-encoder (SDA).
+Note that training a Denoising Auto-encoder
+can actually been seen as training a particular RBM by an inductive
+principle different from maximum likelihood~\citep{Vincent-SM-2010}, 
+namely by Score Matching~\citep{Hyvarinen-2005,HyvarinenA2008}. 
+Previous comparative experimental results with stacking of RBMs and DAs
+to build deep supervised predictors had shown that they could outperform
+shallow architectures in a variety of settings, especially
+when the data involves complex interactions between many factors of 
+variation~\citep{LarochelleH2007,Bengio-2009}. Other experiments have suggested
+that the unsupervised layer-wise pre-training acted as a useful
+prior~\citep{Erhan+al-2010} that allows one to initialize a deep
+neural network in a relatively much smaller region of parameter space, 
+corresponding to better generalization.
+To further the understanding of the reasons for the good performance
+observed with deep learners, we focus here on the following {\em hypothesis}:
+intermediate levels of representation, especially when there are
+more such levels, can be exploited to {\bf share
+statistical strength across different but related types of examples},
+such as examples coming from other tasks than the task of interest
+(the multi-task setting), or examples coming from an overlapping
+but different distribution (images with different kinds of perturbations
+and noises, here). This is consistent with the hypotheses discussed
+in~\citet{Bengio-2009} regarding the potential advantage
+of deep learning and the idea that more levels of representation can
+give rise to more abstract, more general features of the raw input.
+This hypothesis is related to a learning setting called
+{\bf self-taught learning}~\citep{RainaR2007}, which combines principles
+of semi-supervised and multi-task learning: the learner can exploit examples
+that are unlabeled and possibly come from a distribution different from the target
+distribution, e.g., from other classes than those of interest. 
+It has already been shown that deep learners can clearly take advantage of
+unsupervised learning and unlabeled examples~\citep{Bengio-2009,WestonJ2008-small},
+but more needed to be done to explore the impact
+of {\em out-of-distribution} examples and of the {\em multi-task} setting
+(one exception is~\citep{CollobertR2008}, which shares and uses unsupervised
+pre-training only with the first layer). In particular the {\em relative
+advantage of deep learning} for these settings has not been evaluated.
+The {\bf main claim} of this paper is that deep learners (with several levels of representation) can
+{\bf benefit more from out-of-distribution examples than shallow learners} (with a single
+level), both in the context of the multi-task setting and from
+ perturbed examples. Because we are able to improve on state-of-the-art
+performance and reach human-level performance
+on a large-scale task, we consider that this paper is also a contribution
+to advance the application of machine learning to handwritten character recognition.
+More precisely, we ask and answer the following questions:
+$\bullet$ %\item 
+Do the good results previously obtained with deep architectures on the
+MNIST digit images generalize to the setting of a similar but much larger and richer
+dataset, the NIST special database 19, with 62 classes and around 800k examples?
+$\bullet$ %\item 
+To what extent does the perturbation of input images (e.g. adding
+noise, affine transformations, background images) make the resulting
+classifiers better not only on similarly perturbed images but also on
+the {\em original clean examples}? We study this question in the
+context of the 62-class and 10-class tasks of the NIST special database 19.
+$\bullet$ %\item 
+Do deep architectures {\em benefit {\bf more} from such out-of-distribution}
+examples, in particular do they benefit more from 
+examples that are perturbed versions of the examples from the task of interest?
+$\bullet$ %\item 
+Similarly, does the feature learning step in deep learning algorithms benefit {\bf more}
+from training with moderately {\em different classes} (i.e. a multi-task learning scenario) than
+a corresponding shallow and purely supervised architecture?
+We train on 62 classes and test on 10 (digits) or 26 (upper case or lower case)
+to answer this question.
+Our experimental results provide positive evidence towards all of these questions,
+as well as {\bf classifiers that reach human-level performance on 62-class isolated character
+recognition and beat previously published results on the NIST dataset (special database 19)}.
+To achieve these results, we introduce in the next section a sophisticated system
+for stochastically transforming character images and then explain the methodology,
+which is based on training with or without these transformed images and testing on 
+clean ones. 
+Code for generating these transformations as well as for the deep learning 
+algorithms are made available at {\tt http://hg.assembla.com/ift6266}.
+\section{Perturbed and Transformed Character Images}
+{\bf Original}
+This section describes the different transformations we used to stochastically
+transform $32 \times 32$ source images (such as the one on the left)
+in order to obtain data from a larger distribution which
+covers a domain substantially larger than the clean characters distribution from
+which we start.
+Although character transformations have been used before to
+improve character recognizers, this effort is on a large scale both
+in number of classes and in the complexity of the transformations, hence
+in the complexity of the learning task.
+More details can
+be found in this technical report~\citep{ARXIV-2010}.
+The code for these transformations (mostly python) is available at 
+{\tt http://hg.assembla.com/ift6266}. All the modules in the pipeline share
+a global control parameter ($0 \le complexity \le 1$) that allows one to modulate the
+amount of deformation or noise introduced. 
+There are two main parts in the pipeline. The first one,
+from thickness to pinch, performs transformations. The second
+part, from blur to contrast, adds different kinds of noise.
+{\large\bf 2.1 Transformations}
+{\bf Thickness}
+To change character {\bf thickness}, morphological operators of dilation and erosion~\citep{Haralick87,Serra82}
+are applied. The neighborhood of each pixel is multiplied
+element-wise with a {\em structuring element} matrix.
+The pixel value is replaced by the maximum or the minimum of the resulting
+matrix, respectively for dilation or erosion. Ten different structural elements with 
+increasing dimensions (largest is $5\times5$) were used.  For each image, 
+randomly sample the operator type (dilation or erosion) with equal probability and one structural
+element from a subset of the $n=round(m \times complexity)$ smallest structuring elements
+where $m=10$ for dilation and $m=6$ for erosion (to avoid completely erasing thin characters).  
+A neutral element (no transformation) 
+is always present in the set.
+{\bf Slant}
+To produce {\bf slant}, each row of the image is shifted
+proportionally to its height: $shift = round(slant \times height)$.  
+$slant \sim U[-complexity,complexity]$.
+The shift is randomly chosen to be either to the left or to the right.
+{\small {\bf Affine \mbox{Transformation}}}
+A $2 \times 3$ {\bf affine transform} matrix (with
+parameters $(a,b,c,d,e,f)$) is sampled according to the $complexity$.
+Output pixel $(x,y)$ takes the value of input pixel
+nearest to $(ax+by+c,dx+ey+f)$,
+producing scaling, translation, rotation and shearing.
+Marginal distributions of $(a,b,c,d,e,f)$ have been tuned to
+forbid large rotations (to avoid confusing classes) but to give good
+variability of the transformation: $a$ and $d$ $\sim U[1-3
+complexity,1+3\,complexity]$, $b$ and $e$ $\sim U[-3 \,complexity,3\,
+complexity]$, and $c$ and $f \sim U[-4 \,complexity, 4 \,
+{\bf Local Elastic Deformation}
+The {\bf local elastic deformation}
+module induces a ``wiggly'' effect in the image, following~\citet{SimardSP03-short},
+which provides more details. 
+The intensity of the displacement fields is given by 
+$\alpha = \sqrt[3]{complexity} \times 10.0$, which are 
+convolved with a Gaussian 2D kernel (resulting in a blur) of
+standard deviation $\sigma = 10 - 7 \times\sqrt[3]{complexity}$.
+{\bf Pinch}
+The {\bf pinch} module applies the ``Whirl and pinch'' GIMP filter with whirl set to 0. 
+A pinch is ``similar to projecting the image onto an elastic
+surface and pressing or pulling on the center of the surface'' (GIMP documentation manual).
+For a square input image, draw a radius-$r$ disk
+around its center $C$. Any pixel $P$ belonging to
+that disk has its value replaced by
+the value of a ``source'' pixel in the original image,
+on the line that goes through $C$ and $P$, but
+at some other distance $d_2$. Define $d_1=distance(P,C)$
+and $d_2 = sin(\frac{\pi{}d_1}{2r})^{-pinch} \times
+d_1$, where $pinch$ is a parameter of the filter.
+The actual value is given by bilinear interpolation considering the pixels
+around the (non-integer) source position thus found.
+Here $pinch \sim U[-complexity, 0.7 \times complexity]$.
+{\large\bf 2.2 Injecting Noise}
+%\subsection{Injecting Noise}
+{\bf Motion Blur}
+The {\bf motion blur} module is GIMP's ``linear motion blur'', which
+has parameters $length$ and $angle$. The value of
+a pixel in the final image is approximately the  mean of the first $length$ pixels
+found by moving in the $angle$ direction,
+$angle \sim U[0,360]$ degrees, and $length \sim {\rm Normal}(0,(3 \times complexity)^2)$.
+{\bf Occlusion}
+The {\bf occlusion} module selects a random rectangle from an {\em occluder} character
+image and places it over the original {\em occluded}
+image. Pixels are combined by taking the max(occluder, occluded),
+i.e. keeping the lighter ones.
+The rectangle corners
+are sampled so that larger complexity gives larger rectangles.
+The destination position in the occluded image are also sampled
+according to a normal distribution (more details in~\citet{ift6266-tr-anonymous}).
+This module is skipped with probability 60\%.
+{\bf Gaussian Smoothing}
+With the {\bf Gaussian smoothing} module, 
+different regions of the image are spatially smoothed.
+This is achieved  by first convolving
+the image with an isotropic Gaussian kernel of
+size and variance chosen uniformly in the ranges $[12,12 + 20 \times
+complexity]$ and $[2,2 + 6 \times complexity]$. This filtered image is normalized
+between $0$ and $1$.  We also create an isotropic weighted averaging window, of the
+kernel size, with maximum value at the center.  For each image we sample
+uniformly from $3$ to $3 + 10 \times complexity$ pixels that will be
+averaging centers between the original image and the filtered one.  We
+initialize to zero a mask matrix of the image size. For each selected pixel
+we add to the mask the averaging window centered on it.  The final image is
+computed from the following element-wise operation: $\frac{image + filtered\_image
+\times mask}{mask+1}$.
+This module is skipped with probability 75\%.
+{\small\bf Permute Pixels}
+This module {\bf permutes neighbouring pixels}. It first selects a
+fraction $\frac{complexity}{3}$ of pixels randomly in the image. Each
+of these pixels is then sequentially exchanged with a random pixel
+among its four nearest neighbors (on its left, right, top or bottom).
+This module is skipped with probability 80\%.\\
+{\small \bf Gauss. Noise}
+The {\bf Gaussian noise} module simply adds, to each pixel of the image independently, a
+noise $\sim Normal(0,(\frac{complexity}{10})^2)$.
+This module is skipped with probability 70\%.
+{\small \bf Bg Image}
+Following~\citet{Larochelle-jmlr-2009}, the {\bf background image} module adds a random
+background image behind the letter, from a randomly chosen natural image,
+with contrast adjustments depending on $complexity$, to preserve
+more or less of the original character image.
+{\small \bf Salt \& Pepper}
+The {\bf salt and pepper noise} module adds noise $\sim U[0,1]$ to random subsets of pixels.
+The number of selected pixels is $0.2 \times complexity$.
+This module is skipped with probability 75\%.
+{\bf Scratches}
+The {\bf scratches} module places line-like white patches on the image.  The
+lines are heavily transformed images of the digit ``1'' (one), chosen
+at random among 500 such 1 images,
+randomly cropped and rotated by an angle $\sim Normal(0,(100 \times
+complexity)^2$ (in degrees), using bi-cubic interpolation.
+Two passes of a grey-scale morphological erosion filter
+are applied, reducing the width of the line
+by an amount controlled by $complexity$.
+This module is skipped with probability 85\%. The probabilities
+of applying 1, 2, or 3 patches are (50\%,30\%,20\%).
+{\bf Grey Level \& Contrast}
+The {\bf grey level and contrast} module changes the contrast by changing grey levels, and may invert the image polarity (white
+to black and black to white). The contrast is $C \sim U[1-0.85 \times complexity,1]$ 
+so the image is normalized into $[\frac{1-C}{2},1-\frac{1-C}{2}]$. The
+polarity is inverted with probability 50\%.
+\caption{Illustration of the pipeline of stochastic 
+transformations applied to the image of a lower-case \emph{t}
+(the upper left image). Each image in the pipeline (going from
+left to right, first top line, then bottom line) shows the result
+of applying one of the modules in the pipeline. The last image
+(bottom right) is used as training example.}
+\section{Experimental Setup}
+Much previous work on deep learning had been performed on
+the MNIST digits task~\citep{Hinton06,ranzato-07-small,Bengio-nips-2006,Salakhutdinov+Hinton-2009},
+with 60~000 examples, and variants involving 10~000
+The focus here is on much larger training sets, from 10 times to 
+to 1000 times larger, and 62 classes.
+The first step in constructing the larger datasets (called NISTP and P07) is to sample from
+a {\em data source}: {\bf NIST} (NIST database 19), {\bf Fonts}, {\bf Captchas},
+and {\bf OCR data} (scanned machine printed characters). Once a character
+is sampled from one of these {\em data sources} (chosen randomly), the second step is to
+apply a pipeline of transformations and/or noise processes described in section \ref{s:perturbations}.
+To provide a baseline of error rate comparison we also estimate human performance
+on both the 62-class task and the 10-class digits task.
+We compare the best Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLP) against
+the best Stacked Denoising Auto-encoders (SDA), when
+both models' hyper-parameters are selected to minimize the validation set error.
+We also provide a comparison against a precise estimate
+of human performance obtained via Amazon's Mechanical Turk (AMT)
+service ({\tt http://mturk.com}). 
+AMT users are paid small amounts
+of money to perform tasks for which human intelligence is required.
+An incentive for them to do the job right is that payment can be denied
+if the job is not properly done.
+Mechanical Turk has been used extensively in natural language processing and vision.
+%processing \citep{SnowEtAl2008} and vision
+AMT users were presented
+with 10 character images at a time (from a test set) and asked to choose 10 corresponding ASCII
+characters. They were forced to choose a single character class (either among the
+62 or 10 character classes) for each image.
+80 subjects classified 2500 images per (dataset,task) pair.
+Different humans labelers sometimes provided a different label for the same
+example, and we were able to estimate the error variance due to this effect
+because each image was classified by 3 different persons. 
+The average error of humans on the 62-class task NIST test set
+is 18.2\%, with a standard error of 0.1\%.
+\subsection{Data Sources}
+{\bf NIST.}
+Our main source of characters is the NIST Special Database 19~\citep{Grother-1995}, 
+widely used for training and testing character
+recognition systems~\citep{Granger+al-2007,Cortes+al-2000,Oliveira+al-2002-short,Milgram+al-2005}. 
+The dataset is composed of 814255 digits and characters (upper and lower cases), with hand checked classifications,
+extracted from handwritten sample forms of 3600 writers. The characters are labelled by one of the 62 classes 
+corresponding to ``0''-``9'',``A''-``Z'' and ``a''-``z''. The dataset contains 8 parts (partitions) of varying complexity. 
+The fourth partition (called $hsf_4$, 82587 examples), 
+experimentally recognized to be the most difficult one, is the one recommended 
+by NIST as a testing set and is used in our work as well as some previous work~\citep{Granger+al-2007,Cortes+al-2000,Oliveira+al-2002-short,Milgram+al-2005}
+for that purpose. We randomly split the remainder (731,668 examples) into a training set and a validation set for
+model selection. 
+The performances reported by previous work on that dataset mostly use only the digits.
+Here we use all the classes both in the training and testing phase. This is especially
+useful to estimate the effect of a multi-task setting.
+The distribution of the classes in the NIST training and test sets differs
+substantially, with relatively many more digits in the test set, and a more uniform distribution
+of letters in the test set (whereas in the training set they are distributed
+more like in natural text).
+{\bf Fonts.} 
+In order to have a good variety of sources we downloaded an important number of free fonts from:
+{\tt http://cg.scs.carleton.ca/\textasciitilde luc/freefonts.html}.
+% TODO: pointless to anonymize, it's not pointing to our work
+Including an operating system's (Windows 7) fonts, there is a total of $9817$ different fonts that we can choose uniformly from.
+The chosen {\tt ttf} file is either used as input of the Captcha generator (see next item) or, by producing a corresponding image, 
+directly as input to our models.
+{\bf Captchas.}
+The Captcha data source is an adaptation of the \emph{pycaptcha} library (a Python-based captcha generator library) for 
+generating characters of the same format as the NIST dataset. This software is based on
+a random character class generator and various kinds of transformations similar to those described in the previous sections. 
+In order to increase the variability of the data generated, many different fonts are used for generating the characters. 
+Transformations (slant, distortions, rotation, translation) are applied to each randomly generated character with a complexity
+depending on the value of the complexity parameter provided by the user of the data source. 
+%Two levels of complexity are allowed and can be controlled via an easy to use facade class. %TODO: what's a facade class?
+{\bf OCR data.}
+A large set (2 million) of scanned, OCRed and manually verified machine-printed 
+characters where included as an
+additional source. This set is part of a larger corpus being collected by the Image Understanding
+Pattern Recognition Research group led by Thomas Breuel at University of Kaiserslautern 
+({\tt http://www.iupr.com}), and which will be publicly released.
+%TODO: let's hope that Thomas is not a reviewer! :) Seriously though, maybe we should anonymize this
+\subsection{Data Sets}
+All data sets contain 32$\times$32 grey-level images (values in $[0,1]$) associated with a label
+from one of the 62 character classes. They are obtained from the optional application of the
+perturbation pipeline to iid samples from the datasources, and they are randomly split into 
+training set, validation set, and test set.
+{\bf NIST.} This is the raw NIST special database 19~\citep{Grother-1995}. It has
+\{651668 / 80000 / 82587\} \{training / validation / test\} examples, containing
+upper case, lower case, and digits.
+{\bf P07.} This dataset of upper case, lower case and digit images
+is obtained by taking raw characters from all four of the above sources
+and sending them through the transformation pipeline described in section \ref{s:perturbations}.
+For each new example to generate, a data source is selected with probability $10\%$ from the fonts,
+$25\%$ from the captchas, $25\%$ from the OCR data and $40\%$ from NIST. We apply all the transformations in the
+order given above, and for each of them we sample uniformly a \emph{complexity} in the range $[0,0.7]$.
+It has \{81920000 / 80000 / 20000\} \{training / validation / test\} examples.
+{\bf NISTP.} This one is equivalent to P07 (complexity parameter of $0.7$ with the same proportions of data sources)
+  except that we only apply
+  transformations from slant to pinch. Therefore, the character is
+  transformed but no additional noise is added to the image, giving images
+  closer to the NIST dataset. 
+It has \{81,920,000 / 80,000 / 20,000\} \{training / validation / test\} examples
+obtained from the corresponding NIST sets plus other sources.
+\subsection{Models and their Hyperparameters}
+The experiments are performed using MLPs (with a single
+hidden layer) and deep SDAs.
+\emph{Hyper-parameters are selected based on the {\bf NISTP} validation set error.}
+{\bf Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLP).}
+Whereas previous work had compared deep architectures to both shallow MLPs and
+SVMs, we only compared to MLPs here because of the very large datasets used
+(making the use of SVMs computationally challenging because of their quadratic
+scaling behavior). Preliminary experiments on training SVMs (libSVM) with subsets of the training
+set allowing the program to fit in memory yielded substantially worse results
+than those obtained with MLPs. For training on nearly a hundred million examples
+(with the perturbed data), the MLPs and SDA are much more convenient than
+classifiers based on kernel methods.
+The MLP has a single hidden layer with $\tanh$ activation functions, and softmax (normalized
+exponentials) on the output layer for estimating $P(class | image)$.
+The number of hidden units is taken in $\{300,500,800,1000,1500\}$. 
+Training examples are presented in minibatches of size 20. A constant learning
+rate was chosen among $\{0.001, 0.01, 0.025, 0.075, 0.1, 0.5\}$.
+%through preliminary experiments (measuring performance on a validation set),
+%and $0.1$ (which was found to work best) was then selected for optimizing on
+%the whole training sets.
+{\bf Stacked Denoising Auto-encoders (SDA).}
+Various auto-encoder variants and Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs)
+can be used to initialize the weights of each layer of a deep MLP (with many hidden 
+apparently setting parameters in the
+basin of attraction of supervised gradient descent yielding better 
+generalization~\citep{Erhan+al-2010}.  This initial {\em unsupervised
+pre-training phase} uses all of the training images but not the training labels.
+Each layer is trained in turn to produce a new representation of its input
+(starting from the raw pixels).
+It is hypothesized that the
+advantage brought by this procedure stems from a better prior,
+on the one hand taking advantage of the link between the input
+distribution $P(x)$ and the conditional distribution of interest
+$P(y|x)$ (like in semi-supervised learning), and on the other hand
+taking advantage of the expressive power and bias implicit in the
+deep architecture (whereby complex concepts are expressed as
+compositions of simpler ones through a deep hierarchy).
+\caption{Illustration of the computations and training criterion for the denoising
+auto-encoder used to pre-train each layer of the deep architecture. Input $x$ of
+the layer (i.e. raw input or output of previous layer)
+s corrupted into $\tilde{x}$ and encoded into code $y$ by the encoder $f_\theta(\cdot)$.
+The decoder $g_{\theta'}(\cdot)$ maps $y$ to reconstruction $z$, which
+is compared to the uncorrupted input $x$ through the loss function
+$L_H(x,z)$, whose expected value is approximately minimized during training
+by tuning $\theta$ and $\theta'$.}
+Here we chose to use the Denoising
+Auto-encoder~\citep{VincentPLarochelleH2008} as the building block for
+these deep hierarchies of features, as it is simple to train and
+explain (see Figure~\ref{fig:da}, as well as 
+tutorial and code there: {\tt http://deeplearning.net/tutorial}), 
+provides efficient inference, and yielded results
+comparable or better than RBMs in series of experiments
+\citep{VincentPLarochelleH2008-very-small}. It really corresponds to a Gaussian
+RBM trained by a Score Matching criterion~\cite{Vincent-SM-2010}.
+During training, a Denoising
+Auto-encoder is presented with a stochastically corrupted version
+of the input and trained to reconstruct the uncorrupted input,
+forcing the hidden units to represent the leading regularities in
+the data. Here we use the random binary masking corruption
+(which sets to 0 a random subset of the inputs).
+ Once it is trained, in a purely unsupervised way, 
+its hidden units' activations can
+be used as inputs for training a second one, etc.
+After this unsupervised pre-training stage, the parameters
+are used to initialize a deep MLP, which is fine-tuned by
+the same standard procedure used to train them (see previous section).
+The SDA hyper-parameters are the same as for the MLP, with the addition of the
+amount of corruption noise (we used the masking noise process, whereby a
+fixed proportion of the input values, randomly selected, are zeroed), and a
+separate learning rate for the unsupervised pre-training stage (selected
+from the same above set). The fraction of inputs corrupted was selected
+among $\{10\%, 20\%, 50\%\}$. Another hyper-parameter is the number
+of hidden layers but it was fixed to 3 based on previous work with
+SDAs on MNIST~\citep{VincentPLarochelleH2008-very-small}. The size of the hidden
+layers was kept constant across hidden layers, and the best results
+were obtained with the largest values that we could experiment
+with given our patience, with 1000 hidden units.
+\caption{SDAx are the {\bf deep} models. Error bars indicate a 95\% confidence interval. 0 indicates that the model was trained
+on NIST, 1 on NISTP, and 2 on P07. Left: overall results
+of all models, on NIST and NISTP test sets.
+Right: error rates on NIST test digits only, along with the previous results from 
+respectively based on ART, nearest neighbors, MLPs, and SVMs.}
+\caption{Relative improvement in error rate due to self-taught learning. 
+Left: Improvement (or loss, when negative)
+induced by out-of-distribution examples (perturbed data). 
+Right: Improvement (or loss, when negative) induced by multi-task 
+learning (training on all classes and testing only on either digits,
+upper case, or lower-case). The deep learner (SDA) benefits more from
+both self-taught learning scenarios, compared to the shallow MLP.}
+\section{Experimental Results}
+%\subsection{SDA vs MLP vs Humans}
+The models are either trained on NIST (MLP0 and SDA0), 
+NISTP (MLP1 and SDA1), or P07 (MLP2 and SDA2), and tested
+on either NIST, NISTP or P07 (regardless of the data set used for training),
+either on the 62-class task
+or on the 10-digits task. Training time (including about half
+for unsupervised pre-training, for DAs) on the larger
+datasets is around one day on a GPU (GTX 285).
+Figure~\ref{fig:error-rates-charts} summarizes the results obtained,
+comparing humans, the three MLPs (MLP0, MLP1, MLP2) and the three SDAs (SDA0, SDA1,
+SDA2), along with the previous results on the digits NIST special database
+19 test set from the literature, respectively based on ARTMAP neural
+networks ~\citep{Granger+al-2007}, fast nearest-neighbor search
+~\citep{Cortes+al-2000}, MLPs ~\citep{Oliveira+al-2002-short}, and SVMs
+~\citep{Milgram+al-2005}.%  More detailed and complete numerical results
+%(figures and tables, including standard errors on the error rates) can be
+%found in Appendix.
+The deep learner not only outperformed the shallow ones and
+previously published performance (in a statistically and qualitatively
+significant way) but when trained with perturbed data
+reaches human performance on both the 62-class task
+and the 10-class (digits) task. 
+17\% error (SDA1) or 18\% error (humans) may seem large but a large
+majority of the errors from humans and from SDA1 are from out-of-context
+confusions (e.g. a vertical bar can be a ``1'', an ``l'' or an ``L'', and a
+``c'' and a ``C'' are often indistinguishible).
+In addition, as shown in the left of
+Figure~\ref{fig:improvements-charts}, the relative improvement in error
+rate brought by self-taught learning is greater for the SDA, and these
+differences with the MLP are statistically and qualitatively
+The left side of the figure shows the improvement to the clean
+NIST test set error brought by the use of out-of-distribution examples
+(i.e. the perturbed examples examples from NISTP or P07),
+over the models trained exclusively on NIST (respectively SDA0 and MLP0).
+Relative percent change is measured by taking
+$100 \% \times$ (original model's error / perturbed-data model's error - 1).
+The right side of
+Figure~\ref{fig:improvements-charts} shows the relative improvement
+brought by the use of a multi-task setting, in which the same model is
+trained for more classes than the target classes of interest (i.e. training
+with all 62 classes when the target classes are respectively the digits,
+lower-case, or upper-case characters). Again, whereas the gain from the
+multi-task setting is marginal or negative for the MLP, it is substantial
+for the SDA.  Note that to simplify these multi-task experiments, only the original
+NIST dataset is used. For example, the MLP-digits bar shows the relative
+percent improvement in MLP error rate on the NIST digits test set 
+is $100\% \times$ (single-task
+model's error / multi-task model's error - 1).  The single-task model is
+trained with only 10 outputs (one per digit), seeing only digit examples,
+whereas the multi-task model is trained with 62 outputs, with all 62
+character classes as examples.  Hence the hidden units are shared across
+all tasks.  For the multi-task model, the digit error rate is measured by
+comparing the correct digit class with the output class associated with the
+maximum conditional probability among only the digit classes outputs.  The
+setting is similar for the other two target classes (lower case characters
+and upper case characters). Note however that some types of perturbations
+(NISTP) help more than others (P07) when testing on the clean images.
+%\subsection{Perturbed Training Data More Helpful for SDA}
+%\subsection{Multi-Task Learning Effects}
+As previously seen, the SDA is better able to benefit from the
+transformations applied to the data than the MLP. In this experiment we
+define three tasks: recognizing digits (knowing that the input is a digit),
+recognizing upper case characters (knowing that the input is one), and
+recognizing lower case characters (knowing that the input is one).  We
+consider the digit classification task as the target task and we want to
+evaluate whether training with the other tasks can help or hurt, and
+whether the effect is different for MLPs versus SDAs.  The goal is to find
+out if deep learning can benefit more (or less) from multiple related tasks
+(i.e. the multi-task setting) compared to a corresponding purely supervised
+shallow learner.
+We use a single hidden layer MLP with 1000 hidden units, and a SDA
+with 3 hidden layers (1000 hidden units per layer), pre-trained and
+fine-tuned on NIST.
+Our results show that the MLP benefits marginally from the multi-task setting
+in the case of digits (5\% relative improvement) but is actually hurt in the case
+of characters (respectively 3\% and 4\% worse for lower and upper class characters).
+On the other hand the SDA benefited from the multi-task setting, with relative
+error rate improvements of 27\%, 15\% and 13\% respectively for digits,
+lower and upper case characters, as shown in Table~\ref{tab:multi-task}.
+\section{Conclusions and Discussion}
+We have found that the self-taught learning framework is more beneficial
+to a deep learner than to a traditional shallow and purely
+supervised learner. More precisely, 
+the answers are positive for all the questions asked in the introduction.
+$\bullet$ %\item 
+{\bf Do the good results previously obtained with deep architectures on the
+MNIST digits generalize to a much larger and richer (but similar)
+dataset, the NIST special database 19, with 62 classes and around 800k examples}?
+Yes, the SDA {\em systematically outperformed the MLP and all the previously
+published results on this dataset} (the ones that we are aware of), {\em in fact reaching human-level
+performance} at around 17\% error on the 62-class task and 1.4\% on the digits,
+and beating previously published results on the same data.
+$\bullet$ %\item 
+{\bf To what extent do self-taught learning scenarios help deep learners,
+and do they help them more than shallow supervised ones}?
+We found that distorted training examples not only made the resulting
+classifier better on similarly perturbed images but also on
+the {\em original clean examples}, and more importantly and more novel,
+that deep architectures benefit more from such {\em out-of-distribution}
+examples. MLPs were helped by perturbed training examples when tested on perturbed input 
+images (65\% relative improvement on NISTP) 
+but only marginally helped (5\% relative improvement on all classes) 
+or even hurt (10\% relative loss on digits)
+with respect to clean examples. On the other hand, the deep SDAs
+were significantly boosted by these out-of-distribution examples.
+Similarly, whereas the improvement due to the multi-task setting was marginal or
+negative for the MLP (from +5.6\% to -3.6\% relative change), 
+it was quite significant for the SDA (from +13\% to +27\% relative change),
+which may be explained by the arguments below.
+In the original self-taught learning framework~\citep{RainaR2007}, the
+out-of-sample examples were used as a source of unsupervised data, and
+experiments showed its positive effects in a \emph{limited labeled data}
+scenario. However, many of the results by \citet{RainaR2007} (who used a
+shallow, sparse coding approach) suggest that the {\em relative gain of self-taught
+learning vs ordinary supervised learning} diminishes as the number of labeled examples increases.
+We note instead that, for deep
+architectures, our experiments show that such a positive effect is accomplished
+even in a scenario with a \emph{large number of labeled examples},
+i.e., here, the relative gain of self-taught learning and
+out-of-distribution examples is probably preserved
+in the asymptotic regime. However, note that in our perturbation experiments
+(but not in our multi-task experiments), 
+even the out-of-distribution examples are labeled, unlike in the
+earlier self-taught learning experiments~\citep{RainaR2007}.
+{\bf Why would deep learners benefit more from the self-taught learning framework}?
+The key idea is that the lower layers of the predictor compute a hierarchy
+of features that can be shared across tasks or across variants of the
+input distribution. A theoretical analysis of generalization improvements
+due to sharing of intermediate features across tasks already points
+towards that explanation~\cite{baxter95a}.
+Intermediate features that can be used in different
+contexts can be estimated in a way that allows to share statistical 
+strength. Features extracted through many levels are more likely to
+be more abstract and more invariant to some of the factors of variation
+in the underlying distribution (as the experiments in~\citet{Goodfellow2009} suggest),
+increasing the likelihood that they would be useful for a larger array
+of tasks and input conditions.
+Therefore, we hypothesize that both depth and unsupervised
+pre-training play a part in explaining the advantages observed here, and future
+experiments could attempt at teasing apart these factors.
+And why would deep learners benefit from the self-taught learning
+scenarios even when the number of labeled examples is very large?
+We hypothesize that this is related to the hypotheses studied
+in~\citet{Erhan+al-2010}. In~\citet{Erhan+al-2010}
+it was found that online learning on a huge dataset did not make the
+advantage of the deep learning bias vanish, and a similar phenomenon
+may be happening here. We hypothesize that unsupervised pre-training
+of a deep hierarchy with self-taught learning initializes the
+model in the basin of attraction of supervised gradient descent
+that corresponds to better generalization. Furthermore, such good
+basins of attraction are not discovered by pure supervised learning
+(with or without self-taught settings), and more labeled examples
+does not allow the model to go from the poorer basins of attraction discovered
+by the purely supervised shallow models to the kind of better basins associated
+with deep learning and self-taught learning.
+A Flash demo of the recognizer (where both the MLP and the SDA can be compared) 
+can be executed on-line at {\tt http://deep.host22.com}.