diff data_generation/transformations/local_elastic_distortions.py @ 167:1f5937e9e530

More moves - transformations into data_generation, added "deep" folder
author Dumitru Erhan <dumitru.erhan@gmail.com>
date Fri, 26 Feb 2010 14:15:38 -0500
parents transformations/local_elastic_distortions.py@b3d76ebf2fac
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/data_generation/transformations/local_elastic_distortions.py	Fri Feb 26 14:15:38 2010 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+Implementation of elastic distortions as described in
+Simard, Steinkraus, Platt, "Best Practices for Convolutional
+    Neural Networks Applied to Visual Document Analysis", 2003
+Author: François Savard
+Date: Fall 2009, revised Winter 2010
+Usage: create the Distorter with proper alpha, sigma etc.
+    Then each time you want to change the distortion field applied,
+    call regenerate_field(). 
+    (The point behind this is that regeneration takes some time,
+    so we better reuse the fields a few times)
+import sys
+import math
+import numpy
+import numpy.random
+import scipy.signal # convolve2d
+_TEST_DIR = "/u/savardf/ift6266/debug_images/"
+def _raw_zeros(size):
+    return [[0 for i in range(size[1])] for j in range(size[0])]
+class ElasticDistortionParams():
+    def __init__(self, image_size=(32,32), alpha=0.0, sigma=0.0):
+        self.image_size = image_size
+        self.alpha = alpha
+        self.sigma = sigma
+        h,w = self.image_size
+        self.matrix_tl_corners_rows = _raw_zeros((h,w))
+        self.matrix_tl_corners_cols = _raw_zeros((h,w))
+        self.matrix_tr_corners_rows = _raw_zeros((h,w))
+        self.matrix_tr_corners_cols = _raw_zeros((h,w))
+        self.matrix_bl_corners_rows = _raw_zeros((h,w))
+        self.matrix_bl_corners_cols = _raw_zeros((h,w))
+        self.matrix_br_corners_rows = _raw_zeros((h,w))
+        self.matrix_br_corners_cols = _raw_zeros((h,w))
+        # those will hold the precomputed ratios for
+        # bilinear interpolation
+        self.matrix_tl_multiply = numpy.zeros((h,w))
+        self.matrix_tr_multiply = numpy.zeros((h,w))
+        self.matrix_bl_multiply = numpy.zeros((h,w))
+        self.matrix_br_multiply = numpy.zeros((h,w))
+    def alpha_sigma(self):
+        return [self.alpha, self.sigma]
+class LocalElasticDistorter():
+    def __init__(self, image_size=(32,32)):
+        self.image_size = image_size
+        self.current_complexity_10 = 0
+        self.current_complexity = 0
+        # number of precomputed fields
+        # (principle: as complexity doesn't change often, we can
+        # precompute a certain number of fields for a given complexity,
+        # each with its own parameters. That way, we have good
+        # randomization, but we're much faster).
+        self.to_precompute_per_complexity = 50
+        # Both use ElasticDistortionParams
+        self.current_params = None
+        self.precomputed_params = [[] for i in range(10)]
+        # 
+        self.kernel_size = None
+        self.kernel = None
+        # set some defaults
+        self.regenerate_parameters(0.0)
+    def get_settings_names(self):
+        return []
+    def _floor_complexity(self, complexity):
+        return self._to_complexity_10(complexity) / 10.0
+    def _to_complexity_10(self, complexity):
+        return min(9, max(0, int(complexity * 10)))
+    def regenerate_parameters(self, complexity):
+        complexity_10 = self._to_complexity_10(complexity)
+        if complexity_10 != self.current_complexity_10:
+            self.current_complexity_10 = complexity_10
+            self.current_complexity = self._floor_complexity(complexity)
+        if len(self.precomputed_params[complexity_10]) <= self.to_precompute_per_complexity:
+            # not yet enough params generated, produce one more
+            # and append to list
+            new_params = self._initialize_new_params()
+            new_params = self._generate_fields(new_params)
+            self.current_params = new_params
+            self.precomputed_params[complexity_10].append(new_params)
+        else:
+            # if we have enough precomputed fields, just select one
+            # at random and set parameters to match what they were
+            # when the field was generated
+            idx = numpy.random.randint(0, len(self.precomputed_params[complexity_10]))
+            self.current_params = self.precomputed_params[complexity_10][idx]
+        # don't return anything, to avoid storing deterministic parameters
+        return [] # self.current_params.alpha_sigma()
+    def get_parameters_determined_by_complexity(self, complexity):
+        tmp_params = self._initialize_new_params(_floor_complexity(complexity))
+        return tmp_params.alpha_sigma()
+    def get_settings_names_determined_by_complexity(self, complexity):
+        return ['alpha', 'sigma']
+    # adapted from http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=163361
+    def _gen_gaussian_kernel(self, sigma):
+        # the kernel size can change DRAMATICALLY the time 
+        # for the blur operation... so even though results are better
+        # with a bigger kernel, we need to compromise here
+        # 1*s is very different from 2*s, but there's not much difference
+        # between 2*s and 4*s
+        ks = self.kernel_size
+        s = sigma
+        target_ks = (1.5*s, 1.5*s)
+        if not ks is None and ks[0] == target_ks[0] and ks[1] == target_ks[1]:
+            # kernel size is good, ok, no need to regenerate
+            return
+        self.kernel_size = target_ks
+        h,w = self.kernel_size
+        a,b = h/2.0, w/2.0
+        y,x = numpy.ogrid[0:w, 0:h]
+        gauss = numpy.exp(-numpy.square((x-a)/s))*numpy.exp(-numpy.square((y-b)/s))
+        # Normalize so we don't reduce image intensity
+        self.kernel = gauss/gauss.sum()
+    def _gen_distortion_field(self, params):
+        self._gen_gaussian_kernel(params.sigma)
+        # we add kernel_size on all four sides so blurring
+        # with the kernel produces a smoother result on borders
+        ks0 = self.kernel_size[0]
+        ks1 = self.kernel_size[1]
+        sz0 = self.image_size[1] + ks0
+        sz1 = self.image_size[0] + ks1
+        field = numpy.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, (sz0, sz1))
+        field = scipy.signal.convolve2d(field, self.kernel, mode='same')
+        # crop only image_size in the middle
+        field = field[ks0:ks0+self.image_size[0], ks1:ks1+self.image_size[1]]
+        return params.alpha * field
+    def _initialize_new_params(self, complexity=None):
+        if not complexity:
+            complexity = self.current_complexity
+        params = ElasticDistortionParams(self.image_size)
+        # pour faire progresser la complexité un peu plus vite
+        # tout en gardant les extrêmes de 0.0 et 1.0
+        complexity = complexity ** (1./3.)
+        # the smaller the alpha, the closest the pixels are fetched
+        # a max of 10 is reasonable
+        params.alpha = complexity * 10.0
+        # the bigger the sigma, the smoother is the distortion
+        # max of 1 is "reasonable", but produces VERY noisy results
+        # And the bigger the sigma, the bigger the blur kernel, and the
+        # slower the field generation, btw.
+        params.sigma = 10.0 - (7.0 * complexity)
+        return params
+    def _generate_fields(self, params):
+        '''
+        Here's how the code works:
+        - We first generate "distortion fields" for x and y with these steps:
+            - Uniform noise over [-1, 1] in a matrix of size (h,w)
+            - Blur with a Gaussian kernel of spread sigma
+            - Multiply by alpha
+        - Then (conceptually) to compose the distorted image, we loop over each pixel
+            of the new image and use the corresponding x and y distortions
+            (from the matrices generated above) to identify pixels
+            of the old image from which we fetch color data. As the
+            coordinates are not integer, we interpolate between the
+            4 nearby pixels (top left, top right etc.).
+        - That's just conceptually. Here I'm using matrix operations
+            to speed up the computation. I first identify the 4 nearby
+            pixels in the old image for each pixel in the distorted image.
+            I can then use them as "fancy indices" to extract the proper
+            pixels for each new pixel.
+        - Then I multiply those extracted nearby points by precomputed
+            ratios for the bilinear interpolation.
+        '''
+        p = params
+        dist_fields = [None, None]
+        dist_fields[0] = self._gen_distortion_field(params)
+        dist_fields[1] = self._gen_distortion_field(params)
+        #pylab.imshow(dist_fields[0])
+        #pylab.show()
+        # regenerate distortion index matrices
+        # "_rows" are row indices
+        # "_cols" are column indices
+        # (separated due to the way fancy indexing works in numpy)
+        h,w = p.image_size
+        for y in range(h):
+            for x in range(w): 
+                distort_x = dist_fields[0][y,x]
+                distort_y = dist_fields[1][y,x]
+                # the "target" is the coordinate we fetch color data from
+                # (in the original image)
+                # target_left and _top are the rounded coordinate on the
+                # left/top of this target (float) coordinate
+                target_pixel = (y+distort_y, x+distort_x)
+                target_left = int(math.floor(x + distort_x))
+                target_top = int(math.floor(y + distort_y))
+                index_tl = [target_top, target_left]
+                index_tr = [target_top, target_left+1]
+                index_bl = [target_top+1, target_left]
+                index_br = [target_top+1, target_left+1]
+                # x_ratio is the ratio of importance of left pixels
+                # y_ratio is the """" of top pixels
+                # (in bilinear combination)
+                y_ratio = 1.0 - (target_pixel[0] - target_top)
+                x_ratio = 1.0 - (target_pixel[1] - target_left)
+                # We use a default background color of 0 for displacements
+                # outside of boundaries of the image.
+                # if top left outside bounds
+                if index_tl[0] < 0 or index_tl[0] >= h or index_tl[1] < 0 or index_tl[1] >= w: 
+                    p.matrix_tl_corners_rows[y][x] = 0
+                    p.matrix_tl_corners_cols[y][x] = 0
+                    p.matrix_tl_multiply[y,x] = 0
+                else:
+                    p.matrix_tl_corners_rows[y][x] = index_tl[0]
+                    p.matrix_tl_corners_cols[y][x] = index_tl[1]
+                    p.matrix_tl_multiply[y,x] = x_ratio*y_ratio
+                # if top right outside bounds
+                if index_tr[0] < 0 or index_tr[0] >= h or index_tr[1] < 0 or index_tr[1] >= w:
+                    p.matrix_tr_corners_rows[y][x] = 0
+                    p.matrix_tr_corners_cols[y][x] = 0
+                    p.matrix_tr_multiply[y,x] = 0
+                else:
+                    p.matrix_tr_corners_rows[y][x] = index_tr[0]
+                    p.matrix_tr_corners_cols[y][x] = index_tr[1]
+                    p.matrix_tr_multiply[y,x] = (1.0-x_ratio)*y_ratio
+                # if bottom left outside bounds
+                if index_bl[0] < 0 or index_bl[0] >= h or index_bl[1] < 0 or index_bl[1] >= w:
+                    p.matrix_bl_corners_rows[y][x] = 0
+                    p.matrix_bl_corners_cols[y][x] = 0
+                    p.matrix_bl_multiply[y,x] = 0
+                else:
+                    p.matrix_bl_corners_rows[y][x] = index_bl[0]
+                    p.matrix_bl_corners_cols[y][x] = index_bl[1]
+                    p.matrix_bl_multiply[y,x] = x_ratio*(1.0-y_ratio)
+                # if bottom right outside bounds
+                if index_br[0] < 0 or index_br[0] >= h or index_br[1] < 0 or index_br[1] >= w:
+                    p.matrix_br_corners_rows[y][x] = 0
+                    p.matrix_br_corners_cols[y][x] = 0
+                    p.matrix_br_multiply[y,x] = 0
+                else:
+                    p.matrix_br_corners_rows[y][x] = index_br[0]
+                    p.matrix_br_corners_cols[y][x] = index_br[1]
+                    p.matrix_br_multiply[y,x] = (1.0-x_ratio)*(1.0-y_ratio)
+        # not really necessary, but anyway
+        return p
+    def transform_image(self, image):
+        p = self.current_params
+        # index pixels to get the 4 corners for bilinear combination
+        tl_pixels = image[p.matrix_tl_corners_rows, p.matrix_tl_corners_cols]
+        tr_pixels = image[p.matrix_tr_corners_rows, p.matrix_tr_corners_cols]
+        bl_pixels = image[p.matrix_bl_corners_rows, p.matrix_bl_corners_cols]
+        br_pixels = image[p.matrix_br_corners_rows, p.matrix_br_corners_cols]
+        # bilinear ratios, elemwise multiply
+        tl_pixels = numpy.multiply(tl_pixels, p.matrix_tl_multiply)
+        tr_pixels = numpy.multiply(tr_pixels, p.matrix_tr_multiply)
+        bl_pixels = numpy.multiply(bl_pixels, p.matrix_bl_multiply)
+        br_pixels = numpy.multiply(br_pixels, p.matrix_br_multiply)
+        # sum to finish bilinear combination
+        return numpy.sum([tl_pixels,tr_pixels,bl_pixels,br_pixels], axis=0).astype(numpy.float32)
+# TESTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+def _load_image(filepath):
+    _RGB_TO_GRAYSCALE = [0.3, 0.59, 0.11, 0.0]
+    img = Image.open(filepath)
+    img = numpy.asarray(img)
+    if len(img.shape) > 2:
+        img = (img * _RGB_TO_GRAYSCALE).sum(axis=2)
+    return (img / 255.0).astype('float')
+def _specific_test():
+    imgpath = os.path.join(_TEST_DIR, "d.png")
+    img = _load_image(imgpath)
+    dist = LocalElasticDistorter((32,32))
+    print dist.regenerate_parameters(0.5)
+    img = dist.transform_image(img)
+    print dist.get_parameters_determined_by_complexity(0.4)
+    pylab.imshow(img)
+    pylab.show()
+def _complexity_tests():
+    imgpath = os.path.join(_TEST_DIR, "d.png")
+    dist = LocalElasticDistorter((32,32))
+    orig_img = _load_image(imgpath)
+    html_content = '''<html><body>Original:<br/><img src='d.png'>'''
+    for complexity in numpy.arange(0.0, 1.1, 0.1):
+        html_content += '<br/>Complexity: ' + str(complexity) + '<br/>'
+        for i in range(10):
+            t1 = time.time()
+            dist.regenerate_parameters(complexity)
+            t2 = time.time()
+            print "diff", t2-t1
+            img = dist.transform_image(orig_img)
+            filename = "complexity_" + str(complexity) + "_" + str(i) + ".png"
+            new_path = os.path.join(_TEST_DIR, filename)
+            _save_image(img, new_path)
+            html_content += '<img src="' + filename + '">'
+    html_content += "</body></html>"
+    html_file = open(os.path.join(_TEST_DIR, "complexity.html"), "w")
+    html_file.write(html_content)
+    html_file.close()
+def _complexity_benchmark():
+    imgpath = os.path.join(_TEST_DIR, "d.png")
+    dist = LocalElasticDistorter((32,32))
+    orig_img = _load_image(imgpath)
+    for cpx in (0.21, 0.35):
+        # time the first 10
+        t1 = time.time()
+        for i in range(10):
+            dist.regenerate_parameters(cpx)
+            img = dist.transform_image(orig_img)
+        t2 = time.time()
+        print "first 10, total = ", t2-t1, ", avg=", (t2-t1)/10
+        # time the next 40
+        t1 = time.time()
+        for i in range(40):
+            dist.regenerate_parameters(cpx)
+            img = dist.transform_image(orig_img)
+        t2 = time.time()
+        print "next 40, total = ", t2-t1, ", avg=", (t2-t1)/40
+        # time the next 50
+        t1 = time.time()
+        for i in range(50):
+            dist.regenerate_parameters(cpx)
+            img = dist.transform_image(orig_img)
+        t2 = time.time()
+        print "next 50, total = ", t2-t1, ", avg=", (t2-t1)/50
+        # time the next 1000 
+        t1 = time.time()
+        for i in range(1000):
+            dist.regenerate_parameters(cpx)
+            img = dist.transform_image(orig_img)
+        t2 = time.time()
+        print "next 1000, total = ", t2-t1, ", avg=", (t2-t1)/1000
+    # time the next 1000 with old complexity
+    t1 = time.time()
+    for i in range(1000):
+        dist.regenerate_parameters(0.21)
+        img = dist.transform_image(orig_img)
+    t2 = time.time()
+    print "next 1000, total = ", t2-t1, ", avg=", (t2-t1)/1000
+def _save_image(img, path):
+    img2 = Image.fromarray((img * 255).astype('uint8'), "L")
+    img2.save(path)
+# TODO: reformat to follow new class... it function of complexity now
+def _distorter_tests():
+    #import pylab
+    #pylab.imshow(img)
+    #pylab.show()
+    for letter in ("d", "a", "n", "o"):
+        img = _load_image("tests/" + letter + ".png")
+        for alpha in (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0):
+            for sigma in (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0):
+                id = LocalElasticDistorter((32,32))
+                img2 = id.distort_image(img)
+                img2 = Image.fromarray((img2 * 255).astype('uint8'), "L")
+                img2.save("tests/"+letter+"_alpha"+str(alpha)+"_sigma"+str(sigma)+".png")
+def _benchmark():
+    img = _load_image("tests/d.png")
+    dist = LocalElasticDistorter((32,32))
+    dist.regenerate_parameters(0.0)
+    import time
+    t1 = time.time()
+    for i in range(10000):
+        if i % 1000 == 0:
+            print "-"
+        dist.distort_image(img)
+    t2 = time.time()
+    print "t2-t1", t2-t1
+    print "avg", 10000/(t2-t1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    import time
+    import pylab
+    import Image
+    import os.path
+    #_distorter_tests()
+    #_benchmark()
+    #_specific_test()
+    #_complexity_tests()
+    _complexity_benchmark()