2010-06-28 |
prock |
Finally found the bug when you create a new map and are unable to place instances on the map until you save and re-load the map.
2010-06-28 |
prock |
Some small code cleanups in the extensions.
2010-06-28 |
prock |
Forgot to add the simplexml.py file in my last commit.
2010-06-28 |
prock |
Created SimpleXMLSerializer which makes loading and saving variables to an XML file simple. In the process I removed the the XML code from the Settings class. It now uses SimpleXMLSerializer to load and save settings.
2010-06-28 |
prock |
Updated the basicapplication extension to initialize pychan and modal execution. Also fixed the demos and editor to reflect this change.
2010-06-28 |
nihathrael |
updated editor's settings-dist.xml
2010-06-26 |
vtchill |
Modified the addColored and addOutlined methods in the InstanceRenderer class to fix a memory leak. The new code attempts to insert the information in the proper map and if it already exists it will explicitly update the reference to the existing information. The new code no longer relies on the bracket operator of the std::map which was implicitly calling the equals operator of the ColoringInfo and OutlineInfo and causing the memory leak. fixes[ticket:472]
2010-06-24 |
prock |
- Added the AttackAction along with a test enemy on level 1.
2010-06-24 |
prock |
Fixed the built in pychan dialogs as they didin't work at all. Updated the editor to support modal execution and now use the pychan dialog message boxes for displaying some error messages.
2010-06-24 |
prock |
Fixed a bug when creating a new map. It was introduced by a recent commit that removed the requirement to pass a model coordinate to the camera's constructor.
2010-06-23 |
prock |
Lots of changes.
2010-06-22 |
prock |
This fixes a problem where objects that leave the scene were not being removed from thee scene. Projectiles and enemies now get removed when they leave the scene. There should no longer be a segfault when you destroy the final boss.
2010-06-18 |
nihathrael |
Fixed a small bug introduced in the last commit
2010-06-18 |
nihathrael |
fife_settings: Make sure onApply is only called if the entry changed
2010-06-18 |
nihathrael |
Added a check when a new entry is added to the settings.
2010-06-17 |
nihathrael |
Load the changes_gui_xml correcty, even if it is set to a file
2010-06-17 |
nihathrael |
Improved fife_settings:
2010-06-17 |
helios2000 |
* setVisible() should work again. The fix is a bit hacky but works for the moment. fixes [ticket:471]
2010-06-16 |
prock |
When you click on an object behind the player the click is no longer ignored.
2010-06-15 |
prock |
QuestManager now loads all quests.
2010-06-15 |
prock |
Added QuestManager. The player can now move from map to map and the state of the quests remains persistent. Both quests the NPC gives you are now completable. Still have to clean up the quest loading code.
2010-06-11 |
helios2000 |
*Removed the ExactModellCoordinate object from the camera constructor.
2010-06-11 |
helios2000 |
* Corrected the h,w calculation for zooming in layercache.cpp.
2010-06-04 |
prock |
Item serialization will now assume some default values if they are not found in the save files.
2010-06-03 |
prock |
Rewrote the object serializing routines to use a "template" idea for loading an object from disk. This allows for multiple objects to load the same base object template but be unique on the scene AND have different values. Useful for say more than one gold stack on the ground with different gold values. TODO: fix the "spawn" console command.
2010-06-03 |
prock |
The save xml files are now deleted correctly on the Mac platform.
2010-06-03 |
vtchill |
credits screen now comes up properly when you click on the credits button.
2010-06-02 |
prock |
Items can now be serialized/deserialized to/from disk. I haven't finished actors yet. This allows for persistent states when you enter/leave maps.
2010-06-01 |
prock |
Refactored the Quest class a bit. Made it a base class for other possible quest types. Added the RETURN_ITEM quest type.
2010-06-01 |
prock |
Adding the temple_entrance object.
2010-06-01 |
prock |
Some misc code cleanup.
2010-06-01 |
nihathrael |
Improve errorhandling slighty
2010-06-01 |
nihathrael |
Made the Setting class much more customizable by adding the SettingEntry class.
2010-05-31 |
prock |
Added the move command.
2010-05-31 |
prock |
Some misc code cleanup.
2010-05-31 |
prock |
Added custom exceptions.
2010-05-31 |
prock |
Doing some re-factoring.
2010-05-29 |
nihathrael |
Setting Extension:
2010-05-29 |
nihathrael |
Fixed a small bug that didn't allow to use xml files as gui input for the setting extension
2010-05-28 |
prock |
Added the spawn console command.
2010-05-28 |
prock |
Added the loadActor and loadItem functions so you can load single items at any time.
2010-05-28 |
prock |
Changed the quest format in the object xml file.
2010-05-28 |
prock |
Cleaned up the createScene function.
2010-05-28 |
vtchill |
removed the explicit loadImportFile calls that were loading the cannonspread and extralife as these are now added to the map file. This was causing a NameClash exception to be thrown because the game was attempting to load them twice.
2010-05-28 |
prock |
Added the goldstack image as I forgot to add it before.
2010-05-27 |
prock |
Added the GoldStack item class. The scene now loads the goldstack and assigns it's value based on the maps objects file.
2010-05-27 |
prock |
Multiple quests now work.
2010-05-27 |
prock |
Enabling the FloatingTextRenderer for the RPG demo. The NPC now complains at you if he doesn't have a quest to give you.
2010-05-27 |
prock |
FloatingTextRenderer no longer modifies the default font color when rendering.
2010-05-27 |
prock |
Player can now receive a quest, accept it, and complete it. Quests do not have any requirements (i.e. bring me back an item.. etc etc) to be completed at this time.
2010-05-27 |
prock |
Added a quest dialog.
2010-05-27 |
prock |
Added a rudimentary Action class.
2010-05-26 |
prock |
Added the PlayerActionListener.
2010-05-26 |
prock |
Added the BaseGameObject class and put it in it's own file. All game object will inherit it. Added instance action listeners.
2010-05-25 |
prock |
Added some placeholder graphics for the warrior. The player can now walk around the map.
2010-05-25 |
prock |
Added a loadSettings function. Added the ability to set the valid screen resolutions. Fixed a problem with the settings dialog that kept the settings you selected even though you pressed cancel. When you press the "defaults" button it now applies the defaults and prompts the user to restart the game.
2010-05-25 |
nihathrael |
Honour the "settings_gui_xml" paramater in the Settings class
2010-05-21 |
prock |
Added the Actor and Player classes. Actor is the base class that the player and all enemies + NPCs will inherit.
2010-05-21 |
prock |
Added the Scene which loads the town map. It is no longer a black screen demo.
2010-05-21 |
prock |
Forgot to add guicontroller.py in my last commit.
2010-05-20 |
prock |
There is now a main menu. You can also view the credits. Taking a screenshot and opening the console should also work.
2010-05-20 |
prock |
Adding the RPG demo. This is basically empty at the moment. Currently it will start with a black screen.
2010-05-19 |
prock |
Removing some debug print statements in the fife_timer module.
2010-05-19 |
prock |
Fixed a small problem with the fife timer library. There was a problem with UH when clicking on certain buttons on the main menu which cased a hang/crash. The timer now stops itself before executing the callback.
2010-05-19 |
prock |
Fixed the pychan demo.
2010-05-18 |
prock |
Updated the ApplicationBase settings to use the new and improved fife_setting extension. I was able to remove all the setting related functions from the demos and editor so that the ApplicationBase now takes care of all the FIFE related settings.
2010-05-18 |
prock |
One quick update to the map file. The last cannonspread5 powerup wasn't correctly identified.
2010-05-18 |
prock |
New map file created entirely with the editor. It's basically the old map with some minor edits. Cleaned up a bunch of starfield instances that didn't need to be there at the end of the level.
2010-05-18 |
prock |
Added some imports to the world initialization code. I had to do this because you were not able to use the editor with the shooter demo map files without manually adding the imports to the map file. You do not have to do this now (note the TODO in the comments). I have also hard coded the camera zoom level to ensure the map editors zoom level at the time of saving the map is not used.
2010-05-14 |
prock |
Positional sounds now work. There are some odd things happening when the sound does not have positional data and I assign the listeners position to the emitters position. There is a little more work required here.
2010-05-14 |
prock |
Added listener position to the soundmanager.
2010-05-14 |
prock |
Combined the settings extension with the editor settings module. It is now a little more robust. Note that the settings file format has changed.
2010-05-14 |
nihathrael |
Added positioning to the soundmanager classes
2010-05-12 |
prock |
Forgot to add fife_settings.py in my last commit. Adding it now.
2010-05-12 |
prock |
Added the fife_settings.py extension. This provides a small utility class for loading and saving settings along with a dialog box for setting screen resolution and other things.
2010-05-11 |
prock |
Added a new log module called Script. This should be used by the python modules.
2010-05-10 |
prock |
Fixing the epydoc markup. Did some more commenting.
2010-05-07 |
prock |
Adapted rio_do_hola to use the new SoundManager.
2010-05-07 |
prock |
Moved the SoundManager and the 2D math function (helpers) from the shooter demo to the fife extensions.
2010-05-06 |
prock |
Adding some comments to the shooter demo. Updated the copyright date and FIFE URL as well.
2010-05-05 |
prock |
Starting to add some comments.
2010-05-05 |
prock |
Updated the Shooter demo credits.txt file and added the LICENSE file for all media included in the demo.
2010-05-04 |
prock |
Small fix to fife_timer. The import line didn't work for some reason.
2010-05-03 |
prock |
Moved the shooter demo Timer() class to helpers.py.
2010-05-03 |
prock |
Debug is now automatically enabled when you build with profiling enabled.
2010-04-30 |
prock |
SoundClip can now fire a callback after a sound has completed being played (i.e. the duration of the sound has passed by). I have added an example of this with the scene music. [t:346]
2010-04-30 |
prock |
Added SoundEmitter::getDecodedLength and SoundEmitter::getDuration. The getDuration function will allow a timer to be registered to fire after the sound has been played. This is not a callback as requested but it does provide the functionality if required. I will be committing an example of it in the shooter demo shortly. [t:346]
2010-04-29 |
prock |
Modified the SoundManager to not create unique FIFE sound emitters for each object. There is now only one FIFE emitter per unique sound.
2010-04-29 |
helios2000 |
* Merged the view performance branch back into trunk. fixes[ticket:419]
2010-04-28 |
prock |
Added a SoundEmitter class that encapsulates the FIFE sound emitter. The SoundManager is now a factory for SoundEmitters. Also working on getting a callback going for when the sound is finished playing.
2010-04-28 |
prock |
Added a simple sound manager.
2010-04-23 |
prock |
Added some powerups including a spread weapon and an extra life.
2010-04-22 |
prock |
Fixed a small bug where projectiles wouldn't be removed from the scene after passing the far right edge of the screen.
2010-04-22 |
prock |
Projectiles are now part of the scene.
2010-04-22 |
prock |
Changed the way instances get deleted from the scene. Instances now get removed at the end of the frame as opposed to after their explosion action is complete. The old way was causing the odd segfault because the instance was being removed before FIFE was finished with it.
2010-04-21 |
prock |
Switched to a damage system. Collisions with objects now cause 1 damage to the player.
2010-04-21 |
prock |
Some minor code cleanups.
2010-04-20 |
prock |
Small update to ensure python doesn't try to delete objects that FIFE owns.
2010-04-16 |
prock |
Added the FireBallBurst and FireBallSpread weapons which are now used by the boss.
2010-04-15 |
prock |
Adding the credits window (still needs to be written)
2010-04-14 |
prock |
Added the fireball projectile.
2010-04-14 |
prock |
Added a widget to be displayed after the player completes the game.
2010-04-14 |
prock |
Fix the bug where the high score dialog box causes a crash after the player completes the level.
2010-04-14 |
prock |
Added damage so some enemies take more than one hit to destroy.
2010-04-13 |
prock |
Added some enemies to the map.
2010-04-13 |
prock |
Added the high score dialog to ask for players name (with no validation yet)
2010-04-13 |
prock |
Added high score window.
2010-04-12 |
prock |
Added enemy explosions and other animations.
2010-04-12 |
prock |
Added player ship animations including flash and explode.
2010-04-12 |
prock |
Projectiles from enemy ships no longer destroy other enemies.
2010-04-09 |
prock |
Fixed bounding boxes.
2010-04-09 |
prock |
Player death is now handled a bit nicer.
2010-04-08 |
prock |
Fixed a small bug where projectiles are not updated when it is game over.
2010-04-08 |
prock |
Player now has 3 lives and will receive a game over message once they are used up.
2010-04-07 |
prock |
Moved guis to their own file.
2010-04-07 |
prock |
Added the ability to pause the game.
2010-04-06 |
prock |
Time is now managed by the Scene object.
2010-04-06 |
prock |
Scene now gets updated when an object moves from one node to another.
2010-04-03 |
prock |
Added different enemy types which behave differently.
2010-04-01 |
prock |
Movement shouldn't be dependent on framerate anymore.
2010-04-01 |
prock |
Added score keeping ability.
2010-04-01 |
prock |
Added object bounding boxes.
2010-04-01 |
prock |
Did a little re-factoring.
2010-03-31 |
prock |
Added the ability to set the scale of the object layer. Tweaked the player controls a little bit. A little more work needs to be done to keep the player within the bounds of the camera.
2010-03-31 |
prock |
Adding the shooter demo. This is still a work in progress.
2010-03-24 |
helios2000 |
* Fixed GenericRenderer, now it only render to a specific layer. If the node is only a point then it used the last active layer. fixes #[ticket:458]
2010-03-24 |
helios2000 |
* Fixed the sld typo. fixes[ticket:463]
2010-03-19 |
prock |
Fixed some version strings.
2010-03-19 |
prock |
Updating the change log in preparation for the 0.3.1 release.
2010-03-13 |
chewie |
- added support to set instance ids of animated objects to ObjectEdit plugin
2010-03-02 |
prock |
The demos and editor now look for a local copy of FIFE before trying to import the installed version of FIFE. This is to ease development and not force developers to install FIFE every time they make changes to core and/or the extensions. fixes[t:453]
2010-03-02 |
chewie |
- fixed credits gui (path to AUTHORS file wasn't corrected after the buildsystem release)
2010-03-02 |
chewie |
- added color tester app to pychan demo
2010-03-02 |
chewie |
- merged change_offset code into one function
2010-03-02 |
chewie |
- fixed small bug in object saving
2010-02-25 |
prock |
Fixed a small grammar mistake in the change log
2010-02-25 |
prock |
Some minor formatting changes to the change log.
2010-02-25 |
prock |
Updating the change log.
2010-02-24 |
prock |
This changes the behavior of Camera::resetRenderers(). It will no longer activate all layers for every renderer. This is now up to the clients to do.
2010-02-23 |
prock |
Added the ability to request focus via the pychan widget (added the requestFocus() function). Also fixed a problem where dialog boxes were not given focus when opened. fixes[t:465]
2010-02-23 |
prock |
Added the ability to render a vertex on the screen. The vertex is represented by a small square. fixes[t:455]
2010-02-23 |
prock |
Adding OpenBSD support. Thanks to tobiasu.
2010-02-22 |
prock |
Added the ability to add an event listener to the front of the event listener deque in the event manager. fixes[t:454]
2010-02-20 |
vtchill |
another fix to the build system, the current way we check for lib dependencies do not handle lowercase vs. uppercase name differences correctly when using pkg-config. The only lib dependency that currently has this is Xcursor, so i removed the lowercase version so that "Xcursor" will be the only one that is searched for.
2010-02-20 |
vtchill |
fix for build system dependency checks when using pkg-config. The pkg-config call was incorrect b/c the name of the package was never being set.
2010-02-20 |
vtchill |
A client can now specify a global color key to be used with all images. The default color key is (255,0,255) in RGB format. Also the client can enable/disable the color key feature by using the setColorKeyEnabled function in the EngineSettings class. By default the color key feature is disabled. fixes[t:451]
2010-02-12 |
prock |
Adding undo/redo support for moving instances.
2010-02-12 |
prock |
This fixes an editor bug when you place an instance and select another layer then undo that placement. Same with deleting an instance. [t:443]
2010-02-12 |
vtchill |
Moved the management of cameras into the Map class. The View class no longer exists since it now serves no purpose. The engine class itself holds the renderers and these get passed to each map that is loaded and then passed to each camera on each map. This change makes it possible for multiple maps to be loaded at the same time with the same camera id without a name clash. fixes[t:342]
2010-02-11 |
prock |
Fixed a bug where the editor would exit because of a boost exception when browsing to a directory that the user does not have access to. The vfs now catches the boost exception and throws a FIFE exception. Updated the filebrowser to catch the exception and display a warning to the user. fixes[t:413]
2010-02-08 |
prock |
This is a little hack to fix the issue where docked widgets shrink when you click inside them. fixes[t:444]
2010-02-06 |
prock |
Fixes a freeze when setting text in a label with word_wrap enabled. [t:408]
2010-02-06 |
cheesesucker |
Documented, commented, cleaned and updated mapeditor.py to match new python coding guidelines.
2010-02-03 |
prock |
Fixed the problem where the opengl renderer was leaving traces on the screen after closing maps in the editor. [t:392]
2010-02-03 |
helios2000 |
* Added a getX/getY command to the cursor
2010-02-03 |
vtchill |
quick fix for missing standard includes.
2010-02-02 |
prock |
Removed the install-dlls target and made the dll install part of both the fife-python (copies dlls to the <fife>/engine/python/fife dir) and install-python (copies dlls to <python>/site-packages/fife) [t:430]
2010-02-02 |
prock |
Added the install-dlls target for the win32 platform only. It copies all dlls to both the Python site-packages/fife directory and the <FIFE>/engine/python/fife directory. This assumes you have the Development Kit is installed in the build/win32 directory. I have not tested to make sure this doesn't break other platforms. [t:430]
2010-02-01 |
chewie |
- fixed small bug in the animation viewer (previous / next frame now jump to the last / first frame)
2010-02-01 |
mvbarracuda |
* Adding missing ] to address syntax error
2010-01-31 |
prock |
Move the LINKFLAGS to a more appropriate spot.
2010-01-31 |
prock |
Fixed a small bug where CXXFLAGS was not being honored.
2010-01-30 |
prock |
Fixed a small bug where the facing_angle wasn't being initialized.
2010-01-29 |
prock |
Moved getAngleBetween() form Camera to angles.h and updated it to not use the camera angle in it's calculation.
2010-01-29 |
chewie |
- small workaround for options gui
2010-01-29 |
prock |
Reverting my last change to camera.cpp. It caused unexpected results with rotated tiles.
2010-01-29 |
helios2000 |
*Editor plugin removed from trunk because it belongs to the light branch
2010-01-29 |
cheesesucker |
Use list() instead of slice. Python did not like to use the slice on an empty C++ vector.
2010-01-29 |
cheesesucker |
* Fixed a bug where the editor would not activate the new mapview after closing a map
2010-01-28 |
cheesesucker |
* Fixed a crash when opening two maps and closing them
2010-01-28 |
cheesesucker |
Fixed wrong import lines for pychan in two editor files.
2010-01-28 |
prock |
This change ensures that the instances rotation is always in sync with its facing location.
2010-01-27 |
chewie |
- added getActionImageAngles() to fetch animation angles
2010-01-27 |
prock |
Added the ActionVisual::getActionImageAngles() function.
2010-01-27 |
prock |
Adding the correct header in a lot of files. Also made a small change to the CHANGES file by adding the 0.3.1 section.
2010-01-27 |
prock |
Adding the correct FIFE header to rio_de_hola and pychan_demo files.
2010-01-26 |
prock |
Fixed a small issue when building with scons on windows. If you have another version of mingw in PATH it would use that one instead.
2010-01-24 |
cheesesucker |
Replaced FIFE license header with Django license in files copied directly from django
2010-01-24 |
cheesesucker |
More complete changelog for 0.3.0 release
2010-01-24 |
cheesesucker |
Changelog for 2009.0 release
2010-01-23 |
prock |
One last change to remove the lower case transofmrations of filenames. close[t:418]
2010-01-23 |
prock |
Removed the filename lower case transformations. OSX 10.6 is not case sensitive so I was unable to test fully.
2010-01-23 |
vtchill |
More fixes for the win32 batch files to remove the need to overwrite the users path and define variables. [t:429]
2010-01-22 |
prock |
Fixed the scons batch files (win32).
2010-01-21 |
prock |
Put the correct header back in
2010-01-21 |
prock |
Added the correct header to a few of the editor files.
2010-01-20 |
vtchill |
Modified the code blocks project files to fit with the new build system. Code blocks now uses scons to build each of the configurations. The python configurations build properly but fail during link with a bunch of undefined references insides of the swig generated dll, not sure why. Also updated the win32-config.py so that it no longer relies on variables defined outside of itself, this was causing code blocks to not be able to build. Updated a couple of the batch scripts so they run properly.
2010-01-19 |
prock |
Updated the FIFE installer script.
2010-01-18 |
prock |
Adding the distutils setup.py file.
2010-01-12 |
prock |
Removed the --release command line option and replaced it with --enable-debug. Release binaries are now built by default.
2010-01-12 |
prock |
Moved the check for the SWIG environment variable from darwin-config.py to Sconstruct so all platforms can use it. You should now be able to specify CXXFLAGS either by command line or by setting your CXXFLAGS environment variable.
2010-01-12 |
prock |
Updated the devkit installer to the one I used for the Jan2010 Dev Kit.
2010-01-11 |
vtchill |
bringing in the changes from the build_system_rework branch in preparation for the 0.3.0 release. This commit will require the Jan2010 devkit. Clients will also need to be modified to the new way to import fife.
2009-12-09 |
prock |
Adding freebsd8 build support. Thanks to varnie.
2009-11-23 |
cheesesucker |
2009-11-21 |
cheesesucker |
The serializers will now use the LogManager instead of printing directly to console
2009-11-21 |
cheesesucker |
2009-11-20 |
cheesesucker |
2009-11-20 |
cheesesucker |
Changed some of the adaptLayout calls in object selector.
2009-11-20 |
cheesesucker |
2009-11-16 |
mvbarracuda |
* Updated win32 build files for the new November 2009 Win32 DevKit
2009-11-14 |
cheesesucker |
Added devkit installer script for win32 devkit
2009-11-02 |
prock |
Fixed the doc string for the CameraEdit plugin.
2009-10-29 |
cheesesucker |
* Initial support for closing maps:
2009-10-29 |
cheesesucker |
2009-10-21 |
prock |
Updated to have the correct header.
2009-10-21 |
prock |
Forgot to comment a few lines which caused the Camera Editor to not be shown.
2009-10-21 |
prock |
Adding the CameraEdit plugin to the editor. You must enable it in your settings.xml file. Still not fully tested.
2009-10-18 |
mvbarracuda |
Patch by amo-ej1 (Elie de Brauwer):
2009-10-07 |
mvbarracuda |
* Editor command line map arg support patch by or1andov / superfluid
2009-10-02 |
prock |
Added SoundEmitter::setCallback(). The callback will be
2009-09-26 |
cheesesucker |
* Some cleanups for Editor class to match new coding standards
2009-09-26 |
cheesesucker |
* Cleaned up LayerTool so it follows the new python coding standards
2009-09-25 |
prock |
Fixes the scroll areas in the pychan demo. fixes[t:363]
2009-09-24 |
prock |
Added or1andov's code with a few adjustments to fix instance transparencies fixed[t:378]
2009-09-22 |
cheesesucker |
Started cleaning up the editor source code:
2009-09-21 |
cheesesucker |
* Removed shebang and svn:executable for python files which are not meant to be executed directly
2009-09-20 |
cheesesucker |
Win32 installer:
2009-09-20 |
cheesesucker |
Added a basic win32 installer script (Inno Setup Script)
2009-09-08 |
mvbarracuda |
* Replaced old with new FIFE SVN URL
2009-09-04 |
phoku |
Allow objects with an __call__ attribute used as event callbacks.
2009-09-03 |
prock |
Fixed a problem with Camera::render() involving the way it calculates the animation frame number.
2009-09-03 |
prock |
Added Instance::setActionRuntime() as requested in Ticket #373
2009-09-02 |
prock |
Test commit from Prock
2009-08-25 |
phoku |
Removed some leftover print statement.
2009-08-25 |
cheesesucker |
Forgot to add CameraDialog... oops!
2009-08-25 |
cheesesucker |
Made CameraDialog a little prettier
2009-08-25 |
cheesesucker |
Several changes to layer, camera and map dialogs:
2009-08-25 |
cheesesucker |
Made LayerEditor prettier
2009-08-25 |
cheesesucker |
Fixed string representation for pychan.Spacer.
2009-08-24 |
cheesesucker |
* Added setId to Layer, Map, Object and Camera
2009-08-24 |
phoku |
2009-08-24 |
phoku |
Bug fix.
2009-08-24 |
phoku |
2009-08-24 |
phoku |
PyChan fixes:
2009-08-24 |
phoku |
PyChan fixes:
2009-08-24 |
phoku |
PyChan fixes:
2009-08-24 |
phoku |
* GuiImage now acts as Dummy Image if created without an argument.
2009-08-24 |
phoku |
Working on the XXX_image attributes to force consistent
2009-08-24 |
phoku |
Added Licence header to all pypthon modules in extension/
2009-08-24 |
phoku |
* Added a new method Widget.getNamedChildren
2009-08-24 |
phoku |
Added fast path for Widget.findChild(name=name). Roughly 10x faster.
2009-08-24 |
phoku |
PyChan: adaptLayout performance fix.
2009-08-21 |
cheesesucker |
Fixed docstring for Model::deleteMaps() (Really fixes #343)
2009-08-21 |
cheesesucker |
Replaced dataset with Model in documentation for Object. Closes #343
2009-08-21 |
cheesesucker |
* ObjectSelector will now select and scroll to selected object automatically
2009-08-21 |
cheesesucker |
* Split EventListener into several internal subclasses. This fixes issue with multiple inheritance where each BaseClass.__init__() call would overwrite the previous one. This meant that you could only add EventListener to one type of event managers.
2009-08-18 |
cheesesucker |
2009-08-17 |
chewie |
- small changes to code layout to make it more readable
2009-08-16 |
cheesesucker |
Fixed a crash when removing the layer which the editor camera uses
2009-08-16 |
cheesesucker |
Forgot to add layereditor.xml ...
2009-08-16 |
cheesesucker |
* Improved layertool: Ability to add, remove and edit layers
2009-08-15 |
cheesesucker |
* Added tooltips and hotkey information for some buttons
2009-08-15 |
cheesesucker |
Fixes crashes when attempting to draw/move when no layers are active
2009-08-15 |
cheesesucker |
Disabled recursing for some adaptLayout calls. This will make the editor more responsive
2009-08-14 |
cheesesucker |
Made panels only try to dock when the window has moved