# HG changeset patch
# User chewie@33b003aa-7bff-0310-803a-e67f0ece8222
# Date 1282928394 0
# Node ID 427150724fe1e9f143d3cc75e83b0093e81c154d
# Parent  a2024b994ca33fc6cb5973732a12aa8db3a59466
  - added new pychan demo: gui animations

  - shows (very basic) animations like resizing, moving and changing colors of a pychan.widget by using FIFE TimeEvents

diff -r a2024b994ca3 -r 427150724fe1 demos/pychan_demo/gui/poc_guianimation.xml
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/demos/pychan_demo/gui/poc_guianimation.xml	Fri Aug 27 16:59:54 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<Window title="Proof-of-concept: Gui animations" size="300,415" min_size="300,415" max_size="300,415">
+	<VBox>
+		<HBox>
+			<Button name="example_move" text="Move it!"/>
+			<Button name="example_color" text="Tint it!" />
+			<Button name="example_resize" text="Crush it!" />
+			<Button name="example_all" text="All together now..." />
+		</HBox>
+		<HBox>
+			<Label text="Timer delay" />
+			<Slider name="delay" scale_start="0" scale_end="50" size="100,10" min_size="100,10" max_size="100,10"/>
+			<Label name="delay_label" />
+		</HBox>
+	</VBox>
+	<Container name="move_wrapper" size="200,105" min_size="200,105" max_size="200,105">
+		<Icon name="move" image="gui/icons/pychan_logo.png"/>
+	</Container>
+	<Container name="color_wrapper" size="200,105" min_size="200,105" max_size="200,105">
+		<HBox>
+			<VBox name="color" size="100,100" min_size="100,100" max_size="100,100" base_color="255,255,255,100">
+			</VBox>
+			<HBox padding="0" size="100,100" min_size="100,100" max_size="100,100">
+				<VBox padding="0" size="33,99" max_size="33,99" min_size="33,99">
+					<Label text=" " name="color_1_1" background_color="130,130,0" size="33,33" min_size="33,33" max_size="33,33"/>
+					<Label text=" " name="color_1_2" background_color="130,130,0" size="33,33" min_size="33,33" max_size="33,33"/>
+					<Label text=" " name="color_1_3" background_color="130,130,0" size="33,33" min_size="33,33" max_size="33,33"/>			
+				</VBox>
+				<VBox padding="0">
+					<Label text=" " name="color_2_1" background_color="130,130,0" size="33,33" min_size="33,33" max_size="33,33"/>
+					<Label text=" " name="color_2_2" background_color="130,130,0" size="33,33" min_size="33,33" max_size="33,33"/>
+					<Label text=" " name="color_2_3" background_color="130,130,0" size="33,33" min_size="33,33" max_size="33,33"/>			
+				</VBox>
+				<VBox padding="0">
+					<Label text=" " name="color_3_1" background_color="130,130,0" size="33,33" min_size="33,33" max_size="33,33"/>
+					<Label text=" " name="color_3_2" background_color="130,130,0" size="33,33" min_size="33,33" max_size="33,33"/>
+					<Label text=" " name="color_3_3" background_color="130,130,0" size="33,33" min_size="33,33" max_size="33,33"/>			
+				</VBox>
+			</HBox>
+		</HBox>
+	</Container>
+	<Container name="resize_wrapper" size="200,105" min_size="200,105" max_size="200,105">
+		<VBox name="resize" size="100,100" min_size="100,100" max_size="100,100" base_color="255,255,255,100">
+		</VBox>
+	</Container>
+	<Button name="closeButton" text="Close"/>
diff -r a2024b994ca3 -r 427150724fe1 demos/pychan_demo/poc_gui_animation.py
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/demos/pychan_demo/poc_gui_animation.py	Fri Aug 27 16:59:54 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# ####################################################################
+#  Copyright (C) 2005-2010 by the FIFE team
+#  http://www.fifengine.de
+#  This file is part of FIFE.
+#  FIFE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+#  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License along with this library; if not, write to the
+#  Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+#  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+# ####################################################################
+""" proof-of-concept pychan demo app to test gui animations """
+from pychan_test import PyChanExample
+from fife.extensions import pychan
+from fife.extensions.pychan.tools import callbackWithArguments as cbwa
+from fife.extensions.fife_timer import Timer
+import time
+import random
+class PocAnimations(PyChanExample):
+	""" a small app (^^) to show how gui animations ~could~ be
+		made by using B{fife.TimeEvent}s	
+	"""
+	def __init__(self):
+		super(PocAnimations,self).__init__('gui/poc_guianimation.xml')
+		self._move_timer = None
+		self._resize_timer = None
+		self._color_timer = None
+	def start(self):
+		""" 
+		load XML file and setup callbacks
+		"""
+		self.widget = pychan.loadXML(self.xmlFile)
+		self.widget.mapEvents({
+			'closeButton'	:	self.stop,
+			'example_move'	:	cbwa(self._start_anim, type=ACTION_MOVE),
+			'example_color'	:	cbwa(self._start_anim, type=ACTION_COLOR),
+			'example_resize':	cbwa(self._start_anim, type=ACTION_RESIZE),
+			'example_all'	: 	self._anim_all,			
+			'delay'			:	self._set_delay_display,
+		})
+		self.move_example_widget = self.widget.findChild(name="move")
+		self.mew = self.move_example_widget
+		self.resize_example_widget = self.widget.findChild(name="resize")
+		self.rew = self.resize_example_widget		
+		self.color_example_widget = self.widget.findChild(name="color")
+		self.cew = self.color_example_widget
+		self.delay_slider = self.widget.findChild(name="delay")
+		self.delay_slider.setValue(float(DEFAULT_DELAY))
+		self.delay_display = self.widget.findChild(name="delay_label")
+		self.delay_display.text = unicode(str(DEFAULT_DELAY))
+		self.little_matrix = []
+		for x in range(1,4):
+			for y in range(1,4):
+				name = "color_%s_%s" % (x, y)
+				widget = self.widget.findChild(name=name)
+				self.little_matrix.append(widget)
+		self.widget.adaptLayout(True)
+		self.widget.show()
+	def _set_delay_display(self):
+		""" set delay display according to slider value """
+		value = self.delay_slider.getValue()
+		self.delay_display.text = unicode(str(int(value)))		
+	def _anim_all(self):
+		""" fire all animations """
+		for action in ACTIONS:
+			self._start_anim(type=action)
+	def _start_anim(self, type=None):
+		""" start the animation of the given type """
+		self._reset_anim(type)
+		kwargs = {
+			'delay' : int(self.delay_slider.getValue()),
+			'callback' : None,
+			'repeat' : 0,
+		}
+		if type == ACTION_MOVE:
+			kwargs['callback'] = self._move
+			self._move_timer = Timer(**kwargs)
+			self._move_timer.start()
+		elif type == ACTION_RESIZE:
+			kwargs['callback'] = self._resize
+			self._resize_timer = Timer(**kwargs)
+			self._resize_timer.start()
+		elif type == ACTION_COLOR:
+			kwargs['callback'] = self._color
+			self._color_timer = Timer(**kwargs)
+			self._color_timer.start()
+	def _reset_anim(self, type=None):
+		""" undo changes made by the animation (but leave alone disco matrix ^^) """
+		if type == ACTION_MOVE:
+			if self._move_timer:
+				self._move_timer.stop()
+			self.mew.position = 0, 0
+		elif type == ACTION_RESIZE:
+			if self._resize_timer:
+				self._resize_timer.stop()
+			SIZE = 100, 100
+			self.rew.size = SIZE
+			self.rew.min_size = SIZE
+			self.rew.max_size = SIZE
+			self.widget.findChild(name="resize_wrapper").adaptLayout()
+		elif type == ACTION_COLOR:
+			if self._color_timer:
+				self._color_timer.stop()
+			COLOR = 255, 255, 255, 100
+			self.cew.base_color = COLOR
+	def _move(self):
+		""" move the mew widget """
+		position = list(self.mew.position)
+		if position[0] < 100:
+			position[0] += 1
+			self.mew.position = position
+		else:
+			self._reset_anim(ACTION_MOVE)	
+	def _resize(self):
+		""" resize the rew widget """
+		size = list(self.rew.size)
+		if size[0] > 0:
+			size[0] -= 1
+			size[1] -= 1
+			self.rew.size = size
+			self.rew.min_size = size
+			self.rew.max_size = size
+		else:
+			self._reset_anim(ACTION_RESIZE)
+	def _color(self):
+		""" tint the cew widgets """
+		color = self.cew.base_color
+		red = color.r
+		if red > 1:
+			red -= 1
+			self.cew.base_color = (red, 255, 255, 100)
+			# disco!
+			for widget in self.little_matrix:
+				color = tuple(random.randint(1,255) for i in range(1,5))
+				widget.background_color = color
+		else:
+			self._reset_anim(ACTION_COLOR)
diff -r a2024b994ca3 -r 427150724fe1 demos/pychan_demo/pychan_test.py
--- a/demos/pychan_demo/pychan_test.py	Fri Aug 27 12:59:50 2010 +0000
+++ b/demos/pychan_demo/pychan_test.py	Fri Aug 27 16:59:54 2010 +0000
@@ -111,13 +111,17 @@
 		# it later.
 		credits.capture(lambda : credits._setText(u"Credits"), event_name="mouseExited")
-		# Our list of examples
-		# We keep a dictionary of these and fill
-		# the ListBox on the left with its names.
+		# import example modules
 		from dynamic import DynamicExample
 		from styling import StylingExample
 		from sliders import SliderExample
 		from colortester import ColorExample
+		from poc_gui_animation import PocAnimations
+		# Our list of examples
+		# We keep a dictionary of these and fill
+		# the ListBox on the left with its names.
 		self.examples = {
 			'Absolute Positioning' : PyChanExample('gui/absolute.xml'),
 			'All Widgets' : PyChanExample('gui/all_widgets.xml'),
@@ -126,6 +130,7 @@
 			'Sliders' : SliderExample(),
 			'ScrollArea' : PyChanExample('gui/scrollarea.xml'),
 			'Colortester': ColorExample(),
+			'GuiAnimations' : PocAnimations(),
 		self.demoList = self.gui.findChild(name='demoList')
 		self.demoList.items = sorted(self.examples.keys())