view @ 2:e84dccee1bb7

* add myself to authors * fix missing break in guimanager * when an event occurs over an guichan window the event is marked as consumedByGuichan, but the event is still distributed to all event listeners, those can check via event.isConsumedByGuichan...
author spq@33b003aa-7bff-0310-803a-e67f0ece8222
date Tue, 01 Jul 2008 17:43:35 +0000
parents 4a0efb7baf70
children 64738befdf3b
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, re, sys, optparse, unittest

def genpath(somepath):
	return os.path.sep.join(somepath.split('/'))

def print_header(text):
	print '\n'
	print 80 * '='
	print text
	print 80 * '-'

def resolve_test_progs(sconscript_filename):
	""" Get the names of all test programs by evaluating the SConscript file """
	reprg = re.compile(r"""^env.Program\(["'](.*?)['"]""")
	progs = []
	for line in open(sconscript_filename):
		m = reprg.match(line.strip())
		if m:
	return progs

def resolve_test_modules(directory):
	pythonfilenames = [p for p in os.listdir(directory) if len(p) > 3 and p[-3:] == '.py']
	modname = directory.replace(os.path.sep, '.') + '.'
	modules = []
	skipped_filenames = ('',)
	for p in pythonfilenames:
		skip = False
		for s in skipped_filenames:
			if p.find(s) != -1:
				skip = True
		if p[0] == '_':
			skip = True
		if not skip:
			modules.append(modname + p[:-3])
	return modules
def run_core_tests(progs):
	prevdir = os.getcwd()
	errors, failures = [], []
	for prog in progs:
		print '\n===== Running %s =====' % prog
		if os.system(os.sep.join(('.', prog))):
	return errors, failures

def get_dynamic_imports(modules):
	imported = []
	for module in modules:
		m = __import__(module)
		for part in module.split('.')[1:]:
			m = getattr(m, part)
	return imported
def run_test_modules(modules):
	imported = get_dynamic_imports(modules)
	suites = []
	for m in imported:
			for c in m.__dict__['TEST_CLASSES']:
		except (AttributeError, KeyError):
	mastersuite = unittest.TestSuite(suites)
	runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2)
	result =
	return [e[1] for e in result.errors], [f[1] for f in result.failures]
def run_analyzers(modules):
	errors = []
	imported = get_dynamic_imports(modules)
	for m in imported:
		analyzefn = None
			analyzefn = m.__dict__['_ANALYZE_FN_']
		except (KeyError):
		if analyzefn:
			error = analyzefn()
			if error:
	return errors
def run_all(tests):
	def print_errors(txt, errs):
		if errs:
			print txt + ':'
			for msg in errs:
				print '  ' + msg
	core_errors, core_failures = run_core_tests(tests['core'])
	swig_errors, swig_failures = run_test_modules(tests['swig'])
	ext_errors, ext_failures = run_test_modules(tests['ext'])
	analyzer_errors = run_analyzers(tests['analyzer'])
	print 80 * '='
	errorsfound = False
	if core_errors or core_failures:
		print_errors('Errors in core tests', core_errors)
		print_errors('Failures in core tests', core_failures)
		errorsfound = True
		print 'No Core errors found'
	if swig_errors or swig_failures:
		print_errors('Errors in SWIG tests', swig_errors)
		print_errors('Failures in SWIG tests', swig_failures)
		errorsfound = True
		print 'No SWIG errors found'
	if swig_errors or swig_failures:
		print_errors('Errors in extensions tests', ext_errors)
		print_errors('Failures in extensions tests', ext_failures)
		errorsfound = True
		print 'No Extensions errors found'

	if analyzer_errors:
		print_errors('Errors in Analyzers', analyzer_errors)
		errorsfound = True
		print 'No Analyzer errors found'
	print 80 * '='	
	if errorsfound:
		print 'Looks like there are some errors in the code, svn commit is probably not a good idea yet...'
		print 'All tests ran succesfully!'
	print ''
def quit(dummy):

def run(automatic, selected_cases):
	index = 0
	tests = {}
	core_tests = resolve_test_progs(genpath('tests/core_tests/SConscript'))
	for t in core_tests:
		tests[index] = ('Core tests', t, [t], run_core_tests)
		index += 1
	tests[index] = ('Core tests', 'all', core_tests, run_core_tests)	
	index += 1
	swig_tests = resolve_test_modules(genpath('tests/swig_tests'))
	for t in swig_tests:
		tests[index] = ('SWIG tests', t, [t], run_test_modules)
		index += 1
	tests[index] = ('SWIG tests', 'all', swig_tests, run_test_modules)	
	index += 1
	extension_tests = resolve_test_modules(genpath('tests/extension_tests'))
	for t in extension_tests:
		tests[index] = ('Extension tests', t, [t], run_test_modules)
		index += 1
	tests[index] = ('Extension tests', 'all', extension_tests, run_test_modules)	
	index += 1

	analyzers = resolve_test_modules(genpath('tests/analyzers'))
	for t in analyzers:
		tests[index] = ('Analyzers', t, [t], run_analyzers)
		index += 1
	alltests = {'core': core_tests, 'swig': swig_tests, 'ext': extension_tests, 'analyzer': analyzers}
	tests[index] = ('Other', 'Run all tests', alltests, run_all)
	tests[index+1] = ('Other', 'Cancel and quit', None, quit)

	if (not automatic) and (not selected_cases):
		selection = None
		while True:
			print 'Select test module to run:'
			prevheader = ''
			for ind in sorted(tests.keys()):
				header, name, params, fn = tests[ind]
				if header != prevheader:
					print header
					prevheader = header
				print '  %d) %s' % (ind, name)
			selection = raw_input('-> : ')
				selection = int(selection)
				if (selection < 0) or (selection > max(tests.keys())):
					raise ValueError
			except ValueError:
				print 'Please enter number between 0-%d\n' % max(tests.keys())
		header, name, params, fn = tests[selection]
	elif (selected_cases):
		for case in selected_cases:
				caseid = int(case)
				if (caseid < 0) or (caseid > max(tests.keys())):
					raise ValueError
				header, name, params, fn = tests[caseid]
			except ValueError:
				print 'No test case with value %s found' % case

def main():
	usage = 'usage: %prog [options] [args]\n' + \
		'Runs programs that test fife functionality. It is recommended that you run\n' + \
		'these tests always before svn commit\n' + \
		'you can give a list of test ids as arguments to the script. This is useful' + \
		'when running same tests over and over again with little changes. Available test ids' + \
		'can be seen from interactive menu (run script without any parameters)'
	parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage)
	parser.add_option("-a", "--automatic",
			action="store_true", dest="automatic", default=False,
			help="In case selected, runs all the tests automatically")
	options, args = parser.parse_args()
	run(options.automatic, args)
if __name__ == '__main__':