view engine/SConscript @ 589:d1df6cf5ff23

* Fixed a bug in RenderBackendSDL, the clip area was not properly set. * Renamed the backquad and border commands of the FloatingTextRenderer. * Added the TransparentArea commands to the InstanceRenderer. Note: with addTransparentArea(instance, string, width, height, transparent, front) you can enable an area, that make all instances in this zone and with the same namespace transparent. The string is for the namespace, so you can set one or more namespaces to be transparent. Width and height specifies the size of the area. Transparent defines the intensity of transparency, 255 = invisible. The bool front, enable or disable the z check, so that only instances in front of the source instance could be transparent.
author helios2000@33b003aa-7bff-0310-803a-e67f0ece8222
date Fri, 13 Aug 2010 16:33:36 +0000
parents a21915a97237
children ae479ce3f762
line wrap: on
line source

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# ####################################################################
#  Copyright (C) 2005-2009 by the FIFE team
#  This file is part of FIFE.
#  FIFE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
#  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
#  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
#  License along with this library; if not, write to the
#  Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
# ####################################################################

import os,sys
import utils.scons.scons_utils as utils
from utils.util_scripts.path import path as upath
import utils.scons.scons_builders as builders

Import('env', 'opts')

_sep = os.path.sep
src_path = upath(opts['SRC'])
engine_path = opts['SRC']
core_path = os.path.join('engine', 'core')
extensionpath = upath(os.path.join(opts['SRC'], 'python', 'fife', 'extensions'))

#Compile the list of source code to be used

allfiles = list(src_path.walkfiles())
allfiles_base = list()
for f in allfiles:
	allfiles_base.append(utils.relpath(f, opts['SRC']))

extpyfiles = list(extensionpath.walkfiles('*.py'))
extensionfiles = list()
relextensionfiles = list()
for f in extpyfiles:
	extensionfiles.append(utils.relpath(f, opts['SRC']))
	relextensionfiles.append(utils.relpath(f, os.path.join(opts['SRC'], 'python', 'fife')))
headerfiles = [f for f in allfiles_base if utils.is_headerfile(f)]
implfiles = [f for f in allfiles_base if utils.is_implfile(f)]
swigfiles = [f for f in allfiles_base if utils.is_swigfile(f)]
intfiles = utils.filter_by_dir(['swigwrappers'], swigfiles)
compilefiles = utils.filter_by_dir(['swigwrappers'], implfiles)

if sys.platform == 'win32':
	dllpath = upath(opts['DLLPATH'])
	dllfilelist = list(dllpath.walkfiles('*.dll'))
	dllfiles = list()
	for f in dllfilelist:


#generate swig interface file
utils.gen_swig_interface(os.path.join(engine_path, 'swigwrappers', 'python', 'fife.i.templ'), 
		   os.path.join(engine_path, 'swigwrappers', 'python'))

pyfiles = list(compilefiles)
pyfiles.append([os.path.join('swigwrappers', 'python' ,'')])

#Definition of scons builders for project files

msvc_project_builder = Builder(action = builders.generate_msvc_project, suffix = '.vcproj')
env.Append(BUILDERS = {'MSVCProject': msvc_project_builder})

msvc_project_builder9 = Builder(action = builders.generate_msvc_project9, suffix = '.vcproj')
env.Append(BUILDERS = {'MSVCProject9': msvc_project_builder9})

codeblocks_project_builder_win32 = Builder(action = builders.generate_codeblocks_project_win32, suffix = '.cbp')
env.Append(BUILDERS = {'CodeblocksProjectWin32': codeblocks_project_builder_win32})

codeblocks_project_builder_linux = Builder(action = builders.generate_codeblocks_project_linux, suffix = '.cbp')
env.Append(BUILDERS = {'CodeblocksProjectLinux': codeblocks_project_builder_linux})

python_extensions_builder = Builder(action = "$SWIG -o $TARGET ${_SWIGOUTDIR} ${_SWIGINCFLAGS} $SWIGFLAGS $SOURCES")
env.Append(BUILDERS = {'PythonExtensions': python_extensions_builder})

#project files target

projectfiles = compilefiles + headerfiles

msvcproj = env.MSVCProject(os.path.join('..', '..','..', builders.msvcbuildpath, 'fife'), projectfiles)
msvcproj9 = env.MSVCProject9(os.path.join('..', '..','..', builders.msvcbuildpath9, 'fife'), projectfiles)
cbproj_win32 = env.CodeblocksProjectWin32(os.path.join('..', '..','..', builders.cbbuildpath_win32, 'fife'), projectfiles)
cbproj_linux = env.CodeblocksProjectLinux(os.path.join('..', '..','..', builders.cbbuildpath_linux, 'fife'), projectfiles)

if opts['DEBUG'] and sys.platform == 'win32':
	fife_tgt = 'fife_d'
	fife_tgt = 'fife'

#shared library target

if sys.platform == 'win32':
	sharedlib = env.SharedLibrary(target = fife_tgt,
								  source = compilefiles,
								  SHLIBEMITTER = '')
	sharedlib = env.SharedLibrary(target = fife_tgt,
								  source = compilefiles)

#python library target
if sys.platform == 'win32':
	dest_suffix = '.pyd'
	dest_suffix = '.so'
pythonlib = env.SharedLibrary(target = fife_tgt,
							  source = pyfiles,
							  SHLIBEMITTER = '')

pythonext = env.PythonExtensions(target = [os.path.join('swigwrappers', 'python' ,''), os.path.join('python', 'fife', '')],
							  source = os.path.join('swigwrappers', 'python' ,'fife.i'),

if opts['DEBUG'] and sys.platform == 'win32':
	copy_dest = os.path.join(opts['PYLIB_COPY_DEST'], '_fife_d' + dest_suffix)
	copy_dest = os.path.join(opts['PYLIB_COPY_DEST'], '_fife' + dest_suffix)
copy_cmd = env.Command(copy_dest, pythonlib, [Copy('$TARGET', '$SOURCE')])
copy_cmd2 = env.Command(os.path.join(opts['WRAP_COPY_DEST'], 'fife_wrap.h'),
				[Copy('$TARGET', '$SOURCE')])
copy_cmd3 = env.Command(os.path.join(opts['WRAP_COPY_DEST'], ''),
				[Copy('$TARGET', '$SOURCE')])

#static library target

staticlib = env.StaticLibrary(target = fife_tgt,
							  source = compilefiles,

#Install targets

#TODO: This is not complete.  Because of the current linux rpath issue this
#will not work as expected.
install_static = env.Install(os.path.join(opts['PREFIX'], 'lib'), staticlib)
install_shared = env.Install(os.path.join(opts['PREFIX'], 'lib'), sharedlib)

headerdestlist = utils.gen_dest_files(os.path.join(opts['PREFIX'], 'include', 'fife'), headerfiles)
install_headers = env.InstallAs(headerdestlist, headerfiles)

pypath = os.path.join(opts['PYTHON_PREFIX'], 'fife') 
extdestfilelist = utils.gen_dest_files(pypath, relextensionfiles)

install_python_lib = env.Install(pypath, pythonlib)
install_python_module = env.Install(pypath, ['#/engine/python/fife/','#/engine/python/fife/'])
install_python_extensions = env.InstallAs(extdestfilelist, extensionfiles)

if sys.platform == 'win32':
	dlldestfilelist = utils.gen_dest_files(pypath, dllfiles)
	dlldestfilelist2 = utils.gen_dest_files(os.path.join(engine_path, 'python', 'fife'), dllfiles)
	install_dlls = env.InstallAs(dlldestfilelist, dllfilelist)
	install_dlls2 = env.InstallAs(dlldestfilelist2, dllfilelist)

#Alias definitions

alias_msvc = Alias('msvc',msvcproj)
alias_msvc9 = Alias('msvc9',msvcproj9)
alias_cbwin32 = Alias('cbwin32',cbproj_win32)
alias_cblinux = Alias('cblinux',cbproj_linux)
Alias('projects',[alias_msvc, alias_msvc9, alias_cbwin32, alias_cblinux])

alias_shared = Alias('fife-shared', sharedlib)
alias_static = Alias('fife-static', staticlib)
alias_swig = Alias('fife-swig', [pythonext, copy_cmd2, copy_cmd3])

if sys.platform == 'win32':
	alias_python = Alias('fife-python', [pythonlib, copy_cmd, alias_swig, install_dlls2])
	alias_python = Alias('fife-python', [pythonlib, copy_cmd, alias_swig])
Alias('fife', [alias_shared, alias_static, alias_python])
alias_install_shared = Alias('install-shared', install_shared)
alias_install_static = Alias('install-static', install_static)

if sys.platform == 'win32':
	alias_install_python = Alias('install-python', [alias_python, install_python_lib, install_python_module, install_python_extensions, install_dlls])
	alias_install_python = Alias('install-python', [alias_python, install_python_lib, install_python_module, install_python_extensions])
alias_install_dev = Alias('install-dev', [alias_install_shared, alias_install_static, install_headers])
Alias('install-all', [alias_install_python, alias_install_dev])