Mercurial > fife-parpg
view demos/shooter/scripts/gui/ @ 589:d1df6cf5ff23
* Fixed a bug in RenderBackendSDL, the clip area was not properly set.
* Renamed the backquad and border commands of the FloatingTextRenderer.
* Added the TransparentArea commands to the InstanceRenderer.
Note: with addTransparentArea(instance, string, width, height, transparent, front) you can enable an area, that make all instances in this zone and with the same namespace transparent. The string is for the namespace, so you can set one or more namespaces to be transparent. Width and height specifies the size of the area. Transparent defines the intensity of transparency, 255 = invisible. The bool front, enable or disable the z check, so that only instances in front of the source instance could be transparent.
author | helios2000@33b003aa-7bff-0310-803a-e67f0ece8222 |
date | Fri, 13 Aug 2010 16:33:36 +0000 |
parents | 987307d12235 |
children |
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # #################################################################### # Copyright (C) 2005-2010 by the FIFE team # # This file is part of FIFE. # # FIFE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # #################################################################### from fife import fife from fife.extensions import pychan from fife.extensions.pychan import widgets from xml.sax.saxutils import XMLGenerator from xml.sax.xmlreader import AttributesNSImpl class MainMenu(object): def __init__(self, world, setting): self._world = world self._setting = setting self._widget = pychan.loadXML('gui/mainmenu.xml') self._continue = self._widget.findChild(name="continue") self._newgame = self._widget.findChild(name="new_game") self._credits = self._widget.findChild(name="credits") self._highscores = self._widget.findChild(name="high_scores") self._quit = self._widget.findChild(name="quit") self._widget.position = (0,0) eventMap = { 'continue': self._world.continueGame, 'new_game': self._world.newGame, 'settings': self._setting.onOptionsPress, 'credits': self._world.showCredits, 'high_scores': self._world.showHighScores, 'quit': self._world.quit, } self._widget.mapEvents(eventMap) self._continueMinWidth = self._continue.min_width self._continueMinHeight = self._continue.min_height self._continueMaxWidth = self._continue.max_width self._continueMaxHeight = self._continue.max_height def show(self, cont=False): if cont: self._continue.min_width = self._continueMinWidth self._continue.min_height = self._continueMinHeight self._continue.max_width = self._continueMaxWidth self._continue.max_height = self._continueMaxHeight else: self._continue.min_width = 0 self._continue.min_height = 0 self._continue.max_width = 0 self._continue.max_height = 0 self._continue.adaptLayout() def hide(self): self._widget.hide() def isVisible(self): return self._widget.isVisible() class HeadsUpDisplay(object): def __init__(self, world): self._world = world self._widget = pychan.loadXML('gui/hud.xml') self._fpstext = self._widget.findChild(name="fps") self._velocitytext = self._widget.findChild(name="velocity") self._positiontext = self._widget.findChild(name="position") self._scoretext = self._widget.findChild(name="score") self._livestext = self._widget.findChild(name="lives") self._widget.position = (0,0) def show(self): def hide(self): self._widget.hide() def setFPSText(self, text): self._fpstext.text = text def setPositionText(self, text): self._positiontext.text = text def setVelocityText(self, text): self._velocitytext.text = text def setScoreText(self, text): self._scoretext.text = text def setLivesText(self, text): self._livestext.text = text class GameOverDisplay(object): def __init__(self): self._widget = pychan.loadXML('gui/gameover.xml') def show(self): def hide(self): self._widget.hide() class WinnerDisplay(object): def __init__(self): self._widget = pychan.loadXML('gui/winner.xml') def show(self): def hide(self): self._widget.hide() class HighScore(object): def __init__(self, name, score): self._name = name self._score = int(score) class HighScores(object): """ Handles all the high scores. It saves and loads the high score file. """ def __init__(self, world): self._world = world self.load() def load(self): self._widget = pychan.loadXML('gui/highscores.xml') self._scores = list() for i in range(1,11): place = self._widget.findChild(name=str(i)) name = self._widget.findChild(name="%iname" % i) score = self._widget.findChild(name="%iscore" % i) highscore = HighScore(name.text, int(score.text)) self._scores.append(highscore) eventMap = { 'close': self.hide, } self._widget.mapEvents(eventMap) def isHighScore(self, score): for highscore in self._scores: if score > highscore._score: return True return False def addHighScore(self, score): if not self.isHighScore(score._score): return i = 0 element = 0 for highscore in self._scores: if score._score > highscore._score: element = i break i += 1 self._scores.insert(element, score) #remove last element self._scores.pop() self.saveHighScores() self.load() def startElement(self, name, attrs): self._file.write(self._indent_level) self._xmlout.startElementNS((None, name), name, attrs) self._file.write('\n') self._indent_level = self._indent_level + '\t' def endElement(self, name): self._indent_level = self._indent_level[0:(len(self._indent_level) - 1)] self._file.write(self._indent_level) self._xmlout.endElementNS((None, name), name) self._file.write('\n') def saveHighScores(self): self._file = open('gui/highscores.xml', 'w') self._xmlout = XMLGenerator(self._file, 'ascii') self._xmlout.startDocument() self._indent_level = '' #<Container name="HighScores" position="0,0" size="1024,768" border_size="0" base_color="0,0,0" opaque="0"> attr_values = { (None, 'name'): 'HighScores', (None, 'position'): '0,0', (None, 'size'): '1024,768', (None, 'border_size'): '0', (None, 'base_color'): '0,0,0', (None, 'opaque'): '0', } attr_names = { (None, 'name'): 'name', (None, 'position'): 'position', (None, 'size'): 'size', (None, 'border_size'): 'border_size', (None, 'base_color'): 'base_color', (None, 'opaque'): 'opaque', } container_attrs = AttributesNSImpl(attr_values, attr_names) self.startElement('Container', container_attrs) #<VBox opaque='1' base_color="188, 0, 0" position="412,200" name="high_score"> attr_values = { (None, 'opaque'): '1', (None, 'base_color'): '188,0,0', (None, 'position'): '412,200', (None, 'name'): 'high_score', } attr_names = { (None, 'opaque'): 'opaque', (None, 'base_color'): 'base_color', (None, 'position'): 'position', (None, 'name'): 'name', } vbox_attrs = AttributesNSImpl(attr_values, attr_names) self.startElement('VBox', vbox_attrs) #<Label name="high_scores" text="High Scores" min_size="100,0" border_size="0"/> self.startElement('HBox', AttributesNSImpl({}, {})) attr_values = { (None, 'name'): 'high_scores', (None, 'text'): 'High Scores', (None, 'min_size'): '100,0', (None, 'border_size'): '0', } attr_names = { (None, 'name'): 'name', (None, 'text'): 'text', (None, 'min_size'): 'min_size', (None, 'border_size'): 'border_size', } self.startElement('Label', AttributesNSImpl(attr_values, attr_names)) self.endElement('Label') self.endElement('HBox') i = 1 for score in self._scores: self.startElement('HBox', AttributesNSImpl({}, {})) plc_attr_values = { (None, 'name'): str(i), (None, 'text'): str(i), (None, 'min_size'): '20,0', (None, 'border_size'): '5', } plc_attr_names = { (None, 'name'): 'name', (None, 'text'): 'text', (None, 'min_size'): 'min_size', (None, 'border_size'): 'border_size', } name_attr_values = { (None, 'name'): str(i) + 'name', (None, 'text'): score._name, (None, 'min_size'): '50,0', (None, 'border_size'): '5', } name_attr_names = { (None, 'name'): 'name', (None, 'text'): 'text', (None, 'min_size'): 'min_size', (None, 'border_size'): 'border_size', } score_attr_values = { (None, 'name'): str(i) + 'score', (None, 'text'): str(score._score), (None, 'min_size'): '150,0', (None, 'border_size'): '5', } score_attr_names = { (None, 'name'): 'name', (None, 'text'): 'text', (None, 'min_size'): 'min_size', (None, 'border_size'): 'border_size', } self.startElement('Label', AttributesNSImpl(plc_attr_values, plc_attr_names)) self.endElement('Label') self.startElement('Label', AttributesNSImpl(name_attr_values, name_attr_names)) self.endElement('Label') self.startElement('Label', AttributesNSImpl(score_attr_values, score_attr_names)) self.endElement('Label') self.endElement('HBox') i += 1 #<Button name="close" text="Close" min_size="100,0" border_size="0"/> attr_values = { (None, 'name'): 'close', (None, 'text'): 'Close', (None, 'min_size'): '100,0', (None, 'border_size'): '0', } attr_names = { (None, 'name'): 'name', (None, 'text'): 'text', (None, 'min_size'): 'min_size', (None, 'border_size'): 'border_size', } self.startElement('Button', AttributesNSImpl(attr_values, attr_names)) self.endElement('Button') self.endElement('VBox') self.endElement('Container') self._xmlout.endDocument() self._file.close() def show(self): def hide(self): self.saveHighScores() self._widget.hide() def isVisible(self): return self._widget.isVisible() class CreditsDisplay(object): def __init__(self, world): self._world = world self._widget = pychan.loadXML('gui/credits.xml') eventMap = { 'close': self.hide, } self._widget.mapEvents(eventMap) def show(self): def hide(self): self._widget.hide()