view engine/core/view/renderers/instancerenderer.cpp @ 638:980c02db2f56

* Fixed a swig template that got missed in a previous commit
author prock@33b003aa-7bff-0310-803a-e67f0ece8222
date Thu, 07 Oct 2010 16:15:09 +0000
parents 378b588216d6
children e3140f01749d
line wrap: on
line source

 *   Copyright (C) 2005-2008 by the FIFE team                              *
 *                                               *
 *   This file is part of FIFE.                                            *
 *                                                                         *
 *   FIFE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or                 *
 *   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public            *
 *   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          *
 *   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.    *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
 *   Lesser General Public License for more details.                       *
 *                                                                         *
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public      *
 *   License along with this library; if not, write to the                 *
 *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
 *   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA          *

// Standard C++ library includes

// 3rd party library includes

// FIFE includes
// These includes are split up in two parts, separated by one empty line
// First block: files included from the FIFE root src directory
// Second block: files included from the same folder
#include "video/renderbackend.h"
#include "video/image.h"
#include "video/sdl/sdlimage.h"
#include "video/imagepool.h"
#include "video/animation.h"
#include "video/animationpool.h"
#include "util/math/fife_math.h"
#include "util/log/logger.h"
#include "model/metamodel/grids/cellgrid.h"
#include "model/metamodel/action.h"
#include "model/structures/instance.h"
#include "model/structures/layer.h"
#include "model/structures/location.h"

#include "view/camera.h"
#include "view/visual.h"
#include "instancerenderer.h"

namespace {
	unsigned int scale(unsigned int val, double factor) {
		return static_cast<unsigned int>(ceil(static_cast<double>(val) * factor));

namespace FIFE {
	static Logger _log(LM_VIEWVIEW);

		curimg(NULL) {
		curimg(NULL) {

		z(0) {

	InstanceRenderer::OutlineInfo::~OutlineInfo() {
		delete outline;

	InstanceRenderer::ColoringInfo::~ColoringInfo() {
		delete overlay;

	InstanceRenderer::AreaInfo::~AreaInfo() {

	InstanceRenderer* InstanceRenderer::getInstance(IRendererContainer* cnt) {
		return dynamic_cast<InstanceRenderer*>(cnt->getRenderer("InstanceRenderer"));

	InstanceRenderer::InstanceRenderer(RenderBackend* renderbackend, int position, ImagePool* imagepool, AnimationPool* animpool):
		RendererBase(renderbackend, position),
		m_area_layer(false) {

 	InstanceRenderer::InstanceRenderer(const InstanceRenderer& old):
		m_area_layer(old.m_area_layer) {

	RendererBase* InstanceRenderer::clone() {
		return new InstanceRenderer(*this);

	InstanceRenderer::~InstanceRenderer() {

	void InstanceRenderer::render(Camera* cam, Layer* layer, RenderList& instances) {
		FL_DBG(_log, "Iterating layer...");
		CellGrid* cg = layer->getCellGrid();
		if (!cg) {
			FL_WARN(_log, "No cellgrid assigned to layer, cannot draw instances");

		const bool any_effects = !(m_instance_outlines.empty() && m_instance_colorings.empty());

		m_area_layer = false;
		if(!m_instance_areas.empty()) {
			InstanceToAreas_t::iterator area_it = m_instance_areas.begin();
			for(;area_it != m_instance_areas.end(); area_it++) {
				AreaInfo& info = area_it->second;
				if(info.instance->getLocation().getLayer() == layer) {
					if(info.front) {
						DoublePoint3D instance_posv = cam->toVirtualScreenCoordinates(info.instance->getLocation().getMapCoordinates());
						info.z = instance_posv.z;
					m_area_layer = true;

		RenderList::iterator instance_it = instances.begin();
		for (;instance_it != instances.end(); ++instance_it) {
			FL_DBG(_log, "Iterating instances...");
			Instance* instance = (*instance_it)->instance;
			RenderItem& vc = **instance_it;

			if(m_area_layer) {
				InstanceToAreas_t::iterator areas_it = m_instance_areas.begin();
				for(;areas_it != m_instance_areas.end(); areas_it++) {
					AreaInfo& infoa = areas_it->second;
					if(infoa.front) {
						if(infoa.z >= vc.screenpoint.z) {

					std::string str_name = instance->getObject()->getNamespace();
					std::list<std::string>::iterator group_it = infoa.groups.begin();
					for(;group_it != infoa.groups.end(); ++group_it) {
						if(str_name.find((*group_it)) != -1) {
							ScreenPoint p;
							Rect rec;
							p = cam->toScreenCoordinates(infoa.instance->getLocation().getMapCoordinates());
							rec.x = p.x - infoa.w / 2;
							rec.y = p.y - infoa.h / 2;
							rec.w = infoa.w;
							rec.h = infoa.h;
							if(infoa.instance != instance && vc.dimensions.intersects(rec)) {
								vc.transparency = 255 - infoa.trans;

			FL_DBG(_log, LMsg("Instance layer coordinates = ") << instance->getLocationRef().getLayerCoordinates());

			if (any_effects) {
				InstanceToOutlines_t::iterator outline_it = m_instance_outlines.find(instance);
				if (outline_it != m_instance_outlines.end()) {
					bindOutline(outline_it->second, vc, cam)->render(vc.dimensions, vc.transparency);

				InstanceToColoring_t::iterator coloring_it = m_instance_colorings.find(instance);
				if (coloring_it != m_instance_colorings.end()) {
					bindColoring(coloring_it->second, vc, cam)->render(vc.dimensions, vc.transparency);
					continue; // Skip normal rendering after drawing overlay

			vc.image->render(vc.dimensions, vc.transparency);

	Image* InstanceRenderer::bindOutline(OutlineInfo& info, RenderItem& vc, Camera* cam) {
		if (!info.dirty && info.curimg == vc.image) {
			// optimization for outline that has not changed
			return info.outline;
		} else {
			info.curimg = vc.image;

		if (info.outline) {
			delete info.outline; // delete old mask
			info.outline = NULL;
		SDL_Surface* surface = vc.image->getSurface();
		SDL_Surface* outline_surface = SDL_ConvertSurface(surface, surface->format, surface->flags);

		// needs to use SDLImage here, since GlImage does not support drawing primitives atm
		SDLImage* img = new SDLImage(outline_surface);

		// TODO: optimize...
		uint8_t r, g, b, a = 0;

		// vertical sweep
		for (unsigned int x = 0; x < img->getWidth(); x ++) {
			uint8_t prev_a = 0;
			for (unsigned int y = 0; y < img->getHeight(); y ++) {
				vc.image->getPixelRGBA(x, y, &r, &g, &b, &a);
				if ((a == 0 || prev_a == 0) && (a != prev_a)) {
					if (a < prev_a) {
						for (unsigned int yy = y; yy < y + info.width; yy++) {
							img->putPixel(x, yy, info.r, info.g, info.b);
					} else {
						for (unsigned int yy = y - info.width; yy < y; yy++) {
							img->putPixel(x, yy, info.r, info.g, info.b);
				prev_a = a;
		// horizontal sweep
		for (unsigned int y = 0; y < img->getHeight(); y ++) {
			uint8_t prev_a = 0;
			for (unsigned int x = 0; x < img->getWidth(); x ++) {
				vc.image->getPixelRGBA(x, y, &r, &g, &b, &a);
				if ((a == 0 || prev_a == 0) && (a != prev_a)) {
					if (a < prev_a) {
						for (unsigned int xx = x; xx < x + info.width; xx++) {
							img->putPixel(xx, y, info.r, info.g, info.b);
					} else {
						for (unsigned int xx = x - info.width; xx < x; xx++) {
							img->putPixel(xx, y, info.r, info.g, info.b);
				prev_a = a;

		// In case of OpenGL backend, SDLImage needs to be converted
		info.outline = m_renderbackend->createImage(img->detachSurface());
		delete img;

		if (info.outline) {
			// mark outline as not dirty since we created it here
			info.dirty = false;

		return info.outline;

	Image* InstanceRenderer::bindColoring(ColoringInfo& info, RenderItem& vc, Camera* cam) {
		if (!info.dirty && info.curimg == vc.image) {
			// optimization for coloring overlay that has not changed
			return info.overlay;
		else {
			info.curimg = vc.image;
		if (info.overlay) {
			delete info.overlay; // delete old mask
			info.overlay = NULL;

		SDL_Surface* surface = vc.image->getSurface();
		SDL_Surface* overlay_surface = SDL_ConvertSurface(surface, surface->format, surface->flags);

		// needs to use SDLImage here, since GlImage does not support drawing primitives atm
		SDLImage* img = new SDLImage(overlay_surface);

		uint8_t r, g, b, a = 0;

		for (unsigned int x = 0; x < img->getWidth(); x ++) {
			for (unsigned int y = 0; y < img->getHeight(); y ++) {
				vc.image->getPixelRGBA(x, y, &r, &g, &b, &a);
				if (a > 0) {
					img->putPixel(x, y, (r + info.r) >> 1, (g + info.g) >> 1, (b + info.b) >> 1);

		// In case of OpenGL backend, SDLImage needs to be converted
		info.overlay = m_renderbackend->createImage(img->detachSurface());
		delete img;

		if (info.overlay) {
			// mark overlay coloring as not dirty since we created it here
			info.dirty = false;

		return info.overlay;

	void InstanceRenderer::addOutlined(Instance* instance, int r, int g, int b, int width) {
		OutlineInfo newinfo;
		newinfo.r = r;
		newinfo.g = g;
		newinfo.b = b;
		newinfo.width = width;
		newinfo.dirty = true;

		// attempts to insert the element into the outline map
		// will return false in the second value of the pair if the instance already exists 
		// in the map and the first value of the pair will then be an iterator to the 
		// existing data for the instance
		std::pair<InstanceToOutlines_t::iterator, bool> insertiter = m_instance_outlines.insert(std::make_pair(instance, newinfo));

		if (insertiter.second == false) {
			// the insertion did not happen because the instance 
			// already exists in the map so lets just update its outline info
			OutlineInfo& info = insertiter.first->second;

			if (info.r != r || info.g != g || info.b != b || info.width != width) {
				// only update the outline info if its changed since the last call
				// flag the outline info as dirty so it will get processed during rendering
				info.r = r;
				info.b = b;
				info.g = g;
				info.width = width;
				info.dirty = true;

	void InstanceRenderer::addColored(Instance* instance, int r, int g, int b) {
		ColoringInfo newinfo;
		newinfo.r = r;
		newinfo.g = g;
		newinfo.b = b;
		newinfo.dirty = true;

		// attempts to insert the element into the coloring map
		// will return false in the second value of the pair if the instance already exists 
		// in the map and the first value of the pair will then be an iterator to the 
		// existing data for the instance
		std::pair<InstanceToColoring_t::iterator, bool> insertiter = m_instance_colorings.insert(std::make_pair(instance, newinfo));

		if (insertiter.second == false) {
			// the insertion did not happen because the instance 
			// already exists in the map so lets just update its coloring info
			ColoringInfo& info = insertiter.first->second;

			if (info.r != r || info.g != g || info.b != b) {
				// only update the coloring info if its changed since the last call
				// flag the coloring info as dirty so it will get processed during rendering
				info.r = r;
				info.b = b;
				info.g = g;
				info.dirty = true;

	void InstanceRenderer::addTransparentArea(Instance* instance, const std::list<std::string> &groups, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, unsigned char trans, bool front) {
		AreaInfo newinfo;
		newinfo.instance = instance;
		newinfo.groups = groups;

		newinfo.w = w;
		newinfo.h = h;
		newinfo.trans = trans;
		newinfo.front = front;

		// attempts to insert the element into the area map
		// will return false in the second value of the pair if the instance already exists 
		// in the map and the first value of the pair will then be an iterator to the 
		// existing data for the instance
		std::pair<InstanceToAreas_t::iterator, bool> insertiter = m_instance_areas.insert(std::make_pair(instance, newinfo));

		if (insertiter.second == false) {
			// the insertion did not happen because the instance 
			// already exists in the map so lets just update its area info
			AreaInfo& info = insertiter.first->second;

	void InstanceRenderer::removeOutlined(Instance* instance) {

	void InstanceRenderer::removeColored(Instance* instance) {

	void InstanceRenderer::removeTransparentArea(Instance* instance) {

	void InstanceRenderer::removeAllOutlines() {

	void InstanceRenderer::removeAllColored() {

	void InstanceRenderer::removeAllTransparentAreas() {

	void InstanceRenderer::reset() {
