view engine/core/view/camera.h @ 564:7d88eddd2ec7

Modified the addColored and addOutlined methods in the InstanceRenderer class to fix a memory leak. The new code attempts to insert the information in the proper map and if it already exists it will explicitly update the reference to the existing information. The new code no longer relies on the bracket operator of the std::map which was implicitly calling the equals operator of the ColoringInfo and OutlineInfo and causing the memory leak. fixes[ticket:472]
author vtchill@33b003aa-7bff-0310-803a-e67f0ece8222
date Sat, 26 Jun 2010 00:42:14 +0000
parents c9113e23b004
children b2feacaed53c
line wrap: on
line source

 *   Copyright (C) 2005-2008 by the FIFE team                              *
 *                                               *
 *   This file is part of FIFE.                                            *
 *                                                                         *
 *   FIFE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or                 *
 *   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public            *
 *   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          *
 *   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.    *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
 *   Lesser General Public License for more details.                       *
 *                                                                         *
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public      *
 *   License along with this library; if not, write to the                 *
 *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
 *   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA          *


// Standard C++ library includes
#include <string>
#include <map>

// 3rd party library includes

// FIFE includes
// These includes are split up in two parts, separated by one empty line
// First block: files included from the FIFE root src directory
// Second block: files included from the same folder
#include "model/structures/location.h"
#include "util/structures/rect.h"
#include "util/math/matrix.h"

#include "rendererbase.h"

namespace FIFE {

	typedef Point3D ScreenPoint;
	class Layer;
	class Rect;
	class Instance;
	class ImagePool;
	class AnimationPool;
	class RenderBackend;
	class LayerCache;
	class MapObserver;
	typedef std::map<Layer*, RenderList > t_layer_to_instances;

	/** Camera describes properties of a view port shown in the main screen
	 *  Main screen can have multiple cameras active simultanously
	 *  Different cameras can have different properties, like location
	 *  to shoot, zoom or tilt
	class Camera: public IRendererListener, public IRendererContainer {
		enum Transform {
			NormalTransform = 0,
			WarpedTransform = 1

		/** Constructor
		 * Camera needs to be added to the view. If not done so, it is not rendered.
		 * @param id identifier for the camera
		 * @param layer layer where camera is bound. Camera is bound to a layer for two reasons:
		 *   * camera's scaling is done based on cell image dimensions. Cell image is layer based (@see setCellImageDimensions)
		 *   * camera could be bound to a pather, which operates on layer
		 * @param viewport used viewport for the camera. Viewport is measured in pixels in relation to game main screen
		 * @param emc coordinate, where camera is focused on given layer
		 * @param renderbackend to use with rendering
		 * @param ipool to use with rendering
		 * @param apool to use with rendering
		Camera(const std::string& id,
			Layer* layer,
			const Rect& viewport,
			RenderBackend* renderbackend,
			ImagePool* ipool,
			AnimationPool* apool);

		/** Destructor
		virtual ~Camera();

		/** Gets the identifier for this camera.
		const std::string& getId() const { return m_id; }

		/** Sets the identifier for this camera.
		void setId(const std::string& id) { m_id = id; }

		/** Sets tilt for the camera.
		 * e.g. overhead camera has tilt 0, while traditional isometric camera has tilt 45
		 * @param tilt tilt for the camera
		void setTilt(double tilt);

		/** Gets camera tilt
		 * @return tilt of camera
		double getTilt() const;

		/** Sets rotation for the camera.
		 * Rotation can be visualized by thinking camera that rotates around an object
		 * that it is rendering
		 * @param rotation rotation for the camera
		void setRotation(double rotation);

		/** Gets camera rotation
		 * @return rotation of the camera
		double getRotation() const;

		/** Sets zoom for the camera.
		 * @param zoom zoom for the camera
		void setZoom(double zoom);

		/** Gets camera zoom
		 * @return zoom of the camera
		double getZoom() const;

		/** Sets screen cell image dimensions.
		 * Cell image dimension is basically width and height of a bitmap, that covers
		 * one cell in the layer where camera is bind
		 * @return Point Point containing x=width and y=height
		void setCellImageDimensions(unsigned int width, unsigned int height);

		/** Gets screen cell image dimensions.
		 * @see setCellImageDimensions
		 * @return Point containing x=width and y=height
		Point getCellImageDimensions();

		/** Gets screen cell image dimensions for given layer.
		* @return Point Point containing x=width and y=height
		Point getCellImageDimensions(Layer* layer);

		/** Sets the location for camera
		 * @param location location (center point) to render
		void setLocation(const Location& location);

		/** Gets the location camera is rendering
		 * @return camera location
		Location getLocation() const;

		Point3D getOrigin() const;

		/** Gets a reference to the camera location
		 * @note if you change returned location without calling Camera::setLocation(...),
		 *       remember to call Camera::refresh() (otherwise camera transforms are not updated)
		 * @return reference to the camera location
		Location& getLocationRef();

		/** Attaches the camera to an instance.
		 * @param instance Instance to which the camera shall be attached
		 * @note The camera can only be attached to an instance at the same layer!
		void attach(Instance *instance);

		/** Detaches the camera from an instance.
		void detach();

		/** Returns instance where camera is attached. NULL if not attached
		Instance* getAttached() const { return m_attachedto; }

		/** Sets the viewport for camera
		 * viewport is rectangle inside the view where camera renders
		 * @param viewport area for camera render
		void setViewPort(const Rect& viewport);

		/** Gets the viewport for camera
		 * @return camera viewport
		const Rect& getViewPort() const;

		/** Transforms given point from screen coordinates to map coordinates
		 * @param screen_coords screen coordinates to transform
		 * @param z_calculated if true, z-value (depth cut point) is pre-calculated. If false, camera calculates it
		 * @return point in map coordinates
		ExactModelCoordinate toMapCoordinates(ScreenPoint screen_coords, bool z_calculated=true);

		/** Transforms given point from map coordinates to screen coordinates
		 *  @return point in screen coordinates
		ScreenPoint toScreenCoordinates(ExactModelCoordinate map_coords);

		/** Transforms given point from map coordinates to virtual screen coordinates
		 *  @return point in screen coordinates
		DoublePoint3D toVirtualScreenCoordinates(ExactModelCoordinate map_coords);

		ScreenPoint virtualScreenToScreen(const DoublePoint3D& p);
		DoublePoint3D screenToVirtualScreen(const ScreenPoint& p);

		/** Sets camera enabled / disabled
		void setEnabled(bool enabled);

		/** Gets if camera is enabled / disabled
		bool isEnabled();

		/** Returns instances that match given screen coordinate
		 * @param screen_coords screen coordinates to be used for hit search
		 * @param layer layer to use for search
		 * @param instances list of instances that is filled based on hit test results
		void getMatchingInstances(ScreenPoint screen_coords, Layer& layer, std::list<Instance*>& instances);

		/** Returns instances that match given screen coordinate
		 * @param screen_point1 top left screen coordinates to be used for hit search
		 * @param screen_point2 right bottom screen coordinates to be used for hit search
		 * @param layer layer to use for search
		 * @param instances list of instances that is filled based on hit test results
		void getMatchingInstances(Rect screen_rect, Layer& layer, std::list<Instance*>& instances);

		/** Returns instances that match given location. Instances are sorted based on camera view, so that "topmost"
		 * instance is first in returned list
		 * @param loc location where to fetch instances from
		 * @param instances list of instances that is filled based on hit test results
		 * @param use_exactcoordinates if true, comparison is done using exact coordinates. if not, cell coordinates are used
		void getMatchingInstances(Location& loc, std::list<Instance*>& instances, bool use_exactcoordinates=false);

		/** General update routine.
		 * In this function, the camera's position gets updated when its attached
		 * to another instance.
		 * @note call this only once in engine update cycle, so that tracking between
		 *  current position and previous position keeps in sync. This information
		 *  is used e.g. by view to fix the pixel wobbling problem
		void update();

		/** Refreshes camera view in case e.g. location is updated directly (not via setLocation)
		 * @note calling this function marks camera as "warped", therefore it causes all instance
		 * positions to be recalculated. If you constantly call this, you end up with pixel wobbling
		 * effect when camera is moved.
		void refresh();

		/** Resets temporary values from last update round, like warped flag
		void resetUpdates();

		/** Adds new renderer on the view. Ownership is transferred to the camera.
		void addRenderer(RendererBase* renderer);

		/** Gets renderer with given name
		RendererBase* getRenderer(const std::string& name);

		/** resets active layer information on all renderers.
		void resetRenderers();

		/** calculates z-value for given screenpoint
		void calculateZValue(ScreenPoint& screen_coords);

		void onRendererPipelinePositionChanged(RendererBase* renderer);
		void onRendererEnabledChanged(RendererBase* renderer);

		/** Renders camera
		void render();
		friend class MapObserver;
		void addLayer(Layer* layer);
		void removeLayer(Layer* layer);
		void updateMap(Map* map);
		std::string m_id;

		/** Updates the camera transformation matrix T with requested values.
		 * The requests are done using these functions :
		 * - setLocation
		 * - setRotation
		 * - setTilt
		void updateMatrices();

		/** Updates camera reference scale
		 * Reference scale is in a sense an internal zooming factor,
		 * which adjusts cell dimensions in logical space to ones shown on
		 * screen. Calculation is based on current camera properties (e.g. rotation)
		 * + given cell image dimensions for camera's layer
		void updateReferenceScale();

		/** Gets logical cell image dimensions for given layer
		DoublePoint getLogicalCellDimensions(Layer* layer);

		DoubleMatrix m_matrix;
		DoubleMatrix m_inverse_matrix;

		DoubleMatrix m_vs_matrix;
		DoubleMatrix m_vs_inverse_matrix;
		DoubleMatrix m_vscreen_2_screen;
		DoubleMatrix m_screen_2_vscreen;

		double m_tilt;
		double m_rotation;
		double m_zoom;
		Location m_location;
		ScreenPoint m_prev_origo;
		ScreenPoint m_cur_origo;
		Rect m_viewport;
		bool m_view_updated;
		unsigned int m_screen_cell_width;
		unsigned int m_screen_cell_height;
		double m_reference_scale;
		bool m_enabled;
		Instance* m_attachedto;
		// caches calculated image dimensions for already queried & calculated layers
		std::map<Layer*, Point> m_image_dimensions;
		bool m_iswarped;

		// list of renderers managed by the view
		std::map<std::string, RendererBase*> m_renderers;
		std::list<RendererBase*> m_pipeline;
		bool m_updated; // false, if view has never been updated before

		RenderBackend* m_renderbackend;
		ImagePool* m_ipool;
		AnimationPool* m_apool;

		// caches layer -> instances structure between renders e.g. to fast query of mouse picking order
		t_layer_to_instances m_layer_to_instances;

		std::map<Layer*,LayerCache*> m_cache;
		MapObserver* m_map_observer;
		Map* m_map;