view utils/scons/ @ 384:621b062e752d

Modified the code blocks project files to fit with the new build system. Code blocks now uses scons to build each of the configurations. The python configurations build properly but fail during link with a bunch of undefined references insides of the swig generated dll, not sure why. Also updated the so that it no longer relies on variables defined outside of itself, this was causing code blocks to not be able to build. Updated a couple of the batch scripts so they run properly.
author vtchill@33b003aa-7bff-0310-803a-e67f0ece8222
date Wed, 20 Jan 2010 05:56:18 +0000
parents 64738befdf3b
children 81641655bc38
line wrap: on
line source

import os, sys
from string import Template

_sep = os.path.sep

def is_implfile(fname):
	return fname.endswith('.cpp') or fname.endswith('.cxx') or fname.endswith('.m')

def is_headerfile(fname):
	return fname.endswith('.hpp') or fname.endswith('.h')

def is_swigfile(fname):
	return fname.endswith('.i')
#need this function because python 2.5 doesnt support os.path.relpath
def relpath(longPath, basePath):
	if not longPath.startswith(basePath):
		raise RuntimeError("Unexpected arguments")
	if longPath == basePath:
		return "."
	i = len(basePath)
	if not basePath.endswith(os.path.sep):
		i += len(os.path.sep)
	return longPath[i:]

#This generates the a list of absolute paths with filenames
def gen_dest_files(dest_path, source_files):
	dest_files = list()
	for f in source_files:
	return dest_files

def importConfig(config):
	module = __import__(config)
	parts = config.split('.')
	for part in parts[1:]:
		module = getattr(module, part)
	return module

def getPlatformConfig():
	filename = 'build' + _sep + sys.platform + '-config'
	sconsfilename = 'build.' + sys.platform + '-config'
	if os.path.exists(filename + '.py'):
		 return importConfig(sconsfilename)
		print 'no platform-config found (searched ' + filename + '.py)'

def tryConfigCommand(context, cmd):
	ret = context.TryAction(cmd)[0]
	if ret:
	return ret

def checkPKG(context, name):
	context.Message('Checking for %s (using pkg-config)...' %name)
	return tryConfigCommand(context, 'pkg-config --libs --cflags \'%s\'')

def checkConf(context, name):
	binary = '%s-config' % name.lower()
	context.Message('Checking for %s (using %s)... ' % (name, binary))
	configcall = '%s --libs --cflags' %binary
	return tryConfigCommand(context, configcall)

def filter_by_dir(dirfilters, files):
	result = []
	for f in files:
		filtered = False
		for p in dirfilters:
			s_files = f.split(_sep)
			for s in s_files:
				if s == p:
					filtered = True
		if not filtered:
	return result
def gen_swig_interface(templatefile, source, outdir):
	template = Template(open(templatefile).read())
	inclusions = sorted([os.path.join('%include engine', str(f)) for f in source])
	inclusions = '\n'.join(inclusions)
	interfacefile = os.path.join(outdir, 'fife.i')
	open(interfacefile, 'w').write(template.substitute(inclusions=inclusions))