view demos/shooter/scripts/common/ @ 469:5994e61cdebd

Added a widget to be displayed after the player completes the game. Renamed the showHighScoreDialog function to saveScore. Player can no longer collide with the boss causing the boss to be destroyed. The player now gets destroyed and the boss takes no damage.
author prock@33b003aa-7bff-0310-803a-e67f0ece8222
date Wed, 14 Apr 2010 17:42:24 +0000
parents ac0f62a07a3e
children b78020d31186
line wrap: on
line source

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# ####################################################################
#  Copyright (C) 2005-2009 by the FIFE team
#  This file is part of FIFE.
#  FIFE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
#  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
#  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
#  License along with this library; if not, write to the
#  Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
# ####################################################################

from fife import fife
from scripts.common.helpers import normalize
from scripts.common.helpers import Rect

class SpaceObject(object):
	def __init__(self, scene, name, findInstance=True):
		self._scene = scene
		self._model = self._scene.model
		self._layer = self._scene.objectlayer
		self._name = name
		self._xscale = self._layer.getCellGrid().getXScale()
		self._yscale = self._layer.getCellGrid().getYScale()		
		self._velocity = fife.DoublePoint(0,0)
		self._maxvelocity = 1.25
		self._boundingBox = Rect(0,0,0,0)
		self._running = False
		self._changedPosition = False
		self._scenenodeid = -1
		if findInstance:
			self._instance = self._layer.getInstance(self._name)
			self._instnace = None
	def start(self):
		if self._instance:
			self._running = True

	def update(self):
		if self._running:
			shiploc = self.location
			exactloc = shiploc.getExactLayerCoordinates()
			exactloc.x += self._velocity.x * (self._scene.timedelta/1000.0)/self._xscale
			exactloc.y += self._velocity.y * (self._scene.timedelta/1000.0)/self._yscale
			self._boundingBox.x = (exactloc.x * self._xscale - self._boundingBox.w/2)
			self._boundingBox.y = (exactloc.y * self._yscale - self._boundingBox.h/2)
			if shiploc == self.location:
				self._changePosition = False
				self._changedPosition = True
			self.location = shiploc
	def stop(self):
		self._running = False
	def destroy(self):
		self._running = False
	def applyThrust(self, vector):
		self._velocity.x += (vector.x * (self._scene.timedelta/1000.0))/self._xscale
		self._velocity.y += (vector.y * (self._scene.timedelta/1000.0))/self._yscale
		if self._velocity.length() > self._maxvelocity:
			norm = normalize(self._velocity)
			self._velocity.x = norm.x * self._maxvelocity
			self._velocity.y = norm.y * self._maxvelocity
	def applyBrake(self, brakingForce):

		if self._velocity.length() <= .01:
			self._velocity.x = 0
			self._velocity.y = 0			
		#first normalize to get a unit vector of the direction we are traveling
		norm = normalize(self._velocity)
		if norm.length() == 0:
			self._velocity.x = 0
			self._velocity.y = 0
		#negate to get opposite direction
		norm.x = norm.x * -1
		norm.y = norm.y * -1
		#apply braking deceleration  
		norm.x *= brakingForce
		norm.y *= brakingForce
		self._velocity.x += (norm.x * (self._scene.timedelta/1000.0))/self._xscale
		self._velocity.y += (norm.y * (self._scene.timedelta/1000.0))/self._yscale
	def removeFromScene(self):

	def _isRunning(self):
		return self._running

	def _getMaxVelocity(self):
		return self._maxvelocity
	def _setMaxVelocity(self, maxvel):
		self._maxvelocity = maxvel/sqrt(self._xscale * self._yscale)

	def _getLocation(self):
		return self._instance.getLocation()
	def _setLocation(self, loc):

	def _getInstance(self):
		return self._instance
	def _setInstance(self, instance):
		self._instance = instance
	def _getVelocity(self):
		return self._velocity
	def _setVelocity(self, velocity):
		self._velocity = velocity
	def _getBoundingBox(self):
		return self._boundingBox

	def _getW(self):
		return self._boundingBox.w
	def _getH(self):
		return self._boundingBox.h

	def _setW(self, w):
		self._boundingBox.w = w
	def _setH(self, h):
		self._boundingBox.h = h
	def _changedPosition(self):
		return self._changedPosition
	def _getNodeId(self):
		return self._scenenodeid
	def _setNodeId(self, id):
		self._scenenodeid = id

	width = property(_getW, _setW)
	height = property(_getH, _setH)
	boundingbox = property(_getBoundingBox)	
	location = property(_getLocation,_setLocation)
	instance = property(_getInstance, _setInstance)
	velocity = property(_getVelocity, _setVelocity)
	maxvelocity = property(_getMaxVelocity, _setMaxVelocity)
	running = property(_isRunning)
	changedposition = property(_changedPosition)
	scenenodeid = property(_getNodeId, _setNodeId)