view engine/core/model/structures/layer.h @ 432:4f2752d45458

This changes the behavior of Camera::resetRenderers(). It will no longer activate all layers for every renderer. This is now up to the clients to do. It also adds some code to the map loader that will automatically activate the layers in the InstanceRenderer. Clients that use the any of the renderers will now have to activate the layer they want to use. Also updated rio_de_hola and the editor to reflect changes. fixes[t:457]
author prock@33b003aa-7bff-0310-803a-e67f0ece8222
date Wed, 24 Feb 2010 20:03:52 +0000
parents ab41334e8a57
children 16c2b3ee59ce
line wrap: on
line source

 *   Copyright (C) 2005-2008 by the FIFE team                              *
 *                                               *
 *   This file is part of FIFE.                                            *
 *                                                                         *
 *   FIFE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or                 *
 *   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public            *
 *   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          *
 *   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.    *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
 *   Lesser General Public License for more details.                       *
 *                                                                         *
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public      *
 *   License along with this library; if not, write to the                 *
 *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
 *   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA          *

#ifndef FIFE_LAYER_H
#define FIFE_LAYER_H

// Standard C++ library includes
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

// 3rd party library includes

// FIFE includes
// These includes are split up in two parts, separated by one empty line
// First block: files included from the FIFE root src directory
// Second block: files included from the same folder
#include "util/base/resourceclass.h"
#include "model/metamodel/modelcoords.h"
#include "model/metamodel/object.h"

#include "instance.h"

namespace FIFE {

	class Map;
	class Selection;
	class CellGrid;
	class Object;
	class InstanceTree;

	/** Defines how pathing can be performed on this layer
	 * CELL_EDGES_ONLY allows pather to use only cell edges when moving instances from cell to cell on map
	 * CELL_EDGES_AND_DIAGONALS allows pather to use both cell edges and diagonals when moving instances from cell to cell on map
	 * FREEFORM allows pather to find shortest route regardless of cellgrid used on the layer
	enum PathingStrategy {

	/** Listener interface for changes happening on a layer
	class LayerChangeListener {
		virtual ~LayerChangeListener() {};

		/** Called when some instance is changed on layer. @see InstanceChangeType
		 * @param layer where change occurred
		 * @param changedInstances list of instances containing some changes
		 * @note Does not report creations and deletions
		virtual void onLayerChanged(Layer* layer, std::vector<Instance*>& changedInstances) = 0;

		/** Called when some instance gets created on layer
		 * @param layer where change occurred
		 * @param instance which got created
		virtual void onInstanceCreate(Layer* layer, Instance* instance) = 0;

		/** Called when some instance gets deleted on layer
		 * @param layer where change occurred
		 * @param instance which will be deleted
		 * @note right after this call, instance actually gets deleted!
		virtual void onInstanceDelete(Layer* layer, Instance* instance) = 0;

	/** A basic layer on a map
	class Layer : public ResourceClass {
			/** Constructor
			 * Layers are created by calling addLayer from map, thus
			 * this method should really be called only by map or test code
			Layer(const std::string& identifier, Map* map, CellGrid* grid);

			/** Destructs a Layer instance

			/** Get the id of this layer.
			const std::string& getId() const { return m_id; }

			/** Sets the identifier for this layer.
			void setId(const std::string& id) { m_id = id; }

			/** Get the map this layer is contained in
			Map* getMap() const { return m_map; }

			/** Get the Cellgrid
			 * @return a valid cellgrid
			CellGrid* getCellGrid() const { return m_grid; }

			/** Set the Cellgrid
			void setCellGrid(CellGrid* grid) { m_grid = grid; }

			/** Get the instance tree.
			 * @return this layers instance tree.
			InstanceTree* getInstanceTree(void) const { return m_instanceTree; }

			/** Check existance of objects on this layer
			 * @return True, if objects exist.
			bool hasInstances() const;

			/** Add an instance of an object at a specific position
			Instance* createInstance(Object* object, const ModelCoordinate& p, const std::string& id="");

			/** Add an instance of an object at a specific position
			Instance* createInstance(Object* object, const ExactModelCoordinate& p, const std::string& id="");

			/** Add a valid instance at a specific position. This is temporary. It will be moved to a higher level
			later so that we can ensure that each Instance only lives in one layer.
			bool addInstance(Instance* instance, const ExactModelCoordinate& p);

			/** Remove an instance from the layer
			void deleteInstance(Instance* object);

			/** Get the list of instances on this layer
			const std::vector<Instance*>& getInstances() const { return m_instances; }

			/** Get the list of instances on this layer with the given identifier.
			std::vector<Instance*> getInstances(const std::string& id);

			/** Returns instances that match given location.
			 * @param loc location where to fetch instances from
			 * @param use_exactcoordinates if true, comparison is done using exact coordinates. if not, cell coordinates are used
			std::vector<Instance*> getInstancesAt(Location& loc, bool use_exactcoordinates=false);

			/** Get the first instance on this layer with the given identifier.
			Instance* getInstance(const std::string& identifier);

			/** Set object visibility
			void setInstancesVisible(bool vis);

			/** Sets the transparency of all instances on the layer.  0=opaque, 255=transparent
			 * @parm transparency Transparency value from 0-255.
			void setLayerTransparency(uint8_t transparency);

			/** Returns the layer's transparency value
			uint8_t getLayerTransparency();

			/** Retrieves the minimum/maximum coordinates of instances on the layer.
			 * @param min A reference to a ModelCoordinate that will hold the minimum coordinate.
			 * @param max A reference to a ModelCoordinate that will hold the maximum coordinate.
			 * @param layer A pointer to another layer that can be used to cast coordinates bettween layers.
			void getMinMaxCoordinates(ModelCoordinate& min, ModelCoordinate& max, const Layer* layer = 0) const;

			/** Determines if a given cell on the layer contains a blocking instance
			 * @param cellCoordinate A const reference to a model coordinate of the cell in question.
			 * @return A boolean, true if it is blocked false otherwise.
			bool cellContainsBlockingInstance(const ModelCoordinate& cellCoordinate);

			/** Toggle object visibility
			 * @see setObjectsVisible
			void toggleInstancesVisible();

			/** Check object visibility
			 * @see setObjectsVisible
			bool areInstancesVisible() const { return m_instances_visibility; }

			/** Called periodically to update events on layer
			 * @returns true if layer was changed since the last update, false otherwise
			bool update();

			/** Sets pathing strategy for the layer
			 * @see PathingStrategy
			void setPathingStrategy(PathingStrategy strategy) { m_pathingstrategy = strategy; }

			/** Gets pathing strategy for the layer
			 * @see PathingStrategy
			PathingStrategy getPathingStrategy() const { return m_pathingstrategy; }

			/** Adds new change listener
			* @param listener to add
			void addChangeListener(LayerChangeListener* listener);

			/** Removes associated change listener
			* @param listener to remove
			void removeChangeListener(LayerChangeListener* listener);

			/** Returns true, if layer information was changed during previous update round
			bool isChanged() { return m_changed; }

			/** Returns instances that were changed during previous update round.
			 * @note does not contain created or deleted instances
			std::vector<Instance*>& getChangedInstances() { return m_changedinstances; }

			std::string m_id;

			Map* m_map;

			bool m_instances_visibility;

			uint8_t m_transparency;

			// all the instances on this layer
			std::vector<Instance*> m_instances;

			//The instance tree
			InstanceTree* m_instanceTree;

			// layer's cellgrid
			CellGrid* m_grid;

			// pathing strategy for the layer
			PathingStrategy m_pathingstrategy;

			// listeners for layer changes
			std::vector<LayerChangeListener*> m_changelisteners;

			// holds changed instances after each update
			std::vector<Instance*> m_changedinstances;

			// true if layer (or it's instance) information was changed during previous update round
			bool m_changed;

} // FIFE
