diff tools/geometry_twister.py @ 378:64738befdf3b

bringing in the changes from the build_system_rework branch in preparation for the 0.3.0 release. This commit will require the Jan2010 devkit. Clients will also need to be modified to the new way to import fife.
author vtchill@33b003aa-7bff-0310-803a-e67f0ece8222
date Mon, 11 Jan 2010 23:34:52 +0000
children 81641655bc38
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/geometry_twister.py	Mon Jan 11 23:34:52 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import Tkinter as TK
+import math, time
+LMB = 0x100
+RMB = 0x400
+class Shape(object):
+	def __init__(self, center_pt, sidecount):
+		assert (sidecount in (4, 6))
+		self.rotation = 0
+		self.tilting = 0
+		self.zoomval = 70
+		self.center_pt = center_pt
+		startangle = 0
+		if sidecount == 6:
+			startangle = math.pi / 6.0
+		self.angles = [startangle + 2 * math.pi * (s / float(sidecount)) for s in xrange(sidecount-1)]
+		shape_pts = [(0,0,0)]
+		maxy, miny = 0, 0
+		for a in self.angles:
+			x, y, z = shape_pts[-1]
+			newx, newy = math.cos(a) + x, math.sin(a) + y
+			maxy, miny = max(maxy, newy), min(miny, newy)
+			shape_pts.append((newx, newy, 0))
+		xmove, ymove = 0.5, (abs(miny) + maxy) / 2
+		self.shape_pts = [(pt[0]-xmove, pt[1]-ymove, 0) for pt in shape_pts]
+		self.reflections = self.create_shape_reflections()
+	def create_shape_reflections(self):
+		reflections = []
+		sides = len(self.shape_pts)
+		if sides == 4:
+			for x,y in ((1,0), (1,1), (0,1), (-1,1), (-1,0), (-1,-1), (0,-1), (1,-1)):
+				reflections.append([(pt[0]+x, pt[1]+y, 0) for pt in self.shape_pts])
+		elif sides == 6:
+			W = math.cos(math.pi/6.0)
+			H = math.sin(math.pi/6.0)
+			for x,y in ((2*W,0), (W,1+H), (-W,1+H), (-2*W,0), (-W,-1-H)):
+				reflections.append([(pt[0]+x, pt[1]+y, 0) for pt in self.shape_pts])
+		return reflections
+	def tilt(self, degrees):
+		self.tilting += math.radians(degrees)
+		if self.tilting < 0:
+			self.tilting = 0
+		elif self.tilting > math.pi/2 * 0.95:
+			self.tilting = math.pi/2 * 0.95
+	def rotate(self, degrees):
+		self.rotation += math.radians(degrees)
+		if self.rotation < 0:
+			self.rotation = 0
+		elif self.rotation > math.pi/2 * 0.95:
+			self.rotation = math.pi/2 * 0.95
+	def zoom(self, amount):
+		self.zoomval += amount
+		if self.zoomval < 10:
+			self.zoomval = 10
+		if self.zoomval > 150:
+			self.zoomval = 150
+	def transform_pts(self, pts):
+		rotated_pts = []
+		for x, y, z in pts:
+			rotated_pts.append((x * math.cos(self.rotation) - y * math.sin(self.rotation),
+			                  -(x * math.sin(self.rotation) + y * math.cos(self.rotation)),
+			                   z))
+		tilted_pts = []
+		for x, y, z in rotated_pts:
+			tilted_pts.append((x,
+			                   y * math.cos(self.tilting) - z * math.sin(self.tilting),
+		                           z * math.sin(self.tilting) + z * math.cos(self.tilting)))
+		zoomed_pts = []
+		for x, y, z in tilted_pts:
+			zoomed_pts.append((int(round(self.center_pt[0] + self.zoomval * x)),
+			                   int(round(self.center_pt[1] + self.zoomval * y))))
+		return zoomed_pts
+	def get_screen_pts(self):
+		return self.transform_pts(self.shape_pts)
+	def get_screen_bounding_box(self, screenpts):
+		x2, y2 = x1, y1 = screenpts[0]
+		for pt in screenpts:
+			x1, y1 = min(x1, pt[0]), min(y1, pt[1])
+			x2, y2 = max(x2, pt[0]), max(y2, pt[1])
+		return (x1, y1), (x2, y2)
+	def get_reflections(self):
+		return [self.transform_pts(reflection) for reflection in self.reflections]
+	def get_tilting(self):
+		return math.degrees(self.tilting)
+	def get_rotation(self):
+		return math.degrees(self.rotation)
+class Gui(object):
+	W = 400
+	H = 400
+	def __init__(self):
+		self.sides = (4, 6)
+		self.cur_side_index = 0
+		self.shape = Shape((Gui.W/2, Gui.H/2), self.sides[0])
+		self.prev_mouse_pt = (0, 0)
+		self.root = TK.Tk()
+		self.canvas = TK.Canvas(self.root, width=Gui.W, height=Gui.H)
+		self.canvas.create_window(285, 280, window=TK.Frame(self.canvas, relief=TK.GROOVE, borderwidth=2), anchor=TK.CENTER)
+		self.canvas.bind('<Motion>', self.on_move)
+		self.canvas.bind('<ButtonPress-1>', self.on_mb)
+		self.canvas.bind('<ButtonPress-3>', self.on_mb)
+		self.canvas.bind('<Configure>', self.on_resize)
+		self.canvas.pack()
+		self.update_view()
+		self.last_click_time = time.time()
+	def on_resize(self, event):
+		pass
+	def on_move(self, event):
+		if (event.state & RMB):
+			self.shape.zoom((self.prev_mouse_pt[1] - event.y) / 3)
+			self.update_view()
+		elif (event.state & LMB):
+			self.shape.rotate((self.prev_mouse_pt[0] - event.x) / 2)
+			self.shape.tilt((self.prev_mouse_pt[1] - event.y) / 2)
+			self.update_view()
+			self.prev_mouse_pt = (event.x, event.y)
+	def on_mb(self, event):
+		self.prev_mouse_pt = (event.x, event.y)
+		if (time.time() - self.last_click_time) < DBLCLICK_TRESHOLD:
+			self.cur_side_index = (self.cur_side_index+1) % len(self.sides)
+			newshape = Shape((Gui.W/2, Gui.H/2), self.sides[self.cur_side_index])
+			newshape.rotation = self.shape.rotation
+			newshape.tilting = self.shape.tilting
+			newshape.zoomval = self.shape.zoomval
+			self.shape = newshape
+			self.update_view()
+		self.last_click_time = time.time()
+	def draw_shape(self, shapepts, boundpts=None, fillshape=True):
+		if boundpts:
+			pt1, pt2 = boundpts
+			self.canvas.create_polygon(pt1[0], pt1[1], pt2[0], pt1[1], pt2[0], pt2[1], pt1[0], pt2[1], outline="blue", fill="", tag="boundingbox")
+		fillcolor = "white"
+		if not fillshape:
+			fillcolor = ""
+		self.canvas.create_polygon(fill=fillcolor, outline="black", tag="shape", *self.flatten_pts(shapepts))
+	def update_texts(self, size, transform):
+		self.canvas.create_text(10, 20, text="Bounding box size x:%d, y:%d" % (size[0], size[1]), tag="size", anchor=TK.NW)
+		self.canvas.create_text(10, 40, text="Transform x:%d, y:%d" % (transform[0], transform[1]), tag="transform", anchor=TK.NW)
+		self.canvas.create_text(10, 60, text="Tilting: %d" % self.shape.get_tilting(), tag="tilting", anchor=TK.NW)
+		self.canvas.create_text(10, 80, text="Rotation: %d" % self.shape.get_rotation(), tag="rotation", anchor=TK.NW)
+		self.canvas.create_text(10, 330, text="Doubleclick to change shape", anchor=TK.NW)
+		self.canvas.create_text(10, 350, text="Right button + drag = zoom", anchor=TK.NW)
+		self.canvas.create_text(10, 370, text="Left button + drag = tilt/rotate", anchor=TK.NW)
+	def flatten_pts(self, pts):
+		return [c for pt in pts for c in pt]
+	def update_view(self):
+		self.canvas.delete("all")
+		shapepts = self.shape.get_screen_pts()
+		boundpts = self.shape.get_screen_bounding_box(shapepts)
+		size = boundpts[1][0] - boundpts[0][0], boundpts[1][1] - boundpts[0][1]
+		reflections = self.shape.get_reflections()
+		transform = (reflections[0][0][0] - shapepts[0][0], -(reflections[0][0][1] - shapepts[0][1]))
+		for reflection_pts in reflections[1:]:
+			self.draw_shape(reflection_pts, fillshape=False)
+		self.draw_shape(shapepts, boundpts)
+		transform_boundpts = self.shape.get_screen_bounding_box(reflections[0])
+		self.draw_shape(reflections[0], transform_boundpts, fillshape=False)
+		self.update_texts(size, transform)
+	def run(self):
+		self.root.mainloop()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+	gui = Gui()
+	gui.run()