diff tools/editor/scripts/gui/toolbar.py @ 378:64738befdf3b

bringing in the changes from the build_system_rework branch in preparation for the 0.3.0 release. This commit will require the Jan2010 devkit. Clients will also need to be modified to the new way to import fife.
author vtchill@33b003aa-7bff-0310-803a-e67f0ece8222
date Mon, 11 Jan 2010 23:34:52 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/editor/scripts/gui/toolbar.py	Mon Jan 11 23:34:52 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# ####################################################################
+#  Copyright (C) 2005-2009 by the FIFE team
+#  http://www.fifengine.de
+#  This file is part of FIFE.
+#  FIFE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+#  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License along with this library; if not, write to the
+#  Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+#  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+# ####################################################################
+from fife.extensions import pychan
+from fife.extensions.pychan import widgets
+import scripts.events
+import action
+import scripts.editor
+from action import Action, ActionGroup
+from fife.fife import Color
+from panel import Panel
+from resizablebase import ResizableBase
+class ToolBar(Panel):
+			"Horizontal"	: 0,
+			"Vertical"		: 1
+		}
+				"IconOnly"			: 0,
+				"TextOnly"			: 1,
+				"TextUnderIcon"		: 2,
+				"TextBesideIcon"	: 3
+			}
+	def __init__(self, button_style=0, panel_size=27, orientation=0, *args, **kwargs):
+		super(ToolBar, self).__init__(resizable=False, *args, **kwargs)
+		self._actions = []
+		self._actionbuttons = []
+		self._button_style = 0
+		self._panel_size = panel_size
+		self.gui = None
+		self._orientation = orientation
+		self._button_style = button_style
+		self._updateToolbar()
+		self.capture(self.mouseReleased, "mouseReleased", "toolbar")
+		self.capture(self.mouseClicked, "mouseClicked", "toolbar")
+	def addSeparator(self, separator=None): 
+		self.insertSeparator(separator, len(self._actions))
+	def addAction(self, action):
+		self.insertAction(action, len(self._actions))
+	def removeAction(self, action):
+		self._actions.remove(action)
+		actions = [action]
+		if isinstance(action, ActionGroup):
+			actions = action.getActions()
+			scripts.gui.action.changed.disconnect(self._updateActionGroup, sender=action)
+		for a in actions:
+			for b in self._actionbuttons[:]:
+				if a == b.action:
+					self.gui.removeChild(b)
+					self._actionbuttons.remove(b)
+		self.adaptLayout(False)
+	def hasAction(self, action):
+		for a in self._actions:
+			if a == action: return True
+		return False
+	def insertAction(self, action, position=0, before=None):
+		if self.hasAction(action):
+			print "Action already added to toolbar"
+			return
+		if before is not None:
+			position = self._actions.index(before)
+		self._actions.insert(position, action)
+		self._insertButton(action, position)
+	def _updateActionGroup(self, sender):
+		if isinstance(sender, ActionGroup):
+			# Toolbar didn't properly handle events where
+			# an action in actiongroup was removed
+			self._updateToolbar()
+		else:
+			position = self._actions.index(sender)
+			self.removeAction(sender)
+			self.insertAction(sender, position)
+			self.adaptLayout()
+	def _insertButton(self, action, position):
+		actions = [action]
+		if isinstance(action, ActionGroup):
+			actions = action.getActions()
+			scripts.gui.action.changed.connect(self._updateActionGroup, sender=action)
+		if position >= 0:
+			actions = reversed(actions)
+		# Action groups are counted as one action, add the hidde number of actions to position
+		for i in range(position):
+			if isinstance(self._actions[i], ActionGroup):
+				position += len(self._actions[i].getActions()) - 1
+		for a in actions:
+			button = ToolbarButton(a, button_style=self._button_style, name=a.text)
+			self.gui.insertChild(button, position)
+			self._actionbuttons.insert(position, button)
+	def insertSeparator(self, separator=None, position=0, before=None): 
+		if separator==None:
+			separator = Action(separator=True)
+		self.insertAction(separator, position, before)
+	def clear(self):
+		self.removeAllChildren()
+		self._actions = []
+		for i in reversed(range(len(self._actionbuttons))):
+			self._actionbuttons[i].removeEvents()
+		self._actionbuttons = []
+	def setButtonStyle(self, button_style):
+		self._button_style = ToolBar.BUTTON_STYLE['IconOnly']
+		for key, val in ToolBar.BUTTON_STYLE.iteritems():
+			if val == button_style:
+				self._button_style = button_style
+				break
+		self._updateToolbar()
+	def getButtonStyle(self):
+		return self._button_style
+	button_style = property(getButtonStyle, setButtonStyle)
+	def _updateToolbar(self):
+		actions = self._actions
+		self.clear()
+		if self._orientation == ToolBar.ORIENTATION['Vertical']:
+			self.gui = widgets.VBox(min_size=(self._panel_size, self._panel_size))
+		else:
+			self.gui = widgets.HBox(min_size=(self._panel_size, self._panel_size))
+		self.addChild(self.gui)
+		for action in actions:
+			self.addAction(action)
+		self.adaptLayout()
+	def setOrientation(self, orientation):
+		if orientation == ToolBar.ORIENTATION['Vertical']:
+			self._orientation = ToolBar.ORIENTATION['Vertical']
+			self._max_size = (self._panel_size, 5000)
+		else:
+			self._orientation = ToolBar.ORIENTATION['Horizontal']
+			self._max_size = (5000, self._panel_size)
+		self._orientation = orientation
+		self._updateToolbar()
+	def getOrientation(self):
+		return self._orientation
+	orientation = property(getOrientation, setOrientation)
+	def setPanelSize(self, panel_size):
+		self._panel_size = panel_size
+		self.min_size = self.gui.min_size = (self._panel_size, self._panel_size)
+		self.setOrientation(self._orientation)
+	def getPanelSize(self):
+		return self._panel_size
+	panel_size = property(getPanelSize, setPanelSize)
+	def mouseClicked(self, event):
+		if event.getButton() == 2: # Right click
+			if self.isDocked():
+				self.setDocked(False)
+				event.consume()
+	def mouseDragged(self, event):
+		if self._resize is False and self.isDocked() is False:
+			mouseX = self.x+event.getX()
+			mouseY = self.y+event.getY()
+			self._editor.getToolbarAreaAt(mouseX, mouseY, True)
+		else:
+			ResizableBase.mouseDragged(self, event)
+	def mouseReleased(self, event):
+		# Resize/move done
+		self.real_widget.setMovable(self._movable)
+		if self._resize:
+			ResizableBase.mouseReleased(self, event)
+		elif self._movable:
+			mouseX = self.x+event.getX()
+			mouseY = self.y+event.getY()
+			dockArea = self._editor.getToolbarAreaAt(mouseX, mouseY)
+			if dockArea is not None:
+				self._editor.dockWidgetTo(self, dockArea, mouseX, mouseY)
+class ToolbarButton(widgets.VBox):
+	def __init__(self, action, button_style=0, **kwargs):
+		self._action = action
+		self._widget = None
+		super(ToolbarButton, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+		self.setButtonStyle(button_style)
+		self.update()
+		self.initEvents()
+	def initEvents(self):
+		# Register eventlisteners
+		self.capture(self._showTooltip, "mouseEntered")
+		self.capture(self._hideTooltip, "mouseExited")
+		scripts.gui.action.changed.connect(self._actionChanged, sender=self._action)
+	def removeEvents(self):
+		# Remove eventlisteners
+		self.capture(None, "mouseEntered")
+		self.capture(None, "mouseExited")
+		scripts.gui.action.changed.disconnect(self.update, sender=self._action)
+	def setAction(self, action):
+		self.removeEvents()
+		self._action = action
+		self.update()
+		self.adaptLayout(False)
+		self.initEvents()
+	def getAction(self):
+		return self._action
+	action = property(getAction, setAction)
+	def setButtonStyle(self, button_style):
+		self._button_style = ToolBar.BUTTON_STYLE['IconOnly']
+		for key, val in ToolBar.BUTTON_STYLE.iteritems():
+			if val == button_style:
+				self._button_style = button_style
+				break
+	def getButtonStyle(self):
+		return self._button_style
+	button_style = property(getButtonStyle, setButtonStyle)
+	def _showTooltip(self):
+		if self._action is not None and self._action.helptext != "":
+			scripts.editor.getEditor().getStatusBar().showTooltip(self._action.helptext)
+	def _hideTooltip(self):
+		scripts.editor.getEditor().getStatusBar().hideTooltip()
+	def _actionChanged(self):
+		self.update()
+		self.adaptLayout(False)
+	def update(self):
+		""" Sets up the button widget """
+		if self._widget != None:
+			self.removeChild(self._widget)
+			self._widget = None
+		if self._action is None:
+			return
+		widget = None
+		icon = None
+		text = None
+		if self._action.isSeparator():
+			widget = widgets.VBox()
+			widget.base_color += Color(8, 8, 8)
+			widget.min_size = (2, 2)
+		else:
+			if self._button_style != ToolBar.BUTTON_STYLE['TextOnly'] and len(self._action.icon) > 0:
+				if self._action.isCheckable():
+					icon = widgets.ToggleButton(hexpand=0, up_image=self._action.icon,down_image=self._action.icon,hover_image=self._action.icon,offset=(1,1))
+					icon.toggled = self._action.isChecked()
+				else:
+					icon = widgets.ImageButton(hexpand=0, up_image=self._action.icon,down_image=self._action.icon,hover_image=self._action.icon,offset=(1,1))
+				icon.capture(self._action.activate)
+			if self._button_style != ToolBar.BUTTON_STYLE['IconOnly'] or len(self._action.icon) <= 0:
+				if self._action.isCheckable():
+					text = widgets.ToggleButton(hexpand=0, text=self._action.text,offset=(1,1))
+					text.toggled = self._action.isChecked()
+				else:
+					text = widgets.Button(text=self._action.text)
+				text.capture(self._action.activate)
+			if self._button_style == ToolBar.BUTTON_STYLE['TextOnly'] or len(self._action.icon) <= 0:
+				widget = text
+			elif self._button_style == ToolBar.BUTTON_STYLE['TextUnderIcon']:
+				widget = widgets.VBox()
+				icon.position_technique = "center:top"
+				text.position_technique = "center:bottom"
+				widget.addChild(icon)
+				widget.addChild(text)
+			elif self._button_style == ToolBar.BUTTON_STYLE['TextBesideIcon']:
+				widget = widgets.HBox()
+				widget.addChild(icon)
+				widget.addChild(text)
+			else:
+				widget = icon
+		widget.position_technique = "left:center"
+		widget.hexpand = 0
+		self._widget = widget
+		self.addChild(self._widget)
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