diff demos/rio_de_hola/scripts/world.py @ 378:64738befdf3b

bringing in the changes from the build_system_rework branch in preparation for the 0.3.0 release. This commit will require the Jan2010 devkit. Clients will also need to be modified to the new way to import fife.
author vtchill@33b003aa-7bff-0310-803a-e67f0ece8222
date Mon, 11 Jan 2010 23:34:52 +0000
children 70697641fca3
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/demos/rio_de_hola/scripts/world.py	Mon Jan 11 23:34:52 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from fife import fife
+import math, random
+from fife.extensions import pychan
+from fife.extensions.pychan import widgets
+from scripts.common.eventlistenerbase import EventListenerBase
+from fife.extensions.loaders import loadMapFile
+from fife.extensions.savers import saveMapFile
+from agents.hero import Hero
+from agents.girl import Girl
+from agents.cloud import Cloud
+from agents.beekeeper import Beekeeper
+from agents.agent import create_anonymous_agents
+from settings import Setting
+TDS = Setting()
+class MapListener(fife.MapChangeListener):
+	def __init__(self, map):
+		fife.MapChangeListener.__init__(self)
+		map.addChangeListener(self)
+	def onMapChanged(self, map, changedLayers):
+		return
+		print "Changes on map ", map.getId()
+		for layer in map.getLayers():
+			print layer.getId()
+			print "    ", ["%s, %x" % (i.getObject().getId(), i.getChangeInfo()) for i in layer.getChangedInstances()]
+	def onLayerCreate(self, map, layer):
+		pass
+	def onLayerDelete(self, map, layer):
+		pass
+class World(EventListenerBase):
+	"""
+	The world!
+	This class handles:
+	  setup of map view (cameras ...)
+	  loading the map
+	  GUI for right clicks
+	  handles mouse/key events which aren't handled by the GUI.
+	   ( by inheriting from EventlistenerBase )
+	That's obviously too much, and should get factored out.
+	"""
+	def __init__(self, engine):
+		super(World, self).__init__(engine, regMouse=True, regKeys=True)
+		self.engine = engine
+		self.eventmanager = engine.getEventManager()
+		self.model = engine.getModel()
+		self.view = self.engine.getView()
+		self.filename = ''
+		self.pump_ctr = 0 # for testing purposis
+		self.ctrldown = False
+		self.instancemenu = None
+		self.instance_to_agent = {}
+		self.dynamic_widgets = {}
+	def show_instancemenu(self, clickpoint, instance):
+		"""
+		Build and show a popupmenu for an instance that the player
+		clicked on. The available actions are dynamically added to
+		the menu (and mapped to the onXYZ functions).
+		"""
+		if instance.getFifeId() == self.hero.agent.getFifeId():
+			return
+		# Create the popup.
+		self.build_instancemenu()
+		self.instancemenu.clickpoint = clickpoint
+		self.instancemenu.instance = instance
+		# Add the buttons according to circumstances.
+		self.instancemenu.addChild(self.dynamic_widgets['inspectButton'])
+		target_distance = self.hero.agent.getLocationRef().getLayerDistanceTo(instance.getLocationRef())
+		if target_distance > 3.0:
+			self.instancemenu.addChild(self.dynamic_widgets['moveButton'])
+		else:
+			if self.instance_to_agent.has_key(instance.getFifeId()):
+				self.instancemenu.addChild(self.dynamic_widgets['talkButton'])
+				self.instancemenu.addChild(self.dynamic_widgets['kickButton'])
+		# And show it :)
+		self.instancemenu.position = (clickpoint.x, clickpoint.y)
+		self.instancemenu.show()
+	def build_instancemenu(self):
+		"""
+		Just loads the menu from an XML file
+		and hooks the events up.
+		The buttons are removed and later re-added if appropiate.
+		"""
+		self.hide_instancemenu()
+		dynamicbuttons = ('moveButton', 'talkButton', 'kickButton', 'inspectButton')
+		self.instancemenu = pychan.loadXML('gui/instancemenu.xml')
+		self.instancemenu.mapEvents({
+			'moveButton' : self.onMoveButtonPress,
+			'talkButton' : self.onTalkButtonPress,
+			'kickButton' : self.onKickButtonPress,
+			'inspectButton' : self.onInspectButtonPress,
+		})
+		for btn in dynamicbuttons:
+			self.dynamic_widgets[btn] = self.instancemenu.findChild(name=btn)
+		self.instancemenu.removeAllChildren()
+	def hide_instancemenu(self):
+		if self.instancemenu:
+			self.instancemenu.hide()
+	def reset(self):
+		"""
+		Clear the agent information and reset the moving secondary camera state.
+		"""
+		self.map, self.agentlayer = None, None
+		self.cameras = {}
+		self.hero, self.girl, self.clouds, self.beekeepers = None, None, [], []
+		self.cur_cam2_x, self.initial_cam2_x, self.cam2_scrolling_right = 0, 0, True
+		self.target_rotation = 0
+		self.instance_to_agent = {}
+	def load(self, filename):
+		"""
+		Load a xml map and setup agents and cameras.
+		"""
+		self.filename = filename
+		self.reset()
+		self.map = loadMapFile(filename, self.engine)
+		self.maplistener = MapListener(self.map)
+		self.initAgents()
+		self.initCameras()
+	def initAgents(self):
+		"""
+		Setup agents.
+		For this techdemo we have a very simple 'active things on the map' model,
+		which is called agents. All rio maps will have a separate layer for them.
+		Note that we keep a mapping from map instances (C++ model of stuff on the map)
+		to the python agents for later reference.
+		"""
+		self.agentlayer = self.map.getLayer('TechdemoMapGroundObjectLayer')
+		self.hero = Hero(self.model, 'PC', self.agentlayer)
+		self.instance_to_agent[self.hero.agent.getFifeId()] = self.hero
+		self.hero.start()
+		self.girl = Girl(self.model, 'NPC:girl', self.agentlayer)
+		self.instance_to_agent[self.girl.agent.getFifeId()] = self.girl
+		self.girl.start()
+		self.beekeepers = create_anonymous_agents(self.model, 'beekeeper', self.agentlayer, Beekeeper)
+		for beekeeper in self.beekeepers:
+			self.instance_to_agent[beekeeper.agent.getFifeId()] = beekeeper
+			beekeeper.start()
+		# Clouds are currently defunct.
+		cloudlayer = self.map.getLayer('TechdemoMapTileLayer')
+		self.clouds = create_anonymous_agents(self.model, 'Cloud', cloudlayer, Cloud)
+		for cloud in self.clouds:
+			cloud.start(0.1, 0.05)
+	def initCameras(self):
+		"""
+		Before we can actually see something on screen we have to specify the render setup.
+		This is done through Camera objects which offer a viewport on the map.
+		For this techdemo two cameras are used. One follows the hero(!) via 'attach'
+		the other one scrolls around a bit (see the pump function).
+		"""
+		camera_prefix = self.filename.rpartition('.')[0] # Remove file extension
+		camera_prefix = camera_prefix.rpartition('/')[2] # Remove path
+		camera_prefix += '_'
+		for cam in self.view.getCameras():
+			camera_id = cam.getId().replace(camera_prefix, '')
+			self.cameras[camera_id] = cam
+		self.cameras['main'].attach(self.hero.agent)
+		self.view.resetRenderers()
+		# Floating text renderers currntly only support one font.
+		# ... so we set that up.
+		# You'll se that for our demo we use a image font, so we have to specify the font glyphs
+		# for that one.
+		renderer = fife.FloatingTextRenderer.getInstance(self.cameras['main'])
+		textfont = self.engine.getGuiManager().createFont('fonts/rpgfont.png', 0, str(TDS.readSetting("FontGlyphs", strip=False)));
+		renderer.changeDefaultFont(textfont)
+		# The small camera shouldn't be cluttered by the 'humm di dums' of our hero.
+		# So we disable the renderer simply by setting its font to None.
+		renderer = fife.FloatingTextRenderer.getInstance(self.cameras['small'])
+		renderer.changeDefaultFont(None)
+		# The following renderers are used for debugging.
+		# Note that by default ( that is after calling View.resetRenderers or Camera.resetRenderers )
+		# renderers will be handed all layers. That's handled here.
+		renderer = self.cameras['main'].getRenderer('CoordinateRenderer')
+		renderer.clearActiveLayers()
+		renderer.addActiveLayer(self.map.getLayer(str(TDS.readSetting("CoordinateLayerName"))))
+		renderer = self.cameras['main'].getRenderer('QuadTreeRenderer')
+		renderer.setEnabled(True)
+		renderer.clearActiveLayers()
+		if str(TDS.readSetting("QuadTreeLayerName")):
+			renderer.addActiveLayer(self.map.getLayer(str(TDS.readSetting("QuadTreeLayerName"))))
+		# Set up the second camera
+		# NOTE: We need to explicitly call setLocation, there's a bit of a messup in the Camera code.
+		self.cameras['small'].setLocation(self.hero.agent.getLocation())
+		self.cameras['small'].attach(self.girl.agent)
+		self.target_rotation = self.cameras['main'].getRotation()
+	def save(self, filename):
+		saveMapFile(filename, self.engine, self.map)
+	def getInstancesAt(self, clickpoint):
+		"""
+		Query the main camera for instances on our active(agent) layer.
+		"""
+		return self.cameras['main'].getMatchingInstances(clickpoint, self.agentlayer)
+	def getLocationAt(self, clickpoint):
+		"""
+		Query the main camera for the Map location (on the agent layer)
+		that a screen point refers to.
+		"""
+		target_mapcoord = self.cameras['main'].toMapCoordinates(clickpoint, False)
+		target_mapcoord.z = 0
+		location = fife.Location(self.agentlayer)
+		location.setMapCoordinates(target_mapcoord)
+		return location
+	def keyPressed(self, evt):
+		keyval = evt.getKey().getValue()
+		keystr = evt.getKey().getAsString().lower()
+		if keystr == 't':
+			r = self.cameras['main'].getRenderer('GridRenderer')
+			r.setEnabled(not r.isEnabled())
+		elif keystr == 'c':
+			r = self.cameras['main'].getRenderer('CoordinateRenderer')
+			r.setEnabled(not r.isEnabled())
+		elif keystr == 's':
+			c = self.cameras['small']
+			c.setEnabled(not c.isEnabled())
+		elif keystr == 'r':
+			self.model.deleteMaps()
+			self.view.clearCameras()
+			self.load(self.filename)
+		elif keystr == 'o':
+			self.target_rotation = (self.target_rotation + 90) % 360
+		elif keyval in (fife.Key.LEFT_CONTROL, fife.Key.RIGHT_CONTROL):
+			self.ctrldown = True
+	def keyReleased(self, evt):
+		keyval = evt.getKey().getValue()
+		if keyval in (fife.Key.LEFT_CONTROL, fife.Key.RIGHT_CONTROL):
+			self.ctrldown = False
+	def mouseWheelMovedUp(self, evt):
+		if self.ctrldown:
+			self.cameras['main'].setZoom(self.cameras['main'].getZoom() * 1.05)
+	def mouseWheelMovedDown(self, evt):
+		if self.ctrldown:
+			self.cameras['main'].setZoom(self.cameras['main'].getZoom() / 1.05)
+	def changeRotation(self):
+		"""
+		Smoothly change the main cameras rotation until
+		the current target rotation is reached.
+		"""
+		currot = self.cameras['main'].getRotation()
+		if self.target_rotation != currot:
+			self.cameras['main'].setRotation((currot + 5) % 360)
+	def mousePressed(self, evt):
+		if evt.isConsumedByWidgets():
+			return
+		clickpoint = fife.ScreenPoint(evt.getX(), evt.getY())
+		if (evt.getButton() == fife.MouseEvent.LEFT):
+			self.hide_instancemenu()
+			self.hero.run( self.getLocationAt(clickpoint) )
+		if (evt.getButton() == fife.MouseEvent.RIGHT):
+			instances = self.getInstancesAt(clickpoint)
+			print "selected instances on agent layer: ", [i.getObject().getId() for i in instances]
+			if instances:
+				self.show_instancemenu(clickpoint, instances[0])
+	def mouseMoved(self, evt):
+		renderer = fife.InstanceRenderer.getInstance(self.cameras['main'])
+		renderer.removeAllOutlines()
+		pt = fife.ScreenPoint(evt.getX(), evt.getY())
+		instances = self.getInstancesAt(pt);
+		for i in instances:
+			if i.getObject().getId() in ('girl', 'beekeeper'):
+				renderer.addOutlined(i, 173, 255, 47, 2)
+	def onConsoleCommand(self, command):
+		result = ''
+		try:
+			result = str(eval(command))
+		except Exception, e:
+			result = str(e)
+		return result
+	# Callbacks from the popupmenu
+	def onMoveButtonPress(self):
+		self.hide_instancemenu()
+		self.hero.run(self.instancemenu.instance.getLocationRef())
+	def onTalkButtonPress(self):
+		self.hide_instancemenu()
+		instance = self.instancemenu.instance
+		self.hero.talk(instance.getLocationRef())
+		if instance.getObject().getId() == 'beekeeper':
+			beekeeperTexts = TDS.readSetting("beekeeperTexts", type='list', text=True)
+			instance.say(random.choice(beekeeperTexts), 5000)
+		if instance.getObject().getId() == 'girl':
+			girlTexts = TDS.readSetting("girlTexts", type='list', text=True)
+			instance.say(random.choice(girlTexts), 5000)
+	def onKickButtonPress(self):
+		self.hide_instancemenu()
+		self.hero.kick(self.instancemenu.instance.getLocationRef())
+		self.instancemenu.instance.say('Hey!', 1000)
+	def onInspectButtonPress(self):
+		self.hide_instancemenu()
+		inst = self.instancemenu.instance
+		saytext = ['Engine told me that this instance has']
+		if inst.getId():
+			saytext.append(' name %s,' % inst.getId())
+		saytext.append(' ID %s and' % inst.getFifeId())
+		saytext.append(' object name %s' % inst.getObject().getId())
+		self.hero.agent.say('\n'.join(saytext), 3500)
+	def pump(self):
+		"""
+		Called every frame.
+		"""
+		self.changeRotation()
+		self.pump_ctr += 1