diff demos/rio_de_hola/run.py @ 378:64738befdf3b

bringing in the changes from the build_system_rework branch in preparation for the 0.3.0 release. This commit will require the Jan2010 devkit. Clients will also need to be modified to the new way to import fife.
author vtchill@33b003aa-7bff-0310-803a-e67f0ece8222
date Mon, 11 Jan 2010 23:34:52 +0000
children 70697641fca3
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/demos/rio_de_hola/run.py	Mon Jan 11 23:34:52 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# coding: utf-8
+# This is the rio de hola client for FIFE.
+import sys, os, re, math, random, shutil
+from fife import fife
+from fife.extensions import *
+from scripts import world
+from scripts.common import eventlistenerbase
+from fife.extensions.basicapplication import ApplicationBase
+from fife.extensions import pychan
+from fife.extensions.pychan import widgets
+from settings import Setting
+from fife.extensions.fife_utils import getUserDataDirectory
+TDS = Setting()
+class ApplicationListener(eventlistenerbase.EventListenerBase):
+	def __init__(self, engine, world):
+		super(ApplicationListener, self).__init__(engine,regKeys=True,regCmd=True, regMouse=False, regConsole=True, regWidget=True)
+		self.engine = engine
+		self.world = world
+		engine.getEventManager().setNonConsumableKeys([
+			fife.Key.ESCAPE,])
+		self.quit = False
+		self.aboutWindow = None
+		self.rootpanel = pychan.loadXML('gui/rootpanel.xml')
+		self.rootpanel.mapEvents({ 
+			'quitButton' : self.onQuitButtonPress,
+			'aboutButton' : self.onAboutButtonPress,
+			'optionsButton' : TDS.onOptionsPress
+		})
+		self.rootpanel.show()
+	def keyPressed(self, evt):
+		print evt
+		keyval = evt.getKey().getValue()
+		keystr = evt.getKey().getAsString().lower()
+		consumed = False
+		if keyval == fife.Key.ESCAPE:
+			self.quit = True
+			evt.consume()
+		elif keyval == fife.Key.F10:
+			self.engine.getGuiManager().getConsole().toggleShowHide()
+			evt.consume()
+		elif keystr == 'p':
+			self.engine.getRenderBackend().captureScreen('screenshot.png')
+			evt.consume()
+	def onCommand(self, command):
+		self.quit = (command.getCommandType() == fife.CMD_QUIT_GAME)
+		if self.quit:
+			command.consume()
+	def onConsoleCommand(self, command):
+		result = ''
+		if command.lower() in ('quit', 'exit'):
+			self.quit = True
+			result = 'quitting'
+		elif command.lower() in ( 'help', 'help()' ):
+			self.engine.getGuiManager().getConsole().println( open( 'misc/infotext.txt', 'r' ).read() )
+			result = "-- End of help --"
+		else:
+			result = self.world.onConsoleCommand(command)
+		if not result:
+			try:
+				result = str(eval(command))
+			except:
+				pass
+		if not result:
+			result = 'no result'
+		return result
+	def onQuitButtonPress(self):
+		cmd = fife.Command()
+		cmd.setSource(None)
+		cmd.setCommandType(fife.CMD_QUIT_GAME)
+		self.engine.getEventManager().dispatchCommand(cmd)
+	def onAboutButtonPress(self):
+		if not self.aboutWindow:
+			self.aboutWindow = pychan.loadXML('gui/help.xml')
+			self.aboutWindow.mapEvents({ 'closeButton' : self.aboutWindow.hide })
+			self.aboutWindow.distributeData({ 'helpText' : open("misc/infotext.txt").read() })
+		self.aboutWindow.show()
+class IslandDemo(ApplicationBase):
+	def __init__(self):
+		super(IslandDemo,self).__init__()
+		pychan.init(self.engine, debug=TDS.readSetting("PychanDebug", type='bool'))
+		self.world = world.World(self.engine)
+		self.listener = ApplicationListener(self.engine, self.world)
+		self.world.load(str(TDS.readSetting("MapFile")))
+		self.soundmanager = self.engine.getSoundManager()
+		self.soundmanager.init()
+		if int(TDS.readSetting("PlaySounds")):
+			# play track as background music
+			emitter = self.soundmanager.createEmitter()
+			id = self.engine.getSoundClipPool().addResourceFromFile('music/rio_de_hola.ogg')
+			emitter.setSoundClip(id)
+			emitter.setLooping(True)
+			emitter.play()
+	def loadSettings(self):
+		"""
+		Load the settings from a python file and load them into the engine.
+		Called in the ApplicationBase constructor.
+		"""
+		import settings
+		self.settings = settings
+		engineSetting = self.engine.getSettings()
+		engineSetting.setDefaultFontGlyphs(str(TDS.readSetting("FontGlyphs", strip=False)))
+		engineSetting.setDefaultFontPath(str(TDS.readSetting("Font")))
+		engineSetting.setDefaultFontSize(12)
+		engineSetting.setBitsPerPixel(int(TDS.readSetting("BitsPerPixel")))
+		engineSetting.setInitialVolume(float(TDS.readSetting("InitialVolume")))
+		engineSetting.setSDLRemoveFakeAlpha(int(TDS.readSetting("SDLRemoveFakeAlpha")))
+		engineSetting.setScreenWidth(int(TDS.readSetting("ScreenWidth")))
+		engineSetting.setScreenHeight(int(TDS.readSetting("ScreenHeight")))
+		engineSetting.setRenderBackend(str(TDS.readSetting("RenderBackend")))
+		engineSetting.setFullScreen(int(TDS.readSetting("FullScreen")))
+		try:
+			engineSetting.setWindowTitle(str(TDS.readSetting("WindowTitle")))
+			engineSetting.setWindowIcon(str(TDS.readSetting("WindowIcon")))
+		except:
+			pass			
+		try:
+			engineSetting.setImageChunkingSize(int(TDS.readSetting("ImageChunkSize")))
+		except:
+			pass
+	def initLogging(self):
+		"""
+		Initialize the LogManager.
+		"""
+		LogModules = TDS.readSetting("LogModules", type='list')
+		self.log = fifelog.LogManager(self.engine, int(TDS.readSetting("LogToPrompt")), int(TDS.readSetting("LogToFile")))
+		if LogModules:
+			self.log.setVisibleModules(*LogModules)
+	def createListener(self):
+		pass # already created in constructor
+	def _pump(self):
+		if self.listener.quit:
+			self.breakRequested = True
+			# get the correct directory to save the map file to
+			mapSaveDir = getUserDataDirectory("fife", "rio_de_hola") + "/maps"
+			# create the directory structure if it does not exist
+			if not os.path.isdir(mapSaveDir):
+				os.makedirs(mapSaveDir)
+			# save map file to directory
+			self.world.save(mapSaveDir + "/savefile.xml")
+		else:
+			self.world.pump()
+def main():
+	app = IslandDemo()
+	app.run()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+	if TDS.readSetting("ProfilingOn", type='bool'):
+		import hotshot, hotshot.stats
+		print "Starting profiler"
+		prof = hotshot.Profile("fife.prof")
+		prof.runcall(main)
+		prof.close()
+		print "analysing profiling results"
+		stats = hotshot.stats.load("fife.prof")
+		stats.strip_dirs()
+		stats.sort_stats('time', 'calls')
+		stats.print_stats(20)
+	else:
+		if TDS.readSetting("UsePsyco", type='bool'):
+			# Import Psyco if available
+			try:
+				import psyco
+				psyco.full()
+				print "Psyco acceleration in use"
+			except ImportError:
+				print "Psyco acceleration not used"
+		else:
+			print "Psyco acceleration not used"
+		main()