diff demos/pychan_demo/pychan_test.py @ 378:64738befdf3b

bringing in the changes from the build_system_rework branch in preparation for the 0.3.0 release. This commit will require the Jan2010 devkit. Clients will also need to be modified to the new way to import fife.
author vtchill@33b003aa-7bff-0310-803a-e67f0ece8222
date Mon, 11 Jan 2010 23:34:52 +0000
children cfc7c384603b
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/demos/pychan_demo/pychan_test.py	Mon Jan 11 23:34:52 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# ####################################################################
+#  Copyright (C) 2005-2009 by the FIFE team
+#  http://www.fifengine.de
+#  This file is part of FIFE.
+#  FIFE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+#  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License along with this library; if not, write to the
+#  Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+#  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+# ####################################################################
+# This is the pychan demo client for FIFE.
+import sys, os, re
+from fife import fife
+from fife.extensions import fifelog
+from fife.extensions import basicapplication
+from fife.extensions import pychan
+from fife.extensions.pychan.dialogs import trace
+class PyChanExample(object):
+	"""
+	Example class.
+	"""
+	def __init__(self,xmlFile):
+		self.xmlFile = xmlFile
+		self.widget = None
+	def start(self):
+		"""
+		The Example Protocoll: start
+		"""
+		# For simplicity the most basic examples should define
+		# a okButton and/or a closeButton. Those are mapped
+		# to the stop handler.
+		self.widget = pychan.loadXML(self.xmlFile)
+		eventMap = {
+			'closeButton':self.stop,
+			'okButton'   :self.stop
+		}
+		# Since the basic example are not required to
+		# supply close and ok button, we 'ignoreMissing'
+		self.widget.mapEvents(eventMap, ignoreMissing = True)
+		self.widget.show()
+		#from pprint import pprint
+		#pprint(self.widget.getNamedChildren())
+	def stop(self):
+		"""
+		The Example Protocoll: stop
+		"""
+		if self.widget:
+			self.widget.hide()
+		self.widget = None
+class TextSetter(object):
+	def __init__(self,text):
+		self.text = text
+	def __call__(self,widget):
+		widget.text = self.text
+class DemoApplication(basicapplication.ApplicationBase):
+	def __init__(self):
+		# Let the ApplicationBase initialise FIFE
+		super(DemoApplication,self).__init__()
+		# Init Pychan
+		pychan.init(self.engine,debug=False)
+		pychan.loadFonts("fonts/freefont.fontdef")
+		pychan.manager.setDefaultFont("FreeSans")
+		pychan.setupModalExecution(self.mainLoop,self.breakFromMainLoop)
+		# Build the main GUI
+		self.gui = pychan.loadXML('gui/demoapp.xml')
+		self.gui.min_size = self.engine.getRenderBackend().getScreenWidth(),self.engine.getRenderBackend().getScreenHeight()
+		eventMap = {
+			'creditsLink'  : self.showCredits,
+			'closeButton'  : self.quit,
+			'demoList' : self.selectExample,
+		}
+		self.gui.mapEvents(eventMap)
+		# A simple hover-effect for the credits label
+		credits = self.gui.findChild(name="creditsLink")
+		# setEnterCallback is deprecated - we use it here to test it.
+		credits.setEnterCallback(TextSetter(u"CREDITS"))
+		# Note that we can't simply write:
+		# credits.capture(credits._setText(u"Credits"), event_name="mouseExited")
+		# that's because that would call credits._setText _NOW_ and we want to call
+		# it later.
+		credits.capture(lambda : credits._setText(u"Credits"), event_name="mouseExited")
+		# Our list of examples
+		# We keep a dictionary of these and fill
+		# the ListBox on the left with its names.
+		from dynamic import DynamicExample
+		from styling import StylingExample
+		from sliders import SliderExample
+		self.examples = {
+			'Absolute Positioning' : PyChanExample('gui/absolute.xml'),
+			'All Widgets' : PyChanExample('gui/all_widgets.xml'),
+			'Basic Styling' : StylingExample(),
+			'Dynamic Widgets' : DynamicExample(),
+			'Sliders' : SliderExample(),
+			'ScrollArea' : PyChanExample('gui/scrollarea.xml'),
+		}
+		self.demoList = self.gui.findChild(name='demoList')
+		self.demoList.items = sorted(self.examples.keys())
+		# Finally show the main GUI
+		self.gui.show()
+		self.currentExample = None
+		self.creditsWidget = None
+	# We use the trace decorator which can help debugging the examples.
+	# mostly it's for show though :-)
+	@trace
+	def selectExample(self):
+		"""
+		Callback handler for clicking on the example list.
+		"""
+		if self.demoList.selected_item is None:
+			return
+		#print "selected",self.demoList.selected_item
+		if self.currentExample:
+			self.currentExample.stop()
+		self.currentExample = self.examples[self.demoList.selected_item]
+		self.gui.findChild(name="xmlSource").text = unicode(open(self.currentExample.xmlFile).read(), 'utf8')
+		self.currentExample.start()
+	def showCredits(self):
+		"""
+		Callback handler from the credits link/label.
+		"""
+		# We use PyChan's synchronous execution feature here.
+		pychan.loadXML('gui/credits.xml').execute({ 'okButton' : "Yay!" })
+class TestXMLApplication(basicapplication.ApplicationBase):
+	"""
+	Test Application. Run the pychan_test.py file
+	with the XML file you want to load as argument.
+	"""
+	def __init__(self,xmlfile):
+		super(TestXMLApplication,self).__init__()
+		pychan.init(self.engine,debug=True)
+		self.start()
+	@trace
+	def start(self):
+		self.widget = pychan.loadXML(xmlfile)
+		self.widget.show()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+	import sys
+	if len(sys.argv) == 2:
+		app = TestXMLApplication(sys.argv[1])
+	else:
+		app = DemoApplication()
+	app.run()