diff SConstruct @ 378:64738befdf3b

bringing in the changes from the build_system_rework branch in preparation for the 0.3.0 release. This commit will require the Jan2010 devkit. Clients will also need to be modified to the new way to import fife.
author vtchill@33b003aa-7bff-0310-803a-e67f0ece8222
date Mon, 11 Jan 2010 23:34:52 +0000 (2010-01-11)
parents 94470d79576f
children 2a1259ce2b95
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/SConstruct	Wed Dec 09 17:01:52 2009 +0000
+++ b/SConstruct	Mon Jan 11 23:34:52 2010 +0000
@@ -1,171 +1,295 @@
 import os, sys
-from utils.util_scripts.path import path as upath
+import utils.scons.scons_utils as utils
+from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib
+_sep = os.path.sep
-opts = Options('options.py', ARGUMENTS)
-opts.Add(BoolOption('debug',  'Build with debuginfos and without optimisations', 1))
-opts.Add(BoolOption('tests',  'Build testcases in unit_tests', 0))
-opts.Add(BoolOption('noengine',  'Prevents building of engine, use e.g. for util/test tweaking', 0))
-opts.Add(BoolOption('opengl', 'Compile OpenGL support', 1))
-opts.Add(EnumOption('script', 'Selects generated scripting language bindings', 'python', allowed_values=('python', 'lua')))
-opts.Add(BoolOption('profile', 'Build with profiling information', 0))
-opts.Add(BoolOption('projectfiles_only',  "Creates IDE project files only. If defined, won't build code. " +
-                    "Note that normal builds generate these files also automatically.", 0))
-opts.Add(BoolOption('utils',  'Build utilities', 0))
-opts.Add(BoolOption('ext',  'Build external dependencies', 0))
-opts.Add(BoolOption('docs',  "Generates static analysis documentation into doc-folder. If defined, won't build code", 0))
-opts.Add(BoolOption('zip', 'Enable ZIP archive support', 1))
-opts.Add(BoolOption('log', 'Enables logging for the engine', 1))
+vars = Variables()
+			'Destination directory (prepended to prefix)',
+			None,
+			PathVariable.PathAccept ))
+#propagate the invoking users complete external environment
+env = Environment(variables = vars, 
+			ENV = os.environ,
-opts.Add(BoolOption('rend_camzone', 'Enables camera zone renderer', 0))
-opts.Add(BoolOption('rend_grid', 'Enables grid renderer', 0))
-# Platform-specific prefix directories
-if sys.platform == 'linux2':
-	opts.Add(PathOption('PREFIX', 'Directory to install under', '/usr'))
+#add any command line options here
+		dest='release',
+		action="store_true",
+		help='Builds the release version of the binaries',
+		default=False)
+		dest='disable-opengl',
+		action="store_true",
+		help='Disable OpenGL support',
+		default=False)		
-#env = Environment(options = opts, ENV = {'PATH' : os.environ['PATH']})
-env = Environment(options = opts, ENV = os.environ)
-rootp = env['SCONS_ROOT_PATH']
+		dest='disable-zip',
+		action="store_true",
+		help='Disable ZIP archive support',
+		default=False)	
+		dest='disable-log',
+		action="store_true",
+		help='Disable engine logging support',
+		default=False)	
-# helper functions
-def tryConfigCommand(context, cmd):
-	ret = context.TryAction(cmd)[0]
-	context.Result(ret)
-	if ret:
-		context.env.ParseConfig(cmd)
-	return ret
+		dest='enable-rend-camzone',
+		action="store_true",
+		help='Enables camera zone renderer',
+		default=False)
+		dest='enable-rend-grid',
+		action="store_true",
+		help='Enables camera grid renderer',
+		default=False)
-def importConfig(config):
-	module = __import__(config)
-	parts = config.split('.')
-	for part in parts[1:]:
-		module = getattr(module, part)
-	return module
+		dest='enable-profile',
+		action="store_true",
+		help='Build with profiling information',
+		default=False)
+		dest='prefix',
+		nargs=1, type='string',
+		action='store',
+		metavar='DIR',
+		help='installation prefix')
+		dest='python-prefix',
+		nargs=1, type='string',
+		action='store',
+		metavar='DIR',
+		help='Python module installation prefix')
+#save command line options here
+if GetOption('release'):
+	debug = 0
+	debug = 1
+if GetOption('disable-opengl'):
+	opengl = 0
+	opengl = 1
-def getPlatformConfig():
-	pathparts = ('build', '%s-config' % sys.platform)
-	filename = os.path.join(*pathparts)
-	sconsfilename = '.'.join(pathparts)
-	if os.path.exists(filename + '.py'):
-		return importConfig(sconsfilename)
-	else:
-		print 'no custom platform-config found (searched: %s.py)' % filename
-		filename += '-dist'
-		sconsfilename += '-dist'
-		if os.path.exists(filename + '.py'):
-			return importConfig(sconsfilename)
-		print 'no platform-config found (searched: %s.py)' % filename
-		Exit(1)
+if GetOption('disable-zip'):
+	zip = 0
+	zip = 1
+if GetOption('disable-log'):
+	log = 0
+	log = 1
+if GetOption('enable-rend-camzone'):
+	rend_camzone = 1
+	rend_camzone = 0
+if GetOption('enable-rend-grid'):
+	rend_grid = 1
+	rend_grid = 0
+if GetOption('enable-profile'):
+	profile = 1
+	profile = 0
-# custom checks
-def checkPKG(context, name):
-	context.Message('Checking for %s (using pkg-config)... ' % name)
-	return tryConfigCommand(context, 'pkg-config --libs --cflags \'%s\'' % name)
+#set the default installation directories.
+prefix = GetOption('prefix')
+if prefix is None:
+	if sys.platform == 'win32':
+		prefix = '\\fife'
+	elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
+		prefix = '/opt/local'
+	else:
+		prefix = '/usr/local'
-def checkConf(context, name):
-	binary = '%s-config' % name.lower()
-	context.Message('Checking for %s (using %s)... ' % (name, binary))
-	configcall = '%s --libs --cflags' %binary
-	return tryConfigCommand(context, configcall)
+pythonprefix = GetOption('python-prefix')
+if pythonprefix is None:
+	pythonprefix = get_python_lib()
+if env.has_key('DESTDIR'):
+	prefix = env['DESTDIR'] + prefix
+	pythonprefix = env['DESTDIR'] + pythonprefix
+#get platform specific information
+platformConfig = utils.getPlatformConfig()
+env = platformConfig.initEnvironment(env)
+env = platformConfig.addExtras(env, opengl)
-def checkSimpleLib(context, liblist, header = '', lang = 'c++', required = 1):
-	for lib in liblist:
-		ret = checkPKG(context, lib)
-		if ret:
-			return ret
-		ret = checkConf(context, lib)
-		if ret:
-			return ret
-		if len(header):
-			ret = conf.CheckLibWithHeader(lib, header, lang)
+#define custom library/header check functions
+conf = Configure(env,
+		custom_tests = {'checkPKG': utils.checkPKG,
+				'checkConf': utils.checkConf },
+				conf_dir = os.path.join('#','build','.sconf_temp'),
+				log_file = os.path.join('#','build','config.log'),
+				clean=True)
+def checkForLib(lib, header='', language='c++'):
+	ret = conf.checkPKG(lib)
+	if not ret:
+		ret = conf.checkConf(lib)
+		if not ret:
+			if len(header):
+				ret = conf.CheckLibWithHeader(libs=lib, header=header, language=language)
+			else:
+				ret = conf.CheckLib(library=lib, language=language)
+	return ret
+def checkForLibs(liblist, required=1, language='c++'):
+	ret = 0
+	for lib, header in liblist:
+		if (isinstance(lib, tuple)):
+			for item in lib:
+				ret = checkForLib(item, header, language)
+				if ret:
+					env.AppendUnique(LIBS = [item])
+					break
-			ret = conf.CheckLib(lib,language=lang)
+			ret = checkForLib(lib, header, language)
+			if ret:
+				env.AppendUnique(LIBS=[lib])
+		if required and not ret:
+			if (isinstance(lib, tuple)):
+				for item in lib:
+					print 'Required lib %s not found!' %item
+			else:
+				print 'Required lib %s not found!' %lib
+			Exit(1)
+#check the existence of required libraries and headers
+required_libs = platformConfig.getRequiredLibs(opengl)
+optional_libs = platformConfig.getOptionalLibs(opengl)
-		if ret:
-#			print "ret: " + ret
-			if not lib in conf.env['LIBS']:
-				conf.env.Append(LIBS = [lib])
-			return ret
-	if required:
-		print 'required lib %s not found :(' % lib
-		Exit(1)
-	return False
+required_headers = platformConfig.getRequiredHeaders(opengl)
-if env['projectfiles_only']:
-	Export('env')
-	SConscript(['engine/SConscript'])
-elif env['docs']:
-	_jp = os.path.join
-	# should prolly be done using scons builders...
-	try:
-		print "removing old documentation directories"
-		upath('doc/doxygen/html').rmtree()
-	except OSError:
-		pass
-	print "generating new doxygen documentation"
-	os.system('doxygen ' + _jp('doc', 'doxygen', 'doxyfile'))
-	print "doxygen documentation created succesfully"
+# do not run the check for dependencies if you are running
+# a clean or building the external dependencies
+if not GetOption('clean') and 'ext' not in COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS:
+	if required_libs:
+		checkForLibs(required_libs, required = 1)
+	if optional_libs:
+		checkForLibs(optional_libs, required = 0)
+	if required_headers:
+		for h in required_headers:
+			conf.CheckHeader(h)
-elif env['ext']:
-	Export('env')
-	SConscript('ext/SConscript')
+#set variables based on command line options
+if debug:
+	env.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS=['-ggdb', '-O0', '-D_DEBUG'])
+	engine_var_dir = os.path.join('build','engine','debug')
+	tests_var_dir = os.path.join('build','tests','debug')
+	print "Building DEBUG binaries..."
-	platformConfig = getPlatformConfig()
-	env = platformConfig.initEnvironment(env)
-	conf = Configure(env, 
-                     custom_tests = {'checkConf': checkConf, 'checkPKG': checkPKG, 'checkSimpleLib': checkSimpleLib},
-					 conf_dir = '#/build/.sconf_temp',
-					 log_file = '#/build/config.log')
-	platformConfig.addExtras(conf)
-	env = conf.Finish()
+	env.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS=['-O2'])
+	engine_var_dir = os.path.join('build','engine','release')
+	tests_var_dir = os.path.join('build','tests','release')
+	print "Building RELEASE binaries..."
-	if sys.platform == "win32":
-		env.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-Wall'])
-	else:
-		env.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-Wall']) # removed old style cast warnings for now (swig creates these)
-	if env['debug'] == 1:
-		env.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-ggdb', '-O0'])
-	else:
-		if os.getenv('CXXFLAGS'):
-			env.Append(CPPFLAGS = Split(os.environ['CXXFLAGS']))
-		else:
-			env.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-O2'])
-	if env['profile']:
-		env.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-pg'])
-		env.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['-pg'])
+if opengl: 
+	env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['HAVE_OPENGL'])
+if zip:
+	env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['HAVE_ZIP'])
+if log:
+	env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['LOG_ENABLED'])
+if rend_camzone:
+if rend_grid:
+	env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['RENDER_GRID'])
+if profile:
+	env.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-pg'])
+	env.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['-pg'])
-	definemap = {
-		'opengl': 'HAVE_OPENGL',
-		'zip': 'HAVE_ZIP',
-		'log': 'LOG_ENABLED',
-		'rend_camzone': 'RENDER_CAMZONES',
-		'rend_grid': 'RENDER_GRID',
-	}
-	for k, v in definemap.items():
-		if env[k]:
-			env.Append(CPPDEFINES = [v])
-	Export('env')
-	if not env['noengine']:
-		SConscript('engine/SConscript')
-	env.Append(LIBPATH = ['#/engine'])
+#last but not least get any CXXFLAGS passed to scons via command line
+	env.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = Split(ARGUMENTS.get('CXXFLAGS'))) 
+	env.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS=['-Wall', '-Wno-unused'])
+#global compiler flags used for ALL targets
+#variables to pass to the SConscript
+#TODO: clean this up a bit.  Should probably make sure unittest++ exists.
+opts = {'SRC' : os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'engine',),
+		'DEBUG' : debug,
+		'PREFIX' : prefix,
+		'TESTLIBS' : ['fife', 'UnitTest++'],
+		'PYTHON_PREFIX' : pythonprefix,
+		'WRAP_COPY_DEST' : os.path.join('#engine', 'swigwrappers', 'python'),
+		'PYLIB_COPY_DEST' : os.path.join('#engine', 'python', 'fife')}
+if debug:
+	opts['LIBPATH'] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'build', 'engine', 'debug')
+	opts['LIBPATH'] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'build', 'engine', 'release')
-	if env['tests']:
-		SConscript('tests/core_tests/SConscript')
+#target for static and shared libraries
+#build the engine
+env.SConscript('engine/SConscript', variant_dir=engine_var_dir, duplicate=0, exports='opts')
+#build the engine tests
+env.SConscript('tests/core_tests/SConscript', variant_dir=tests_var_dir, duplicate=0, exports='opts')
+#build the external dependencies
-	if env['utils']:
-		SConscript([str(p) for p in upath('utils').walkfiles('SConscript')])
+#documentation target
+def generate_docs(target = None, source = None, env = None):
+	os.system('doxygen $SOURCES')
+doc_builder = Builder(action = generate_docs)
+env.Append(BUILDERS = {'BuildDocs': doc_builder})
+Alias('docs', env.BuildDocs('docs', os.path.join('doc', 'doxygen', 'doxyfile')))
-# vim: set filetype=python: 
+#Set the default target
+#clear the default target
+#make fife-python the default target
+# vim: set filetype=python: