diff SConstruct @ 0:4a0efb7baf70

* Datasets becomes the new trunk and retires after that :-)
author mvbarracuda@33b003aa-7bff-0310-803a-e67f0ece8222
date Sun, 29 Jun 2008 18:44:17 +0000
children d2f1e81fbe2c
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SConstruct	Sun Jun 29 18:44:17 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+import os, sys
+from utils.util_scripts.path import path as upath
+opts = Options('options.py', ARGUMENTS)
+opts.Add(BoolOption('debug',  'Build with debuginfos and without optimisations', 1))
+opts.Add(BoolOption('tests',  'Build testcases in unit_tests', 0))
+opts.Add(BoolOption('noengine',  'Prevents building of engine, use e.g. for util/test tweaking', 0))
+opts.Add(BoolOption('opengl', 'Compile OpenGL support', 1))
+opts.Add(EnumOption('script', 'Selects generated scripting language bindings', 'python', allowed_values=('python', 'lua')))
+opts.Add(BoolOption('profile', 'Build with profiling information', 0))
+opts.Add(BoolOption('projectfiles_only',  "Creates IDE project files only. If defined, won't build code. " +
+                    "Note that normal builds generate these files also automatically.", 0))
+opts.Add(BoolOption('utils',  'Build utilities', 0))
+opts.Add(BoolOption('ext',  'Build external dependencies', 0))
+opts.Add(BoolOption('docs',  "Generates static analysis documentation into doc-folder. If defined, won't build code", 0))
+opts.Add(BoolOption('zip', 'Enable ZIP archive support', 1))
+opts.Add(BoolOption('log', 'Enables logging for the engine', 1))
+opts.Add(BoolOption('rend_camzone', 'Enables camera zone renderer', 0))
+opts.Add(BoolOption('rend_grid', 'Enables grid renderer', 0))
+# Platform-specific prefix directories
+if sys.platform == 'linux2':
+	opts.Add(PathOption('PREFIX', 'Directory to install under', '/usr'))
+env = Environment(options = opts, ENV = {'PATH' : os.environ['PATH']})
+rootp = env['SCONS_ROOT_PATH']
+# helper functions
+def tryConfigCommand(context, cmd):
+	ret = context.TryAction(cmd)[0]
+	context.Result(ret)
+	if ret:
+		context.env.ParseConfig(cmd)
+	return ret
+def importConfig(config):
+	module = __import__(config)
+	parts = config.split('.')
+	for part in parts[1:]:
+		module = getattr(module, part)
+	return module
+def getPlatformConfig():
+	pathparts = ('build', '%s-config' % sys.platform)
+	filename = os.path.join(*pathparts)
+	sconsfilename = '.'.join(pathparts)
+	if os.path.exists(filename + '.py'):
+		return importConfig(sconsfilename)
+	else:
+		print 'no custom platform-config found (searched: %s.py)' % filename
+		filename += '-dist'
+		sconsfilename += '-dist'
+		if os.path.exists(filename + '.py'):
+			return importConfig(sconsfilename)
+		print 'no platform-config found (searched: %s.py)' % filename
+		Exit(1)
+# custom checks
+def checkPKG(context, name):
+	context.Message('Checking for %s (using pkg-config)... ' % name)
+	return tryConfigCommand(context, 'pkg-config --libs --cflags \'%s\'' % name)
+def checkConf(context, name):
+	binary = '%s-config' % name.lower()
+	context.Message('Checking for %s (using %s)... ' % (name, binary))
+	configcall = '%s --libs --cflags' %binary
+	return tryConfigCommand(context, configcall)
+def checkSimpleLib(context, liblist, header = '', lang = 'c', required = 1):
+	for lib in liblist:
+		ret = checkPKG(context, lib)
+		if ret:
+			return ret
+		ret = checkConf(context, lib)
+		if ret:
+			return ret
+		if len(header):
+			ret = conf.CheckLibWithHeader(lib, header, lang)
+		else:
+			ret = conf.CheckLib(lib)
+		if ret:
+#			print "ret: " + ret
+			if not lib in conf.env['LIBS']:
+				conf.env.Append(LIBS = [lib])
+			return ret
+	if required:
+		print 'required lib %s not found :(' % lib
+		Exit(1)
+	return False
+if env['projectfiles_only']:
+	Export('env')
+	SConscript(['engine/SConscript'])
+elif env['docs']:
+	_jp = os.path.join
+	# should prolly be done using scons builders...
+	try:
+		print "removing old documentation directories"
+		upath('doc/doxygen/html').rmtree()
+	except OSError:
+		pass
+	print "generating new doxygen documentation"
+	os.system('doxygen ' + _jp('doc', 'doxygen', 'doxyfile'))
+	print "doxygen documentation created succesfully"
+elif env['ext']:
+	Export('env')
+	SConscript('ext/SConscript')
+	platformConfig = getPlatformConfig()
+	env = platformConfig.initEnvironment(env)
+	conf = Configure(env, 
+                     custom_tests = {'checkConf': checkConf, 'checkPKG': checkPKG, 'checkSimpleLib': checkSimpleLib},
+					 conf_dir = '#/build/.sconf_temp',
+					 log_file = '#/build/config.log')
+	platformConfig.addExtras(conf)
+	env = conf.Finish()
+	if sys.platform == "win32":
+		env.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-Wall'])
+	else:
+		env.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-Wall']) # removed old style cast warnings for now (swig creates these)
+	if env['debug'] == 1:
+		env.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-ggdb', '-O0'])
+	else:
+		if os.getenv('CXXFLAGS'):
+			env.Append(CPPFLAGS = Split(os.environ['CXXFLAGS']))
+		else:
+			env.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-O2'])
+	if env['profile']:
+		env.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-pg'])
+		env.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['-pg'])
+	definemap = {
+		'opengl': 'HAVE_OPENGL',
+		'zip': 'HAVE_ZIP',
+		'log': 'LOG_ENABLED',
+		'rend_camzone': 'RENDER_CAMZONES',
+		'rend_grid': 'RENDER_GRID',
+	}
+	for k, v in definemap.items():
+		if env[k]:
+			env.Append(CPPDEFINES = [v])
+	Export('env')
+	if not env['noengine']:
+		SConscript('engine/SConscript')
+	env.Append(LIBPATH = ['#/engine'])
+	if env['tests']:
+		SConscript('tests/core_tests/SConscript')
+	if env['utils']:
+		SConscript([str(p) for p in upath('utils').walkfiles('SConscript')])
+# vim: set filetype=python: