Mercurial > fife-parpg
comparison build/win32/build_environments/code_blocks/core_tests++.cbp @ 0:4a0efb7baf70
* Datasets becomes the new trunk and retires after that :-)
author | mvbarracuda@33b003aa-7bff-0310-803a-e67f0ece8222 |
date | Sun, 29 Jun 2008 18:44:17 +0000 |
parents | |
children | 191654cf9855 |
-1:000000000000 | 0:4a0efb7baf70 |
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> | |
2 <CodeBlocks_project_file> | |
3 <FileVersion major="1" minor="6" /> | |
4 <Project> | |
5 <Option title="core_tests" /> | |
6 <Option pch_mode="2" /> | |
7 <Option compiler="gcc" /> | |
8 <Build> | |
9 <Target title="Debug"> | |
10 <Option output="..\..\..\..\tests\core_tests" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="1" /> | |
11 <Option object_output="obj\Debug\" /> | |
12 <Option type="1" /> | |
13 <Option compiler="gcc" /> | |
14 <Compiler> | |
15 <Add option="-g" /> | |
16 </Compiler> | |
17 </Target> | |
18 <Target title="Release"> | |
19 <Option output="..\..\..\..\tests\core_tests" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="1" /> | |
20 <Option object_output="obj\Release\" /> | |
21 <Option type="1" /> | |
22 <Option compiler="gcc" /> | |
23 <Compiler> | |
24 <Add option="-O2" /> | |
25 </Compiler> | |
26 <Linker> | |
27 <Add option="-s" /> | |
28 </Linker> | |
29 </Target> | |
30 </Build> | |
31 <Compiler> | |
32 <Add option="-Wall" /> | |
33 <Add option="-fexceptions" /> | |
34 <Add directory="..\..\..\..\engine\core" /> | |
35 <Add directory="..\..\includes\mingw\boost_1_35_0" /> | |
36 <Add directory="..\..\includes\mingw\libguichan" /> | |
37 <Add directory="..\..\includes\mingw\libogg" /> | |
38 <Add directory="..\..\includes\mingw\libpng" /> | |
39 <Add directory="..\..\includes\mingw\libvorbis" /> | |
40 <Add directory="..\..\includes\mingw\openal" /> | |
41 <Add directory="..\..\includes\mingw\physfs" /> | |
42 <Add directory="..\..\includes\mingw\python25" /> | |
43 <Add directory="..\..\includes\mingw\sdl" /> | |
44 <Add directory="..\..\includes\mingw\sdl_image" /> | |
45 <Add directory="..\..\includes\mingw\sdl_ttf" /> | |
46 <Add directory="..\..\includes\mingw\unittest++" /> | |
47 <Add directory="..\..\includes\mingw\zlib" /> | |
48 </Compiler> | |
49 <Linker> | |
50 <Add library="..\..\..\..\engine\libfife_static.a" /> | |
51 <Add library="..\..\static_libs\mingw\libboost_filesystem.a" /> | |
52 <Add library="..\..\static_libs\mingw\libboost_regex.a" /> | |
53 <Add library="..\..\static_libs\mingw\libboost_system.a" /> | |
54 <Add library="..\..\static_libs\mingw\libguichan.a" /> | |
55 <Add library="..\..\static_libs\mingw\libguichan_opengl.a" /> | |
56 <Add library="..\..\static_libs\mingw\libguichan_sdl.a" /> | |
57 <Add library="..\..\static_libs\mingw\libogg.a" /> | |
58 <Add library="..\..\static_libs\mingw\libphysfs.a" /> | |
59 <Add library="..\..\static_libs\mingw\libpng.a" /> | |
60 <Add library="..\..\static_libs\mingw\libSDL.dll.a" /> | |
61 <Add library="..\..\static_libs\mingw\libSDLmain.a" /> | |
62 <Add library="..\..\static_libs\mingw\libvorbis.a" /> | |
63 <Add library="..\..\static_libs\mingw\libvorbisfile.a" /> | |
64 <Add library="..\..\static_libs\mingw\libzlib.a" /> | |
65 <Add library="..\..\static_libs\mingw\OpenAL32.lib" /> | |
66 <Add library="..\..\static_libs\mingw\SDL_image.lib" /> | |
67 <Add library="..\..\static_libs\mingw\SDL_ttf.lib" /> | |
68 <Add library="..\..\static_libs\mingw\libUnittest++.a" /> | |
69 <Add library="..\..\static_libs\mingw\python25\libpython25.a" /> | |
70 <Add library="opengl32" /> | |
71 <Add library="glu32" /> | |
72 </Linker> | |
73 <Unit filename="..\..\..\..\tests\core_tests\main.cpp" /> | |
74 <Unit filename="..\..\..\..\tests\core_tests\test_dat1++.cpp" /> | |
75 <Unit filename="..\..\..\..\tests\core_tests\test_dat2++.cpp" /> | |
76 <Unit filename="..\..\..\..\tests\core_tests\test_imagepool++.cpp" /> | |
77 <Unit filename="..\..\..\..\tests\core_tests\test_images++.cpp" /> | |
78 <Unit filename="..\..\..\..\tests\core_tests\test_rect++.cpp" /> | |
79 <Unit filename="..\..\..\..\tests\core_tests\test_vfs++.cpp" /> | |
80 <Unit filename="..\..\..\..\tests\core_tests\test_zip++.cpp" /> | |
81 <Extensions> | |
82 <code_completion /> | |
83 <debugger /> | |
84 </Extensions> | |
85 </Project> | |
86 </CodeBlocks_project_file> |