view feed2twitter/feed2twitter.egg-info/PKG-INFO @ 29:606307f5bfa1

Adding new url shorteners
author Walter Cruz <>
date Wed, 19 Aug 2009 16:09:48 -0300
parents 2b39038f25b7
children fa175368618d
line wrap: on
line source

Metadata-Version: 1.0
Name: feed2twitter
Version: 0.6.4dev
Summary: Publish your feed items to twitter
Author: Walter Cruz
License: AGPL
Description: ============
        Feed2twitter updates a twitter account from a xml feed.
        It's a free alternative to services like Twitterfeed.
        To install feed2twitter:
        1. install python-twitter:
        1. install feedparser:
        Install it with: python install
        * You need to set your feed and your twitter account.
        * You need to create a configuration file. You can see a sample with the command *feed2twitter -p*. It will looks like:
        url =
        username = twitter_user
        password = twitter_password
        mode = text
        interval = 01:00
        items = 5
        The url is the url for the feed that you want to publish, mode can be 'text' (140 chars of your post text) or 'title' (your post title, with a link). The interval is the interval in which the feed2twitter will publish your last posts. In the sample, feed2twitter will check the provided feed each hour.
        Run it with the command feed2twitter. It will update your twitter with your latest posts, in the interval that you have set.
        Kudos to Gleicon da Silveira (, that give me a idea of the code in a post of his blog.
        You can contact me at Have fun!
Keywords: twitter feed
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
Classifier: Environment :: Console
Classifier: Development Status :: 3 - Alpha