view @ 79:9d92e8c12f58

rewrited the code in XPath.
author "Rex Tsai <>"
date Fri, 24 Oct 2008 21:46:33 +0800
parents 3d1784140009
children 7ab5fc8c847c
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env perl
    foreach (((getpwuid($<))[7], $ENV{HOME}, $ENV{LOGDIR}, ".")) {
        require "$_/" if (-f "$_/");

use Class::DBI::AutoLoader (
    dsn       => 'dbi:SQLite:dbname=ikariam.sqlite',
    options   => { RaiseError => 1 },
    tables    => ['cities', 'island', 'user'],
    use_base  => 'Class::DBI::SQLite',
    namespace => 'Ikariam',

package Ikariam::Extractor;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use XML::LibXML;
use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip qw(gunzip $GunzipError) ;
use Carp;
use utf8;

sub new {
    Carp::croak("Options should be key/value pairs, not hash reference") if ref($_[1]) eq 'HASH'; 

    my($class, %conf) = @_;

    my $self = bless {
        doc => undef,
        gzip => 1,
    }, $class;

    $self->{gzip} = $conf{'gzip'} if(defined($conf{'gzip'}));
    $self->parse($conf{'content'}) if(defined($conf{'content'}));

    return $self;

# parse($Content);
sub parse {
    my ($self, $content) = @_;
    my $string;
    my $parser = XML::LibXML->new('1.0','utf-8');

    if($self->{gzip} == 1) {
        gunzip \$content => \$string
            or die "gunzip failed: $GunzipError\n";
    } else {
        $string = $content;

    $self->{doc} = $parser->parse_html_string ($string, { suppress_errors => 1 });

# find($XPathQuery);
sub find {
    my $self = shift;
    my $query = shift;
    my $out = [];

    my $result = $self->{doc}->find($query);

    return undef unless defined($result);

    if ( $result->isa( 'XML::LibXML::NodeList' ) ) {
        return undef if($result->size() == 0);
        foreach ( @$result ) {
            # $_ is XML::LibXML::Element, XML::LibXML::Node
            my $literal = $_->to_literal() , "\n";
            # warn $_->toString(1) , "\n";
            return $literal unless wantarray;
            push( @$out, $literal);
    } else {
        Carp::croak("Unsupported data type"); 
    # TODO
    # XML::LibXML::Literal
    # XML::LibXML::Boolean

    return @$out;


package Ikariam;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use LWP;
# use LWP::Debug qw(+ -conns -trace -debug);
# use LWP::Debug qw(+trace);
use HTTP::Cookies;
use WWW::Mechanize;
use HTML::TagParser;
use XML::LibXML qw(:encoding);
use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip qw(gunzip $GunzipError) ;
use utf8;

sub new
    my ($class, $server, $user, $pass) = @_;

    my $self =
        mech => WWW::Mechanize->new(
            agent => "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008092816 Iceweasel/3.0.1 (Debian-3.0.1-1)",
            timeout => 10,
        server => $server,
        user => $user,
        pass => $pass,
        buildingIDs => {
            townHall =>  0,
            townhall =>  0,
            port =>  3,
            academy =>  4,
            shipyard =>  5,
            barracks =>  6,
            warehouse =>  7,
            wall =>  8,
            tavern =>  9,
            museum =>  10,
            palace =>  11,
            embassy =>  12,
            branchOffice =>  13,
            workshop =>  15,
            'workshop-army' =>  15,
            'workshop-fleet' =>  15,
            safehouse =>  16,
            palaceColony =>  17,
            resource =>  1,
            tradegood =>  2

    $self->{mech}->cookie_jar(HTTP::Cookies->new(file => "/tmp/ikariam-cookies.txt", autosave => 1));
    $self->{mech}->default_headers->push_header('Accept-Encoding', 'deflate');
    return bless $self, $class;

sub viewScore
    my $self = shift;
    my $type = shift || 'score';
    my $user = shift || '';
    my $offset = shift || 0;

    my $res = $self->{mech}->post(sprintf("http://%s/index.php", $self->{server}), [
        highscoreType => $type,
        offset => $offset,
        searchUser => $user,
        view => 'highscore'

    my $c;
    my $status = gunzip \$res->content => \$c 
        or die "gunzip failed: $GunzipError\n";

    my %users;
    my $html = HTML::TagParser->new($c);
    my ($table) = $html->getElementsByAttribute("class", "table01");
    return %users if(!defined($table));

    my @elems = getElementsByTagName($table, "tr");

    foreach my $elem (@elems) {
        my $e;
        my %user;

        $e = getElementsByAttribute($elem, "class", "action");
        $e = getElementsByTagName($e, "a");

        if(defined ($e) && $e->getAttribute('href') =~ /index\.php\?view=sendMessage&with=(\d+)&oldView=highscore/)
            $user{'id'} = $1;

            $e = getElementsByAttribute($elem, "class", "name");
            $user{'name'} = $e->innerText();

            $e = getElementsByAttribute($elem, "class", "allytag");
            $user{'ally'} = $e->innerText();

            $e = getElementsByTagName($e, "a");
            if($e->getAttribute('href') =~ /\?view=allyPage&allyId=(\d+)/)
                $user{'allyId'} = $1;

            $e = getElementsByAttribute($elem, "class", "score");
            $user{$type} = $e->innerText();
            $user{$type} =~ s/,//g;

            $users{$user{'id'}} = \%user;
        } else {

    return \%users;

sub viewWorldMap
    my $self = shift;
    my $x = shift;
    my $y = shift;

    if(!defined($x) && !defined($y))
        die('location required');

    my $res = $self->{mech}->post(sprintf("http://%s/index.php?view=worldmap_iso", $self->{server}), [
            xajax => 'getMapData',
            'xajaxargs[]' => $x,
            'xajaxargs[]' => $y,
            xajaxr => time,

    my $c;
    my $status = gunzip \$res->content => \$c 
        or die "gunzip failed: $GunzipError\n";

    my @islands;
    # parsing xjxobj
    while($c =~ /<cmd n="jc" t="addToMap"><xjxobj><e><k>0<\/k><v><!\[CDATA\[(\d+)\]\]><\/v><\/e><e><k>1<\/k><v><!\[CDATA\[(\d+)\]\]><\/v><\/e><e><k>2<\/k><v><!\[CDATA\[(\d+)\]\]><\/v><\/e><e><k>3<\/k><v><!\[CDATA\[(\d+)\]\]><\/v><\/e><e><k>4<\/k><v><!\[CDATA\[(\d+)\]\]><\/v><\/e><e><k>5<\/k><v><!\[CDATA\[(\w+)\]\]><\/v><\/e><e><k>6<\/k><v><!\[CDATA\[(\d+)\]\]><\/v><\/e><e><k>7<\/k><v><!\[CDATA\[(\d+)\]\]><\/v><\/e><\/xjxobj><\/cmd>/g)
        my %island;
        $island{id} = $3;
        $island{x} = $1;
        $island{y} = $2;
        $island{name} = $6;
        $island{tradegood} = $4;
        $island{wonder} = $5;
        # $7 ?
        $island{people} = $8;
        push @islands, \%island;
    return @islands;

sub viewHomeMap
    my $self = shift;

    my $res = $self->{mech}->get(sprintf("http://%s/index.php?view=worldmap_iso", $self->{server}));

    my $c;
    my $status = gunzip \$res->content => \$c 
        or die "gunzip failed: $GunzipError\n";

    # m[50][36]=new Array(564,1,5,'Risietia', '5', 13);
    # x = 43-57 = 6
    # y = 27-41 = 6
    my @islands;
    while($c =~ /m\[(\d+)\]\[(\d+)\]=new Array\((\d+),(\d+),(\d+),'(\w+)', '(\d+)', (\d+)\);/g)
        my %island;
        $island{id} = $3;
        $island{x} = $1;
        $island{y} = $2;
        $island{name} = $6;
        $island{tradegood} = $4;
        $island{wonder} = $5;
        # $7 ?
        $island{people} = $8;

        #foreach my $i (sort(keys(%island)))
        #    printf ("%s %s\n", $i, $island{$i});
        push @islands, \%island;
    return @islands;

sub viewIsland
    my $self = shift;
    my $island = shift;

    my $res = $self->{mech}->get(sprintf("http://%s/index.php?view=island&id=%s", $self->{server}, $island));

    my $c;
    my $status = gunzip \$res->content => \$c 
        or die "gunzip failed: $GunzipError\n";

    my $html = HTML::TagParser->new($c);

    # find inactivity and vacation
    my %status;
    foreach my $class (qw/inactivity vacation/)
        my @elems = $html->getElementsByAttribute("class", $class);
        foreach my $elem (@elems) {
            if($elem->innerText() =~ /^(.*?) \((\w)\)/) {
                $status{$1} = $2;
                # printf("%s\n", $elem->innerText());

    # find content
    my @elems = $html->getElementsByClassName( "cityinfo" );
    my @cities;
    foreach my $elem (@elems) {
        my %info;

        my @e = getElementsByTagName($elem, "li");
        $info{'cityname'} = substr($e[0]->innerText(), 8);
        $info{'citylevel'} = substr($e[1]->innerText(), 14);
        $info{'owner'} = substr($e[2]->innerText(), 8);
        $info{'ally'} = substr($e[3]->innerText(), 8);
        delete($info{'ally'}) if($info{'ally'} eq '-');

        @e = getElementsByAttribute($elem, "class", "messageSend");
        if ( $e[0]->getAttribute("href") =~ /with=(\d+)&destinationCityId=(\d+)/)
            $info{'user'} = $1;
            $info{'cityId'} = $2;

        # update status;
        if(defined($status{$info{'cityname'}})) {
            $info{'status'} = $status{$info{'cityname'}};
        } else {
            $info{'status'} = undef;
        # print(Dumper(\%info));
        push @cities, \%info;

    return @cities;

sub increaseTransporter {
    my $self = shift;
    my $param = shift;
    my $cityId = shift;

    my @locations = @{$self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{locations}};
    foreach (1..2) {
        if($locations[$_] eq 'port') {
            my $res = $self->{mech}->get(sprintf('http://%s/index.php?action=CityScreen&function=increaseTransporter&id=%s&position=%s', 
                    $self->{server}, $cityId, $_));

sub build {
    my $self = shift;
    my $type = shift;
    my $cityId = shift;

    die ("we don't know about this city") unless(defined($self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}));

    my $position = -1;
    my @locations = @{$self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{locations}};
    foreach (0..$#locations) {
        $position = $_ if($locations[$_] eq $type);

    if($position == -1)
        foreach (0..$#locations) {
            next if($_ <= 2 && ($self->{buildingIDs}->{$type} ne "workshop-fleet" &&
                    $self->{buildingIDs}->{$type} ne "shipyard"));
            if($locations[$_] eq undef) {
                my $res = $self->{mech}->get(sprintf('http://%s/index.php?action=CityScreen&function=build&id=%s&position=%s&building=%d', 
                        $self->{server}, $cityId, $_, $self->{buildingIDs}->{$type} ));
    } else {
        $self->{mech}->add_header( Referer =>  
            sprintf("http://%s/index.php?view=%s&id=%s&position=%d", $self->{server}, $type, $cityId, $position));
        my $res = $self->{mech}->post(sprintf('http://%s/index.php', $self->{server}), [
            action => 'CityScreen',
            'function' => 'upgradeBuilding',
            id => $cityId,
            position => $position,
            level => $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{buildings}->{$type},
            oldView => $type,
#        my $content;
#        gunzip \$res->content => \$content 
#            or die "gunzip failed: $GunzipError\n";
#        print ($content);

sub run {
    my $self = shift;
    # defense.
    die("Not implemented");

sub research
    my $self = shift;
    my $type = shift;
    my $cityId = shift;

    # check if we are researching the same stuff
    my $res =  $self->{mech}->get(sprintf('http://%s/index.php?action=CityScreen&function=changeResearch&id=%s&researchType=%s', $self->{server}, $cityId, $type));

#    my $content;
#    gunzip \$res->content => \$content 
#        or die "gunzip failed: $GunzipError\n";
#    print ($content);

sub checkResearch {
    my $self = shift;
    my $cityId = shift;

    my $res = $self->{mech}->get(sprintf('http://%s/index.php?view=researchOverview&id=%s', $self->{server}, $cityId));
    my @urls = Ikariam::Extractor->new(content => $res->content)->find('//ul[@class="explored"]//a/@href');
    my $out = {};
    foreach(@urls) {
        if(/view=researchDetail&id=\d+&position=\d+&researchId=(\d+)$/) {
            # we ignore the chinese name of technology researched.
            @$out{$1} = 1;
    return $out;

sub checkCity {
    my $self = shift;
    my $cityId = shift;

    # search for goods
    my $res = $self->{mech}->get(sprintf("http://%s/index.php?view=city&id=%d", $self->{server}, $cityId));
    my $extractor = new Ikariam::Extractor(content => $res->content);

    $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{resources}->{gold} = $extractor->find('//span[@id="value_gold"]/text()');
    $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{resources}->{gold} =~ s/,//g;

    $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{name} = $extractor->find('//span[@class="city"]/text()');

    $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{construction} = defined($extractor->find('//*[@class="constructionSite"]')) ? 1 : 0;

    # maxCapacity
    my $page = $extractor->{doc}->toString(1);
    if($page =~ /maxCapacity : {\s+wood: (\d+),\s+wine: (\d+),\s+marble: (\d+),\s+crystal: (\d+),\s+sulfur: (\d+)\s+}/s) {
        $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{maxCapacity}->{wood} = $1;
        $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{maxCapacity}->{wine} = $2;
        $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{maxCapacity}->{marble} = $3;
        $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{maxCapacity}->{crystal} = $4;
        $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{maxCapacity}->{sulfur} = $5;

    foreach my $good (qw/wood wine marble crystal sulfur/) {
        $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{resources}->{$good} = $extractor->find(sprintf('//span[@id="value_%s"]', $good));
        $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{resources}->{$good} =~ s/,//g;

    foreach my $i (0..14) {
        my @buildings = $extractor->find(sprintf('//*[@id="position%s"]/@class', $i));
        foreach my $building (@buildings) {
            if (!($building =~ /buildingGround/) && !($building =~ /townhall/)) {
                $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{locations}[$i] = $building;

                my $span;
                if($building eq 'townHall') {
                    # this is stupid, the new vession give two cityTown information.
                    $span = ($extractor->find(sprintf('//*[@id="position%s"]//span[@class="textLabel"]/text()', $i)))[1];
                } else {
                    $span = $extractor->find(sprintf('//*[@id="position%s"]//span[@class="textLabel"]/text()', $i));
                my (undef, undef, $level) = split(/ /, $span);
                $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{buildings}->{$building} = $level;

    $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{transporters}->{avail} = $extractor->find('//span[@id="value_transAvail"]/text()');
    $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{transporters}->{sum} = $extractor->find('//span[@id="value_transSum"]/text()');
    $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{transporters}->{sum} =~ s/[\(|\)]//g;
    $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{maxActionPoints} = $extractor->find('//span[@id="value_maxActionPoints"]');;

sub checkMilitaryAdvisorMilitaryMovements  {
    my $self = shift;
    # TODO
    my $res = $self->{mech}->get(sprintf('http://%s/index.php?view=militaryAdvisorMilitaryMovements', $self->{server}));

sub checkMilitaryAdvisorCombatReports {
    my $self = shift;
    my $content;
    my $res = $self->{mech}->get(sprintf('http://%s/index.php?view=militaryAdvisorCombatReports', $self->{server}));
    gunzip \$res->content => \$content 
        or die "gunzip failed: $GunzipError\n";

    print OUT $content;
    # TODO
    # $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{force}->{attacks} = $1 if($content =~ /敵人攻擊: (\d+)/);
    # $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{force}->{wars} = $1 if($content =~ /我方軍隊行程: (\d+)/);

    # list down reports.
    # /index.php?view=militaryAdvisorReportView&amp;combatId=1887662
    # //form[@id='finishedReports']//a

sub checkTownHall {
    my $self = shift;
    my $cityId = shift;

    my $res = $self->{mech}->get(sprintf('http://%s/index.php?view=townHall&id=%d', $self->{server}, $cityId));
    my $extractor = new Ikariam::Extractor(content => $res->content);

    # //div[@id='SatisfactionOverview']//div[@class='value']
    # //div[@id='SatisfactionOverview']//div[@class='text']
    $self->{"cities"}->{$cityId}->{happiness} = $extractor->find('//div[@id="SatisfactionOverview"]//div[@class="value"]');

    # 取 SatisfactionOverview 中的其他值
    # 一個城鎮的市民滿意度結合了多方面的因素
    # check happiness
    # Happiness = Basic bonuses (196 + Capital Bonus + Holiday Bonus(25)) + 
    #             Wine (Tavern Base(12*level) + 
    #             Tavern Bonus(80*step)) + 
    #             Culture (Museum Base(20*level) + 
    #             Cultural Goods Bonus(50*Cultural Goods)) - 
    #             Population (population) - 
    #             Corruption (Corruption rate * population)
    # Growth Rate = Happiness * 0.02

    # Space, 房屋數
    $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{"space"} = {};
    $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{"space"}->{'total'} = $extractor->find('//span[@class="value total"]/text()');
    $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{"space"}->{'occupied'} = $extractor->find('//span[@class="value occupied"]/text()');

    my @values = $extractor->find('//div[@id="CityOverview"]//span[@class="value"]');
    $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{"growth"} = $values[0];
    $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{"incomegold"} = $values[1];

    $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{corruption} = $extractor->find('//li[@class="corruption"]//span[@title="目前腐敗程度"]');
    $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{corruption} =~ s/%//g;

    my @citizens_type = qw/citizens woodworkers specialworkers scientists/;
    @values = $extractor->find('//div[@id="PopulationGraph"]//span[@class="count"]');
    foreach my $i (0..$#citizens_type)
        $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{'citizens'}->{$citizens_type[$i]} = $values[$i];
        $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{'citizens'}->{total} += $values[$i];

sub checkArmies
    my $self = shift;
    my $cityId = shift;
    my %force_types;

    $force_types{'army'} = [ qw/undef undef Slinger Swordsman Phalanx Ram Archer Catapult Gunsman Mortar SteamGiant Gyrocopter Bombardier Doctor Cook/ ];
    $force_types{'fleet'} = [ qw/undef undef Ram-Ship BallistaShip Flamethrower CatapultShip MortarShip PaddleWheelRam DivingBoat/ ];

    foreach my $x (qw/army fleet/) {
        $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{$x} = {};
        my $res = $self->{mech}->get(sprintf('http://%s/index.php?view=cityMilitary-%s&id=%d', $self->{server}, $x, $cityId));
        my @numbers = Ikariam::Extractor->new(content => $res->content)->find('//table//tr/td');
        foreach my $j (0..$#{$force_types{$x}}) {
            if ($numbers[$j] == '-') {
                $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{$x}->{$force_types{$x}[$j]} = 0;
            } else {
                $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{$x}->{$force_types{$x}[$j]} = $numbers[$j];

sub check
    my $self = shift;

    # MilitaryAdvisor

    # looking for cities
    foreach my $cityId (keys(%{$self->{'cities'}})) 
        $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{'research'} = $self->checkResearch($cityId);
    print Dumper($self->{'cities'});
    return $self->{'cities'};

sub logout
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{mech}->get(sprintf('http://%s/index.php?action=loginAvatar&function=logout', $self->{server}));

sub login
    my $self = shift;

    my $res = $self->{mech}->post(sprintf("http://%s/index.php?action=loginAvatar&function=login", $self->{server}), [
        name => $self->{user},
        password => $self->{pass},

    my $c;
    my $status = gunzip \$res->content => \$c 
        or die "gunzip failed: $GunzipError\n";

    if($c =~ /錯誤!/)
        die ("password error\n");
    } else {
        my $result = XML::LibXML->new('1.0','utf-8')
                                 ->parse_html_string ($c, { suppress_errors => 1 })
                                 ->find( '//option[@class="avatarCities coords"]' );

        if ( $result->isa( 'XML::LibXML::NodeList' ) ) {
            foreach ( @$result ) {
                $self->{'cities'}->{$_->getAttribute('value')} = {};

sub getElementsByTagName {
    my $element = shift;
    my $tagname = lc(shift);
    my ( $flat, $cur ) = @$element;

    my $out = [];
    for( ; $cur <= $#$flat ; $cur++ ) {
        last if ($flat->[ $cur + 1 ]->[001] eq $element->tagName() );
        next if ($flat->[$cur]->[001] ne $tagname );
        next if $flat->[$cur]->[000]; # close

        my $elem = HTML::TagParser::Element->new( $flat, $cur );
        return $elem unless wantarray;
        push( @$out, $elem );
    return unless wantarray;

sub getElementsByAttribute {
    my $element = shift;
    my $key  = lc(shift);
    my $val  = shift;
    my ( $flat, $cur ) = @$element;

    my $out  = [];
    for ( ; $cur <= $#$flat ; $cur++ ) {
        next if $flat->[$cur]->[000];    # close
        my $elem = HTML::TagParser::Element->new( $flat, $cur );
        my $attr = $elem->attributes();
        next unless exists $attr->{$key};
        next if ( $attr->{$key} ne $val );
        return $elem unless wantarray;
        push( @$out, $elem );
    return unless wantarray;
