view @ 98:34749e907405

we now scan for ally
author "Rex Tsai <>"
date Wed, 29 Oct 2008 02:43:04 +0800
parents 65c102183458
children ed6160630329
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env perl
    foreach (((getpwuid($<))[7], $ENV{HOME}, $ENV{LOGDIR}, ".")) {
        require "$_/" if (-f "$_/");

use Class::DBI::AutoLoader (
    dsn       => 'dbi:SQLite:dbname=ikariam.sqlite',
    options   => { RaiseError => 1 },
    tables    => ['cities', 'island', 'user', 'ally'],
    use_base  => 'Class::DBI::SQLite',
    namespace => 'Ikariam',

package Ikariam::Extractor;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use XML::LibXML;
use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip qw(gunzip $GunzipError) ;
use Carp;
use utf8;

sub new {
    Carp::croak("Options should be key/value pairs, not hash reference") if ref($_[1]) eq 'HASH'; 

    my($class, %conf) = @_;

    my $self = bless {
        doc => undef,
        gzip => 1,
    }, $class;

    $self->{gzip} = $conf{'gzip'} if(defined($conf{'gzip'}));
    $self->parse($conf{'content'}) if(defined($conf{'content'}));

    return $self;

# parse($Content);
sub parse {
    my ($self, $content) = @_;
    my $string;
    my $parser = XML::LibXML->new('1.0','utf-8');

    if($self->{gzip} == 1) {
        gunzip \$content => \$string
            or die "gunzip failed: $GunzipError\n";
    } else {
        $string = $content;

    $self->{doc} = $parser->parse_html_string ($string, { suppress_errors => 1 });

# find($XPathQuery);
sub find {
    my $self = shift;
    my $query = shift;
    my $out = [];

    my $result = $self->{doc}->find($query);

    return undef unless defined($result);

    if ( $result->isa( 'XML::LibXML::NodeList' ) ) {
        return () if($result->size() == 0);
        foreach ( @$result ) {
            # $_ is XML::LibXML::Element, XML::LibXML::Node
            my $literal = $_->to_literal();
            # warn $_->toString(1) , "\n";
            return $literal unless wantarray;
            push( @$out, $literal);
    } else {
        Carp::croak("Unsupported data type"); 
    # TODO
    # XML::LibXML::Literal
    # XML::LibXML::Boolean

    return @$out;


package Ikariam;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use LWP;
# use LWP::Debug qw(+ -conns -trace -debug);
# use LWP::Debug qw(+trace);
use HTTP::Cookies;
use WWW::Mechanize;
use HTML::TagParser;
use XML::LibXML qw(:encoding);
use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip qw(gunzip $GunzipError) ;
use utf8;

sub new
    my ($class, $server, $user, $pass) = @_;

    my $self =
        mech => WWW::Mechanize->new(
            agent => "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008092816 Iceweasel/3.0.1 (Debian-3.0.1-1)",
            timeout => 10,
        server => $server,
        user => $user,
        pass => $pass,
        buildingIDs => {
            townHall =>  0,
            townhall =>  0,
            port =>  3,
            academy =>  4,
            shipyard =>  5,
            barracks =>  6,
            warehouse =>  7,
            wall =>  8,
            tavern =>  9,
            museum =>  10,
            palace =>  11,
            embassy =>  12,
            branchOffice =>  13,
            workshop =>  15,
            'workshop-army' =>  15,
            'workshop-fleet' =>  15,
            safehouse =>  16,
            palaceColony =>  17,
            resource =>  1,
            tradegood =>  2

    $self->{mech}->cookie_jar(HTTP::Cookies->new(file => "/tmp/ikariam-cookies.txt", autosave => 1));
    $self->{mech}->default_headers->push_header('Accept-Encoding', 'deflate');
    return bless $self, $class;

sub viewAlly
    my $self = shift;
    my $allyId = shift;

    my $res = $self->{mech}->get(sprintf("http://%s/index.php?view=allyPage&allyId=%d", $self->{server}, $allyId));
    my $extractor = new Ikariam::Extractor(content => $res->content);

    my %ally;
    $ally{'id'} = $allyId;
    $ally{'name'} = $extractor->find("//table[\@id='allyinfo']/tr[1]/td[2]/text()");
    $ally{'members'} = $extractor->find("//table[\@id='allyinfo']/tr[2]/td[2]/text()");
    $ally{'url'} = $extractor->find("//table[\@id='allyinfo']/tr[5]/td[2]/text()");
    delete($ally{'url'}) if($ally{'url'} eq '-');

    return \%ally;

sub viewScore
    my $self = shift;
    my $type = shift || 'score';
    my $user = shift || '';
    my $offset = shift || 0;
    my %users;

    my $res = $self->{mech}->post(sprintf("http://%s/index.php", $self->{server}), [
        highscoreType => $type,
        offset => $offset,
        searchUser => $user,
        view => 'highscore'
    my $extractor = new Ikariam::Extractor(content => $res->content);
    my $result = $extractor->{doc}->find('//table[@class="table01"][2]//tr');
    foreach my $tr ( @$result ) {
        my %user;

        $extractor->{doc} = $tr;
        my $href = $extractor->find('//td[@class="action"]/a/@href');
        if($href =~ /index\.php\?view=sendMessage&with=(\d+)&oldView=highscore/) {
            $user{'id'} = $1;
            # $user{'name'} = $extractor->find('//td[@class="name"]');
            $user{'name'} = $user;

            $user{'ally'} = $extractor->find('//td[@class="allytag"]/a/text()');
            my $allyHref = $extractor->find('//td[@class="allytag"]/a/@href');
            if($allyHref =~ /\?view=allyPage&oldView=highscore&allyId=(\d+)/) {
                $user{'allyId'} = $1;
            $user{$type} = $extractor->find('//td[@class="score"]/text()');
            $user{$type} =~ s/,//g;
            $users{$user{'id'}} = \%user;
    return \%users;

sub viewWorldMap
    my $self = shift;
    my $x = shift;
    my $y = shift;

    if(!defined($x) && !defined($y)) {
        die('location required');

    my $res = $self->{mech}->post(sprintf("http://%s/index.php?view=worldmap_iso", $self->{server}), [
            xajax => 'getMapData',
            'xajaxargs[]' => $x,
            'xajaxargs[]' => $y,
            xajaxr => time,

    my $c;
    my $status = gunzip \$res->content => \$c 
        or die "gunzip failed: $GunzipError\n";

    my @islands;
    # parsing xjxobj
    while($c =~ /<cmd n="jc" t="addToMap"><xjxobj><e><k>0<\/k><v><!\[CDATA\[(\d+)\]\]><\/v><\/e><e><k>1<\/k><v><!\[CDATA\[(\d+)\]\]><\/v><\/e><e><k>2<\/k><v><!\[CDATA\[(\d+)\]\]><\/v><\/e><e><k>3<\/k><v><!\[CDATA\[(\d+)\]\]><\/v><\/e><e><k>4<\/k><v><!\[CDATA\[(\d+)\]\]><\/v><\/e><e><k>5<\/k><v><!\[CDATA\[(\w+)\]\]><\/v><\/e><e><k>6<\/k><v><!\[CDATA\[(\d+)\]\]><\/v><\/e><e><k>7<\/k><v><!\[CDATA\[(\d+)\]\]><\/v><\/e><\/xjxobj><\/cmd>/g)
        my %island;
        $island{id} = $3;
        $island{x} = $1;
        $island{y} = $2;
        $island{name} = $6;
        $island{tradegood} = $4;
        $island{wonder} = $5;
        # $7 ?
        $island{people} = $8;
        push @islands, \%island;
    return @islands;

sub viewHomeMap
    my $self = shift;

    my $res = $self->{mech}->get(sprintf("http://%s/index.php?view=worldmap_iso", $self->{server}));

    my $c;
    my $status = gunzip \$res->content => \$c 
        or die "gunzip failed: $GunzipError\n";

    # m[50][36]=new Array(564,1,5,'Risietia', '5', 13);
    # x = 43-57 = 6
    # y = 27-41 = 6
    my @islands;
    while($c =~ /m\[(\d+)\]\[(\d+)\]=new Array\((\d+),(\d+),(\d+),'(\w+)', '(\d+)', (\d+)\);/g)
        my %island;
        $island{id} = $3;
        $island{x} = $1;
        $island{y} = $2;
        $island{name} = $6;
        $island{tradegood} = $4;
        $island{wonder} = $5;
        # $7 ?
        $island{people} = $8;

        #foreach my $i (sort(keys(%island)))
        #    printf ("%s %s\n", $i, $island{$i});
        push @islands, \%island;
    return @islands;

sub viewIsland
    my $self = shift;
    my $island = shift;

    my $res = $self->{mech}->get(sprintf("http://%s/index.php?view=island&id=%s", $self->{server}, $island));
    my $extractor = new Ikariam::Extractor(content => $res->content);

    my @cities;
    foreach my $i (0..16) {
        my $cityLocations = $extractor->find(sprintf('//li[@id="cityLocation%s"]/@class', $i));
        if($cityLocations =~ /city level(\d+)/) {
            my %info;
            $info{'citylevel'} = $1;
            $info{'cityname'} = $extractor->find(sprintf('//li[@id="cityLocation%s"]//li[@class="name"]/text()', $i));
            $info{'owner'} = $extractor->find(sprintf('//li[@id="cityLocation%s"]//li[@class="owner"]/text()', $i));
            $info{'owner'} =~ s/\s+//g;
            $info{'ally'} = $extractor->find(sprintf('//li[@id="cityLocation%s"]//li[@class="ally"]/a/text()', $i));
            delete($info{'ally'}) if($info{'ally'} eq '-');

            my $href = $extractor->find(sprintf('//li[@id="cityLocation%s"]//a[@class="messageSend"]/@href', $i));
            # ?view=sendMessage&type=0&with=20204&destinationCityId=64165&oldView=island
            if ($href =~ /with=(\d+)&destinationCityId=(\d+)/) {
                $info{'user'} = $1;
                $info{'cityId'} = $2;
            # ?view=sendAllyMessage&allyId=1192&oldView=island&id=721
            } else {
                # 聯盟
                # this is me.
                my $id = $extractor->find(sprintf('//li[@id="cityLocation%s"]/a/@id', $i));
                if($id =~ /city_(\d+)/) {
                    $info{'user'} = undef; # FIXME
                    $info{'cityId'} = $1; 

            if(defined(($extractor->find(sprintf('//li[@id="cityLocation%s"]//span[@class="vacation"]', $i)))[0])) {
                $info{'status'} = 'v';
            if(defined(($extractor->find(sprintf('//li[@id="cityLocation%s"]//span[@class="inactivity"]', $i)))[0])) {
                $info{'status'} = 'i';
            push @cities, \%info;
        } else {
            # TODO: delete the old city.


    return @cities;

sub increaseTransporter {
    my $self = shift;
    my $param = shift;
    my $cityId = shift;

    # TODO: 應該扣除買船之黃金, 以免誤計
    # TODO: 加上所有之船隻
    # my @cargoCost = qw/160 244 396 812 1240 1272 1832 1888 3848 3972 5204 5384 6868 7120 8864 9200 11268 11712 14108 14680 23320 24288 28664 29880 34956 36468 42348 44212 51024 53308 61236 64024 73096 76468 87020 91088 103224 116524 122072 137432 180060 202132 211964 237444 249108 278276 292076 306623 321963 338138 355198 373191 392171 412195 433320 455612 479135 503962 530166 557828 587031 617863 650420 684802 721113 759466 799981 842783 888005 935790 986286 1039654 1096062 1155689 1218724 1285369 1355837 1430353 1509159 1592508 1680670 1773932 1872597 1976989 2087448 2204338 2328045 2458976 2597567 2744276 2899594 3064040 3238163 3422550 3617820 3824635 4043693 4275738 4521561 4782000 5057946 5350345 5660202 5988585 6336630 6705540 7096598 7511164 7950683 8416694 8910828 9434823 9990523 10579889 11205006 11868090 12571498 13317734 14109462 14949514/;
    # $city->{transporters}->{sum}
    # TODO: 找買船最便宜之城市
    my @locations = @{$self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{locations}};
    foreach (1..2) {
        if($locations[$_] eq 'port') {
            my $res = $self->{mech}->get(sprintf('http://%s/index.php?action=CityScreen&function=increaseTransporter&id=%s&position=%s', 
                    $self->{server}, $cityId, $_));

sub build {
    my $self = shift;
    my $type = shift;
    my $cityId = shift;

    die ("we don't know about this city") unless(defined($self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}));

    my $position = -1;
    my @locations = @{$self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{locations}};
    foreach (0..$#locations) {
        $position = $_ if($locations[$_] eq $type);

    if($position == -1) {
        foreach (0..$#locations) {
            # XXX
            next if($_ <= 2 && ($self->{buildingIDs}->{$type} ne "workshop-fleet" &&
                    $self->{buildingIDs}->{$type} ne "shipyard"));
            if($locations[$_] eq undef) {
                my $res = $self->{mech}->get(sprintf('http://%s/index.php?action=CityScreen&function=build&id=%s&position=%s&building=%d', 
                        $self->{server}, $cityId, $_, $self->{buildingIDs}->{$type} ));
    } else {
        my $res = $self->{mech}->get (sprintf("http://%s/index.php?view=%s&id=%s&position=%d", $self->{server}, $type, $cityId, $position));
        my $url = Ikariam::Extractor->new(content => $res->content)->find('//a[@title="升級建築物"]/@href');
        $self->{mech}->get($url) if(defined($url));

sub run {
    my $self = shift;
    my $param = shift;
    # defense.
    die("run $param not implemented yet.");

sub research
    my $self = shift;
    my $type = shift;
    my $cityId = shift;

    # check if we are researching the same stuff
    my $res =  $self->{mech}->get(sprintf('http://%s/index.php?action=CityScreen&function=changeResearch&id=%s&researchType=%s', $self->{server}, $cityId, $type));

sub checkResearch {
    my $self = shift;
    my $cityId = shift;

    my $res = $self->{mech}->get(sprintf('http://%s/index.php?view=researchOverview&id=%s', $self->{server}, $cityId));
    my @urls = Ikariam::Extractor->new(content => $res->content)->find('//ul[@class="explored"]//a/@href');
    my $out = {};
    foreach(@urls) {
        if(/view=researchDetail&id=\d+&position=\d+&researchId=(\d+)$/) {
            # we ignore the chinese name of technology researched.
            @$out{$1} = 1;
    return $out;

sub checkCity {
    my $self = shift;
    my $cityId = shift;

    # search for goods
    $self->{mech}->get(sprintf("http://%s/index.php", $self->{server}));
        form_number => 2,
        fields      => {
            cityId => $cityId,
    my $res = $self->{mech}->get(sprintf("http://%s/index.php?view=city&id=%d", $self->{server}, $cityId));
    my $extractor = new Ikariam::Extractor(content => $res->content);

    $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{resources}->{gold} = $extractor->find('//span[@id="value_gold"]/text()');
    $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{resources}->{gold} =~ s/,//g;

    $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{name} = $extractor->find('//span[@class="city"]/text()');

    $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{construction} = defined($extractor->find('//*[@class="constructionSite"]')) ? 1 : 0;

    # maxCapacity
    my $page = $extractor->{doc}->toString(1);
    if($page =~ /maxCapacity : {\s+wood: (\d+),\s+wine: (\d+),\s+marble: (\d+),\s+crystal: (\d+),\s+sulfur: (\d+)\s+}/s) {
        $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{maxCapacity}->{wood} = $1;
        $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{maxCapacity}->{wine} = $2;
        $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{maxCapacity}->{marble} = $3;
        $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{maxCapacity}->{crystal} = $4;
        $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{maxCapacity}->{sulfur} = $5;

    foreach my $good (qw/wood wine marble crystal sulfur/) {
        $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{resources}->{$good} = $extractor->find(sprintf('//span[@id="value_%s"]', $good));
        $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{resources}->{$good} =~ s/,//g;

    foreach my $i (0..14) {
        my @buildings = $extractor->find(sprintf('//li[@id="position%s"]/@class', $i));
        foreach my $building (@buildings) {
            if (!($building =~ /buildingGround/) && !($building =~ /townhall/)) {
                $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{locations}[$i] = $building;

                my $span;
                my @spans = $extractor->find(sprintf('//li[@id="position%s"]//span[@class="textLabel"]/text()', $i));
                if($#spans >= 1) {
                    $span = $spans[1];
                } else {
                    $span = $spans[0];
                my (undef, undef, $level) = split(/ /, $span);
                $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{buildings}->{$building} = $level;

    $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{transporters}->{avail} = $extractor->find('//span[@id="value_transAvail"]/text()');
    $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{transporters}->{sum} = $extractor->find('//span[@id="value_transSum"]/text()');
    $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{transporters}->{sum} =~ s/[\(|\)]//g;
    $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{maxActionPoints} = $extractor->find('//span[@id="value_maxActionPoints"]');;

sub checkMilitaryAdvisorMilitaryMovements  {
    my $self = shift;
    # TODO
    # http://%s/index.php?view=militaryAdvisorMilitaryMovements
    my $res = $self->{mech}->get(sprintf('http://%s/index.php?view=militaryAdvisorMilitaryMovements', $self->{server}));
    my $extractor = new Ikariam::Extractor(content => $res->content);

    my @homeland = $extractor->find('//div[@id="homeland"]');
    my @elsewhere = $extractor->find('//div[@id="elsewhere"]');
    $self->{'military'}->{attacks} = $#elsewhere+1;
    $self->{'military'}->{wars} = $#homeland+1;

    # there are some details.
#<div id="homeland" class="content">
#                <ul id="battleReports">
#                    <li class="groundfight">
#                        <div class="type"/>
#                        <div class="report">
#                            <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="repTable">
#                                <tbody><tr>
#                                    <th colspan="2">
#                                        攻擊 卍严破碎虛空焱卐                                    </th>
#                                </tr>
#                            </tbody></table>
#                        </div>
#                        <br class="clearfloat"/>
#                    </li>
#					<li class="enroute" style="height: 52px;">
#						<script type="text/javascript">
#							Event.onDOMReady(function() {
#								getCountdown({
#									enddate: 1224863393,
#									currentdate: 1224862910,
#									el: "researchCountDown11396440"
#									}, 3, " ", "", true, true);
#								});
#							</script>
#                        <div class="type">
#                            <div id="researchCountDown11396440" class="time">5分 46秒</div><div class="undefined"> Finished 23:49:23</div>
#                        </div>
#                        <div class="report">
#來自 <a href="?view=island&amp;cityId=98496">松鼠城</a> 的 3 兵力正在前往 <a href="?view=island&amp;cityId=82959">卍严破碎虛空焱卐</a> 的途中。                        </div>
#                        <div class="action">
#                            <div class="return">
#                                <a href="?action=transportOperations&amp;function=forceReturn&amp;actionRequest=46cc5fdb56b8cb0e65e2116ff9f61512&amp;eventId=11396440&amp;oldView=militaryAdvisorMilitaryMovements" title="返回">返回</a>
#                            </div>
#                        </div>
#                        <br class="clearfloat"/>
#                    </li>
#		        </ul>

#    <div id="elsewhere" class="content">
#                <ul id="battleReports">
#                    <li class="groundfight">
#                        <div class="type"/>
#                        <div class="report">
#                            <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="repTable">
#                                <tbody><tr>
#                                    <th colspan="2">
#                                        攻擊 Rex                                    </th>
#                                </tr>
#                            </tbody></table>
#                        </div>
#                        <br class="clearfloat"/>
#                    </li>
#                    <li class="enroute">
#                        <script type="text/javascript">
#												Event.onDOMReady(function() {
#													getCountdown({
#														enddate: 1224877160,
#														currentdate: 1224861666,
#														el: "researchCountDown159638"
#														}, 3, " ", "", true, true);
#													});
#                        </script>
#                        <div class="type">
#                            <div id="researchCountDown159638" class="time">4時 17分 35秒</div>
#                        </div>
#                        <div class="report">
#來自 <a href="?view=island&amp;cityId=6078">水晶交換各種資源</a> 的 3 兵力正在前往 <a href="?view=island&amp;cityId=6077">Rex</a> 的途中。                        </div>
#                    </li>
#		        </ul>
#            </div>

sub checkMilitaryAdvisorCombatReports {
    my $self = shift;
    my $content;
    my $res = $self->{mech}->get(sprintf('http://%s/index.php?view=militaryAdvisorCombatReports', $self->{server}));
    gunzip \$res->content => \$content 
        or die "gunzip failed: $GunzipError\n";

    # TODO

    # list down reports.
    # /index.php?view=militaryAdvisorReportView&amp;combatId=1887662
    # //form[@id='finishedReports']//a

sub checkTownHall {
    my $self = shift;
    my $cityId = shift;

    my $res = $self->{mech}->get(sprintf('http://%s/index.php?view=townHall&id=%d', $self->{server}, $cityId));
    my $extractor = new Ikariam::Extractor(content => $res->content);

    # //div[@id='SatisfactionOverview']//div[@class='value']
    # //div[@id='SatisfactionOverview']//div[@class='text']
    $self->{"cities"}->{$cityId}->{happiness} = $extractor->find('//div[@id="SatisfactionOverview"]//div[@class="value"]');

    # 取 SatisfactionOverview 中的其他值
    # 一個城鎮的市民滿意度結合了多方面的因素
    # check happiness
    # Happiness = Basic bonuses (196 + Capital Bonus + Holiday Bonus(25)) + 
    #             Wine (Tavern Base(12*level) + 
    #             Tavern Bonus(80*step)) + 
    #             Culture (Museum Base(20*level) + 
    #             Cultural Goods Bonus(50*Cultural Goods)) - 
    #             Population (population) - 
    #             Corruption (Corruption rate * population)
    # Growth Rate = Happiness * 0.02

    # Space, 房屋數
    $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{"space"} = {};
    $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{"space"}->{'total'} = $extractor->find('//span[@class="value total"]/text()');
    $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{"space"}->{'occupied'} = $extractor->find('//span[@class="value occupied"]/text()');

    my @values = $extractor->find('//div[@id="CityOverview"]//span[@class="value"]');
    $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{"growth"} = $values[0];
    $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{"incomegold"} = $values[1];

    $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{corruption} = $extractor->find('//li[@class="corruption"]//span[@title="目前腐敗程度"]');
    $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{corruption} =~ s/%//g;

    my @citizens_type = qw/citizens woodworkers specialworkers scientists/;
    @values = $extractor->find('//div[@id="PopulationGraph"]//span[@class="count"]');
    foreach my $i (0..$#citizens_type)
        $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{'citizens'}->{$citizens_type[$i]} = $values[$i];
        $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{'citizens'}->{total} += $values[$i];

sub checkArmies
    my $self = shift;
    my $cityId = shift;
    my %force_types;

    $force_types{'army'} = [ qw/undef undef Slinger Swordsman Phalanx Ram Archer Catapult Gunsman Mortar SteamGiant Gyrocopter Bombardier Doctor Cook/ ];
    $force_types{'fleet'} = [ qw/undef undef Ram-Ship BallistaShip Flamethrower CatapultShip MortarShip PaddleWheelRam DivingBoat/ ];

    foreach my $x (qw/army fleet/) {
        $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{$x} = {};
        my $res = $self->{mech}->get(sprintf('http://%s/index.php?view=cityMilitary-%s&id=%d', $self->{server}, $x, $cityId));
        my @numbers = Ikariam::Extractor->new(content => $res->content)->find('//table//tr/td');
        foreach my $j (0..$#{$force_types{$x}}) {
            next if(!defined($force_types{$x}[$j]));
            if ($numbers[$j] == '-') {
                $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{$x}->{$force_types{$x}[$j]} = 0;
            } else {
                $self->{'cities'}->{$cityId}->{$x}->{$force_types{$x}[$j]} = $numbers[$j];

sub check
    my $self = shift;

    # MilitaryAdvisor
    $self->{'research'} = $self->checkResearch((keys(%{$self->{'cities'}}))[0]);

    # alerts
    # //li[@id="advCities"]/a[@class="normalalert"]
    # //li[@id="advMilitary"]/a[@class="normalalert"]
    # //li[@id="advResearch"]/a[@class="normalalert"]
    # //li[@id="advDiplomacy"]/a[@class="normalalert"]

    # looking for cities
    foreach my $cityId (keys(%{$self->{'cities'}})) 
    return $self->{'cities'};

sub getNetIncome {
    my $self = shift;
    my $cityId = shift;

    Carp::croak("must assign cityId") if !defined($cityId);

    # 扣除研發每人花費 8 GOLD
    return ($self->{cities}->{$cityId}->{citizens}->{total}*4 - $self->{cities}->{$cityId}->{citizens}->{scientists}*8 );

sub getNavyExpenditure {
    my $self = shift;
    my $cityId = shift;
    my $cities = $self->{cities};

    my $ships = {
        CargoShip => {n => "CargoShip",a => 0,d => 0,s => 4,c => "Steamship",v => 20,A => 0,D => 0},
        'Ram-Ship' => {n => "Ram-Ship",p => 6,w => 56,S => 21,b => "34m",u => 20,m => 1,o => 3,a => 16,d => 16,A => 4,D => 4,s => 10,c => "Sailer",v => 10},
        BallistaShip => {n => "BallistaShip",p => 5,w => 72,S => 29,b => "47m",u => 24,m => 3,o => 5,a => 20,d => 28,A => 5,D => 7,s => 11,c => "Sailer",v => 8,x => "Resistance"},
        Flamethrower => {n => "Flamethrower",p => 5,w => 105,S => 77,b => "1h 55m",u => 45,m => 5,o => 7,a => 40,d => 40,A => 10,D => 10,s => 12,c => "Steamship",v => 8,x => "Assault"},
        CatapultShip => {n => "CatapultShip",p => 10,w => 173,S => 76,b => "3h 11m",u => 57,m => 7,o => 10,a => 60,d => 60,A => 12,D => 12,s => 16,c => "Sailer",v => 6},
        MortarShip => {n => "MortarShip",p => 22,w => 456,S => 282,b => "3h 38m",u => 130,m => 12,o => 15,a => 160,d => 160,A => 35,D => 35,s => 14,c => "Steamship",v => 4},
        PaddleWheelRam => {n => "PaddleWheelRam",i => "steamboat",p => 12,w => 513,S => 167,b => "4h 8m",u => 114,m => 10,o => 13,a => 100,d => 90,A => 20,D => 18,s => 13,c => "Steamship",v => 8,x => "Assault"},
        DivingBoat => {n => "DivingBoat",i => "submarine",p => 16,w => 493,C => 378,b => "5h 5m",u => 126,m => 15,o => 16,a => 110,d => 155,A => 20,D => 30,s => 10,c => "Steamship",v => 2,x => "Resistance"}
    my $cost = 0;
    foreach(keys(%{$cities->{$cityId}->{fleet}})) {
        $cost += $cities->{$cityId}->{fleet}->{$_} * $ships->{$_}->{u};
    return $cost;

sub getMilityExpenditure {
    my $self = shift;
    my $cityId = shift;
    my $cities = $self->{cities};
    my $troops = {
        # p 需要人口
        # w 木頭
        # S 硫磺
        # b 製造時間
        # u 維持費用
        # m 最低軍營等級
        # o 最佳軍營等級
        # a 攻擊力
        # d 防守力
        # A 
        # D 
        # s 耐力
        # c 種類
        # v speed
        # x 加成 Assault, Resistance
        Slinger => {n=>"Slinger",p=>1,w=>40,b=>"12m",u=>8,m=>1,o=>4,a=>7,d=>6,A=>2,D=>2,s=>10,c=>"Human",v=>20},
        Swordsman => {n=>"Swordsman",p=>2,w=>47,S=>16,b=>"17m",u=>16,m=>3,o=>5,a=>18,d=>14,A=>4,D=>3,s=>12,c=>"Human",v=>20,x=>"Assault"},
        Phalanx => {n=>"Phalanx",p=>4,w=>104,S=>64,b=>"40m",u=>24,m=>4,o=>7,a=>24,d=>40,A=>6,D=>10,s=>14,c=>"Human",v=>20,x=>"Resistance"},
        Ram => {n=>"Ram",p=>8,w=>198,S=>128,b=>"42m",u=>52,m=>5,o=>8,a=>14,d=>18,A=>3,D=>4,s=>16,c=>"Machina",v=>20,x=>"Ram"},
        Archer => {n=>"Archer",p=>4,w=>172,S=>86,b=>"49m",u=>32,m=>7,o=>10,a=>40,d=>40,A=>10,D=>10,s=>12,c=>"Human",v=>20},
        Catapult => {n=>"Catapult",p=>10,w=>342,S=>232,b=>"49m",u=>72,m=>10,o=>14,a=>36,d=>28,A=>9,D=>7,s=>16,c=>"Machina",v=>20,x=>"Ram"},
        Gunsman => {n=>"Gunsman",i=>"marksman",p=>7,w=>355,S=>154,b=>"1h 23m",u=>58,m=>14,o=>18,a=>80,d=>64,A=>18,D=>14,s=>10,c=>"Human",v=>20},
        Mortar => {n=>"Mortar",p=>12,w=>1325,S=>938,b=>"1h 53m",u=>128,m=>19,o=>21,a=>64,d=>64,A=>15,D=>15,s=>16,c=>"Machina",v=>20,x=>"Ram"},
        SteamGiant => {n=>"SteamGiant",i=>"steamgiant",p=>6,w=>1150,S=>716,b=>"1h 45m",u=>68,m=>16,o=>20,a=>100,d=>140,A=>20,D=>30,s=>14,c=>"Machina",v=>20,x=>"Resistance"},
        Gyrocopter => {n=>"Gyrocopter",p=>8,w=>1250,S=>670,b=>"1h 2m",u=>97,m=>12,o=>16,a=>112,d=>112,A=>25,D=>25,s=>12,c=>"Machina",v=>20},
        Bombardier => {n=>"Bombardier",p=>24,w=>2270,S=>878,b=>"2h 10m",u=>228,m=>22,o=>24,a=>200,d=>165,A=>45,D=>35,s=>14,c=>"Machina",v=>20,x=>"Assault"},
        Doctor => {n=>"Doctor",i=>"medic",p=>6,w=>640,C=>361,b=>"1h 2m",u=>244,m=>11,o=>12,a=>4,d=>28,A=>0,D=>0,s=>14,c=>"Human",v=>20,x=>"Healer"},
        Cook => {n=>"Cook",p=>4,w=>520,W=>103,b=>"38m",u=>138,m=>8,o=>8,a=>6,d=>26,A=>0,D=>0,s=>16,c=>"Human",v=>20,x=>"Regeneration"}

    my $cost = 0;
    foreach(keys(%{$cities->{$cityId}->{army}})) {
        # printf("%s %d = %d\n", $_, $cities->{$cityId}->{army}->{$_},  $cities->{$cityId}->{army}->{$_} * $troops->{$_}->{u});
        $cost += $cities->{$cityId}->{army}->{$_} * $troops->{$_}->{u};
    return $cost;

sub blanceHurmanResource {
    my $self = shift;
    my $cityId = shift;
    my $workersRatio = {
        'citizens' => 0.4,
        'specialworkers' => 0.3,
        'woodworkers' => 0.7,

    my $netincome = $self->getNetIncome($cityId);

    # --- HR ---
    # 扣除研發,四成種田生產,剩下 3:7 挖資源
    # 四成收入中可用兩成做軍事用途
    # 生產共四成 
    my $produceworkers = int(($netincome * $workersRatio->{citizens}) / 4);

    # 換成生產人力
    my $freePeople = $self->{cities}->{$cityId}->{citizens}->{total} - ($produceworkers + $self->{cities}->{$cityId}->{scientists});

    # XXX
    # 需計算資源開挖上限, 依照島等級區分
    # 木頭
#   create_slider({
#            dir : 'ltr',
#            id : "default",
#            maxValue : 367,
#            overcharge : 0,
#            iniValue : 367,
#            bg : "sliderbg",
#            thumb : "sliderthumb",
#            topConstraint: -10,
#            bottomConstraint: 344,
#            bg_value : "actualValue",
#            bg_overcharge : "overcharge",
#            textfield:"inputWorkers"
#    });

#    	create_slider({
#            dir : 'ltr',
#            id : "default",
#			maxValue : 367,
#			overcharge : 0,
#			iniValue : 367,
#			bg : "sliderbg",
#			thumb : "sliderthumb",
#			topConstraint: -10,
#			bottomConstraint: 344,
#			bg_value : "actualValue",
#			bg_overcharge : "overcharge",
#			textfield:"inputWorkers"
#	});

    Carp::carp(sprintf("Suggested HR palnning - produce: %s wood %s special %s\n", $produceworkers, int($freePeople*0.3), int($freePeople*0.7)));

sub logout
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{mech}->get(sprintf('http://%s/index.php?action=loginAvatar&function=logout', $self->{server}));

sub login
    my $self = shift;

    my $res = $self->{mech}->post(sprintf("http://%s/index.php?action=loginAvatar&function=login", $self->{server}), [
        name => $self->{user},
        password => $self->{pass},

    my @cities = Ikariam::Extractor->new(content => $res->content)->find('//option[@class="avatarCities coords"]/@value');

    if($#cities<0) {
        die ("login failed\n");
    foreach(@cities) {
        $self->{'cities'}->{$_} = {};

sub getElementsByTagName {
    my $element = shift;
    my $tagname = lc(shift);
    my ( $flat, $cur ) = @$element;

    my $out = [];
    for( ; $cur <= $#$flat ; $cur++ ) {
        last if ($flat->[ $cur + 1 ]->[001] eq $element->tagName() );
        next if ($flat->[$cur]->[001] ne $tagname );
        next if $flat->[$cur]->[000]; # close

        my $elem = HTML::TagParser::Element->new( $flat, $cur );
        return $elem unless wantarray;
        push( @$out, $elem );
    return unless wantarray;

sub getElementsByAttribute {
    my $element = shift;
    my $key  = lc(shift);
    my $val  = shift;
    my ( $flat, $cur ) = @$element;

    my $out  = [];
    for ( ; $cur <= $#$flat ; $cur++ ) {
        next if $flat->[$cur]->[000];    # close
        my $elem = HTML::TagParser::Element->new( $flat, $cur );
        my $attr = $elem->attributes();
        next unless exists $attr->{$key};
        next if ( $attr->{$key} ne $val );
        return $elem unless wantarray;
        push( @$out, $elem );
    return unless wantarray;
