view src/jtag.c @ 13:1ea479d26fce tip

Make sure shifting phase and add - shifting phase is started after entering SHIFT state Transition from CAP to SHIFT does not induce shifting. - shifting phase is stoped after leaving SHIFT state. Transition from SHIFT to EXIT1 also induce a bit of shifting.
author Thinker K.F. Li <>
date Wed, 25 Feb 2009 20:08:29 +0800
parents cc106f278d7d
line wrap: on
line source

#include <stdio.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include "jtag.h"
#include "avriotools.h"

/* It is supposed to work at 1Mbps */
#define CLK_DELAY() _delay_us(2)

void jtag_init(void) {
    pin_mode(&JTAG_PORT, JTAG_TCK, PM_OUTPUT);
    pin_mode(&JTAG_PORT, JTAG_TMS, PM_OUTPUT);
    pin_mode(&JTAG_PORT, JTAG_TDI, PM_OUTPUT);
    pin_mode(&JTAG_PORT, JTAG_TDO, PM_INPUT);
    pin_lo(JTAG_PORT, JTAG_TCK);
    pin_lo(JTAG_PORT, JTAG_TMS);
    pin_lo(JTAG_PORT, JTAG_TDI);
    pin_hi(JTAG_PORT, JTAG_TRST);

#define _TDI_TMS_TCK(tdi, tms, tck)		\
    ((tms? _BV(JTAG_TMS): 0) |			\
     (tdi? _BV(JTAG_TDI): 0) |			\
     (tck? _BV(JTAG_TCK): 0))
#define _SET_PINS(pv, tdi, tms, tck)		\
    do {					\
	pv = JTAG_PORT;				\
	pv &= ~_TDI_TMS_TCK(1, 1, 1);		\
	pv |= _TDI_TMS_TCK(tdi, tms, tck);	\
	JTAG_PORT = pv;				\
    } while(0)
#define SEND_BIT(pv, tdi, tms)			\
    do {					\
	_SET_PINS(pv, tdi, tms, 0);		\
	CLK_DELAY();				\
	_SET_PINS(pv, tdi, tms, 1);		\
	CLK_DELAY();				\
    } while(0)
#define GET_TDO() (JTAG_PIN & _BV(JTAG_TDO))
#define SEND_GET_BIT(pv, tdi, tms, out)		\
    do {					\
	_SET_PINS(pv, tdi, tms, 0);		\
	CLK_DELAY();				\
	out = GET_TDO();			\
	_SET_PINS(pv, tdi, tms, 1);		\
	CLK_DELAY();				\
    } while(0)

void jtag_trst(void) {
    unsigned char pv;
    pin_lo(JTAG_PORT, JTAG_TCK);
    pin_lo(JTAG_PORT, JTAG_TRST);
    SEND_BIT(pv, 1, 1);
    SEND_BIT(pv, 1, 1);
    SEND_BIT(pv, 1, 1);
    SEND_BIT(pv, 1, 1);
    SEND_BIT(pv, 1, 1);
    pin_lo(JTAG_PORT, JTAG_TCK);
    pin_hi(JTAG_PORT, JTAG_TRST);
    SEND_BIT(pv, 1, 1);

 * Before shifting registers, TAP controller must move to last state before
 * shift state.  The state machine transite to shift state when shifting
 * starts.
void jtag_tms(unsigned char *buf, int nbits) {
    int i;
    int nbytes;
    int byteoff, bitoff;
    unsigned char byte;
    unsigned char bit;
    unsigned char pv;
    nbytes = nbits / 8;
    for(i = 0; i < nbytes; i++) {
	byte = buf[i];
	bit = byte & 0x01;
	SEND_BIT(pv, 1, bit);
	bit = byte & 0x02;
	SEND_BIT(pv, 1, bit);
	bit = byte & 0x04;
	SEND_BIT(pv, 1, bit);
	bit = byte & 0x08;
	SEND_BIT(pv, 1, bit);
	bit = byte & 0x10;
	SEND_BIT(pv, 1, bit);
	bit = byte & 0x20;
	SEND_BIT(pv, 1, bit);
	bit = byte & 0x40;
	SEND_BIT(pv, 1, bit);
	bit = byte & 0x80;
	SEND_BIT(pv, 1, bit);
    byte = buf[i];
    nbits %= 8;
    for(i = 0; i < nbits; i++) {
	bit = byte & (1 << i);
	SEND_BIT(pv, 1, bit);

void jtag_shift(unsigned char *buf, int nbits) {
    int i;
    int nbits_1;
    int nbytes;
    int remain;
    int byteoff, bitoff;
    unsigned char byte;
    unsigned char bit;
    unsigned char pv;

    if(nbits == 0)
    nbits_1 = nbits - 1;
    nbytes = nbits_1 / 8;
    for(i = 0; i < nbytes; i++) {
	byte = buf[i];
	bit = byte & 0x01;
	SEND_BIT(pv, bit, 0);
	bit = byte & 0x02;
	SEND_BIT(pv, bit, 0);
	bit = byte & 0x04;
	SEND_BIT(pv, bit, 0);
	bit = byte & 0x08;
	SEND_BIT(pv, bit, 0);
	bit = byte & 0x10;
	SEND_BIT(pv, bit, 0);
	bit = byte & 0x20;
	SEND_BIT(pv, bit, 0);
	bit = byte & 0x40;
	SEND_BIT(pv, bit, 0);
	bit = byte & 0x80;
	SEND_BIT(pv, bit, 0);
    remain = nbits_1 % 8;
    byte = buf[i];
    for(i = 0; i < remain; i++) {
	bit = byte & (1 << i);
	SEND_BIT(pv, bit, 0);

    byte = buf[nbits / 8];
    bit = byte & (1 << (nbits_1 % 8));
    SEND_BIT(pv, bit, 1);

void jtag_shift_inout(unsigned char *ibuf, unsigned char *obuf, int nbits) {
    int i, j;
    int nbits_1;
    int nbytes;
    int tdo;
    int byteoff, bitoff;
    int remain;
    unsigned char byte, obyte;
    unsigned char bit;
    unsigned char pv;
    if(nbits == 0)
    nbits_1 = nbits - 1;
    nbytes = nbits_1 / 8;
    for(i = 0; i < nbytes; i++) {
	byte = ibuf[i];
	obyte = 0;
	bit = byte & 0x01;
	SEND_GET_BIT(pv, bit, 0, tdo);
	    obyte |= 0x01;
	bit = byte & 0x02;
	SEND_GET_BIT(pv, bit, 0, tdo);
	tdo = GET_TDO();
	    obyte |= 0x02;
	bit = byte & 0x04;
	SEND_GET_BIT(pv, bit, 0, tdo);
	    obyte |= 0x04;
	bit = byte & 0x08;
	SEND_GET_BIT(pv, bit, 0, tdo);
	    obyte |= 0x08;
	bit = byte & 0x10;
	SEND_GET_BIT(pv, bit, 0, tdo);
	    obyte |= 0x10;
	bit = byte & 0x20;
	SEND_GET_BIT(pv, bit, 0, tdo);
	    obyte |= 0x20;
	bit = byte & 0x40;
	SEND_GET_BIT(pv, bit, 0, tdo);
	    obyte |= 0x40;
	bit = byte & 0x80;
	SEND_GET_BIT(pv, bit, 0, tdo);
	    obyte |= 0x80;

	obuf[i] = obyte;
    remain = nbits_1 % 8;
    byte = ibuf[i];
    obyte = 0;
    for(j = 0; j < remain; j++) {
	bit = byte & (1 << j);
	SEND_GET_BIT(pv, bit, 0, tdo);
	    obyte |= 1 << j;
	    obyte &= ~(1 << j);
    obuf[i] = obyte;

    byte = ibuf[nbits / 8];
    bit = byte & (1 << (nbits_1 % 8));

    SEND_GET_BIT(pv, bit, 1, tdo);
	obuf[nbits / 8] |= 1 << j;
	obuf[nbits / 8] &= ~(1 << j);