view decoders/timidity/dls1.h @ 474:c66080364dff

Most decoders now report total sample play time, now. Technically, this breaks binary compatibility with the 1.0 branch, since it extends the Sound_Sample struct, but most (all?) programs are just passing pointers allocated by SDL_sound around, and might be okay. Source-level compatibility is not broken...yet! :) --ryan. -------- Original Message -------- Subject: SDL_sound patch: Finding total length of time of sound file. Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2003 09:31:17 -0800 (PST) Hi Ryan, I am working with Eric Wing and helping him modify SDL_sound. AS part of our efforts in improving and enhancing SDL_sound, we like to submit this patch. We modified the codecs to find the total time of a sound file. Below is the explanation of the patch. The patch is appended as an attachment to this email. * MOTIVATION: We needed the ability to get the total play time of a sample (And we noticed that we're not the only ones). Since SDL_sound blocks direct access to the specific decoders, there is no way for a user to know this information short of decoding the whole thing. Because of this, we believe this will be a useful addition, even though the accuracy may not be perfect (subject to each decoder) or the information may not always be available. * CONTRIBUTORS: Wesley Leong (modified the majority of the codecs and verified the results) Eric Wing (showed everyone how to do modify codec, modified mikmod) Wang Lam (modified a handful of codecs, researched into specs and int overflow) Ahilan Anantha (modified a few codecs and helped with integer math) * GENERAL ISSUES: We chose the value to be milliseconds as an Sint32. Milliseconds because that's what Sound_Seek takes as a parameter and -1 to allow for instances/codecs where the value could not be determined. We are not sure if this is the final convention you want, so we are willing to work with you on this. We also expect the total_time field to be set on open and never again modified by SDL_sound. Users may access it directly much like the sample buffer and buffer_size. We thought about recomputing the time on DecodeAll, but since users may seek or decode small chunks first, not all the data may be there. So this is better done by the user. This may be good information to document. Currently, all the main codecs are implemented except for QuickTime.
author Ryan C. Gordon <>
date Sat, 08 May 2004 08:19:50 +0000
parents cbc2a4ffeeec
line wrap: on
line source

//  dls1.h
//  Description:
//  Interface defines and structures for the Instrument Collection Form
//  Written by Sonic Foundry 1996.  Released for public use.

#ifndef _INC_DLS1
#define _INC_DLS1

// Layout of an instrument collection:
// LIST [] 'lins'
//               LIST [] 'ins ' [dlid,insh,RGNLIST,ARTLIST,INFOLIST]
//               LIST [] 'ins ' [dlid,insh,RGNLIST,ARTLIST,INFOLIST]
//               LIST [] 'ins ' [dlid,insh,RGNLIST,ARTLIST,INFOLIST]
// LIST [] 'lrgn' 
//               LIST [] 'rgn '  [rgnh,wsmp,wlnk,ARTLIST]
//               LIST [] 'rgn '  [rgnh,wsmp,wlnk,ARTLIST]
//               LIST [] 'rgn '  [rgnh,wsmp,wlnk,ARTLIST]
// LIST [] 'lart'
//         'art1' level 1 Articulation connection graph
//         'art2' level 2 Articulation connection graph
//         '3rd1' Possible 3rd party articulation structure 1
//         '3rd2' Possible 3rd party articulation structure 2 .... and so on
// ptbl [] [pool table]
// LIST [] 'wvpl'
//               [path],
//               [path],
//               LIST [] 'wave' [dlid,RIFFWAVE]
//               LIST [] 'wave' [dlid,RIFFWAVE]
//               LIST [] 'wave' [dlid,RIFFWAVE]
//               LIST [] 'wave' [dlid,RIFFWAVE]
//               LIST [] 'wave' [dlid,RIFFWAVE]
// LIST [] 'INFO' 
//               'icmt' 'One of those crazy comments.'
//               'icop' 'Copyright (C) 1996 Sonic Foundry'

// FOURCC's used in the DLS file

#define FOURCC_DLS   mmioFOURCC('D','L','S',' ')
#define FOURCC_DLID  mmioFOURCC('d','l','i','d')
#define FOURCC_COLH  mmioFOURCC('c','o','l','h')
#define FOURCC_WVPL  mmioFOURCC('w','v','p','l')
#define FOURCC_PTBL  mmioFOURCC('p','t','b','l')
#define FOURCC_PATH  mmioFOURCC('p','a','t','h')
#define FOURCC_wave  mmioFOURCC('w','a','v','e')
#define FOURCC_LINS  mmioFOURCC('l','i','n','s')
#define FOURCC_INS   mmioFOURCC('i','n','s',' ')
#define FOURCC_INSH  mmioFOURCC('i','n','s','h')
#define FOURCC_LRGN  mmioFOURCC('l','r','g','n')
#define FOURCC_RGN   mmioFOURCC('r','g','n',' ')
#define FOURCC_RGNH  mmioFOURCC('r','g','n','h')
#define FOURCC_LART  mmioFOURCC('l','a','r','t')
#define FOURCC_ART1  mmioFOURCC('a','r','t','1')
#define FOURCC_WLNK  mmioFOURCC('w','l','n','k')
#define FOURCC_WSMP  mmioFOURCC('w','s','m','p')
#define FOURCC_VERS  mmioFOURCC('v','e','r','s')

// Articulation connection graph definitions 

/* Generic Sources */
#define CONN_SRC_NONE              0x0000
#define CONN_SRC_LFO               0x0001
#define CONN_SRC_KEYONVELOCITY     0x0002
#define CONN_SRC_KEYNUMBER         0x0003
#define CONN_SRC_EG1               0x0004
#define CONN_SRC_EG2               0x0005
#define CONN_SRC_PITCHWHEEL        0x0006

/* Midi Controllers 0-127 */
#define CONN_SRC_CC1               0x0081
#define CONN_SRC_CC7               0x0087
#define CONN_SRC_CC10              0x008a
#define CONN_SRC_CC11              0x008b

/* Generic Destinations */
#define CONN_DST_NONE              0x0000
#define CONN_DST_ATTENUATION       0x0001
#define CONN_DST_PITCH             0x0003
#define CONN_DST_PAN               0x0004

/* LFO Destinations */
#define CONN_DST_LFO_FREQUENCY     0x0104
#define CONN_DST_LFO_STARTDELAY    0x0105

/* EG1 Destinations */
#define CONN_DST_EG1_ATTACKTIME    0x0206
#define CONN_DST_EG1_DECAYTIME     0x0207
#define CONN_DST_EG1_RELEASETIME   0x0209

/* EG2 Destinations */
#define CONN_DST_EG2_ATTACKTIME    0x030a
#define CONN_DST_EG2_DECAYTIME     0x030b
#define CONN_DST_EG2_RELEASETIME   0x030d

#define CONN_TRN_NONE              0x0000
#define CONN_TRN_CONCAVE           0x0001

typedef struct _DLSID {
  ULONG    ulData1;
  USHORT   usData2;
  USHORT   usData3;
  BYTE     abData4[8];

typedef struct _DLSVERSION {
  DWORD    dwVersionMS;
  DWORD    dwVersionLS;

typedef struct _CONNECTION {
  USHORT   usSource;
  USHORT   usControl;
  USHORT   usDestination;
  USHORT   usTransform;
  LONG     lScale;

/* Level 1 Articulation Data */

typedef struct _CONNECTIONLIST {
  ULONG    cbSize;            /* size of the connection list structure */
  ULONG    cConnections;      /* count of connections in the list */

// Generic type defines for regions and instruments

typedef struct _RGNRANGE {
  USHORT usLow;
  USHORT usHigh;

#define F_INSTRUMENT_DRUMS      0x80000000

typedef struct _MIDILOCALE {
  ULONG ulBank;
  ULONG ulInstrument;

// Header structures found in an DLS file for collection, instruments, and
// regions.


typedef struct _RGNHEADER {
  RGNRANGE RangeKey;            /* Key range  */
  RGNRANGE RangeVelocity;       /* Velocity Range  */
  USHORT   fusOptions;          /* Synthesis options for this range */
  USHORT   usKeyGroup;          /* Key grouping for non simultaneous play */
                                /* 0 = no group, 1 up is group */
                                /* for Level 1 only groups 1-15 are allowed */

typedef struct _INSTHEADER {
  ULONG      cRegions;          /* Count of regions in this instrument */
  MIDILOCALE Locale;            /* Intended MIDI locale of this instrument */

typedef struct _DLSHEADER {
  ULONG      cInstruments;      /* Count of instruments in the collection */

// definitions for the Wave link structure

/* ****  For level 1 only WAVELINK_CHANNEL_MONO is valid  **** */
/* ulChannel allows for up to 32 channels of audio with each bit position */
/* specifiying a channel of playback */

#define WAVELINK_CHANNEL_LEFT    0x0001l
#define WAVELINK_CHANNEL_RIGHT   0x0002l


typedef struct _WAVELINK { /* any paths or links are stored right after struct */
  USHORT   fusOptions;     /* options flags for this wave */
  USHORT   usPhaseGroup;   /* Phase grouping for locking channels */
  ULONG    ulChannel;      /* channel placement */
  ULONG    ulTableIndex;   /* index into the wave pool table, 0 based */

#define POOL_CUE_NULL  0xffffffffl

typedef struct _POOLCUE { 
  ULONG    ulOffset;       /* Offset to the entry in the list */

typedef struct _POOLTABLE {
  ULONG    cbSize;            /* size of the pool table structure */
  ULONG    cCues;             /* count of cues in the list */

// Structures for the "wsmp" chunk

#define F_WSMP_NO_TRUNCATION     0x0001l
#define F_WSMP_NO_COMPRESSION    0x0002l

typedef struct _rwsmp {
  ULONG   cbSize;
  USHORT  usUnityNote;         /* MIDI Unity Playback Note */
  SHORT   sFineTune;           /* Fine Tune in log tuning */
  LONG    lAttenuation;        /* Overall Attenuation to be applied to data */
  ULONG   fulOptions;          /* Flag options  */
  ULONG   cSampleLoops;        /* Count of Sample loops, 0 loops is one shot */

/* This loop type is a normal forward playing loop which is continually */
/* played until the envelope reaches an off threshold in the release */
/* portion of the volume envelope */


typedef struct _rloop {
  ULONG cbSize;
  ULONG ulType;              /* Loop Type */
  ULONG ulStart;             /* Start of loop in samples */
  ULONG ulLength;            /* Length of loop in samples */

#endif /*_INC_DLS1 */