view decoders/aiff.c @ 562:7e08477b0fc1

MP3 decoder upgrade work. Ripped out SMPEG and mpglib support, replaced it with "mpg123.c" and libmpg123. libmpg123 is a much better version of mpglib, so it should solve all the problems about MP3's not seeking, or most modern MP3's not playing at all, etc. Since you no longer have to make a tradeoff with SMPEG for features, and SMPEG is basically rotting, I removed it from the project. There is still work to be done with libmpg123...there are MMX, 3DNow, SSE, Altivec, etc decoders which we don't have enabled at the moment, and the build system could use some work to make this compile more cleanly, etc. Still: huge win.
author Ryan C. Gordon <>
date Fri, 30 Jan 2009 02:44:47 -0500
parents 2e8907ff98e9
line wrap: on
line source

 * SDL_sound -- An abstract sound format decoding API.
 * Copyright (C) 2001  Ryan C. Gordon.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

 * AIFF decoder for SDL_sound
 * [Insert something profound about the AIFF file format here.]
 * This code was ripped from a decoder I had written for SDL_mixer, which was
 * based on SDL_mixer's old AIFF music loader. (This loader was unfortunately
 * completely broken, but it was still useful because all the pieces were
 * still there, so to speak.)
 * When rewriting it for SDL_sound, I changed its structure to be more like
 * the WAV loader Ryan wrote. Had they not both been part of the same project
 * it would have been embarrassing how similar they are.
 * It is not the most feature-complete AIFF loader the world has ever seen.
 * For instance, it only makes a token attempt at implementing the AIFF-C
 * standard; basically the parts of it that I can easily understand and test.
 * It's a start, though.
 * Please see the file LICENSE.txt in the source's root directory.
 *  This file was written by Torbjörn Andersson. (d91tan@Update.UU.SE)

#  include <config.h>


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "SDL_sound.h"

#include "SDL_sound_internal.h"

static Uint32 SANE_to_Uint32 (Uint8 *sanebuf);

static int AIFF_init(void);
static void AIFF_quit(void);
static int AIFF_open(Sound_Sample *sample, const char *ext);
static void AIFF_close(Sound_Sample *sample);
static Uint32 AIFF_read(Sound_Sample *sample);
static int AIFF_rewind(Sound_Sample *sample);
static int AIFF_seek(Sound_Sample *sample, Uint32 ms);

static const char *extensions_aiff[] = { "AIFF", NULL };
const Sound_DecoderFunctions __Sound_DecoderFunctions_AIFF =
        "Audio Interchange File Format",
        "Torbjörn Andersson <d91tan@Update.UU.SE>",

    AIFF_init,      /*   init() method */
    AIFF_quit,      /*   quit() method */
    AIFF_open,      /*   open() method */
    AIFF_close,     /*  close() method */
    AIFF_read,      /*   read() method */
    AIFF_rewind,    /* rewind() method */
    AIFF_seek       /*   seek() method */

 * aiff_t is what we store in our internal->decoder_private field...         *
typedef struct S_AIFF_FMT_T
    Uint32 type;

    Uint32 total_bytes;
    Uint32 data_starting_offset;

    void (*free)(struct S_AIFF_FMT_T *fmt);
    Uint32 (*read_sample)(Sound_Sample *sample);
    int (*rewind_sample)(Sound_Sample *sample);
    int (*seek_sample)(Sound_Sample *sample, Uint32 ms);

#if 0
   this is ripped from wav.c as ann example of format-specific data.
   please replace with something more appropriate when the need arises.
            Uint16 cbSize;
            Uint16 wSamplesPerBlock;
            Uint16 wNumCoef;
            ADPCMCOEFSET *aCoeff;
        } adpcm;

        /* put other format-specific data here... */
    } fmt;
} fmt_t;

typedef struct
    fmt_t fmt;
    Sint32 bytesLeft;
} aiff_t;

    /* Chunk management code... */

#define formID 0x4D524F46  /* "FORM", in ascii. */
#define aiffID 0x46464941  /* "AIFF", in ascii. */
#define aifcID 0x43464941  /* "AIFC", in ascii. */
#define ssndID 0x444E5353  /* "SSND", in ascii. */

 * The COMM chunk...                                                         *

#define commID 0x4D4D4F43  /* "COMM", in ascii. */

/* format/compression types... */
#define noneID 0x454E4F4E  /* "NONE", in ascii. */

typedef struct
    Uint32 ckID;
    Uint32 ckDataSize;
    Uint16 numChannels;
    Uint32 numSampleFrames;
    Uint16 sampleSize;
    Uint32 sampleRate;
         * We don't handle AIFF-C compressed audio yet, but for those
         * interested the allowed compression types are supposed to be
         *   compressionType   compressionName   meaning
         *   ---------------------------------------------------------------
         *   'NONE'            "not compressed"  uncompressed, that is,
         *                                        straight digitized samples
         *   'ACE2'            "ACE 2-to-1"      2-to-1 IIGS ACE (Audio
         *                                        Compression / Expansion)
         *   'ACE8'            "ACE 8-to-3"      8-to-3 IIGS ACE (Audio
         *                                        Compression / Expansion)
         *   'MAC3'            "MACE 3-to-1"     3-to-1 Macintosh Audio
         *                                        Compression / Expansion
         *   'MAC6'            "MACE 6-to-1"     6-to-1 Macintosh Audio
         *                                        Compression / Expansion
         * A pstring is a "Pascal-style string", that is, "one byte followed
         * by test bytes followed when needed by one pad byte. The total
         * number of bytes in a pstring must be even. The pad byte is
         * included when the number of text bytes is even, so the total of
         * text bytes + one count byte + one pad byte will be even. This pad
         * byte is not reflected in the count."
         * As for how these compression algorithms work, your guess is as
         * good as mine.
    Uint32 compressionType;
#if 0
    pstring compressionName;
} comm_t;

 * Read in a comm_t from disk. This makes this process safe regardless of
 *  the processor's byte order or how the comm_t structure is packed.

static int read_comm_chunk(SDL_RWops *rw, comm_t *comm)
    Uint8 sampleRate[10];

    /* skip reading the chunk ID, since it was already read at this point... */
    comm->ckID = commID;

    if (SDL_RWread(rw, &comm->ckDataSize, sizeof (comm->ckDataSize), 1) != 1)
    comm->ckDataSize = SDL_SwapBE32(comm->ckDataSize);

    if (SDL_RWread(rw, &comm->numChannels, sizeof (comm->numChannels), 1) != 1)
    comm->numChannels = SDL_SwapBE16(comm->numChannels);

    if (SDL_RWread(rw, &comm->numSampleFrames,
                   sizeof (comm->numSampleFrames), 1) != 1)
    comm->numSampleFrames = SDL_SwapBE32(comm->numSampleFrames);

    if (SDL_RWread(rw, &comm->sampleSize, sizeof (comm->sampleSize), 1) != 1)
    comm->sampleSize = SDL_SwapBE16(comm->sampleSize);

    if (SDL_RWread(rw, sampleRate, sizeof (sampleRate), 1) != 1)
    comm->sampleRate = SANE_to_Uint32(sampleRate);

    if (comm->ckDataSize > sizeof(comm->numChannels)
                         + sizeof(comm->numSampleFrames)
                         + sizeof(comm->sampleSize)
                         + sizeof(sampleRate))
        if (SDL_RWread(rw, &comm->compressionType,
                       sizeof (comm->compressionType), 1) != 1)
        comm->compressionType = SDL_SwapBE32(comm->compressionType);
    } /* if */
        comm->compressionType = noneID;
    } /* else */

} /* read_comm_chunk */

 * The SSND chunk...                                                         *

typedef struct
    Uint32 ckID;
    Uint32 ckDataSize;
    Uint32 offset;
    Uint32 blockSize;
     * Then, comm->numSampleFrames sample frames. (It's better to get the
     * length from numSampleFrames than from ckDataSize.)
} ssnd_t;

static int read_ssnd_chunk(SDL_RWops *rw, ssnd_t *ssnd)
    /* skip reading the chunk ID, since it was already read at this point... */
    ssnd->ckID = ssndID;

    if (SDL_RWread(rw, &ssnd->ckDataSize, sizeof (ssnd->ckDataSize), 1) != 1)
    ssnd->ckDataSize = SDL_SwapBE32(ssnd->ckDataSize);

    if (SDL_RWread(rw, &ssnd->offset, sizeof (ssnd->offset), 1) != 1)
    ssnd->offset = SDL_SwapBE32(ssnd->offset);

    if (SDL_RWread(rw, &ssnd->blockSize, sizeof (ssnd->blockSize), 1) != 1)
    ssnd->blockSize = SDL_SwapBE32(ssnd->blockSize);

    /* Leave the SDL_RWops position indicator at the start of the samples */
    if (SDL_RWseek(rw, (int) ssnd->offset, SEEK_CUR) == -1)

} /* read_ssnd_chunk */

 * Normal, uncompressed aiff handler...                                      *

static Uint32 read_sample_fmt_normal(Sound_Sample *sample)
    Uint32 retval;
    Sound_SampleInternal *internal = (Sound_SampleInternal *) sample->opaque;
    aiff_t *a = (aiff_t *) internal->decoder_private;
    Uint32 max = (internal->buffer_size < (Uint32) a->bytesLeft) ?
                    internal->buffer_size : (Uint32) a->bytesLeft;

    assert(max > 0);

         * We don't actually do any decoding, so we read the AIFF data
         *  directly into the internal buffer...
    retval = SDL_RWread(internal->rw, internal->buffer, 1, max);

    a->bytesLeft -= retval;

        /* Make sure the read went smoothly... */
    if ((retval == 0) || (a->bytesLeft == 0))
        sample->flags |= SOUND_SAMPLEFLAG_EOF;

    else if (retval == -1)
        sample->flags |= SOUND_SAMPLEFLAG_ERROR;

        /* (next call this EAGAIN may turn into an EOF or error.) */
    else if (retval < internal->buffer_size)
        sample->flags |= SOUND_SAMPLEFLAG_EAGAIN;

} /* read_sample_fmt_normal */

static int rewind_sample_fmt_normal(Sound_Sample *sample)
    /* no-op. */
} /* rewind_sample_fmt_normal */

static int seek_sample_fmt_normal(Sound_Sample *sample, Uint32 ms)
    Sound_SampleInternal *internal = (Sound_SampleInternal *) sample->opaque;
    aiff_t *a = (aiff_t *) internal->decoder_private;
    fmt_t *fmt = &a->fmt;
    int offset = __Sound_convertMsToBytePos(&sample->actual, ms);
    int pos = (int) (fmt->data_starting_offset + offset);
    int rc = SDL_RWseek(internal->rw, pos, SEEK_SET);
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(rc != pos, ERR_IO_ERROR, 0);
    a->bytesLeft = fmt->total_bytes - offset;
    return(1);  /* success. */
} /* seek_sample_fmt_normal */

static void free_fmt_normal(fmt_t *fmt)
    /* it's a no-op. */
} /* free_fmt_normal */

static int read_fmt_normal(SDL_RWops *rw, fmt_t *fmt)
    /* (don't need to read more from the RWops...) */
    fmt->free = free_fmt_normal;
    fmt->read_sample = read_sample_fmt_normal;
    fmt->rewind_sample = rewind_sample_fmt_normal;
    fmt->seek_sample = seek_sample_fmt_normal;
} /* read_fmt_normal */

 * Everything else...                                                        *

static int AIFF_init(void)
    return(1);  /* always succeeds. */
} /* AIFF_init */

static void AIFF_quit(void)
    /* it's a no-op. */
} /* AIFF_quit */

 * Sample rate is encoded as an "80 bit IEEE Standard 754 floating point
 * number (Standard Apple Numeric Environment [SANE] data type Extended)".
 * Whose bright idea was that?
 * This function was adapted from libsndfile, and while I do know a little
 * bit about the IEEE floating point standard I don't pretend to fully
 * understand this.
static Uint32 SANE_to_Uint32 (Uint8 *sanebuf)
    /* Is the frequency outside of what we can represent with Uint32? */
    if ( (sanebuf[0] & 0x80)
      || (sanebuf[0] <= 0x3F)
      || (sanebuf[0] > 0x40)
      || (sanebuf[0] == 0x40 && sanebuf[1] > 0x1C) )
        return 0;

    return ((sanebuf[2] << 23) | (sanebuf[3] << 15) | (sanebuf[4] << 7)
        | (sanebuf[5] >> 1)) >> (29 - sanebuf[1]);
} /* SANE_to_Uint32 */

static int find_chunk(SDL_RWops *rw, Uint32 id)
    Sint32 siz = 0;
    Uint32 _id = 0;

    while (1)
        BAIL_IF_MACRO(SDL_RWread(rw, &_id, sizeof (_id), 1) != 1, NULL, 0);
        if (SDL_SwapLE32(_id) == id)

        BAIL_IF_MACRO(SDL_RWread(rw, &siz, sizeof (siz), 1) != 1, NULL, 0);
        siz = SDL_SwapBE32(siz);
        assert(siz > 0);
        BAIL_IF_MACRO(SDL_RWseek(rw, siz, SEEK_CUR) == -1, NULL, 0);
    } /* while */

    return(0);  /* shouldn't hit this, but just in case... */
} /* find_chunk */

static int read_fmt(SDL_RWops *rw, comm_t *c, fmt_t *fmt)
    fmt->type = c->compressionType;

    /* if it's in this switch statement, we support the format. */
    switch (fmt->type)
        case noneID:
            SNDDBG(("AIFF: Appears to be uncompressed audio.\n"));
            return(read_fmt_normal(rw, fmt));

        /* add other types here. */

            SNDDBG(("AIFF: Format %lu is unknown.\n",
                    (unsigned int) fmt->type));
            BAIL_MACRO("AIFF: Unsupported format", 0);
    } /* switch */

    assert(0);  /* shouldn't hit this point. */
} /* read_fmt */

static int AIFF_open(Sound_Sample *sample, const char *ext)
    Sound_SampleInternal *internal = (Sound_SampleInternal *) sample->opaque;
    SDL_RWops *rw = internal->rw;
    Uint32 chunk_id;
    int bytes_per_sample;
    long pos;
    comm_t c;
    ssnd_t s;
    aiff_t *a;

    BAIL_IF_MACRO(SDL_ReadLE32(rw) != formID, "AIFF: Not a FORM file.", 0);
        SDL_ReadBE32(rw);  /* throw the length away; we don't need it. */

    chunk_id = SDL_ReadLE32(rw);
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(chunk_id != aiffID && chunk_id != aifcID,
        "AIFF: Not an AIFF or AIFC file.", 0);

    /* Chunks may appear in any order, so we establish base camp here. */
    pos = SDL_RWtell(rw);

    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!find_chunk(rw, commID), "AIFF: No common chunk.", 0);
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(!read_comm_chunk(rw, &c),
                  "AIFF: Can't read common chunk.", 0);

    sample->actual.channels = (Uint8) c.numChannels;
    sample->actual.rate = c.sampleRate;

    /* Really, sample->total_time = (c.numSampleFrames*1000) c.sampleRate */
    internal->total_time = (c.numSampleFrames / c.sampleRate) * 1000;
    internal->total_time += (c.numSampleFrames % c.sampleRate)
                             *  1000 / c.sampleRate;

    if (c.sampleSize <= 8)
        sample->actual.format = AUDIO_S8;
        bytes_per_sample = c.numChannels;
    } /* if */
    else if (c.sampleSize <= 16)
        sample->actual.format = AUDIO_S16MSB;
        bytes_per_sample = 2 * c.numChannels;
    } /* if */
        BAIL_MACRO("AIFF: Unsupported sample size.", 0);
    } /* else */

    BAIL_IF_MACRO(c.sampleRate == 0, "AIFF: Unsupported sample rate.", 0);

    a = (aiff_t *) malloc(sizeof(aiff_t));

    if (!read_fmt(rw, &c, &(a->fmt)))
    } /* if */

    SDL_RWseek(rw, pos, SEEK_SET);    /* if the seek fails, let it go... */

    if (!find_chunk(rw, ssndID))
        BAIL_MACRO("AIFF: No sound data chunk.", 0);
    } /* if */

    if (!read_ssnd_chunk(rw, &s))
        BAIL_MACRO("AIFF: Can't read sound data chunk.", 0);
    } /* if */

    a->fmt.total_bytes = a->bytesLeft = bytes_per_sample * c.numSampleFrames;
    a->fmt.data_starting_offset = SDL_RWtell(rw);
    internal->decoder_private = (void *) a;

    sample->flags = SOUND_SAMPLEFLAG_CANSEEK;

    SNDDBG(("AIFF: Accepting data stream.\n"));
    return(1); /* we'll handle this data. */
} /* AIFF_open */

static void AIFF_close(Sound_Sample *sample)
    Sound_SampleInternal *internal = (Sound_SampleInternal *) sample->opaque;
    aiff_t *a = (aiff_t *) internal->decoder_private;
} /* AIFF_close */

static Uint32 AIFF_read(Sound_Sample *sample)
    Sound_SampleInternal *internal = (Sound_SampleInternal *) sample->opaque;
    aiff_t *a = (aiff_t *) internal->decoder_private;
} /* AIFF_read */

static int AIFF_rewind(Sound_Sample *sample)
    Sound_SampleInternal *internal = (Sound_SampleInternal *) sample->opaque;
    aiff_t *a = (aiff_t *) internal->decoder_private;
    fmt_t *fmt = &a->fmt;
    int rc = SDL_RWseek(internal->rw, fmt->data_starting_offset, SEEK_SET);
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(rc != fmt->data_starting_offset, ERR_IO_ERROR, 0);
    a->bytesLeft = fmt->total_bytes;
} /* AIFF_rewind */

static int AIFF_seek(Sound_Sample *sample, Uint32 ms)
    Sound_SampleInternal *internal = (Sound_SampleInternal *) sample->opaque;
    aiff_t *a = (aiff_t *) internal->decoder_private;
    return(a->fmt.seek_sample(sample, ms));
} /* AIFF_seek */


/* end of aiff.c ... */