view SDL_sound_internal.h @ 562:7e08477b0fc1

MP3 decoder upgrade work. Ripped out SMPEG and mpglib support, replaced it with "mpg123.c" and libmpg123. libmpg123 is a much better version of mpglib, so it should solve all the problems about MP3's not seeking, or most modern MP3's not playing at all, etc. Since you no longer have to make a tradeoff with SMPEG for features, and SMPEG is basically rotting, I removed it from the project. There is still work to be done with libmpg123...there are MMX, 3DNow, SSE, Altivec, etc decoders which we don't have enabled at the moment, and the build system could use some work to make this compile more cleanly, etc. Still: huge win.
author Ryan C. Gordon <>
date Fri, 30 Jan 2009 02:44:47 -0500
parents 2e8907ff98e9
line wrap: on
line source

 * SDL_sound -- An abstract sound format decoding API.
 * Copyright (C) 2001  Ryan C. Gordon.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

 * Internal function/structure declaration. Do NOT include in your
 *  application.
 * Please see the file LICENSE.txt in the source's root directory.
 *  This file written by Ryan C. Gordon. (


#error Do not include this header from your applications.

#include "SDL.h"

/* SDL 1.2.4 defines this, but better safe than sorry. */
#if (!defined(__inline__))
#  define __inline__

#if (defined DEBUG_CHATTER)
#define SNDDBG(x) printf x
#define SNDDBG(x)

#  include <assert.h>

#ifdef _WIN32_WCE
    extern char *strrchr(const char *s, int c);
#   ifdef NDEBUG
#       define assert(x)
#   else
#       define assert(x) if(!x) { fprintf(stderr,"Assertion failed in %s, line %s.\n",__FILE__,__LINE__); fclose(stderr); fclose(stdout); exit(1); }
#   endif

#if (!defined assert)  /* if all else fails. */
#  define assert(x)

 * SDL itself only supports mono and stereo output, but hopefully we can
 *  raise this value someday...there's probably a lot of assumptions in
 *  SDL_sound that rely on it, though.
#define MAX_CHANNELS 2

        /* This is a block of info about your decoder. See SDL_sound.h. */
    const Sound_DecoderInfo info;

         * This is called during the Sound_Init() function. Use this to
         *  set up any global state that your decoder needs, such as
         *  initializing an external library, etc.
         * Return non-zero if initialization is successful, zero if there's
         *  a fatal error. If this method fails, then this decoder is
         *  flagged as unavailable until SDL_sound() is shut down and
         *  reinitialized, in which case this method will be tried again.
         * Note that the decoders quit() method won't be called if this
         *  method fails, so if you can't intialize, you'll have to clean
         *  up the half-initialized state in this method.
    int (*init)(void);

         * This is called during the Sound_Quit() function. Use this to
         *  clean up any global state that your decoder has used during its
         *  lifespan.
    void (*quit)(void);

         * Returns non-zero if (sample) has a valid fileformat that this
         *  driver can handle. Zero if this driver can NOT handle the data.
         * Extension, which may be NULL, is just a hint as to the form of
         *  data that is being passed in. Most decoders should determine if
         *  they can handle the data by the data itself, but others, like
         *  the raw data handler, need this hint to know if they should
         *  accept the data in the first place.
         * (sample)'s (opaque) field should be cast to a Sound_SampleInternal
         *  pointer:
         *   Sound_SampleInternal *internal;
         *   internal = (Sound_SampleInternal *) sample->opaque;
         * Certain fields of sample will be filled in for the decoder before
         *  this call, and others should be filled in by the decoder. Some
         *  fields are offlimits, and should NOT be modified. The list:
         * in Sound_SampleInternal section:
         *    Sound_Sample *next;  (offlimits)
         *    Sound_Sample *prev;  (offlimits)
         *    SDL_RWops *rw;       (can use, but do NOT close it)
         *    const Sound_DecoderFunctions *funcs; (that's this structure)
         *    Sound_AudioCVT sdlcvt; (offlimits)
         *    void *buffer;        (offlimits until read() method)
         *    Uint32 buffer_size;  (offlimits until read() method)
         *    void *decoder_private; (read and write access)
         * in rest of Sound_Sample:
         *    void *opaque;        (this was internal section, above)
         *    const Sound_DecoderInfo *decoder;  (read only)
         *    Sound_AudioInfo desired; (read only, usually not needed here)
         *    Sound_AudioInfo actual;  (please fill this in)
         *    void *buffer;            (offlimits)
         *    Uint32 buffer_size;      (offlimits)
         *    Sound_SampleFlags flags; (set appropriately)
    int (*open)(Sound_Sample *sample, const char *ext);

         * Clean up. SDL_sound is done with this sample, so the decoder should
         *  clean up any resources it allocated. Anything that wasn't
         *  explicitly allocated by the decoder should be LEFT ALONE, since
         *  the higher-level SDL_sound layer will clean up its own mess.
    void (*close)(Sound_Sample *sample);

         * Get more data from (sample). The decoder should get a pointer to
         *  the internal structure...
         *   Sound_SampleInternal *internal;
         *   internal = (Sound_SampleInternal *) sample->opaque;
         *  ...and then start decoding. Fill in up to internal->buffer_size
         *  bytes of decoded sound in the space pointed to by
         *  internal->buffer. The encoded data is read in from internal->rw.
         *  Data should be decoded in the format specified during the
         *  decoder's open() method in the sample->actual field. The
         *  conversion to the desired format is done at a higher level.
         * The return value is the number of bytes decoded into
         *  internal->buffer, which can be no more than internal->buffer_size,
         *  but can be less. If it is less, you should set a state flag:
         *   If there's just no more data (end of file, etc), then do:
         *      sample->flags |= SOUND_SAMPLEFLAG_EOF;
         *   If there's an unrecoverable error, then do:
         *      __Sound_SetError(ERR_EXPLAIN_WHAT_WENT_WRONG);
         *      sample->flags |= SOUND_SAMPLEFLAG_ERROR;
         *   If there's more data, but you'd have to block for considerable
         *    amounts of time to get at it, or there's a recoverable error,
         *    then do:
         *      __Sound_SetError(ERR_EXPLAIN_WHAT_WENT_WRONG);
         *      sample->flags |= SOUND_SAMPLEFLAG_EAGAIN;
         * SDL_sound will not call your read() method for any samples with
         *  SOUND_SAMPLEFLAG_EAGAIN flag is reset before each call to this
         *  method.
    Uint32 (*read)(Sound_Sample *sample);

         * Reset the decoding to the beginning of the stream. Nonzero on
         *  success, zero on failure.
         * The purpose of this method is to allow for higher efficiency than
         *  an application could get by just recreating the sample externally;
         *  not only do they not have to reopen the RWops, reallocate buffers,
         *  and potentially pass the data through several rejecting decoders,
         *  but certain decoders will not have to recreate their existing
         *  state (search for metadata, etc) since they already know they
         *  have a valid audio stream with a given set of characteristics.
         * The decoder is responsible for calling seek() on the associated
         *  SDL_RWops. A failing call to seek() should be the ONLY reason that
         *  this method should ever fail!
    int (*rewind)(Sound_Sample *sample);

         * Reposition the decoding to an arbitrary point. Nonzero on
         *  success, zero on failure.
         * The purpose of this method is to allow for higher efficiency than
         *  an application could get by just rewinding the sample and 
         *  decoding to a given point.
         * The decoder is responsible for calling seek() on the associated
         *  SDL_RWops.
         * If there is an error, try to recover so that the next read will
         *  continue as if nothing happened.
    int (*seek)(Sound_Sample *sample, Uint32 ms);
} Sound_DecoderFunctions;

/* A structure to hold a set of audio conversion filters and buffers */
typedef struct Sound_AudioCVT
    int    needed;                  /* Set to 1 if conversion possible */
    Uint16 src_format;              /* Source audio format */
    Uint16 dst_format;              /* Target audio format */
    double rate_incr;               /* Rate conversion increment */
    Uint8  *buf;                    /* Buffer to hold entire audio data */
    int    len;                     /* Length of original audio buffer */
    int    len_cvt;                 /* Length of converted audio buffer */
    int    len_mult;                /* buffer must be len*len_mult big */
    double len_ratio;       /* Given len, final size is len*len_ratio */
    void   (*filters[20])(struct Sound_AudioCVT *cvt, Uint16 *format);
    int    filter_index;            /* Current audio conversion function */
} Sound_AudioCVT;

extern SNDDECLSPEC int Sound_BuildAudioCVT(Sound_AudioCVT *cvt,
                        Uint16 src_format, Uint8 src_channels, Uint32 src_rate,
                        Uint16 dst_format, Uint8 dst_channels, Uint32 dst_rate,
                        Uint32 dst_size);

extern SNDDECLSPEC int Sound_ConvertAudio(Sound_AudioCVT *cvt);

typedef void (*MixFunc)(float *dst, void *src, Uint32 frames, float *gains);

typedef struct __SOUND_SAMPLEINTERNAL__
    Sound_Sample *next;
    Sound_Sample *prev;
    SDL_RWops *rw;
    const Sound_DecoderFunctions *funcs;
    Sound_AudioCVT sdlcvt;
    void *buffer;
    Uint32 buffer_size;
    void *decoder_private;
    Sint32 total_time;
    Uint32 mix_position;
    MixFunc mix;
} Sound_SampleInternal;

/* error messages... */
#define ERR_IS_INITIALIZED       "Already initialized"
#define ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED      "Not initialized"
#define ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT     "Invalid argument"
#define ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY        "Out of memory"
#define ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED        "Operation not supported"
#define ERR_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT   "Sound format unsupported"
#define ERR_NOT_A_HANDLE         "Not a file handle"
#define ERR_NO_SUCH_FILE         "No such file"
#define ERR_PAST_EOF             "Past end of file"
#define ERR_IO_ERROR             "I/O error"
#define ERR_COMPRESSION          "(De)compression error"
#define ERR_PREV_ERROR           "Previous decoding already caused an error"
#define ERR_PREV_EOF             "Previous decoding already triggered EOF"
#define ERR_CANNOT_SEEK          "Sample is not seekable"

 * Call this to set the message returned by Sound_GetError().
 *  Please only use the ERR_* constants above, or add new constants to the
 *  above group, but I want these all in one place.
 * Calling this with a NULL argument is a safe no-op.
void __Sound_SetError(const char *err);

 * Call this to convert milliseconds to an actual byte position, based on
 *  audio data characteristics.
Uint32 __Sound_convertMsToBytePos(Sound_AudioInfo *info, Uint32 ms);

 * Use this if you need a cross-platform stricmp().
int __Sound_strcasecmp(const char *x, const char *y);

/* These get used all over for lessening code clutter. */
#define BAIL_MACRO(e, r) { __Sound_SetError(e); return r; }
#define BAIL_IF_MACRO(c, e, r) if (c) { __Sound_SetError(e); return r; }

/*------------                                              ----------------*/
/*------------  You MUST implement the following functions  ----------------*/
/*------------        if porting to a new platform.         ----------------*/
/*------------     (see platform/unix.c for an example)     ----------------*/
/*------------                                              ----------------*/

/* (None, right now.)  */

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#endif /* defined _INCLUDE_SDL_SOUND_INTERNAL_H_ */

/* end of SDL_sound_internal.h ... */