changeset 786:b97c328a29b1

Merge from wycc
author Thinker K.F. Li <>
date Tue, 31 Aug 2010 00:51:41 +0800
parents b6d9c42019d1 (diff) e3d8e7787836 (current diff)
children 0899dcac441c
diffstat 2 files changed, 423 insertions(+), 432 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/nodejs/mbapp.js	Tue Aug 31 00:37:13 2010 +0800
+++ b/nodejs/mbapp.js	Tue Aug 31 00:51:41 2010 +0800
@@ -1,16 +1,26 @@
 var mbfly = require("mbfly");
 var svg = require("./svg");
 var sys = require("sys");
-var mb_rt = new mbfly.mb_rt(":0.0", 720,480);
 var ldr = mbfly.img_ldr_new(".");
-var background = mb_rt.rect_new(0, 0, 720, 480, 0, 0);
-var paint = mb_rt.paint_color_new(1, 1, 1, 1);
+app=function(display, w, h) {
+    var self = this;
+    var mb_rt;
-app=function() {
-    var self = this;
-    this.mb_rt = mb_rt;
+    if(typeof display == "undefined")
+	display = ":0.0";
+    if(typeof w == "undefined")
+	w = 720;
+    if(typeof h == "undefined")
+	h = 480;
+    mb_rt = this.mb_rt = new mbfly.mb_rt(display, w, h);
+    var background = mb_rt.rect_new(0, 0, 720, 480, 0, 0);
+    var paint = mb_rt.paint_color_new(1, 1, 1, 1);
+    paint.fill(background);
+    mb_rt.root.add_shape(background);
 	this.mb_rt.kbevents.add_event_observer(exports.EVT_KB_PRESS, function(evt) { self.KeyPress(evt);});
 	this.onKeyPress = null;
--- a/nodejs/svg.js	Tue Aug 31 00:37:13 2010 +0800
+++ b/nodejs/svg.js	Tue Aug 31 00:51:41 2010 +0800
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-// vim: ts=4
+// -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; -*-
+// vim: sw=4:ts=8:sts=4
 var libxml = require('libxmljs');
 var sys=require('sys');
 var mbfly = require("mbfly");
@@ -15,26 +16,27 @@
     return new loadSVG(mb_rt, root, filename);
 function loadSVG(mb_rt, root, filename) {
     var doc = libxml.parseXmlFile(filename);
     var nodes = doc.root().childNodes();
     var coord = mb_rt.coord_new(root);
-	var k;
-	var accu=[1,0,0,0,1,0];
-	this.mb_rt = mb_rt;
-	this.stop_ref={};
-	this.gradients={};
- Object();
- = 10000;
- = 10000;
+    var k;
+    var accu=[1,0,0,0,1,0];
+    this.mb_rt = mb_rt;
+    this.stop_ref={};
+    this.gradients={};
+ Object();
+ = 10000;
+ = 10000;
     for(k in nodes) {
-	    var n = nodes[k].name();
-		if (n == "defs") {
-		    this.parseDefs(root,nodes[k]);
-		} else if (n == "g") {
-		    this.parseGroup(accu,root,'root_coord',nodes[k]);
-		} 
+	var n = nodes[k].name();
+        if (n == "defs") {
+            this.parseDefs(root,nodes[k]);
+        } else if (n == "g") {
+            this.parseGroup(accu,root,'root_coord',nodes[k]);
+        } 
@@ -56,104 +58,103 @@
     if (n == null) return 0;
     var a = n.attr(name);
-	if (a==null) return 0;
-	return parseInt(a.value());
+    if (a==null) return 0;
+    return parseInt(a.value());
 function parsePointSize(s)
     var fs=0;
-	var i;
+    var i;
-	for(i=0;i<s.length;i++) {
-	    if (s[i]<'0' || s[i] > '9') break;
-		fs = fs*10 + (s[i]-'0');
-	}
-	return fs;
+    for(i=0;i<s.length;i++) {
+        if (s[i]<'0' || s[i] > '9') break;
+        fs = fs*10 + (s[i]-'0');
+    }
+    return fs;
 function parseColor(c)
     if (c[0] == '#') {
-	    return parseInt(c.substring(1,3),16)<<16 | parseInt(c.substring(3,5),16)<<8 | parseInt(c.substring(5,7),16);
-	}
+        return parseInt(c.substring(1,3),16)<<16 | parseInt(c.substring(3,5),16)<<8 | parseInt(c.substring(5,7),16);
+    }
 function parseTextStyle(style,n)
-	var attr;
+    var attr;
     if (n) {
         attr = n.attr('style');
-	} else {
-	    attr = null;
-	}
-	if (attr == null) {
-		return;
-	}
-	var f = attr.value().split(';');
+    } else {
+        attr = null;
+    }
+    if (attr == null) {
+        return;
+    }
+    var f = attr.value().split(';');
-	for(i in f) {
-	    var kv = f[i].split(':');
-		if (kv[0] == 'font-size') {
-		    style.fs = parsePointSize(kv[1]);
-		} else if (kv[0] == "font-style") {
-		} else if (kv[0] == "font-weight") {
-		} else if (kv[0] == "fill") {
-		    style.color = parseColor(kv[1]);
-		} else if (kv[0] == "fill-opacity") {
-		} else if (kv[0] == "stroke-opacity") {
-		} else if (kv[0] == "stroke") {
-		} else if (kv[0] == "stroke-width") {
-		} else if (kv[0] == "stroke-linecap") {
-		} else if (kv[0] == "stroke-linejoin") {
-		} else if (kv[0] == "stroke-lineopacity") {
-		} else if (kv[0] == "font-family") {
- = kv[1];
-		} else if (kv[0] == "font-stretch") {
-		} else if (kv[0] == "font-variant") {
-		} else if (kv[0] == "text-anchor") {
-		} else if (kv[0] == "text-align") {
-		} else if (kv[0] == "writing-mode") {
-		} else if (kv[0] == "line-height") {
-		} else {
-		    sys.puts("Unknown style: "+kv[0]);
-		}
-	}
+    for(i in f) {
+        var kv = f[i].split(':');
+        if (kv[0] == 'font-size') {
+            style.fs = parsePointSize(kv[1]);
+        } else if (kv[0] == "font-style") {
+        } else if (kv[0] == "font-weight") {
+        } else if (kv[0] == "fill") {
+            style.color = parseColor(kv[1]);
+        } else if (kv[0] == "fill-opacity") {
+        } else if (kv[0] == "stroke-opacity") {
+        } else if (kv[0] == "stroke") {
+        } else if (kv[0] == "stroke-width") {
+        } else if (kv[0] == "stroke-linecap") {
+        } else if (kv[0] == "stroke-linejoin") {
+        } else if (kv[0] == "stroke-lineopacity") {
+        } else if (kv[0] == "font-family") {
+   = kv[1];
+        } else if (kv[0] == "font-stretch") {
+        } else if (kv[0] == "font-variant") {
+        } else if (kv[0] == "text-anchor") {
+        } else if (kv[0] == "text-align") {
+        } else if (kv[0] == "writing-mode") {
+        } else if (kv[0] == "line-height") {
+        } else {
+            sys.puts("Unknown style: "+kv[0]);
+        }
+    }
 function tspan_set_text(text)
-   this.text.set_text(text); 
+    this.text.set_text(text); 
-loadSVG.prototype.parseTSpan=function(coord, n,style)
+loadSVG.prototype.parseTSpan = function(coord, n,style) {
     var x = getInteger(n,'x');
     var y = getInteger(n,'y');
-	var tcoord = this.mb_rt.coord_new(coord);
-	var nodes = n.childNodes();
-	var k;
+    var tcoord = this.mb_rt.coord_new(coord);
+    var nodes = n.childNodes();
+    var k;
     var obj = this.mb_rt.stext_new(n.text(),x,y);
     style.paint = this.mb_rt.paint_color_new(1,1,1,1);
     style.face=this.mb_rt.font_face_query(, 2, 100);
-	obj.set_style([[20,style.face,style.fs]]);
-	style.paint.fill(obj);
-	tcoord.add_shape(obj);
-	for(k in nodes) {
-	    var name = nodes[k].name();
-		if (name == "tspan") {
-		    this.parseTSpan(tcoord,nodes[k]);
-		} else {
-		}
-	}
-	tcoord.set_text=tspan_set_text;
-	tcoord.text = obj;
+    obj.set_style([[20,style.face,style.fs]]);
+    style.paint.fill(obj);
+    tcoord.add_shape(obj);
+    for(k in nodes) {
+        var name = nodes[k].name();
+        if (name == "tspan") {
+            this.parseTSpan(tcoord,nodes[k]);
+        } else {
+        }
+    }
+    tcoord.set_text=tspan_set_text;
+    tcoord.text = obj;
     make_mbnames(this.mb_rt, n, tcoord);
-loadSVG.prototype._prepare_paint_color=function(color, alpha) {
+loadSVG.prototype._prepare_paint_color = function(color, alpha) {
     var paint;
     var c;
@@ -166,84 +167,86 @@
     } else if(_std_colors[color]) {
 	c = _std_colors[color];
 	paint = this.mb_rt.paint_color_new(c[0], c[1], c[2], alpha);
+    } else if (fill.substring(0,3) == 'url') {
+	var id = fill.substring(5,fill.length-1);
+	var gr = this.gradients[id];
+	paint = this.mb_rt.paint_linear_new(gr[0],gr[1],gr[2],gr[3]);
+	paint.set_stops(this.stop_ref[id]);
     } else {
 	paint = this.mb_rt.paint_color_new(0,0,0,1);
     return paint;
 function guessPathBoundingBox(coord,d)
-	return;
+    return;
     var items = d.split(' ');
-	var len = items.length;
-	var pair;
-	var i;
-	var minx,miny;
+    var len = items.length;
+    var pair;
+    var i;
+    var minx,miny;
-	minx = 10000;
-	miny = 10000;
+    minx = 10000;
+    miny = 10000;
-	for(i=0;i<len;i++) {
-	    var type = items[i].toLowerCase();
-		x = minx;y = miny;
-		switch(type) {
-		    case 'm':
-			case 'l':
-			case 'a':
-			case 'x':
-			    pair = items[i+1].split(',');
-				if (pair.length==2) {
-				    x = parseFloat(pair[0]);
-					y = parseFloat(pair[1]);
-					i++;
-				} else {
-				    x = parseFloat(items[i+1]);
-				    y = parseFloat(items[i+2]);
-					i+=2;
-				}
-				break;
-			case 'q':
-				// Implement this latter
-				break;
-			case 'c':
-				// Implement this latter
-				break;
-			case 's':
-				// Implement this latter
-				break;
-			case 'h':
-				x = parseFloat(items[i+1]);
-				break;
-			case 'v':
-				y = parseFloat(items[i+1]);
-				break;
-			default:
-				continue;
-		}
-		if (x < minx) minx = x;
-		if (y < miny) miny = y;
+    for(i=0;i<len;i++) {
+	var type = items[i].toLowerCase();
+	x = minx;y = miny;
+	switch(type) {
+	case 'm':
+	case 'l':
+	case 'a':
+	case 'x':
+	    pair = items[i+1].split(',');
+	    if (pair.length==2) {
+		x = parseFloat(pair[0]);
+		y = parseFloat(pair[1]);
+		i++;
+	    } else {
+		x = parseFloat(items[i+1]);
+		y = parseFloat(items[i+2]);
+		i+=2;
+	    }
+	    break;
+	case 'q':
+	    // Implement this latter
+	    break;
+	case 'c':
+	    // Implement this latter
+	    break;
+	case 's':
+	    // Implement this latter
+	    break;
+	case 'h':
+	    x = parseFloat(items[i+1]);
+	    break;
+	case 'v':
+	    y = parseFloat(items[i+1]);
+	    break;
+	default:
+	    continue;
-	if ( >  minx)
- = minx;
-	if ( >  miny)
- = miny;
+	if (x < minx) minx = x;
+	if (y < miny) miny = y;
+    }
+    if ( >  minx)
+ = minx;
+    if ( >  miny)
+ = miny;
-loadSVG.prototype.parsePath=function(coord,id, n)
-    var d = n.attr('d').value();
-    var style = n.attr('style');
-    var path = this.mb_rt.path_new(d);
+loadSVG.prototype._set_paint = function(node, tgt) {
+    var style = node.attr('style');
     var paint;
     var fill_alpha = 1;
     var stroke_alpha = 1;
     var fill_color;
     var stroke_color;
     var black_paint;
+    var i;
-    guessPathBoundingBox(coord,d);
     if(style != null) {
 	var items = style.value().split(';');
 	var alpha;
@@ -259,9 +262,12 @@
 	    } else if (f[0] == 'stroke') {
 		stroke_color = f[1];
 	    } else if (f[0] == 'stroke-width') {
-		path.stroke_width = parseFloat(f[1]);
+		tgt.stroke_width = parseFloat(f[1]);
 	    } else if (f[0] == 'stroke-opacity') {
 		stroke_alpha = parseFloat(f[1]);
+	    } else if (f[0] == 'display') {
+		if(f[1] == 'none')
+		    return;
@@ -273,361 +279,336 @@
     if(fill_color) {
 	if(fill_color != "none") {
 	    paint = this._prepare_paint_color(fill_color, fill_alpha);
-	    paint.fill(path);
+	    paint.fill(tgt);
     } else {
-	black_paint.fill(path);
+	black_paint.fill(tgt);
     if(stroke_color) {
 	if(stroke_color != "none") {
 	    paint = this._prepare_paint_color(stroke_color, stroke_alpha);
-	    paint.stroke(path);
+	    paint.stroke(tgt);
     } else {
-	black_paint.stroke(path);
+	black_paint.stroke(tgt);
+loadSVG.prototype.parsePath=function(accu, coord,id, n)
+    var d = n.attr('d').value();
+    var style = n.attr('style');
+    var path = this.mb_rt.path_new(d);
+    guessPathBoundingBox(coord,d);
+    this._set_paint(n, path);
     make_mbnames(this.mb_rt, n, path);
 loadSVG.prototype.parseText=function(accu,coord,id, n)
     var x = getInteger(n,'x');
     var y = getInteger(n,'y');
-	var tcoord = this.mb_rt.coord_new(coord);
+    var tcoord = this.mb_rt.coord_new(coord);
     var style = new Object();
     if (n.attr('x')) {
-		var nx = coord[0]*x+coord[1]*y+coord[2];
-  	    if ( > nx)
- = nx;
-	}
-	if (n.attr('y')) {
-		var ny = coord[3]*x+coord[4]*y+coord[5];
-	    if ( > ny)
- = ny;
+	var nx = coord[0]*x+coord[1]*y+coord[2];
+	if ( > nx)
+ = nx;
+    }
+    if (n.attr('y')) {
+	var ny = coord[3]*x+coord[4]*y+coord[5];
+	if ( > ny)
+ = ny;
+    }
+    style.fs = 20;
+ = 'courier';
+    parseTextStyle(style,n);
+    var nodes = n.childNodes();
+    var k;
+    for(k in nodes) {
+	var c= nodes[k].name();
+	if (c == "tspan") {
+	    this.parseTSpan(tcoord,nodes[k],style);
+	} else {
-	style.fs = 20;
- = 'courier';
-	parseTextStyle(style,n);
-	var nodes = n.childNodes();
-	var k;
-	for(k in nodes) {
-	    var c= nodes[k].name();
-		if (c == "tspan") {
-	        this.parseTSpan(tcoord,nodes[k],style);
-		} else {
-		}
-	}
+    }
     make_mbnames(this.mb_rt, n, tcoord);
 function multiply(s,d) {
     var m=[];
-	m[0] = s[0]*d[0]+s[1]*d[3];
-	m[1] = s[0]*d[1]+s[1]*d[4];
-	m[2] = s[0]*d[2]+s[1]*d[5]+s[2];
-	m[3] = s[3]*d[0]+s[4]*d[3];
-	m[4] = s[3]*d[1]+s[4]*d[4];
-	m[5] = s[3]*d[2]+s[4]*d[5]+s[5];
-	s[0] = m[0];
-	s[1] = m[1];
-	s[2] = m[2];
-	s[3] = m[3];
-	s[4] = m[4];
-	s[5] = m[5];
+    m[0] = s[0]*d[0]+s[1]*d[3];
+    m[1] = s[0]*d[1]+s[1]*d[4];
+    m[2] = s[0]*d[2]+s[1]*d[5]+s[2];
+    m[3] = s[3]*d[0]+s[4]*d[3];
+    m[4] = s[3]*d[1]+s[4]*d[4];
+    m[5] = s[3]*d[2]+s[4]*d[5]+s[5];
+    s[0] = m[0];
+    s[1] = m[1];
+    s[2] = m[2];
+    s[3] = m[3];
+    s[4] = m[4];
+    s[5] = m[5];
 function parseTransform(coord, s)
     var off = s.indexOf('translate');
-	if (off != -1) {
-	    var ss = s.substring(off+9);
-		for(i=0;i<ss.length;i++) {
-		    if (ss[i] == '(') break;
-		}
-		ss = ss.substring(i+1);
-		for(i=0;i<ss.length;i++) {
-		    if (ss[i] == ')') {
-				ss = ss.substring(0,i);
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		var f = ss.split(',');
-		var x,y;
-		x = parseFloat(f[0]);
-		y = parseFloat(f[1]);
-		coord[2] += x;
-		coord[5] += y;
-	}
-	off = s.indexOf('matrix');
-	if (off != -1) {
-		var end = s.indexOf(')');
-		var m = s.substring(7,end);
-		var fields = m.split(',');
-		var newm=[];
-		newm[0] = parseFloat(fields[0]);
-		newm[1] = parseFloat(fields[2]);
-		newm[2] = parseFloat(fields[4]);
-		newm[3] = parseFloat(fields[1]);
-		newm[4] = parseFloat(fields[3]);
-		newm[5] = parseFloat(fields[5]);
-		multiply(coord,newm);
-	}
+    if (off != -1) {
+        var ss = s.substring(off+9);
+        for(i=0;i<ss.length;i++) {
+            if (ss[i] == '(') break;
+        }
+        ss = ss.substring(i+1);
+        for(i=0;i<ss.length;i++) {
+            if (ss[i] == ')') {
+                ss = ss.substring(0,i);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        var f = ss.split(',');
+        var x,y;
+        x = parseFloat(f[0]);
+        y = parseFloat(f[1]);
+        coord[2] += x;
+        coord[5] += y;
+    }
+    off = s.indexOf('matrix');
+    if (off != -1) {
+        var end = s.indexOf(')');
+        var m = s.substring(7,end);
+        var fields = m.split(',');
+        var newm=[];
+        newm[0] = parseFloat(fields[0]);
+        newm[1] = parseFloat(fields[2]);
+        newm[2] = parseFloat(fields[4]);
+        newm[3] = parseFloat(fields[1]);
+        newm[4] = parseFloat(fields[3]);
+        newm[5] = parseFloat(fields[5]);
+        multiply(coord,newm);
+    }
 loadSVG.prototype.parseRect=function(accu_matrix,coord, id, n) 
     var x = getInteger(n,'x');
     var y = getInteger(n,'y');
-	var rx,ry;
+    var rx,ry;
     var w = getInteger(n,'width');
     var h = getInteger(n,'height');
-	var trans = n.attr('transform');
-	var paint;
+    var trans = n.attr('transform');
+    var paint;
     var tcoord = this.mb_rt.coord_new(coord);
-	var style = n.attr('style');
+    var style = n.attr('style');
-	if (trans) {
-		parseTransform(tcoord,trans.value());
-		//var m = [1,0,0,0,1,0];
-		//multiply(m,tcoord);
-		rx = tcoord[0]*x+tcoord[1]*y+tcoord[2];
-		ry = tcoord[3]*x+tcoord[4]*y+tcoord[5];
-	}
+    if (trans) {
+        parseTransform(tcoord,trans.value());
+        //var m = [1,0,0,0,1,0];
+        //multiply(m,tcoord);
+        rx = tcoord[0]*x+tcoord[1]*y+tcoord[2];
+        ry = tcoord[3]*x+tcoord[4]*y+tcoord[5];
+    }
-	if ( > rx)
- = rx;
-	if ( > ry)
- = ry;
+    if ( > rx)
+ = rx;
+    if ( > ry)
+ = ry;
-	if (style==null) {
-		paint = this.mb_rt.paint_color_new(0,0,0,0.1);
-	} else {
-	    var items = style.value().split(';');
-		var fill = '';
-		var alpha = 1;
-		display = 'on';
-		for(i in items) {
-			var f = items[i].split(':');
-			if (f[0] == 'opacity') {
-			    alpha = f[1];
-			} else if (f[0] == 'fill') {
-			    fill = f[1];
-			} else if (f[0] == 'fill-opacity') {
-			} else if (f[0] == 'stroke') {
-			} else if (f[0] == 'stroken-width') {
-			} else if (f[0] == 'stroke-opacity') {
-			} else if (f[0] == 'display') {
-				display = f[1];
-			}
-		}
-	    if (display == 'none') {
-		    return;
-	    }
-		if (fill[0]=='#') {
-		    var r,g,b;
-			r = parseInt(fill.substring(1,3),16)/256;
-			g = parseInt(fill.substring(3,5),16)/256;
-			b = parseInt(fill.substring(5,7),16)/256;
+    var rect = this.mb_rt.rect_new(x,y,w,h,10, 10);
+    this._set_paint(n, rect);
+    tcoord.add_shape(rect);
-		    paint = this.mb_rt.paint_color_new(r,g,b,parseFloat(alpha));
-		} else if (fill.substring(0,3) == 'url') {
-		    var id = fill.substring(5,fill.length-1);
-			var gr = this.gradients[id];
-			paint = this.mb_rt.paint_linear_new(gr[0],gr[1],gr[2],gr[3]);
-			paint.set_stops(this.stop_ref[id]);
-		} else {
-	        paint = this.mb_rt.paint_color_new(0,0,0,1);
-		}
-	}
-	var rect = this.mb_rt.rect_new(x,y,w,h,10, 10);
-	paint.fill(rect);
-	tcoord.add_shape(rect);
-// When we parse a group, we need to calculate the origin of the group so that we can resize the group without changing its origin point.
-// This must be done recursively. For text/rect/image, we can get its origin point directly by using the (x,y) and apply their transformation
-// matrix. For group, we need to send the acculumated matrix so that each group can get their origin correctly.
+// When we parse a group, we need to calculate the origin of the group
+// so that we can resize the group without changing its origin point.
+// This must be done recursively. For text/rect/image, we can get its
+// origin point directly by using the (x,y) and apply their
+// transformation matrix. For group, we need to send the acculumated
+// matrix so that each group can get their origin correctly.
-// Each element must be responsible to calculate its absolute origin point and update the origin of its parent.
-loadSVG.prototype.parseGroup=function(accu_matrix,root, group_id, n)
+// Each element must be responsible to calculate its absolute origin
+// point and update the origin of its parent.
+loadSVG.prototype.parseGroup=function(accu_matrix,root, group_id, n) {
     var k;
     var nodes = n.childNodes();
     var coord = this.mb_rt.coord_new(root);
-	// Parse the transform and style here
-	var trans = n.attr('transform');
-	var accu=[1,0,0,0,1,0];
+    // Parse the transform and style here
+    var trans = n.attr('transform');
+    var accu=[1,0,0,0,1,0]; new Object();
- = 10000;
- = 10000;
-	if (trans!=null) {
-	    parseTransform(coord, trans.value());
-	} 
-	multiply(accu,accu_matrix);
-	multiply(accu,coord);
+ = 10000;
+ = 10000;
+    if (trans!=null) {
+	parseTransform(coord, trans.value());
+    } 
+    multiply(accu,accu_matrix);
+    multiply(accu,coord);
-	for(k in nodes) {
-	    var c = nodes[k].name();
-		var attr = nodes[k].attr('id');
-		var id;
-		if (attr) {
-		    id = attr.value();
-		}
-		if (c == "g") {
-		    this.parseGroup(accu,coord, id, nodes[k]);
-		} else if (c == "path") {
-		    this.parsePath(accu,coord, id, nodes[k]);
-		} else if (c == "text") {
-		    this.parseText(accu,coord, id, nodes[k]);
-		} else if (c == "rect") {
-		    this.parseRect(accu_matrix,coord, id, nodes[k]);
-		} else if (c == "image") {
-			this.parseImage(accu_matrix,coord, id, nodes[k]);
-		}
+    for(k in nodes) {
+	var c = nodes[k].name();
+	var attr = nodes[k].attr('id');
+	var id;
+	if (attr) {
+	    id = attr.value();
-	if ( >
- =;
-	if ( >
- =;
+	if (c == "g") {
+	    this.parseGroup(accu,coord, id, nodes[k]);
+	} else if (c == "path") {
+	    this.parsePath(accu,coord, id, nodes[k]);
+	} else if (c == "text") {
+	    this.parseText(accu,coord, id, nodes[k]);
+	} else if (c == "rect") {
+	    this.parseRect(accu_matrix,coord, id, nodes[k]);
+	} else if (c == "image") {
+	    this.parseImage(accu_matrix,coord, id, nodes[k]);
+	}
+    }
+    if ( >
+ =;
+    if ( >
+ =;
     make_mbnames(this.mb_rt, n, coord);
 loadSVG.prototype.parseImage=function(accu,coord,id, n)
-	var ref = n.attr('href').value();
+    var ref = n.attr('href').value();
     var tcoord = this.mb_rt.coord_new(coord);
-	var trans = n.attr('transform');
+    var trans = n.attr('transform');
-	if (ref == null) return;
-	if (ref.substr(0,7) == "file://") {
-	    ref = ref.substring(7);
-	} else if (ref.substr(0,5)=="file:") {
-	    ref = ref.substring(5);
-	} else {
-	    return;
-	}
-	var w;
-	var h;
-	var x,y,nx,ny;
+    if (ref == null) return;
+    if (ref.substr(0,7) == "file://") {
+	ref = ref.substring(7);
+    } else if (ref.substr(0,5)=="file:") {
+	ref = ref.substring(5);
+    } else {
+	return;
+    }
+    var w;
+    var h;
+    var x,y,nx,ny; new Object();
- = 10000;
- = 10000;
-	if (trans!=null) {
-	    parseTransform(coord, trans.value());
-	} 
+ = 10000;
+ = 10000;
+    if (trans!=null) {
+	parseTransform(coord, trans.value());
+    } 
-	w = n.attr("width");
-	if (w == null) return;
-	w = parseFloat(w.value());
-	h = n.attr("height");
-	if (h == null) return;
-	h = parseFloat(h.value());	
-	x = n.attr("x");
-	if (x == null) return;
-	x = parseFloat(x.value());
-	y = n.attr("y");
-	if (y == null) return;
-	y = parseFloat(y.value());
-	nx = tcoord[0]*x+tcoord[1]*y+tcoord[2];
-	ny = tcoord[3]*x+tcoord[4]*y+tcoord[5];
-	if ( > nx) 
- = nx;
-	if ( > ny)
- = ny;
-	var img = this.mb_rt.image_new(x,y,w,h);
-	var img_data = ldr.load(ref);
-	var paint = this.mb_rt.paint_image_new(img_data);
-	paint.fill(img);
-	tcoord.add_shape(img);
+    w = n.attr("width");
+    if (w == null) return;
+    w = parseFloat(w.value());
+    h = n.attr("height");
+    if (h == null) return;
+    h = parseFloat(h.value());	
+    x = n.attr("x");
+    if (x == null) return;
+    x = parseFloat(x.value());
+    y = n.attr("y");
+    if (y == null) return;
+    y = parseFloat(y.value());
+    nx = tcoord[0]*x+tcoord[1]*y+tcoord[2];
+    ny = tcoord[3]*x+tcoord[4]*y+tcoord[5];
+    if ( > nx) 
+ = nx;
+    if ( > ny)
+ = ny;
+    var img = this.mb_rt.image_new(x,y,w,h);
+    var img_data = ldr.load(ref);
+    var paint = this.mb_rt.paint_image_new(img_data);
+    paint.fill(img);
+    tcoord.add_shape(img);
     make_mbnames(this.mb_rt, n, img);
     var id = n.attr('id');
-	var k;
-	var nodes = n.childNodes();
+    var k;
+    var nodes = n.childNodes();
-	if (id == null) return;
-	var x1 = n.attr("x1");
-	var y1 = n.attr("y1");
-	var x2 = n.attr("x2");
-	var y2 = n.attr("y2");
-	var gr;
-	var color, opacity;
-	var stops;
-	var r,g,b;
+    if (id == null) return;
+    var x1 = n.attr("x1");
+    var y1 = n.attr("y1");
+    var x2 = n.attr("x2");
+    var y2 = n.attr("y2");
+    var gr;
+    var color, opacity;
+    var stops;
+    var r,g,b;
-	for(k in nodes) {
-	    var ss = nodes[k];
-	    if ("stop") {
-		     var style = ss.attr("style").value();
-			 var items = style.split(';');
-			 var off = parseInt(ss.attr('offset').value());
-			 color = 'black';
-			 opacity = 1;
-			 for (i in items) {
-			     it = items[i];
-			     var f = it.split(':');
-				 k = f[0];
-				 v = f[1];
-				 if (k == 'stop-color') {
-				     color = v.substring(1);
-					 if (v == 'white') {
-					     r = 1;
-						 g = 1;
-						 b = 1;
-					 } else if (v == 'black') {
-					     r = 0;
-						 g = 0;
-						 b = 0;
-					 } else {
-					     r = parseInt(color.substring(0,2),16)/255.0;
-					     g = parseInt(color.substring(2,4),16)/255.0;
-					     b = parseInt(color.substring(4,6),16)/255.0;
-					}
-				 } else if (k=='stop-opacity') {
-				     opacity = parseFloat(v);
-				 }
-			 }
-			 stops.push([off, r,g,b,opacity]);
+    for(k in nodes) {
+	var ss = nodes[k];
+	if ("stop") {
+	    var style = ss.attr("style").value();
+	    var items = style.split(';');
+	    var off = parseInt(ss.attr('offset').value());
+	    color = 'black';
+	    opacity = 1;
+	    for (i in items) {
+		it = items[i];
+		var f = it.split(':');
+		k = f[0];
+		v = f[1];
+		if (k == 'stop-color') {
+		    color = v.substring(1);
+		    if (v == 'white') {
+			r = 1;
+			g = 1;
+			b = 1;
+		    } else if (v == 'black') {
+			r = 0;
+			g = 0;
+			b = 0;
+		    } else {
+			r = parseInt(color.substring(0,2),16)/255.0;
+			g = parseInt(color.substring(2,4),16)/255.0;
+			b = parseInt(color.substring(4,6),16)/255.0;
+		    }
+		} else if (k=='stop-opacity') {
+		    opacity = parseFloat(v);
-	}
-	var href = n.attr('href');
-	if (href != null) {
-	    href = href.value();
-	    pstops = this.stop_ref[href.substring(1)];
-		stops = pstops.concat(stops);
+	    }
+	    stops.push([off, r,g,b,opacity]);
-	id = id.value();
-	this.stop_ref[id] = stops;
-	if (x1)
-	    x1 = parseFloat(x1.value());
-	if (x2)
-	    x2 = parseFloat(x2.value());
-	if (y1)
-	    y1 = parseFloat(y1.value());
-	if (y2)
-	    y2 = parseFloat(y2.value());
-	this.gradients[id] = [x1,y1,x2,y2];
+    }
+    var href = n.attr('href');
+    if (href != null) {
+	href = href.value();
+	pstops = this.stop_ref[href.substring(1)];
+	stops = pstops.concat(stops);
+    }
+    id = id.value();
+    this.stop_ref[id] = stops;
+    if (x1)
+	x1 = parseFloat(x1.value());
+    if (x2)
+	x2 = parseFloat(x2.value());
+    if (y1)
+	y1 = parseFloat(y1.value());
+    if (y2)
+	y2 = parseFloat(y2.value());
+    this.gradients[id] = [x1,y1,x2,y2];
     var k;
-	var nodes = n.childNodes();
+    var nodes = n.childNodes();
-	for(k in nodes) {
-	    var name = nodes[k].name();
-	    if (name == "linearGradient") {
-		    this._MB_parseLinearGradient(root,nodes[k]);
-		}
+    for(k in nodes) {
+	var name = nodes[k].name();
+	if (name == "linearGradient") {
+	    this._MB_parseLinearGradient(root,nodes[k]);
+    }