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Support undo for insert key frame/rm keyframe. We will refresh all layers and scenes since it is not feasible to collect these changes and update the layers and scenes. We may scan two level only in the future to improve the performance.
author | wycc |
date | Wed, 12 Jan 2011 15:01:14 +0800 |
parents | ff410dcdea02 |
children | d4559e7f82cd |
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line source
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; python-indent: 4; fill-column: 79 -*- # vim: sw=4:ts=8:sts=4:textwidth=79 import pygtk import gtk import glib import traceback import pybInkscape from tween import scenes_director from domview_ui import create_domview_ui from data_monitor import data_monitor # Please refer to # # for the designed document. # Algorithm: # # We will parse the first two level of the SVG DOM. collect a table of # layer and scene. # - 1. Collect the layer table which will be displayed as the first # column of the grid. # - 2. Get the maximum scene number. This will decide the size of the # grid. # - 3. When F6 is pressed, we will check if this scene has been # defined. This can be done by scan all second level group and # check if the current scene number is within the range specified # by scene field. The function IsSceneDefined(scene) can be used # for this purpose. # - 4. If this is a new scene, we will append a new group which # duplication the content of the last scene in the same # group. The scene field will contain the number from the last # scene number of the last scene to the current scenen # number. For example, if the last scene is from 4-7 and the new # scene is 10, we will set the scene field as "8-10". # - 5. If this scene are filled screne, we will split the existing # scene into two scenes with the same content. # ## \brief MBScene connect GUI and DOM-tree # # This method accepts user actions and involves domview_ui to update # data on the document. # # This class is protected by \ref data_monitor, meta-class. # class MBScene(object): __metaclass__ = data_monitor _tween_type_names = ('normal', 'scale') _num_frames_of_line = 100 def __init__(self, desktop, win, root=None): super(MBScene, self).__init__() self.desktop = desktop self.window = win = None self.last_update = None pybInkscape.inkscape.connect('change_selection', self.do_selection) self.last_select = None self._lockui = False self._director = None self.document = None self._root = root self.framerate = 12 self._disable_tween_type_selector = False self.current = 0 self._domviewui = create_domview_ui() self._locker = self._domviewui pass def change_active_frame(self, node): """ Change the active frame to the current selected node. This will tell users where the current node is. """ while node: try: node_id = node.getAttribute('id') except: node = node.parent() continue try: layer_idx, (start, end, tween_type) = \ self._domviewui.find_key_from_group(node_id) except: pass else: self._domviewui.set_active_layer_frame(layer_idx, start) break node = node.parent() pass pass def insertKeyScene(self, layer_idx, frame_idx): """ Insert a new key scene into the stage. If the nth is always a key scene, we will return without changing anything. If the nth is a filled scene, we will break the original scene into two parts. If the nth is out of any scene, we will append a new scene. """ try: self._domviewui.mark_key(layer_idx, frame_idx) except ValueError: # existed key frame pass pass def removeKeyScene(self, layer_idx, frame_idx): self._domviewui.unmark_key(layer_idx, frame_idx) self._director.show_scene(frame_idx) pass def extendScene(self): layer_idx, frame_idx = self._domviewui.get_active_layer_frame() start, end, tween_type = \ self._domviewui.get_left_key(layer_idx, frame_idx) tween_len = frame_idx - start + 1 self._domviewui.tween(layer_idx, start, tween_len, tween_type) scene_group = self._domviewui.get_key_group(layer_idx, start) self._enterGroup(scene_group) pass def _enterGroup(self, scene_group): self.desktop.setCurrentLayer(scene_group.spitem) pass def setTweenType(self, tween_type): self._disable_tween_type_selector = True self.tweenTypeSelector.set_active(tween_type) self._disable_tween_type_selector = False pass def selectSceneObject(self, layer_idx, frame_idx): try: start, stop, tween_type = \ self._domviewui.get_key(layer_idx, frame_idx) except: return scene_group = self._domviewui.get_key_group(layer_idx, start) self._enterGroup(scene_group) self.setTweenType(tween_type) pass def duplicateKeyScene(self): # Search for the current scene layer_idx, frame_idx = self._domviewui.get_active_layer_frame() try: left_start, left_end, left_tween_type = \ self._domviewui.get_left_key(layer_idx, frame_idx) except: return if left_end >= frame_idx: return self._domviewui.mark_key(layer_idx, frame_idx) self._domviewui.copy_key_group(layer_idx, left_start, frame_idx) self._director.show_scene(frame_idx) pass def do_changeObjectLabel(self,w): o = self.desktop.selection.list()[0] o.setAttribute("inkscape:label", self.nameEditor.get_text()) pass def addNameEditor(self,hbox): self.nameEditor = gtk.Entry(max=40) hbox.pack_start(self.nameEditor,expand=False,fill=False) self.editDone = gtk.Button('Set') hbox.pack_start(self.editDone,expand=False,fill=False) self.editDone.connect('clicked', self.do_changeObjectLabel) pass def addTweenTypeSelector(self, hbox): tweenbox = gtk.HBox() label = gtk.Label('Tween Type') tweenbox.pack_start(label) self.tweenTypeSelector = gtk.combo_box_new_text() self.tweenTypeSelector.append_text('normal') self.tweenTypeSelector.append_text('scale') self.tweenTypeSelector.set_active(0) tweenbox.pack_start(self.tweenTypeSelector, expand=False, fill=False) hbox.pack_start(tweenbox, expand=False, fill=False) self.tweenTypeSelector.connect('changed', self.do_TweenTypeChange) pass def do_selection(self,w,obj): objs = self.desktop.selection.list() try: o = objs[0] print o.getCenter() if o == self.last_select: return except: self.nameEditor.set_text('') self.last_select = None return self.last_select = o try: self.nameEditor.set_text(o.getAttribute("inkscape:label")) except: self.nameEditor.set_text('') pass # The selection is a PYSPObject. Convert it to be PYNode self.change_active_frame(self.last_select.repr.parent()) pass def do_CellClick(self, layer_idx, frame_idx): self._lockui = True self._director.show_scene(frame_idx) self.selectSceneObject(layer_idx, frame_idx) self._lockui = False pass def markUndo(self, msg): #self._domviewui.mark_undo(msg) # FIXME: move into domview latter when the inkscpae-pybind is modified # to support the sp_document_done. self.desktop.doc().done("None",msg) def doInsertKeyScene(self,w): self._lockui=True layer_idx, frame_idx = self._domviewui.get_active_layer_frame() self.insertKeyScene(layer_idx, frame_idx) self.selectSceneObject(layer_idx, frame_idx) self.markUndo("insert key") self._lockui=False return def doDuplicateKeyScene(self,w): self._lockui = True self.duplicateKeyScene() self.markUndo("dup key") self._lockui = False def doRemoveScene(self,w): self._lockui = True layer_idx, frame_idx = self._domviewui.get_active_layer_frame() self.removeKeyScene(layer_idx, frame_idx) self.markUndo("remove key") self._lockui = False return def lock(self): self._domviewui.lock() pass def unlock(self): self._domviewui.unlock() pass def doExtendScene(self,w): self._lockui = True self.extendScene() self.markUndo("extend key") self._lockui = False pass def doRun(self,arg): """ Execute the current animation till the last frame. """ if self.btnRun.get_label() == "Run": self.btnRun.set_label("Stop") self._lockui = True tmout = 1000 / self.framerate self.last_update = glib.timeout_add(tmout, self.doRunNext) else: self.btnRun.set_label("Run") glib.source_remove(self.last_update) self._lockui = False pass pass def doRunNext(self): if self.current > self._domviewui.get_max_frame(): self.current = 0 pass try: self._director.show_scene(self.current) except: traceback.print_exc() raise self.current = self.current + 1 tmout = 1000 / self.framerate self.last_update = glib.timeout_add(tmout, self.doRunNext) pass def doInsertFrame(self, w): self.lockui=True layer_idx, frame_idx = self._domviewui.get_active_layer_frame() self._domviewui.insert_frames(layer_idx, frame_idx, 1) self.markUndo("insert frame") self.lockui=False def doRemoveFrame(self, w): self.lockui=True layer_idx, frame_idx = self._domviewui.get_active_layer_frame() self._domviewui.rm_frames(layer_idx, frame_idx, 1) self.markUndo("remove frame") self.lockui=False def do_TweenTypeChange(self, w): if self._disable_tween_type_selector: return layer_idx, frame_idx = self._domviewui.get_active_layer_frame() tween_type = self.tweenTypeSelector.get_active() start, end, old_tween_type = \ self._domviewui.get_left_key(layer_idx, frame_idx) if end >= frame_idx and start != end: # Length of tween > 1 and cover this frame self._domviewui.chg_tween(layer_idx, start, tween_type=tween_type) pass self.markUndo("change type") pass def onQuit(self, event): self.OK = False gtk.main_quit() pass def onOK(self, event): self.OK = True gtk.main_quit() pass def _add_buttons(self, hbox): btn = gtk.Button('Insert Key') btn.connect('clicked', self.doInsertKeyScene) hbox.pack_start(btn, expand=False, fill=False) btn=gtk.Button('Remove Key') btn.connect('clicked', self.doRemoveScene) hbox.pack_start(btn, expand=False, fill=False) btn=gtk.Button('Extend scene') btn.connect('clicked', self.doExtendScene) hbox.pack_start(btn, expand=False, fill=False) btn=gtk.Button('Duplicate Key') btn.connect('clicked', self.doDuplicateKeyScene) hbox.pack_start(btn, expand=False, fill=False) btn=gtk.Button('insert') btn.connect('clicked', self.doInsertFrame) hbox.pack_start(btn, expand=False, fill=False) btn=gtk.Button('remove') btn.connect('clicked', self.doRemoveFrame) hbox.pack_start(btn, expand=False, fill=False) btn=gtk.Button('Run') btn.connect('clicked', self.doRun) self.btnRun = btn hbox.pack_start(btn, expand=False, fill=False) self.addNameEditor(hbox) self.addTweenTypeSelector(hbox) pass def show(self): self.OK = True if not self._root: self._root = self.desktop.doc().root().repr pass self.document = self.desktop.doc().rdoc self._domviewui.handle_doc_root(self.document, self._root) self._domviewui.register_active_frame_callback(self.do_CellClick) self._director = scenes_director(self._domviewui) if == None: = gtk.VBox(False, 0) toplevel = self.desktop.getToplevel() toplevel.child.child.pack_end(, expand=False) else: pass vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 0) self.startWindow = vbox, expand=False) frame_ui = self._domviewui.get_frame_ui_widget() vbox.pack_start(frame_ui, expand=False) hbox=gtk.HBox(False, 0) self._add_buttons(hbox) vbox.pack_start(hbox, expand=False) self.last_update = None return False pass