view pyink/ @ 1403:c297ceec37f2

Add exaple to illustrate the update bug
author wycc
date Sun, 03 Apr 2011 22:13:37 +0800
parents 1a4d15fe2c62
children 28769a82a72d
line wrap: on
line source

## \brief Implement descriptors for mapping attributes for traits.
# The instances of require map attributes of traits to corresponding
# attributes of the instance of the composition class.
class require(object):
    def __init__(self, trait_clazz):
        self.trait_clazz = trait_clazz
    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
        if not instance:        # from a class object
            return self
        attrname = instance._trait_attrname_map[self]
        composite_obj = instance._trait_composite_obj
        val = getattr(composite_obj, attrname)
        return val

    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        attrname = instance._trait_attrname_map[self]
        composite_obj = instance._trait_composite_obj
        setattr(composite_obj, attrname, value)

## \brief Decorator for making a class being a trait.
def trait(trait_clazz):
    attrname_map = {}
    trait_clazz._trait_attrname_map = attrname_map
    for attr in dir(trait_clazz):
        value = getattr(trait_clazz, attr)
        if value != require:

        require_o = require(trait_clazz)
        setattr(trait_clazz, attr, require_o)
        attrname_map[require_o] = attr

    trait_clazz._is_trait = True
    return trait_clazz

## \brief The function to return a proxy for a method of a trait.
def trait_method_proxy(trait_clazz, method):
    def trait_method_proxy_real(self, *args, **kws):
        if not hasattr(self, '_all_trait_objs'):
            # self is an instance of the class composed from traits.
            self._all_trait_objs = {}
            trait_obj = self._all_trait_objs[trait_clazz]
        except KeyError:
            trait_obj = trait_clazz()
            trait_obj._trait_composite_obj = self
            self._all_trait_objs[trait_clazz] = trait_obj
        r = method(trait_obj, *args, **kws)
        return r
    return trait_method_proxy_real

## \brief Derive and modify an existing trait.
def derive_trait(a_trait, composite_clazz):
    # Set a map mamping requires to attribute names.
    # Search provide_traits for requires of a_trait, and patch
    # attrname_map for it.
    attrname_map = None
    if hasattr(composite_clazz, 'provide_traits'):
        provide_traits = composite_clazz.provide_traits
        attrname_map = dict(a_trait._trait_attrname_map)
        for req in provide_traits:
            if req.trait_clazz == a_trait:
                attrname_map[req] = provide_traits[req]
    dic = {}
    if attrname_map:
        dic['_trait_attrname_map'] = attrname_map
    derived = type('derived_trait', (a_trait,), dic)
    return derived

## \brief Check explicity providing for requires.
# Composite maps require attributes of traits to the attribute, with
# the same name, of composition class by default.  But, composition
# class can specify name of the attribute that will satisfy a require.
def _check_provide_traits(clazz):
    traits = clazz.use_traits
    # Check content of clazz.provide_traits
    if hasattr(clazz, 'provide_traits'):
        if not isinstance(clazz.provide_traits, dict):
            raise TypeError, \
                'provide_traits of a composite must be a dictionary'
        provide_set = set([req.trait_clazz
                           for req in clazz.provide_traits.keys()])
        trait_set = set(traits)
        unused_set = provide_set - trait_set
        if unused_set:
            raise ValueError, \
                'can not find %s in provide_traits' % (repr(unused_set.pop()))

        for req in clazz.provide_traits:
            if not isinstance(req, require):
                raise TypeError, \
                    '%s is not a require: key of an ' \
                    'attribute name map must be a require' % (repr(req))

## \brief Include methods from trait for a composition class.
def _include_methods(clazz):
    traits = clazz.use_traits
    # Count number of appearing in all traits for every attribute name.
    attrname_cnts = {}
    for a_trait in traits:
        for attr in dir(a_trait):
            if attr.startswith('_'):
            value = getattr(a_trait, attr)
            if isinstance(value, require) or not callable(value):
            attrname_cnts[attr] = attrname_cnts.setdefault(attr, 0) + 1

    if hasattr(clazz, 'method_map_traits'):
        method_map_traits = clazz.method_map_traits
        method_map_traits = {}
    # Set a proxy for every exported methods.
    derived_traits = clazz._derived_traits = {}
    for a_trait in traits:
        derived = derive_trait(a_trait, clazz)
        derived_traits[a_trait] = derived

        for attr in dir(derived):
            if attr not in attrname_cnts: # hidden
            if attrname_cnts[attr] > 1: # conflict
            if hasattr(clazz, attr): # override

            value = getattr(a_trait, attr)
            if value in method_map_traits: # do it later
            value = getattr(derived, attr)
            if not callable(value):
            func = value.im_func
            proxy = trait_method_proxy(derived, func)
            setattr(clazz, attr, proxy)

    # Set a proxy for methods specified in method_map_traits.
    for method, attrname in method_map_traits.items():
        if not callable(method):
            raise TypeError, \
                '%s.%s is not a callable' % (repr(a_trait), repr(method))
        a_trait = method.im_class
        if a_trait not in derived_traits:
            raise TypeError, \
                '%s is not a trait used by the composition class' % \
        derived = derived_traits[a_trait]
        func = method.im_func
        proxy = trait_method_proxy(derived, func)
        setattr(clazz, attrname, proxy)

## \brief A decorator to make class composited from traits.
# The class decorated by composite must own a use_traits attribute.
# \verbatim
# @trait
# class trait_a(object):
#   var_a = require
#   def xxx(self): return self.var_a
# @trait
# class trait_b(object):
#   def ooo(self): pass
# @composite
# class foo(object):
#    use_traits = (trait_a, trait_b)
#    var_a = 'value of var_a'
#    pass
# obj = foo()
# \endverbatim
# To make a class from a set of traits.  You must decorate the class
# with the decorator 'composite'.  The class must has an attribute,
# named use_traits, to provide a list or tuple of traits.
# Class that defines a trait must decorated with the decorator
# 'trait'.  If the trait need to access state (varaibles) of the
# intances of composition class, it must define attributes with value
# 'require', likes what 'var_a' of trait_a does.  Then, the attributes
# would be mapped to corresponding attributes of instances of
# composition class.  For example, when you call, it returns
# value of 'var_a', and attribute 'var_a' is a property that returns
# the value of 'var_a' of 'obj', an instance of class foo.
# By default, traits map attribute 'var_a' to 'var_a' of instances of
# composition classes.  But, you can change it by specifying the map
# in an attribute, named 'provide_traits', defined in composition
# class.  The attribute provide_traits of a composition class is a
# dictionary mapping from require attributes of used traits to names
# of attributes of the composition class.
# \verbatim
# @composite
# class foo(object):
#     use_trait = (trait_a, trait_b)
#     provide_traits = {trait_a.var_a: 'var_foo'}
#     var_foo = 'value of var_foo'
#     pass
# \endverbatim
# Like mapping require attributes of used traits, there is a map,
# named method_map_traits, for methods of used traits.
# \verbatim
# @composite
# class foo(object):
#     use_trait = (trait_a, trait_b)
#     provide_traits = {trait_a.var_a: 'var_foo'}
#     method_map_traits = { 'hello')
#     var_foo = 'value of var_foo'
#     pass
# \endverbatim
# Previous example maps method to foo.hello method.
# composite does not include methods that has a name prefixed by a '_'
# charater.  But, you can still force it, by an explicity mapping in
# method_map_traits, to include a method prefixed by a '_' character.
def composite(clazz):
    if not hasattr(clazz, 'use_traits'):
        raise KeyError, \
            '%s has no use_trait: it must be a list of traits' % (repr(clazz))
    traits = clazz.use_traits
    for a_trait in traits:
        if not hasattr(a_trait, '_is_trait'):
            raise TypeError, '%s is not a trait' % (repr(a_trait))

    return clazz

if __name__ == '__main__':
    class hello(object):
        msg = require
        bye_provide = require
        def hello(self, name):
            return self.msg + ' hello ' + name

        def hello_provide(self):
            return 'hello provide'

        def require_bye(self):
            return self.bye_provide()

    class bye(object):
        msg = require
        hello_provide = require
        def bye(self, name):
            return self.msg + ' bye ' + name

        def bye_provide(self):
            return 'bye provide'

        def require_hello(self):
            return self.hello_provide()
    class hello_bye(object):
        use_traits = (hello, bye)
        provide_traits = {hello.msg: 'msg1'}
        method_map_traits = {hello.hello: 'hello1'}

        msg = 'hello_bye'
        msg1 = 'hello_bye_msg1'

    o = hello_bye()
    assert o.hello1('Miky') == 'hello_bye_msg1 hello Miky'
    assert o.bye('Miky') == 'hello_bye bye Miky'
    assert o.require_bye() == 'bye provide'
    assert o.require_hello() == 'hello provide'
    print 'OK'