Mercurial > MadButterfly
view pyink/ @ 1439:c028aa928cc8
Update the API so that we can refresh screen in frame based. This will improve the poerformance of the animation.
author | wycc |
date | Mon, 11 Apr 2011 13:05:19 +0800 |
parents | 8e8c9ab3818f |
children | 8eecaca2a125 |
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import random import dom_event from tween import TweenObject from trait import trait, require, composite ## \brief Compare two nodes with ID. # # \return True if node1 ID equivalent to ndoe2 ID. # def _id_eq(node1, node2): try: node1_id = node1.getAttribute('id') except: return False try: node2_id = node2.getAttribute('id') except: return False return node1_id == node2_id class Layer: def __init__(self, node): self.scenes = [] = node pass pass class Timeline(object): def __init__(self, scenes_node): self.scenes_node = scenes_node pass def name(self): try: name = self.scenes_node.getAttribute('name') except: name='default' return name def rename(self, new_name): scenes_node = self.scenes_node scenes_node.setAttribute('name', new_name) pass pass class Component(object): # # \param comp_node is None for main component. # def __init__(self, comp_mgr, comp_node): self._comp_mgr = comp_mgr self.node = comp_node self.layers = [] self.timelines = [] if comp_node: self._initialize_comp() pass pass def _initialize_comp(self): comp_node = self.node for child in comp_node.childList(): if == 'ns0:scenes': break pass else: # no any ns0:scenes doc = self._comp_mgr._doc scenes_node = doc.createElement('ns0:scenes') scenes_node.setAttribute('name', 'default') node_id = self._comp_mgr.new_id() scenes_node.setAttribute('id', node_id) comp_node.appendChild(scenes_node) pass pass def name(self): if self.node: name = self.node.getAttribute('name') else: name = 'main' pass return name def all_timeline_names(self): names = [ for tl in self.timelines] return names def parse_timelines(self): self.timelines[:] = [] if self.node: assert == 'ns0:component' pass comp_node = self.node for child in comp_node.childList(): if == 'ns0:scenes': tl = Timeline(child) self.timelines.append(tl) print ' ' + pass pass pass def get_timeline(self, name): for tl in self.timelines: if == name: return tl pass raise Value, 'invalid timeline name - %s' % (name) def has_timeline(self, name): for tl in self.timelines: if == name: return True pass return False def add_timeline(self, name): if self.has_timeline(name): raise ValueError, \ 'try add a timeline with duplicated name - %s' % (name) doc = self._comp_mgr._doc comp_node = self.node scenes_node = doc.createElement('ns0:scenes') scenes_node.setAttribute('name', name) node_id = self._comp_mgr.new_id() scenes_node.setAttribute('id', node_id) comp_node.appendChild(scenes_node) tl = Timeline(scenes_node) self.timelines.append(tl) pass ## \brief Add a timeline for an existed scenes node. # def add_timeline_scenes(self, scenes_node): tl = Timeline(scenes_node) name = if self.has_timeline(name): raise ValueError, \ 'name of scenes node of a timeline is duplicated' self.timeline.append(tl) pass def rm_timeline(self, name): for i, tl in enumerate(self.timelines): if == name: comp_node = self.node comp_node.removeChild(tl.scenes_node) del self.timelines[i] return pass raise ValueError, 'try to remove a non-existed timeline - %s' % (name) def rename_timeline(self, timeline_name, new_name): for i, tl in enumerate(self.timelines): if == timeline_name: tl.rename(new_name) return pass raise ValueError, 'try to remove a non-existed timeline - %s' % (name) def rename(self, new_name): self.node.setAttribute('name', new_name) pass pass ## \brief A mix-in for class component_manager for UI updating. # # This class collects all methods for supporting UI updating. # class component_manager_ui_update(object): ## \brief Update the list of components. # def reparse_components(self): saved_cur_comp = self._cur_comp self._components[:] = [self._main_comp] self._comp_names.clear() self._parse_components() for comp in self._components: if == self._cur_comp = comp break pass else: self._cur_comp = self._main_comp pass pass ## \brief Update the list of timelines of current component. # def reparse_timelines(self): comp = self._cur_comp saved_cur_timeline = self._cur_timeline comp.parse_timelines() for timeline in comp.timelines: if == self._cur_timeline = timeline break pass else: self._cur_timeline = comp.timelines[0] pass pass pass ## \brief A trait for class domview for managing components. # # This class is responsible for manage components and timelines. It # is also responsible for switching component and timeline. Switching # to a component is actually switching to a timeline in another # component. When switch to a timeline, it actuall change # domview._scense_node, parent of all scene nodes of a component, and # domview._layers_parent, parent of all layer group of a component. # domview relys on these two variables to operate on right component # and timeline. (It should be changed to get more hint with # meaningful names.) # # FIXME: The root node is always the 'main' component. It is a # special case with slightly different in structure. It should be # removed and normalized to normal components. # @trait class component_manager(component_manager_ui_update): _scenes_node = require _metadata_node = require _doc = require _root = require _layers = require _layers_parent = require new_id = require get_node = require reset = require def __init__(self): super(component_manager, self).__init__() self._components_node = None self._components = [] self._comp_names = set() self._main_comp = None self._cur_comp = None self._cur_timeline = None self._components_group = None pass def _set_main_component(self): comp = Component(self, None) comp.layers = self._layers scenes_node = self._scenes_node timeline = Timeline(scenes_node) comp.timelines = [timeline] self._components.append(comp) self._comp_names.add('main') self._main_comp = comp pass def _parse_components(self): comp_names = self._comp_names components_node = self._components_node for child in components_node.childList(): child_node_name = if child_node_name != 'ns0:component': continue child_name = child.getAttribute('name') if child_name in comp_names: raise ValueError, 'duplicate component name %s' % (child_name) comp = Component(self, child) comp.parse_timelines() self._components.append(comp) comp_names.add(child_name) pass pass ## \brief To initialize subtree of metadata. # # This method is called by domview._init_metadata(). # def _component_manager_init_metadata(self): metadata_node = self._metadata_node # Make sure ns0:components in metadata for n in metadata_node.childList(): if == 'ns0:components': self._components_node = n break pass else: components_node = \ self._doc.createElement("ns0:components") metadata_node.appendChild(components_node) self._components_node = components_node pass # Make sure the group for containing components. for n in self._root.childList(): if != 'svg:g': continue try: nlabel = n.getAttribute('inkscape:label') except: continue if nlabel == 'components': self._components_group = n break pass else: # no components group components_group = self._doc.createElement('svg:g') components_group.setAttribute('inkscape:label', 'components') gid = self.new_id() components_group.setAttribute('id', gid) self._root.appendChild(components_group) self._components_group = components_group pass pass def _start_component_manager(self): self._component_manager_init_metadata() self._set_main_component() self._parse_components() self._cur_comp = self._main_comp tl = self._main_comp.get_timeline('default') self._cur_timeline = tl self._scenes_node = tl.scenes_node pass ## \brief Create component group # # A component group is a group with a layers group as child. # The layers group is where layer groups is in. # def _create_component_group(self): doc = self._doc group = doc.createElement('svg:g') gid = self.new_id() group.setAttribute('id', gid) self._components_group.appendChild(group) # Create layers group layers_group = doc.createElement('svg:g') gid = self.new_id() layers_group.setAttribute('id', gid) layers_group.setAttribute('inkscape:label', 'layers') group.appendChild(layers_group) return group ## \brief Create a ns0:component node for a given name. # # \param comp_name is the name of the created component. # \param comp_group_id is the component group. # \return a ns0:component node. # def _create_component_node(self, comp_name, comp_group_id): comp_node = self._doc.createElement('ns0:component') comp_id = self.new_id() comp_node.setAttribute('id', comp_id) comp_node.setAttribute('name', comp_name) comp_node.setAttribute('ref', comp_group_id) self._components_node.appendChild(comp_node) return comp_node ## \brief Get Component object associated with the given name. # def _get_component(self, comp_name): if comp_name in self._comp_names: for comp in self._components: if == comp_name: return comp pass pass raise ValueError, 'can not find component node - %s' % (comp_name) ## \brief Create a layer group for give layer of a component. # def _create_comp_layer_group(self, layers_group, layer_name): doc = self._doc gid = self.new_id() layer_group = doc.createElement('svg:g') layer_group.setAttribute('id', gid) layer_group.setAttribute('inkscape:label', layer_name) layer_group.setAttribute('inkscape:groupmode', 'layer') layers_group.appendChild(layer_group) return layer_group ## \brief Return group of specified layer in a component. # # This is here for getting layer group without switch current # component. # def _get_group_of_component_layer(self, comp_name, layer_idx): comp = self._get_component(comp_name) layer = comp.layers[layer_idx] return def _get_layers_group_of_component(self, comp_name): if comp_name == 'main': return self._root comp_group = self.get_component_group(comp_name) layers_group = comp_group.firstChild() assert layers_group.getAttribute('inkscape:label') == 'layers' return layers_group def all_comp_names(self): return [ for comp in self._components] def has_component(self, name): return name in self._comp_names def hide_component(self, comp_name): if comp_name == 'main': comp = self._get_component(comp_name) for layer in comp.layers: group = group.setAttribute('style', 'display: none') pass return comp_group = self.get_component_group(comp_name) comp_group.setAttribute('style', 'display: none') pass def show_component(self, comp_name): if comp_name == 'main': comp = self._get_component(comp_name) for layer in comp.layers: group = group.setAttribute('style', '') pass return comp_group = self.get_component_group(comp_name) comp_group.setAttribute('style', '') pass def switch_component(self, comp_name): old_comp = self._cur_comp comp = self._get_component(comp_name) self._cur_comp = comp self._layers = comp.layers comp_name = # for domview self._layers_parent = \ self._get_layers_group_of_component(comp_name) self.make_sure_timeline() try: comp_grp = self.get_component_group( old_comp_existed = True except ValueError: old_comp_existed = False pass if old_comp_existed: self.hide_component( pass self.show_component( pass def add_component(self, comp_name): if self.has_component(comp_name): raise ValueError, \ 'try add a component with existed name %s' % (comp_name) comp_group = self._create_component_group() comp_group_id = comp_group.getAttribute('id') comp_node = self._create_component_node(comp_name, comp_group_id) comp = Component(self, comp_node) comp.parse_timelines() self._components.append(comp) self._comp_names.add(comp_name) # Create Layer1 (at least one layer for a component) layers_group = self._get_layers_group_of_component(comp_name) layer_group = self._create_comp_layer_group(layers_group, 'Layer1') layer = Layer(layer_group) comp.layers.append(layer) self.hide_component(comp_name) pass def add_component_node(self, comp_node): comp = Component(self, comp_node) comp_name = if self.has_component(comp_name): raise ValueError, \ 'the name of a ns0:component is duplicated' self._components.append(comp) self._comp_names.add(comp_name) pass def rm_component(self, comp_name): comp = self._get_component(comp_name) comp_name = comp_node = comp.node comp_group = self.get_component_group(comp_name) self._components.remove(comp) self._comp_names.remove(comp_name) self._components_node.removeChild(comp_node) self._components_group.removeChild(comp_group) pass def rename_component(self, comp_name, new_name): comp = self._get_component(comp_name) comp.rename(new_name) pass def get_component_group(self, comp_name): comp = self._get_component(comp_name) comp_name = if comp_name == 'main': return self._root comp_node = comp.node gid = comp_node.getAttribute('ref') comp_group = self.get_node(gid) return comp_group def get_current_component(self): return ## \brief Hide scene groups of current timeline. # # This method all scene groups of current timeline invisible. # def _hide_current_timeline(self): tl = self._cur_timeline scenes_node = tl.scenes_node for child in scenes_node.childList(): if != 'ns0:scene': continue gid = child.getAttribute('ref') group = self.get_node(gid) group.setAttribute('style', 'display: none') pass pass def switch_timeline(self, timeline_name): if self._cur_timeline: self._hide_current_timeline() pass tl = self._cur_comp.get_timeline(timeline_name) self._cur_timeline = tl self._scenes_node = tl.scenes_node # of class domview # Make domview to rescan layers and scenes. self.reset() # from domview cur_comp_name = self.get_current_component() cur_comp_node = self.get_component_group(cur_comp_name) cur_comp_node.setAttribute("cur_timeline", timeline_name) pass def make_sure_timeline(self): cur_comp_name = self.get_current_component() cur_comp_node = self.get_component_group(cur_comp_name) try: timeline_name = cur_comp_node.getAttribute("cur_timeline") except KeyError: timeline_name = self.all_timeline_names()[0] pass self._cur_timeline = None self.switch_timeline(timeline_name) pass def add_timeline(self, timeline_name): self._cur_comp.add_timeline(timeline_name) pass def rm_timeline(self, timeline_name): self._cur_comp.rm_timeline(timeline_name) pass def rename_timeline_of_component(self, timeline_name, new_name, comp_name): comp = self._get_component(comp_name) comp.rename_timeline(timeline_name, new_name) pass def rename_timeline(self, timeline_name, new_name): comp_name = self.rename_timeline_of_component(timeline_name, new_name, comp_name) pass def all_timeline_names(self): r = self._cur_comp.all_timeline_names() return r def has_timeline(self, name): r = self._cur_comp.has_timeline(name) return r def get_current_timeline(self): return ## \brief Add a new component from a group node. # # The group node is reparented to the group of first layer of # specified component. # def mv_group_to_component(self, group, comp_name): group_parent = group.parent() if group_parent: group_parent.removeChild(group) pass layer_group = self._get_group_of_component_layer(comp_name, 0) layer_group.appendChild(group) pass ## \brief Create a link to a component. # # \param parent_group is where the link will be pliaced in. # \return link node. # def link_to_component(self, comp_name, parent_group): layers_group = self._get_layers_group_of_component(comp_name) use_node = self._doc.createElement('svg:use') layers_group_id = layers_group.getAttribute('id') use_node.setAttribute('xlink:href', '#' + layers_group_id) use_node_id = self.new_id() use_node.setAttribute('id', use_node_id) use_node.setAttribute('use_component', 'true') parent_group.appendChild(use_node) return use_node ## \brief Remember current frame and layer on the scenes node. # def remember_current_frame(self, layer_idx, frame_idx): if not isinstance(layer_idx, int): raise TypeError, 'layer index should be a integer' if not isinstance(frame_idx, int): raise TypeError, 'frame index should be a integer' timeline_name = self.get_current_timeline() timeline = self._cur_comp.get_timeline(timeline_name) timeline_scenes = timeline.scenes_node timeline_scenes.setAttribute('cur_layer', str(layer_idx)) timeline_scenes.setAttribute('cur_frame', str(frame_idx)) pass ## \brief Get current frame and layer from the scenes node. # def get_current_frame(self): timeline_name = self.get_current_timeline() timeline = self._cur_comp.get_timeline(timeline_name) timeline_scenes = timeline.scenes_node try: cur_layer = timeline_scenes.getAttribute('cur_layer') except KeyError: cur_layer_idx = 0 else: cur_layer_idx = int(cur_layer) pass try: cur_frame = timeline_scenes.getAttribute('cur_frame') except KeyError: cur_frame_idx = 0 else: cur_frame_idx = int(cur_frame) pass return cur_layer_idx, cur_frame_idx pass ## \brief Parser for scenes nodes. # # This class parses scenes nodes and collect ID of all nodes. # @trait class scenes_parser(object): _root = require _scenes_node = require _id2node = require _group2scene = require current = require _maxframe = require def _find_maxframe(self, scenes_node): maxframe = 0 for child in scenes_node.childList(): if != 'ns0:scene': continue try: start = child.getAttribute('start') maxframe = max(int(start), maxframe) except: pass try: end = child.getAttribute('end') maxframe = max(int(end), maxframe) except: pass pass return maxframe ## \brief Collect ID of nodes in the document. # # It is used to implement a fast mapping from an ID to the respective node. # def _collect_node_ids(self): self._id2node = {} root = self._root for n in root.childList(): self._collect_node_ids_recursive(n) pass pass def _collect_node_ids_recursive(self, node): try: node_id = node.getAttribute('id') except: pass else: self._id2node[node_id] = node pass for n in node.childList(): self._collect_node_ids_recursive(n) pass pass def parse_one_scene(self, scene_node): assert == 'ns0:scene' start = int(scene_node.getAttribute("start")) try: end = int(scene_node.getAttribute("end")) except: end = start pass try: scene_type = scene_node.getAttribute('type') if scene_type == None: scene_type = 'normal' pass except: scene_type = 'normal' pass return start, end, scene_type def _parse_one_scenes(self, scenes_node): try: cur = int(n.getAttribute("current")) except: cur = 0 pass self.current = cur for scene_node in scenes_node.childList(): if != 'ns0:scene': continue try: start, end, scene_type = self.parse_one_scene(scene_node) group_id = scene_node.getAttribute("ref") except: # the scene node is incompleted. continue self._group2scene[group_id] = scene_node pass pass ## \brief Parse all scenes node in svg:metadata subtree. # def _collect_all_scenes(self): scenes_node = self._scenes_node self._parse_one_scenes(scenes_node) self._maxframe = self._find_maxframe(scenes_node) pass pass ## \brief Return the node with given ID. # def get_node(self, node_id): value = self._id2node[node_id] if isinstance(value, list): return value[-1] return value ## \brief Return a scene node corresponding to a scene group of given ID. # def get_scene(self, group_id): return self._group2scene[group_id] def new_id(self): while True: candidate = 's%d' % int(random.random()*100000) if candidate not in self._id2node: return candidate pass pass pass ## \brief Monitor changes of DOM-tree. # # This class monitors DOM-tree to maintain _maxframe and maps for node ID to # node and scene group ID to scene node. @composite class domview_monitor(object): use_traits = (scenes_parser,) method_map_traits = { scenes_parser._find_maxframe: '_find_maxframe', scenes_parser._collect_all_scenes: '_collect_all_scenes', scenes_parser._collect_node_ids: '_collect_node_ids'} def __init__(self, *args, **kws): super(domview_monitor, self).__init__() self._maxframe = 0 self._id2node = {} # map ID to the node in the DOM tree. self._group2scene = {} # map ID of a group to associated scene node. pass def _start_monitor(self): self._collect_node_ids() self._collect_all_scenes() doc = self._doc dom_event.addEventListener(doc, 'DOMNodeInserted', self._on_insert_node, None) dom_event.addEventListener(doc, 'DOMNodeRemoved', self._on_remove_node, None) dom_event.addEventListener(doc, 'DOMAttrModified', self._on_attr_modified, None) pass ## \brief Add a node to id2node mapping. # # domview_monitor._id2node is a multiple mapping to map a key to # multiple node. The reason that it is not a single mapping is # Inkscape would insert a node with the ID from the node been # copied, and change its ID to a unique one later. So, we must # provide the capability to handle two or more nodes with the same # ID. def _map_id2node(self, node, node_id): if node_id in self._id2node: old_value = self._id2node[node_id] if isinstance(old_value, list): old_value.append(node) else: self._id2node[node_id] = [old_value, node] pass else: self._id2node[node_id] = node pass pass def _unmap_id2node(self, node, node_id): if node_id not in self._id2node: raise ValueError, 'invalide node ID (%s)' % (node_id) value = self._id2node[node_id] if isinstance(value, list): value.remove(node) if not value: del self._id2node[node_id] pass pass else: del self._id2node[node_id] pass pass ## \brief Rescan the tree. # def _monitor_reparse(self): self._maxframe = 0 self._id2node = {} self._group2scene = {} self._collect_node_ids() self._collect_all_scenes() pass def _on_insert_node(self, node, child): for cchild in child.childList(): self._on_insert_node(child, cchild) pass try: child_id = child.getAttribute('id') except: pass else: self._map_id2node(child, child_id) pass if == 'ns0:scene' and _id_eq(node, self._scenes_node): try: ref = child.getAttribute('ref') except: pass else: if ref not in self._group2scene: self._group2scene[ref] = child pass pass try: start = child.getAttribute('start') self._maxframe = max(int(start), self._maxframe) except: pass try: start = child.getAttribute('end') self._maxframe = max(int(start), self._maxframe) except: pass pass pass def _on_remove_node(self, node, child): for cchild in child.childList(): self._on_remove_node(child, cchild) pass try: child_id = child.getAttribute('id') except: pass else: self._unmap_id2node(child, child_id) pass if == 'ns0:scene' and _id_eq(node, self._scenes_node): try: ref = child.getAttribute('ref') except: pass else: del self._group2scene[ref] pass try: if int(child.getAttribute('start')) == self._maxframe or \ int(child.getAttribute('end')) == self._maxframe: self._maxframe = self._find_maxframe(node) pass except: pass pass pass def _on_attr_modified(self, node, name, old_value, new_value): if old_value == new_value: return if name == 'id': if old_value and old_value in self._id2node: self._unmap_id2node(node, old_value) pass if new_value: self._map_id2node(node, new_value) pass pass elif name == 'ref' and == 'ns0:scene': parent_node = node.parent() scenes_node = self._scenes_node if not _id_eq(parent_node, scenes_node): return # not in current timeline if old_value: node = self._group2scene[old_value] # use old node. Binding # may generate a new # wrapper. del self._group2scene[old_value] pass if new_value: self._group2scene[new_value] = node pass pass elif (name in ('start', 'end')) and == 'ns0:scene': parent_node = node.parent() scenes_node = self._scenes_node if not _id_eq(parent_node, scenes_node): return # not in current timeline try: new_value = int(new_value) old_value = int(old_value) except TypeError: self._maxframe = self._find_maxframe(scenes_node) else: if old_value == self._maxframe and old_value > new_value: # _maxframe may be reduced. self._maxframe = self._find_maxframe(scenes_node) else: self._maxframe = max(int(new_value), self._maxframe) pass pass pass pass pass ## \brief Iterator to travel a sub-tree of DOM. # def _DOM_iterator(node): nodes = [node] while nodes: node = nodes.pop(0) child = node.firstChild() while child: nodes.append(child) child = pass yield node pass pass @trait class layers_parser(object): _doc = require _layers = require _layers_parent = require get_scene = require get_node = require new_id = require def parse_all_layers(self): layers = self._layers layers_parent = self._layers_parent for child in layers_parent.childList(): if != 'svg:g': continue try: label = child.getAttribute('inkscape:label') except: pass else: # has no label if label == 'components': continue pass layer_group = child layer = Layer(layer_group) layer.idx = len(layers) layers.append(layer) self.parse_layer(layer.idx) pass pass def parse_layer(self, layer_idx): layer = self._layers[layer_idx] layer_group = for child in layer_group.childList(): if != 'svg:g': continue try: child_id = child.getAttribute('id') scene_node = self.get_scene(child_id) except: continue layer.scenes.append(scene_node) pass pass def get_layer_num(self): return len(self._layers) ## \brief Add/insert a layer at given position. # # \param layer_idx is the position in the layer list. # def insert_layer(self, layer_idx, layer_group): layers = self._layers layer = Layer(layer_group) if layer_idx >= len(layers): layers.append(layer) else: layers.insert(layer_idx, layer) for idx in range(layer_idx, len(layers)): layers[idx].idx = idx pass pass pass ## \brief Manage a existed layer group # # This method scan layer groups of all managed layers, and find a # proper place to insert it. # # \return -1 for error, or layer index. # def manage_layer_group(self, layer_group_id): layer_group = self.get_node(layer_group_id) new_layer = Layer(layer_group) if not self._layers: new_layer.idx = 0 self._layers.append(new_layer) return 0 # # Scan who is after the given group # next_group = while next_group: next_group_id = next_group.getAttribute('id') for vlayer in self._layers: vlayer_group_id ='id') if vlayer_group_id == next_group_id: # This layer group is after given one. self._layers.insert(vlayer.idx, new_layer) for idx in range(vlayer.idx, len(self._layers)): self._layers[idx].idx = idx pass return new_layer.idx pass next_group = pass # # Is the given group after last layer group? # tail_group = self._layers[-1] while tail_group: tail_group_id = tail_group.getAttribute('id') if tail_group_id == layer_group_id: # it is after last layer group. new_layer.idx = len(self._layers) self._layers.append(new_layer) return new_layer.idx tail_group = pass return -1 # error, can not determinze the position ## \brief Remove layer and associated scene nodes and scene groups. # def rm_layer(self, layer_idx): layers = self._layers layer = self._layers[layer_idx] for scene_node in layer.scenes: scene_group_id = scene_node.getAttribute('ref') try: scene_group_node = self.get_node(scene_group_id) if scene_group_node.parent(): # keep from crashing scene_group_node.parent().removeChild(scene_group_node) pass except: pass if scene_node.parent(): # keep from crashing scene_node.parent().removeChild(scene_node) pass pass del layers[layer_idx] for idx in range(layer_idx, len(layers)): layers[idx].idx = idx pass pass def get_layer_group(self, layer_idx): layer = self._layers[layer_idx] return def get_all_scene_node_of_layer(self, layer_idx): layer = self._layers[layer_idx] return layer.scenes def get_layer_data(self, layer_idx): layer = self._layers[layer_idx] try: data = except: return None return data def set_layer_data(self, layer_idx, data): layer = self._layers[layer_idx] = data pass def create_layer_dup_group(self, layer_idx): layer = self._layers[layer_idx] dup_group = self._doc.createElement('svg:g') gid = self.new_id() dup_group.setAttribute('id', gid) dup_group.setAttribute('inkscape:label', 'dup') dup_group.setAttribute('sodipodi:insensitive', '1') dup_group.setAttribute('style', '') return dup_group ## \brief Return associated layer index of given layer group. # # \return -1 for error. # def find_layer_of_group(self, group_id): for layer_idx, layer in enumerate(self._layers): if'id') == group_id: return layer_idx pass return -1 def reset_layers(self): self._layers[:] = [] self.parse_all_layers() pass pass ## \brief This layer provide a data view to the DOM-tree. # # This class maintains layers information, and provides functions to create, # change and destroy scene node and scene group. A scene node is a 'ns0:scene' # in 'ns0:scenes' tag. A scene group is respective 'svg:g' for a scene. # @composite class domview(domview_monitor): use_traits = (component_manager, layers_parser) method_map_traits = {component_manager._start_component_manager: '_start_component_manager'} # Declare variables, here, for keeping tracking _doc = None _root = None def __init__(self, *args, **kws): super(domview, self).__init__() self._metadata_node = None # # Following two variables would be changed by class # component_manager to switch components and timelines. # self._scenes_node = None self._layers_parent = None self._layers = [] pass ## \brief Create a scenes node if not existed. # def _init_metadata(self): self._layers_parent = self._root for node in self._root.childList(): if == 'svg:metadata': break pass else: raise RuntimeError, \ 'can not find <svg:metadata> node in the document' self._metadata_node = node for n in node.childList(): if == 'ns0:scenes': self._scenes_node = n break pass else: ns = "" self._root.setAttribute("xmlns:ns0", ns) scenes_node = self._doc.createElement("ns0:scenes") scenes_node_id = 'main_default_scenes' scenes_node.setAttribute('id', scenes_node_id) scenes_node.setAttribute('name', 'default') node.appendChild(scenes_node) self._scenes_node = scenes_node pass pass def handle_doc_root(self, doc, root): self._doc = doc self._root = root self._init_metadata() self._start_monitor() # from domview_monitor self._start_component_manager() self.reset_layers() pass def reset(self): self._monitor_reparse() # from domview_monitor self.reset_layers() pass def dumpattr(self, n): s = "" for a,v in n.attrib.items(): s = s + ("%s=%s" % (a,v)) pass return s def dump(self, node, l=0): print " " * l*2,"<", node.tag, self.dumpattr(node),">" for n in node: self.dump(n, l+1) pass print " " * l * 2,"/>" pass ## \brief Create and add a ns0:scene node under ns0:scenes subtree. # def add_scene_node(self, layer_idx, start, end, frame_type=TweenObject.TWEEN_TYPE_NORMAL, ref=None): type_names = ('normal', 'scale') scenes_node = self._scenes_node doc = self._doc scene_node = doc.createElement('ns0:scene') self.chg_scene_node(scene_node, start=start) if start != end: self.chg_scene_node(scene_node, end=end) pass type_name = type_names[frame_type] self.chg_scene_node(scene_node, tween_type=type_name) if ref: self.chg_scene_node(scene_node, ref=ref) pass scenes_node.appendChild(scene_node) self._layers[layer_idx].scenes.append(scene_node) return scene_node ## \brief Manage a existed scene node at given layer. # def manage_scene_node(self, layer_idx, scene_node): self._layers[layer_idx].scenes.append(scene_node) pass ## \brief Change attributes of a scene node. # # This is here to monitor changes of scene node. def chg_scene_node(self, scene_node, start=None, end=None, tween_type=None, ref=None): if start is not None: scene_node.setAttribute('start', str(start)) pass if end is not None: scene_node.setAttribute('end', str(end)) pass if tween_type is not None: scene_node.setAttribute('type', tween_type) pass if ref is not None: scene_node.setAttribute('ref', ref) pass pass ## \brief Remove scene node from DOM-tree. # def rm_scene_node(self, scene_node): if not scene_node.parent(): return # without this, may crash the Inkscape. self._scenes_node.removeChild(scene_node) for layer in self._layers: try: layer.scenes.remove(scene_node) except ValueError: # not in the list pass else: break pass pass ## \brief Remove scene node and asssociated scene group from DOM. # # It will remove as many as possible. Does not complain about # error in the procedure of removing. # def rm_scene_node_n_group(self, scene_node): scene_group_id = scene_node.getAttribute('ref') try: scene_group_node = self.get_node(scene_group_id) if scene_group_node.parent(): # Check it, or crash the # Inkscape. scene_group_node.parent().removeChild(scene_group_node) pass except: pass try: self.rm_scene_node(scene_node) except: pass pass ## \brief Create and add a svg:g for a scene under a group for a layer. # def add_scene_group(self, layer_idx): layer = self._layers[layer_idx] doc = self._doc scene_group = doc.createElement('svg:g') gid = self.new_id() scene_group.setAttribute("id", gid) scene_group.setAttribute("inkscape:groupmode", "layer") scene_group.setAttribute('scene_group', 'true') return scene_group ## \brief Find layer index and scene info for a given scene node. # # \return (-1, None) for error. # def find_layer_n_scene_of_node(self, node_id): for layer_idx, layer in enumerate(self._layers): for scene_node in layer.scenes: scene_group_id = scene_node.getAttribute('ref') if scene_group_id == node_id: return layer_idx, scene_node pass pass return -1, None def insert_frames(self, layer_idx, frame_idx, num): layer = self._layers[layer_idx] for scene_node in layer.scenes: start, end, tween_type = self.parse_one_scene(scene_node) if start >= frame_idx: self.chg_scene_node(scene_node, start=(start + num)) pass if end >= frame_idx: self.chg_scene_node(scene_node, end=(end + num)) pass pass pass ## \brief add the current position to the undo buffer # def mark_undo(self, msg): self._doc.done("none", msg) pass ## \brief Remove frames # # - Scenes covered by removing range were removed. # - Scenes after removing range were shifted left. # def rm_frames(self, layer_idx, frame_idx, num): layer = self._layers[layer_idx] last_rm = frame_idx + num - 1 # last removed frame for scene_node in layer.scenes: start, end, tween_type = \ self.parse_one_scene(scene_node) if end < frame_idx: continue if start > last_rm: # this scene is at right side self.chg_scene_node(scene_node, start=(start - num), end=(end - num)) else: # this scene is covered by removing range self.rm_scene_node_n_group(scene_node) pass pass pass def get_max_frame(self): return self._maxframe ## \brief Copy children of a group. # # Duplicate children of a group, and append them to another group. # def copy_group_children(self, src_group, dst_group): # Search for the duplicated group doc = self._doc dup_group = src_group.duplicate(doc) old_nodes = _DOM_iterator(src_group) new_nodes = _DOM_iterator(dup_group) new_gids = set() for old_node in old_nodes: old_node_id = old_node.getAttribute('id') new_node = new_node.setAttribute('ns0:duplicate-src', old_node_id) # # Change ID here, or inkscape would insert the node with # the same ID, and change it later to avoid duplication. # But, our event handler would be called before changing # ID. It would confuse our code. We change ID of nodes # before inserting them into the DOM-tree. # gid = self.new_id() while gid in new_gids: gid = self.new_id() pass new_gids.add(gid) new_node.setAttribute('id', gid) pass for child in dup_group.childList(): dup_group.removeChild(child) # prevent from crash dst_group.appendChild(child) pass pass ## \brief Clone children of a source group to a destinate group. # # It create a 'svg:use' node for every child of the source group, # and append nodes to the desitnate group. # def clone_group_children(self, src_group, dst_group): doc = self._doc for src_child in src_group.childList(): src_child_id = src_child.getAttribute('id') dst_child_id = self.new_id() dst_child = doc.createElement('svg:use') dst_child.setAttribute('id', dst_child_id) dst_child.setAttribute('xlink:href', '#' + src_child_id) dst_child.setAttribute('ns0:duplicate-src', src_child_id) dst_group.appendChild(dst_child) pass pass ## \brief To test a graphic node. # # A graphic node is a SVG node that is not layer group, scene # group, ... etc. It is only a normal node in a layer group or a # scene group. def is_graph_node(self, node): try: mode = node.getAttribute('inkscape:groupmode') except: pass else: if mode == 'layer': return False pass try: label = node.geteAttribute('inkscape:label') except: pass else: return False try: scene_group = node.geteAttribute('scene_group') except: pass else: if scene_group == 'true': return False pass return True pass