Mercurial > MadButterfly
view inkscape/firefox/mozpluggerrc @ 880:ac3e8492ad74 abs_n_rel_center
Formalize path data for MadButterfly.
Inkscape and other editors would omit 'l' or 'L' after 'm' or 'M'.
MadButterfly can not handle it, now. So, we work around it at SVG
author | Thinker K.F. Li <> |
date | Sat, 25 Sep 2010 18:46:37 +0800 |
parents | 9c70de05a0b6 |
children |
line wrap: on
line source
# Configuration file for MozPlugger 1.10 # Version: March 22, 2008 # # Commands which are not installed on your system will not be used. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. ################### ### m4 macros ### ################### changequote([,]) ### Helpers #define(ENABLE_HELPERS) ifdef([ENABLE_HELPERS],[ define(HELPER,[nokill noisy: $1]) ],[ define(HELPER,[]) ]) ### MPlayer define(MP_CMD,[mplayer -really-quiet -nojoystick -nofs -zoom -vo xv,x11 -ao esd,alsa,oss,arts,null -osdlevel 0 $1 </dev/null]) define(MP_EMBED,[embed noisy ignore_errors: MP_CMD(-xy $width -wid $window $1)]) define(MP_NOEMBED,[noembed noisy ignore_errors maxaspect swallow(MPlayer): MP_CMD($1)]) # If you want a small controls in top left corner of embedded window when using # mplayer then uncomment the first and comment the second below #define(MP_VIDEO_STREAM,[controls stream MP_EMBED($1 "$file") # stream MP_NOEMBED($1 "$file")]) define(MP_VIDEO_STREAM,[stream MP_EMBED($1 "$file") stream MP_NOEMBED($1 "$file")]) define(MP_VIDEO_PLAYLIST, [fmatch($1) stream MP_EMBED(-playlist "$file") fmatch($1) stream MP_NOEMBED(-playlist "$file")]) # Special case for Quicktime define(MP_LINKS,[stream links controls noisy ignore_errors: MP_CMD($1)]) define(MP_AUDIO,[mplayer -really-quiet -nojoystick $1 </dev/null]) define(MP_AUDIO_STREAM,[controls stream noisy ignore_errors: mplayer -really-quiet -nojoystick $1 "$file" </dev/null]) ifelse(esyscmd([mplayer -afm help 2>&1 | grep vorbis]),[],[ define(MP_NO_VORBIS) ],[ define(MP_VORBIS) ]) ### Totem define(TM_CMD,[totem $1</dev/null]) define(TM_EMBED,[embed noisy ignore_errors hidden fill swallow(Totem): TM_CMD(--toggle-controls $1)]) define(TM_NOEMBED,[nokill noembed noisy ignore_errors: TM_CMD($1)]) define(TM_VIDEO_STREAM,[stream TM_EMBED("$file") stream TM_NOEMBED("$file")]) # Special case for Quicktime define(TM_LINKS,[stream links controls nokill noembed noisy ignore_errors: TM_CMD($1)]) define(TM_AUDIO_STREAM,[controls stream noisy ignore_errors: TM_CMD("$file")]) ### OpenOffice define([OO],[swallow(VCLSalFrame) fill: ooffice2.0 -nologo -norestore -view $1 "$file" swallow(VCLSalFrame) fill: ooffice -nologo -norestore -view $1 "$file" swallow(VCLSalFrame) fill: soffice -nologo $1 "$file"]) ### Acrobat Reader define(ACROREAD_OPTS,[-openInNewWindow]) define(ACROREAD_OPTS5,[-geometry +9000+9000 +useFrontEndPanel]) define(ACROREAD_FLAGS,[repeat swallow(acroread) fill]) define(ACROREAD_FLAGS5,[repeat swallow(documentShell) fill]) # Trap only version 5 assume the rest work OK (6 onwards...) ifelse(esyscmd([acroread -v | grep "^[^0-9]*5\..*$"]), [], [ define(ACROREAD, [ACROREAD_FLAGS() : acroread ACROREAD_OPTS() "$file"]) ],[ define(ACROREAD, [ACROREAD_FLAGS5() : acroread ACROREAD_OPTS5() "$file"]) ]) ### GV define(GV_OPTS,[--safer --quiet --antialias -geometry +9000+9000]) define(GV_FLAGS,[repeat noisy swallow(gv) fill]) define(GV,[GV_FLAGS(): gv GV_OPTS() "$file"]) ################### ### Video ### ################### video/mpeg:mpeg,mpg,mpe:MPEG animation video/x-mpeg:mpeg,mpg,mpe:MPEG animation video/x-mpeg2:mpv2,mp2ve:MPEG2 animation MP_VIDEO_STREAM() TM_VIDEO_STREAM() HELPER(xine -pq "$file") loop: mtvp -l -W$window "$file" : mtvp -W$window "$file" loop: xanim +Av100 -Zr +W$window +q +f "$file" : xanim +Av100 -Zr +W$window +q +Ze +f "$file" video/mp4:mp4:MPEG4 animation MP_VIDEO_STREAM() TM_VIDEO_STREAM() HELPER(xine -pq "$file") video/msvideo:avi:AVI animation video/x-msvideo:avi:AVI animation video/fli:fli,flc:FLI animation video/x-fli:fli,flc:FLI animation MP_VIDEO_STREAM() TM_VIDEO_STREAM() HELPER(xine -pq "$file") application/x-mplayer2:*:Windows Media video video/x-ms-asf:asf,asx:Windows Media video video/x-ms-wm:wm:Windows Media video video/x-ms-wmv:wmv:Windows Media video video/x-ms-wvx:wvx:Windows Media video video/x-ms-asf-plugin:*:Window Media video MP_VIDEO_PLAYLIST(%.asx) MP_VIDEO_STREAM() TM_VIDEO_STREAM() application/asx:asx:Windows Media video MP_VIDEO_STREAM(-playlist) TM_VIDEO_STREAM() application/x-quicktimeplayer:mov:Quicktime animation image/x-macpaint:pntg,mov:Quicktime animation video/quicktime:mov,qt:Quicktime animation video/x-quicktime:mov,qt:Quicktime animation MP_VIDEO_STREAM() MP_LINKS("$file") TM_VIDEO_STREAM() TM_LINKS("$file") HELPER(xine -pq "$file") stream links controls : xine -pq "$file" video/x-theora:ogg:OGG stream with video video/theora:ogg:OGG stream with video video/ogg:ogg:OGG stream with video video/x-ogg:ogm,ogv:OGG stream with video ifdef([MP_VORBIS],[ MP_VIDEO_STREAM() ]) TM_VIDEO_STREAM() video/dl:dl:DL animation video/x-dl:dl:DL animation video/sgi-movie:movie,movi,mv:SGI animation video/x-sgi-movie:movie,movi,mv:SGI animation video/anim:iff,anim5,anim3,anim7:IFF animation video/x-anim:iff,anim5,anim3,anim7:IFF animation loop: xanim +Av100 -Zr +W$window +q +f "$file" : xanim +Av100 -Zr +W$window +q +Ze +f "$file" ################## ### Audio ### ################## audio/mid:midi,mid:MIDI audio file audio/x-mid:midi,mid:MIDI audio file audio/midi:midi,mid:MIDI audio file audio/x-midi:midi,mid:MIDI audio file controls noisy stream: timidity -Od "$file" controls: playmidi "$file" audio/mod:mod:Soundracker audio Module audio/x-mod:mod:Soundracker audio Module controls loop noisy: mikmod -q --interpolate "$file" controls noisy: mikmod -q --interpolate "$file" controls loop noisy: xmp -l --nocmd "$file" controls noisy: xmp --nocmd "$file" audio/mp3:mp3:MPEG audio audio/x-mp3:mp3:MPEG audio audio/mpeg2:mp2:MPEG audio audio/x-mpeg2:mp2:MPEG audio audio/mpeg3:mp3:MPEG audio audio/x-mpeg3:mp3:MPEG audio audio/mpeg:mpa,abs,mpega:MPEG audio audio/x-mpeg:mpa,abs,mpega:MPEG audio MP_AUDIO_STREAM() TM_AUDIO_STREAM() controls: mpg321 -q "$file" controls: mpg123 -q "$file" controls: splay -t 200 "$file" controls: amp -b 200 -q "$file" controls: maplay "$file" controls: mpeg3play "$file" HELPER(xmms -e -p "$file") repeat noisy swallow(alsaplayer): alsaplayer -q "$file" audio/mpeg-url:m3u:MPEG music resource locator audio/x-mpeg-url:m3u:MPEG music resource locator audio/mpegurl:m3u:MPEG music resource locator audio/x-mpegurl:m3u:MPEG music resource locator audio/mpeg-url:m3u:MPEG music resource locator audio/x-mpeg-url:m3u:MPEG music resource locator audio/x-scpls:pls:Shoutcast Playlists # controls: mpg321 -q -@ "$file" HELPER(xmms -e -p "$file") audio/x-ogg:ogg:OGG audio application/x-ogg:ogg:OGG audio application/ogg:ogg:OGG audio ifdef([MP_VORBIS],[ MP_AUDIO_STREAM() ]) TM_AUDIO_STREAM() controls stream noisy: ogg123 -q -b 128 "$file" HELPER(xmms -e -p "$file") audio/x-flac:flac:FLAC audio application/x-flac:flac:FLAC audio MP_AUDIO_STREAM() HELPER(xmms -e -p "$file") audio/x-sidtune:sid,psid:Commodore 64 Audio audio/sidtune:sid,psid:Commodore 64 Audio audio/psid:psid,sid:Commodore 64 Audio audio/x-psid:psid,sid:Commodore 64 Audio controls noisy: sidplay -16 -f44100 -a "$file" audio/basic:au,snd:Basic audio file audio/x-basic:au,snd:Basic audio file controls: play "$file" controls: sox "$file" -t .au - > /dev/audio audio/wav:wav:Microsoft wave file audio/x-wav:wav:Microsoft wave file audio/x-pn-wav:wav:Microsoft wave file audio/x-pn-windows-acm:wav:Microsoft wave file controls: play "$file" controls: wavplay -q "$file" controls noisy: bplay "$file" controls: splay "$file" HELPER(xmms -e -p "$file") repeat noisy swallow(alsaplayer): alsaplayer -q "$file" audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin:rpm:RealPlayer Plugin Metafile audio/x-pn-realaudio:ra,rm,ram:Realaudio-plugin resource locator audio/x-realaudio:ra,rm,ram:RealAudio file application/vnd.rn-realmedia:rm:RealMedia file application/smil:smi:RealPlayer audio/vnd.rn-realaudio:ra,ram:RealAudio file audio/vnd.rn-realvideo:rv:RealVideo file nokill stream: hxplay "$file" nokill stream: realplay "$file" audio/x-ms-wax:wax:Windows Media Audio MP_AUDIO_STREAM(-playlist-playlist)) TM_AUDIO_STREAM() audio/x-ms-wma:wma:Windows Media Audio MP_AUDIO_STREAM() TM_AUDIO_STREAM() ####################### ### Documents ### ####################### image/sun-raster:rs:SUN raster image image/x-sun-raster:rs:SUN raster image image/x-rgb:rgb:RGB Image image/x-portable-pixmap:ppm:PPM Image image/x-portable-graymap:pgm:PGM Image image/x-portable-bitmap:pbm:PBM Image image/x-portable-anymap:pnm:PBM Image image/tiff:tiff,tif:TIFF image image/x-tiff:tiff,tif:TIFF image exits: display -window $window -backdrop "$file" repeat noisy swallow(gqview) fill: gqview -t "$file" swallow(:) maxaspect: xv -ima -igeom +9000+9000 -geometry +9000+9000 "$file" repeat swallow(display): display "$file" repeat swallow(Sdtimage) fill: sdtimage "$file" swallow(*qiv:) fill maxaspect: qiv -n "$file" image/x-xcf:xcf:Gimp Image image/xcf:xcf:Gimp Image application/x-gimp:xcf:Gimp Image application/gimp:xcf:Gimp Image exits: display -window $window -backdrop "$file" repeat swallow(display) fill: display "$file" application/photoshop:psd:PhotoShop Image application/x-photoshop:psd:PhotoShop Image exits: display -window $window -backdrop "$file" repeat swallow(display) fill: display "$file" application/pdf:pdf:PDF file application/x-pdf:pdf:PDF file text/pdf:pdf:PDF file text/x-pdf:pdf:PDF file ACROREAD() repeat noisy swallow(evince) fill: evince "$file" repeat noisy swallow(kpdf) fill: kpdf "$file" repeat noisy swallow(Xpdf) fill: xpdf -g +9000+9000 "$file" GV() application/x-dvi:dvi:DVI file repeat swallow(kdvi) fill: kdvi "$file" repeat swallow(xdvi) fill: xdvi -safer -hush -geometry +9000+9000 "$file" application/x-postscript:ps:PostScript file application/postscript:ps:PostScript file GV() repeat noisy swallow(evince) fill: evince "$file" application/x-rtf:rtf:Rich Text Format application/rtf:rtf:Rich Text Format text/rtf:rtf:Rich Text Format OO() repeat noisy swallow(AbiWord) fill: abiword --nosplash --geometry +9000+9000 "$file" repeat noisy swallow(kword): kword "$file" repeat noisy swallow(Ted) fill: Ted "$file" application/x-msword:doc,dot:Microsoft Word Document application/msword:doc,dot:Microsoft Word Document OO() repeat noisy swallow(kword): kword "$file" repeat noisy swallow(AbiWord) fill: abiword --nosplash --geometry +9000+9000 "$file" application/,xlb:Microsoft Excel Document OO() repeat swallow(Gnumeric) fill: gnumeric "$file" # OpenOffice MimeTypes ( application/vnd.sun.xml.writer:sxw:OpenOffice Writer 6.0 documents application/so7_vnd.sun.xml.writer:sxw:OpenOffice Writer 7.0 documents application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.template:stw:OpenOffice Writer 6.0 templates application/ Writer 6.0 global documents application/vnd.stardivision.writer:sdw:StarWriter 5.x documents application/vnd.stardivision.writer-global:sgl:StarWriter 5.x global documents application/x-starwriter:sdw:StarWriter 4.x documents OO() application/vnd.sun.xml.calc:sxc:OpenOffice Calc 6.0 spreadsheets application/so7_vnd.sun.xml.calc:sxc:OpenOffice Calc 7.0 spreadsheets application/vnd.sun.xml.calc.template:stc:OpenOffice Calc 6.0 templates application/vnd.stardivision.calc:sdc:StarCalc 5.x spreadsheets application/x-starcalc:sdc:StarCalc 4.x spreadsheets application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3: 123, wk1: Lotus 1-2-3 Document OO() application/vnd.sun.xml.draw:sxd:OpenOffice Draw 6.0 documents application/so7_vnd.sun.xml.draw:sxc:StarOffice Draw 7.0 documents application/vnd.sun.xml.draw.template:std:OpenOffice Draw 6.0 templates application/vnd.stardivision.draw:sda:StarDraw 5.x documents application/x-stardraw:sda:StarDraw 4.x documents OO() application/vnd.sun.xml.impress:sxi:OpenOffice Impress 6.0 presentations application/so7_vnd.sun.xml.impress:sxi:StarOffice 7.0 Impress presentations application/vnd.sun.xml.impress.template:sti:OpenOffice Impress 6.0 templates application/vnd.stardivision.impress:sdd:StarImpress 5.x presentations application/vnd.stardivision.impress-packed:sdp:StarImpress Packed 5.x files application/x-starimpress:sdd:StarImpress 4.x presentations application/ Slideshow application/mspowerpoint:ppt,ppz,pps,pot:PowerPoint Slideshow OO() application/vnd.sun.xml.math:sxm:OpenOffice Math 6.0 documents application/so7_vnd.sun.xml.math:sxm:StarOffice 7.0 Math documents application/vnd.stardivision.math:smf:StarMath 5.x documents application/x-starmath:smf:StarMath 4.x documents OO() application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text:odt,ODT:OASIS OpenDocument Text OO() application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet:ods,ODS:OASIS OpenDocument SpreadSheet OO() application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation:odp,ODP:OASIS OpenDocument Presentation OO() chemical/x-pdb:pdb: Protein Data Bank file model/x-pdb:pdb: Protein Data Bank file swallow(rasmol) fill: rasmol "$file" swallow(molecule) fill: /usr/X11R6/lib/xscreensaver/molecule -delay 20000 -geometry +9000+9000 -no-spin -molecule "$file" application/x-mbsvg:mbsvg: MadButterfly SVG swallow(Inkscape) : /usr/bin/ "$file" application/x-c:c: MadButterfly SVG c program swallow(gedit) : gedit "$file" application/x-h:h: MadButterfly SVG h program swallow(gedit) : gedit "$file"